[00:52] tsimonq2, all you, erich, aaron, laney etc. were talking about hours ago in -release, what are the effects on us (lub ISOs), will it be just Ubuntu Studio respin, or impact all ISOs? etc.. (ie. request to dumb it down for me, with regards lubuntu QA & 22.04.1) [00:53] guiverc: It doesn't impact Lubuntu. We don't ship any DKMS modules by default. [00:53] i understood that.. but needed to make sure, but thanks kc2bez[m] :) [00:53] * guiverc sighs in relief rather loudly [00:54] No worries, If we had a DKMS module secure boot would fail. Everything else should work. [00:55] we've been testing Secure Boot (really @Leokolb has) [00:56] Right, and that should be just fine. It is the combination of DKMS in the install process. When you install something with DKMS after you have some prompts to enroll a self signed option. [00:57] You can't really see that during the installer's action so it fails. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [17:48] Grr..... trying to set up openQA, after I finally finished fighting with Apache now openQA has this prompt that can't be dismissed thanks to a bug most likely. This stinks. [17:50] Carrying this request over from -flavors: Would anyone be willing to run through some tests on 22.04.1 for kylin? [17:52] kc2bez: Is Kylin safe? I've always been a bit scared of it considering that it comes out of China. [17:52] If our team trusts, it, I'd be happy to. [17:55] Well, it is an official flavor, I'd like to think there is nothing shady going on. I haven't personally audited the code but I am fairly sure there isn't anything that is going on out of the ordinary. [17:56] I guess I'll be running it in a VM so not much could go wrong anyway. [17:56] * arraybolt3[m] downloads Ubuntu Kylin ISO [17:56] Oh... lovely. Kylin's website is giving me 403 Forbidden errors. [17:56] * arraybolt3[m] uses QA tracker workaround [17:58] Don't feel compelled if you aren't comfortable. [17:59] If I can't trust them, I can't trust Canonical, and I know I trust Canonical, so may as well. I mean, tons of our computers come out of China and I don't obsess over potential BIOS-level rootkits being shipped with my laptop. :) [18:06] arraybolt3[m]: I notice you are up to speed in -flavors. I might have been to eager to issue my call for testing. Sounds like the desire for folks that are more familiar with kylin are requested. [18:07] I saw that, but even if they want the familiar folks to give the final go-ahead, I can still catch any showstoppers on my end. [18:07] Make life easy for the final developers (or way, way harder like in the case of Eickmeyer and Ubuntu Studio...) [18:08] Knowing is half the battle ;) [18:08] 👍️ [18:11] arraybolt3[m]: Honestly, you found a problem I didn't know was there due to ignorance, so I thank you for that. We just didn't have the vigilant testing until you (and Leo) came along. [18:38] [telegram] I have tested kylin sometimes and am willing to check it out - understand there is a bug re language. will test and file report as normal on QA site - also think we should all trust each other no matter where we live... [19:40] See that Aaron and I have completed tests on Kylin..