
HienocideHyllow, gais! Does exist distr of la bunta constructed for all machines? Since late 90s at least. I having relative old comp.17:52
HienocideOkei, I see must bought newest comp with 1048576 kernels... but if I'll buy it, I'll no need Lunix because I'll be able to run Windows 13 with latest Solitaire on it!18:03
lubot[telegram] <teward001> late 90s were 32bit.  No Ubuntu releases or flavors support 32bit.  So no we cant guarantee support for anything that old. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <Hienocide> Hyllow, gais! Does exist distr of la bunta constructed for all machines? Since late 90s at least. I having relative old comp.)19:20
tewardoh they left*19:21
=== Noumeno is now known as Roberalz

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