
bittinbackports meeting today?14:35
ddstreetbittin yep, in ~30 min14:44
bittinalright hanging around a bit to see what you say14:45
ddstreetsorry i meant in ~15 min...at the top of the hour14:47
ddstreetmapreri teward around?15:01
teward*sips caffeine*15:01
maprerihello hello15:01
teward*leaves a flashbang in the room for reasons*15:01
ddstreetawesome! let's start :)15:01
ddstreet#startmeeting Ubuntu Backporters Team15:02
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:02:04 UTC.  The chair is ddstreet.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:02
ddstreet#topic previous action items15:02
ddstreeti'm carrying over most of my items...i was out on vac last 2 weeks15:02
ddstreet#action ddstreet update tooling, requestbackport, backportpackage (carried over)15:03
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet update tooling, requestbackport, backportpackage (carried over)15:03
ddstreet#action ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over)15:03
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet get DEB_VENDOR=ubuntu dch --bpo to DTRT pls (carried over)15:03
ddstreet#action ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over)15:03
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet look at reviewer tooling such as 'queue' or other tools for reviewing/accepting/rejecting uploads, and closing the corresponding bugs (carried over)15:03
ddstreet#subtopic ddstreet send ML reply to continue thread re: clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:03
ddstreeti think i did send a reply for this, but i probably need to again15:03
mapreridid you?15:04
ddstreet#action ddstreet send ML reply to continue thread re: clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:04
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet send ML reply to continue thread re: clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:04
mapreriobviously wrong season for emails15:04
ddstreethonestly i forget :)15:04
maprerias if there is a good season15:04
tewarditnever hurts to send out a second email in case you didn't send the first15:04
ddstreet#subtopic ddstreet rework charter and internal policies documentation, have drafts for next mtg15:05
ddstreetok, for this one, i did rework the charter wiki page15:05
ddstreeti did not have time to update the policies page yet though15:05
ddstreeti have time to do that today though, so i'll just send a ML email once they are both ready to review15:06
ddstreetunless either of you want to discuss the updated charter wiki page now?15:06
mapreriI haven't looked at whatever you've done, tbh15:07
ddstreet#action ddstreet finish updating charter/policies, send email to ML to request team review15:07
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet finish updating charter/policies, send email to ML to request team review15:07
mapreriand I won't be able for a while more…15:07
ddstreetyep that's totally fine15:07
ddstreeti think we are currently ok handling our team mission, uploads are getting reviewed, etc15:07
ddstreetbut i think good to finish up the charter/policies eventually15:07
ddstreetok on to your items15:08
mapreriwell, we don't have much uploads flowing around, so it's hard to actually judge it ^^15:08
ddstreetyeah it's relatively small number15:08
ddstreetbut at least for now, i dont think any upload is getting stuck for 'too long'...couple weeks at most15:08
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress)15:09
mapreriit's coming along, not quickly, but it's happening15:09
ddstreet#action mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress)15:09
meetingologyACTION: mapreri upload (more of) all the tools (carried over, in progress)15:09
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over)15:09
ubottuDebian bug 1001399 in lintian "lintian: adjust backports-upload-has-incorrect-version-number for ubuntu" [Normal, Open]15:09
mapreriI've pinged the new maintainer, it seems they have other priorities atm, but I'm much more optimistic than last year :3  after all the new maintainer came around less than 2 months ago i think15:10
mapreriI reckon they'll fix it once they stumble upon that one set of changelog checks15:10
ddstreetthat's good news :)15:11
ddstreetwe should still carry over until it's done right?15:11
mapreriyes please15:11
ddstreet#action mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over)15:11
meetingologyACTION: mapreri fix lintian to not complain about ~bpo suffix (https://bugs.debian.org/1001399) (carried over)15:11
ubottuDebian bug 1001399 in lintian "lintian: adjust backports-upload-has-incorrect-version-number for ubuntu" [Normal, Open]15:11
maprerielse it'll be forgotten15:11
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor15:12
maprericarry over pls15:12
ddstreet#action mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor15:12
meetingologyACTION: mapreri review wiki page to see how we can highlight that backport requestors need to do the backport work and find a sponsor15:12
ddstreet#subtopic mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process15:12
ddstreet#action mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process15:12
meetingologyACTION: mapreri start thread on ML about how to use bug status to define meaing in process15:12
* mapreri loves these meetings, but it's a constant reminder of failure to keep up, so ugly :(15:13
ddstreet#subtopic discuss charter/policies drafts15:13
ddstreeti think we can drop this, falls under my action to email the ML15:13
ddstreetok that's all the previous actions15:13
tewardjust an FYI with lintian, i believe Debian/upstream is looking for maintainers as well15:13
tewardso it's in that odd 'not really updated' state there :P15:14
mapreriwell, it *has* a new maintainer since ~2 months15:14
tewardoh it does?  I missed emails then15:14
maprerifor sure he would love more helping hands however :P15:14
mapreriyes, Axel Beckert15:14
teward*puts mapreri on that* (but i digres)15:14
bittinhttps://lists.debian.org/debian-qa/2022/07/msg00001.html ?15:14
mapreribittin: nope, that's about the website (well, the thing that runs lintian continuously on all uploaded packages), which is a separate thing from the lintian program itself.15:15
tewardthat's related but i can find the specific item in my inbox (> 400 emails a week)15:15
maprerialthough it was… normally maintained by the same time, it fell into a sorry state last year15:15
tewardbut i digress, that's outside the backporters purview just wanted to make a note but then i was updated :)15:16
bittinmapreri, alright sorry15:16
mapreribittin: here is the "adoption" mail: https://bugs.debian.org/1012289#2215:16
ubottuDebian bug 1012289 in wnpp "RFH: lintian -- Debian package checker" [Normal, Open]15:16
mapreriddstreet: I think you can continue with the agenda :315:17
ddstreet#topic open ML threads15:17
ddstreet#subtopic clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:18
ddstreeti think this is covered by my action item to reply15:18
ddstreeti'll leave it in the open ml threads section tho, as it is still an open topic15:18
ddstreet#action clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:19
meetingologyACTION: clarification on specific wording for no-bug-required backport exceptions15:19
ddstreet#subtopic TB ML thread for charter15:19
ddstreetlet's drop this, as i'll start a new thread to review the updated pages15:19
ddstreetany other ML threads we should discuss?15:19
ddstreetok let's move on15:20
ddstreet#topic open bugs15:20
mapreri1. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-python/+bug/198341415:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1983414 in dh-python (Ubuntu) "[BPO] dh-python 5.20220403 to focal" [Undecided, New]15:20
maprerido you see any potential problem with dh-python?  IME it's very much backward-friendly, so I'm +1, but I'd check with you15:20
maprerithe new version needed for supporting pyproject is quite a relevant feature (maybe not right now, but soon it will be clear)15:21
ddstreeti haven't looked closely at this, but my understanding is dh-python is essentially only a metapkg that basically specifies what the default minor version of py is15:21
mapreriit ships pybuild (debhelper buildsystem) and dh_python3 (debhelper addon)15:22
bittin"dh-python: Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries and applications"15:22
ddstreetah pybuild15:22
maprerithat's why I say a closer look might be warranted.  but my knowledge of the tool is that it should be quite safe.15:23
ddstreetyeah i assume it will retain backwards compatibility for building so *should* be safe15:23
ddstreetbut i agree the changes should have a closer look to be sure15:23
mapreriso that's it, I'm just dropping the ball here!15:24
mapreri2. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/+source/ipmctl/+bug/196807615:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1968076 in ipmctl (Ubuntu Focal) "[BPO] ipmctl with support for CPS hardware" [Undecided, New]15:24
mapreri… kilobyte can't find a sponsor, apparently?15:24
maprerishould we just close our eyes (for now, at least?)15:24
ddstreeti hate to do that, but i dont think we would be able to keep up with sponsoring backport requests15:25
ddstreetat least with our current team15:25
ddstreeti mean i think it's fine for us to volunteer to sponsor stuff if we want to15:26
bittinhttps://www.pcworld.com/article/821256/intel-kills-optane-memory.html but i guess people have still bought Optane memory keept :D15:26
mapreriyeah, I also don't really want to give the impression that we are happy to sponsor things, so I'm afraid of setting "a precedent" (such a grave word in this context!)15:26
ddstreetbut i dont think we should feel responsible for sponsoring, no?15:26
tewardno that's not our job15:26
mapreriddstreet: we should not, indeed.15:26
tewardmapreri: i did tell him that he can ask me to help him sponsor15:27
tewardi owe kilobyte a few hundred favors for signing my DM application :P15:27
tewardindependently from backporters15:27
mapreriteward: well, he also subscribed ~ubuntu-sponros!15:27
tewardye well sponsors are not aware of the new process entirely15:27
tewardbut meh15:27
tewardin the case of that package do we have a problem with the backport?15:27
tewardassuming i sponsor him as -sponsors not -backporters15:28
teward(because i'm happy to let you all handle the actual review)15:28
ddstreeti'm not sure how effective the ubuntu-sponsors team is these days, but that probably is the best option, currently15:28
mapreriteward: I haven't looked at it myself, but seeing how you NACKed one upload, I figured you'd be on top of it, more or less.15:28
tewardcheck this is likely buried15:28
tewardit was NACK'd because he targeted an Unstable version instead of Ubuntu bpo policy so15:28
tewardi'll reivew that one, put me on it15:29
mapreribut we should also figure a point after which we drop ~ubuntu-backports saying "re-subscribe when it's uploaded", since it's not our responsibility.15:29
tewardmapreri: my 2 cents is,the moment that it has no uploads and we see that, we should drop backporters15:29
teward(but i'm much more harsh heh)15:30
ddstreetteward ok it's yours - i dont think we have a specific way to indicate a reviewer though unless you want to take the 'assigned to' field15:30
ddstreetmapreri yep agreed - i think that should fall into the 'bug status defining process meaning' discussion?15:31
mapreriso, I think this bug is "taken care of", for what the meeting is concerned15:31
ddstreetthere is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+source/limnoria/+bug/198341515:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1983415 in limnoria (Ubuntu Jammy) "[BPO] limnoria 2022.6.23-1 to jammy" [Undecided, New]15:32
ddstreeti have not looked at it yet15:32
maprerithat one's ok15:32
ddstreetthat's all the bugs then15:32
mapreri(in the sense, it's trivial doesn't need team-wide discussion)15:32
mapreri(and I'm a maintainer of that, so I'm biased :>)15:32
ddstreet#topic AOB15:33
ddstreetany other stuff to discuss?15:33
mapreriFYI: I'll be totally afk (camping without reception) for 2 weeks starting saturday15:33
ddstreetnice, have fun! i haven't been camping in a long time15:34
maprerialso FYI: I'm now core-dev, if you missed it!15:34
ddstreetAH congrats!!!! that's awesome!15:34
mapreriteward: you haven't added me to ~core-dev and whatever else is needed to reflect my new status! :>15:34
tewardye i've been exceptionally busy15:34
ddstreetok if there's nothing else, let's wrap up?15:35
mapreriteward: I recommend taking a completely afk vacation of at least 1 week (like I'm doing).  that's going to unload your mind completely, and no matter the size of your todo list, it won't feel much :P15:35
bittinnext meeting time etc?15:35
ddstreetbittin ah right15:36
maprerisep 7th?15:36
ddstreet#topic administrative items15:36
maprerior the 31st?15:36
ddstreet#subtopic schedule next mtg15:36
bittinAug 31? as September does only have 30 days15:36
ddstreeti can do either15:36
bittinAug 31 works best for me15:37
ddstreetaug 31 is 4 weeks, so our 'standard' interval15:37
maprerisame, both days currently are very good15:37
ddstreetok let's do aug 3115:37
maprerisame time?15:37
ddstreetsame time, 15:00 UTC?15:37
ddstreet#action ddstreet sched next meeting for aug 31 15:00 UTC15:38
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet sched next meeting for aug 31 15:00 UTC15:38
ddstreeti'll update the agenda page15:38
ddstreetanything else?15:38
bittinnot from me15:38
bittinanyone else?15:38
maprerinone from me15:39
ddstreetok let's wrap!15:39
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:39:16 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-08-03-15.02.moin.txt15:39
ddstreetthanks all!15:39
bittinthx o/15:39

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