
lotuspsychjeFallen: seems like you were right, my bug got duped already :p https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=178248508:53
=== MauroGaspari[m] is now known as ilvipero
lotuspsychjefor those who love, we have an rss bot @ #techrss with linux news 24/7 feel free to idle09:13
Fallenlotuspsychje: At least we have it tracked, thanks for bringing it up! I can ask how OS integration might fit in with plans for Thunderbird 114/115 and bring that one up as an example.10:03
lotuspsychjeFallen: thank you!11:10
leftyfbjeeze a 9 yo bug with no response 13:19
lotuspsychjeyeah its nuts right leftyfb 13:43
lotuspsychjehence why my first reflex was to create a new one13:44
lotuspsychjei just wish its gonna get fixed, so we can implement your idea leftyfb 13:44

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