
arraybolt3[m]amurray: I noticed you set a bug report that was a support question to Invalid - do you mind if I undo that so I can convert it to a support question? Bug number is #198328803:09
arraybolt3[m](It's the guy who's yelling about their laptop freezing who marked it as a security bug.)03:11
amurrayarraybolt3[m]: sure - there is zero information there so personally I don't have a lot of patience for folks being abusive but if you want to engage feel free03:48
arraybolt3[m]Yeah I also was like, "dang, that was a bit much" when I read his tirade, but I figured if I had a possible answer, may as well give it.04:02
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, why give it the full url?06:42
Unit193Because sometimes you have to when selecting a specific version, from a different source, or Debian itself...?06:42
LocutusOfBorgwow you can backport from Debian?06:42
LocutusOfBorgbut in this case I prefer copy-package06:43
LocutusOfBorg./copy-package --from=debian --to=ubuntu --from-suite=sid --to=ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/4880 --to-suite=kinetic ghc06:43
Unit193I mean that doesn't do what I'd need, but OK.06:44
schopinUnit193: sure, a NMU sounds reasonable :) I'm a bit fuzzy on what i'd need to do for that though?08:08
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vorlonsil2100: TB meeting? or are you stuck in release land?19:02
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Unit193schopin: Actually since it's lownmu that makes it easier.  https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu  basically give it the right version and whatnot, and I'm free to upload.  You already contacted them with the patch, so you've done everything else.19:39
Unit193(Basically, all you'd have to do is say "Yes please" and I'd just grab the Ubuntu upload and change the version.  You've already included the bug and everything.)19:41

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