[00:07] https://freya.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce416.html looks like we're in good shape! [00:32] noice! [00:33] ochosi: Anything I should look into? I think we're pretty set no? [00:33] PPA should be pretty up to date on it all too. [00:34] ochosi: You offered a greybird release, I'd like it if we could have it before bookworm or Xubuntu's release, but otherwise... :) [00:34] depends on how hard you want that one PR to land [00:34] i'm not totally opposed, just a little reluctant and i may have to look into it myself again before being able to merge it... [00:35] what's the deadline? [00:38] The one that already has? Or the one I linked? It'd be nice, but no real pressure. No pressure to release right now either. Mid Jan for Debian, end of August or Sept for Xubuntu. [00:40] the one you linked [00:40] ok, so merging + releasing within the next 2 weeks would be fine? [00:40] OK, yeah that'd be nice to have I think, it'd also make it so one doesn't have a release for one change. :P [00:41] Yeah [00:41] ok, cool [00:42] feel free to remind me if I forget [00:42] but I'll try to keep it in mind and get to it [10:24] Unit193, ochosi, it looks like Mauro has a pretty flexible schedule with some times that we might all be able to swing. If you guys want, we can all go in on the same call. He also seems open to multiple calls if we want to go individually. (Xubuntu at the Ubuntu Summit 2022 email) === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [10:59] bluesabre: happy to try to go for one [10:59] ideally during the week and happy to do late evenings so it's more feasible for you guys [23:15] no eject message on reboot after 22.04.1 xubuntu install (real hardware) - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/1944519 [23:15] Launchpad bug 1944519 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu shutdown prompt is missing" [Undecided, Confirmed] [23:16] FWIW, I noticed this uh..."upstream" too, then rebuilt with bullseye and saw it there. So I wonder if plymouth itself had an issue. [23:18] ack the bug report mentions casper & plymouth; fix for 22.04 was via release notes (i think it's also hardware specific so not all users will encounter it) [23:19] (i did install so I can do the auto-resize Sean had issue with; I suspect it's disk size related; & believe this will work flawlessly when I've got to it) [23:22] ....I'm talking Debian bullseye vs bookworm, so could be entirely unrelated. But interesting to see the regression in both places. [23:23] ack. [23:56] 22.04.1 auto-resize install is perfect btw [23:58] * guiverc LOVES the wallpapers you provides