
scalewwAnybody here have experiecen with slss.com (buying certificates)08:17
=== knaccc_ is now known as knaccc
znfscaleww, 1. that doesn't seem like a valid domain10:28
znf2. why would you buy certificates in 2022?10:28
scalewwsorry i meant ssls.com10:28
scalewwbecause iḿ a control freak lol10:29
scalewwwould like to manage everything myself (letś encrypt takes some of tthe operations out of your control, for ease of use, but i'd like to have control over everything i do)10:29
znfthat's dumb 10:31
knacccscaleww what does letsencrypt not let you control?10:32
knacccyou can write a bash script to invoke it manually and update your certs yourself10:32
znfor just disable the cron/systemd timer10:34
znfand then you can renew it manually, like a neanderthal 10:35
arthurvkathos: I re-did the benchmark with a C program, same results. I created the following flamegraphs for 18.04 and debian 11, maybe these are useful? https://filebin.net/cj8yaexl69jtsfy2/redis_get.c_debian_11_5.18.svg / https://filebin.net/jjdi55czxrci4r17/redis_get.c_debian_11_5.10.svg / https://filebin.net/t0x5laapfc98be9f/redis_get.c_18.04_5.4.svg / 10:43
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=== nuccitheboss1 is now known as nuccitheboss
guesswhathey, anyone is runing nvidia-docker? not sure what is needed for server drivers... i installed nvidia-headless-515 nvidia-utils-515, but have problems with missing libnvcuvid.so.121:24
geniiThere should be a corresponding package called libnvidia-decode21:27
genii!info libnvidia-decode-51521:28
ubottulibnvidia-decode-515 (515.48.07-0ubuntu0.22.04.2, jammy): NVIDIA Video Decoding runtime libraries. In component restricted, is optional. Built by nvidia-graphics-drivers-515. Size 1,415 kB / 5,879 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, arm64.)21:28
genii( which provides libnvcuvid.so.1 )21:29
guesswhatgolden, thanks :) 21:31
guesswhatlibnvidia-encode-515 is needed too21:31
geniiProbably, yes21:33
guesswhatis there any tutorial, how to install nvidia drivers for server? nvidia-driver-515 is heavy, meant for desktop21:33
guesswhatthere is nvidia-driver-515-server and then nvidia-headless-515-server21:33
guesswhatnvidia-dkms-515-server and nvidia-headless-no-dkms-515-server21:34
guesswhati am kinda confused21:34
geniiI'd opt for non-dkms21:34
guesswhateven  nvidia-headless-515 ...21:35
guesswhatholy moly21:35
znfI'd suggest you actually just download & install the driver package from nVidia21:55
znfAnd not bother with the packages 21:55
guesswhatnogo, make, gcc needed21:56

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