
luis220413I have an open question in bug 1982670 regarding the security update for Jammy.08:04
ubottuBug 1982670 in jupyter-notebook (Ubuntu) "Multiple vulnerabilities in Bionic, Focal, Jammy and Kinetic" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198267008:04
luis220413This is the question (in comment #4): "Is an upgrade to 6.4.12 acceptable for a security update for Jammy, given that the package has an extensive testsuite?"08:11
luis220413Jammy has 6.4.8-1 and Kinetic has 6.4.8-2. I will file a Debian bug now for the unpatched vulnerabilities.08:12
luis220413A Debian bug was filed by another person on July 21.08:26
luis220413I will leave now but I will see your replies in the logs for this channel.08:48
mdeslaurI commented in the bug11:52
codingkoopaWhen a package update is pushed to <release>-security, is the same package uploaded to <release>-updates too, at the same time? Consulting `apt-cache policy`, this seems to be the case on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine (specifically with DigitalOcean mirrors) but not on Debian.16:46
mdeslaurcodingkoopa: it gets copied to -updates about a half-hour later or so16:47
codingkoopaPerfect, thank you ^^16:47
mdeslaurcodingkoopa: that's so those packages end up being mirrored...security.ubuntu.com isn't mirrored16:47
codingkoopaah, that makes sense16:48
sdezielmdeslaur: why have the half-hour delay? Isn't it just hitting security.ubuntu.com harder than needed?17:20
mdeslaursdeziel: it's copied over at the next publisher run I think17:20
sdezielmdeslaur: ah, makes sense then :)17:20
mdeslaursdeziel: not sure how often the publisher runs, but something around that17:21
JanCmdeslaur: -security is mirrored (although probably not from that domain)?17:38
mdeslaurJanC: it's mirrored, but I think we preconfigure with security.ubuntu.com so that slow mirrors don't impact security updates...I'd have to check a clean install18:18
mdeslaurie: by default -security shouldn't be downloaded from mirrors18:19
JanCyeah, security.ubuntu.com is configured first in most installs, although some cloud & other internal images & such might not...20:01

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