
Unit193schopin: Heya, I presume you saw your email?09:08
schopinUnit193: I hadn't so far, but now I did! Thanks for the NMU sponsoring :)09:12
Unit193Happy to have that done.09:13
schopinI don't suppose there's an explicit package->lowNMU mapping available somewhere, is there?09:15
Unit1931. https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu  2. https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/irssi-plugin-xmpp top left09:17
schopinI knew about the first page, but I'd never noticed the notice on the tracker, thanks!09:20
slyonseb128: would you mind if I push my NetworkManager-netplan integration work to https://git.launchpad.net/network-manager directly? (as a separate "ubuntu/jammy+netplan" branch, of course) – I think that's the central place where everybody could easily find (and modify) it.09:42
slyonIt currently sits at: https://git.launchpad.net/~slyon/network-manager/log/?h=ubuntu/jammy%2bnetplan09:42
seb128slyon, hey, feel free to push there, it's only a branch10:11
slyonthanks, will do!10:11
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rbasakIn bug 1979933 an SRU upload patches the configure script directly instead of using dh-autoreconf. Is this OK? There's future risk with maintaining such a patch in the face of eg. a future security update, but there's also regression risk in introducing autoreconf in a stable release when it wasn't there previously, as the version of autoconf being used might differ from upstream.11:56
ubottuBug 1979933 in net-snmp (Ubuntu Focal) "snmptrapd Segmentation Faults When Calling my_load_defaults()" [Medium, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197993311:56
mdeslaurrbasak: personally, I think it's ok if it also modifies the source files, so that if autoreconf is added in the future nothing will get lost...as you say, there's a risk both ways, not sure if there's a recommended way12:35
mdeslauror rather, an ideal way12:35
slyonrbasak: o/ thanks for rebasing that protobuf-c SRU!12:36
mdeslaurrbasak: I assume the change to configure.d/config_os_libs2 would regenerate the configure changes, no?12:39
rbasakmdeslaur: you're right - I just simultaneously noticed and commented in the bug12:41
rbasakAccepted into proposed - thank you for the discussion.12:42
blucaslyon: any answer from rel team on repartd?12:50
slyonbluca: not yet (I guess most a busy with spinning the 22.04.1 release). If I do not get any reply until after the .1 release, I will escalate that email to the ubuntu-devel/ubuntu-release mailinglist (and put you in CC)12:55
blucathank you12:55
blucaon a somewhat-related topic: once you merged the latest changes from Salsa, and with a couple additional changes in d/rules which would be fine to have, it becomes possible to do i386 builds that produce only the two public libraries and the EFI binaries12:56
blucawith a reduced set of dependencies among other things12:57
blucais that something you'd be interested in for ubuntu?12:57
slyonbluca: IIRC we added some EFI binary quirks in our most recent build, so yes, that sounds interesting. @enr0n might know more ^13:15
blucathe main advantage is to reduce the i386 build set, instead of the full set of binary packages, only libs + efi13:17
enr0nslyon: the EFI build quirks were just for new linker warnings in binutils13:17
blucaIIRC your goal is to have libs-only i386?13:17
bluca(reduce here is in the context of src:systemd)13:18
slyonbluca: yes, indeed. the systemd binary is even uninstallable in recent Ubuntu releases on i386 (since jammy, according to https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/systemd), so getting rid of it would be nice13:22
blucaok, I'll get the missing bits in d/rules added and CC you to the MR13:23
blucayou'll need to keep the Architecture: list diff in your downstream tree, but that shouldn't be too much burden13:25
slyoncool thanks!13:33
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jawn-smithvorlon: There's a package called hedgewars in the NBS report that depends on a package that hasn't existed since bionic. It has no reverse dependencies and is just a video game so not critical. Feel like breaking out the old archive chainsaw?18:26
jawn-smithoh hold up on that, I'm surprised to see it somehow built in jammy and would like to understand how it did so18:28
vorlonjawn-smith: which package do you say hasn't existed since bionic?18:33
jawn-smithI was looking at haskell-gnuidn18:35
jawn-smithBut I think that was incorrect as it isn't actually a dependency of hedgewars18:36
LocutusOfBorgjawn-smith, what?19:37
LocutusOfBorghedgewars does not depend on gnuidn19:37
LocutusOfBorgoh already answered nice19:38
jawn-smithYeah I mistyped some commands to apt-cache so that was an incorrect statement19:39
LocutusOfBorgfor sure hedgewars is a blocker for haskell and ffmpeg19:46
LocutusOfBorgI'm working on it19:46
jawn-smithOkay great, I'll focus my efforst elsewhere20:09
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Unit193mapreri: Thanks for the -backport ACKs, they're in the queue now. \o/22:12

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