
cjwatsonKuraokami: Weekly09:18
cjwatsonKuraokami: The restore job currently starts at 03:30 UTC every Saturday, and typically takes until around 13:00 UTC on Sunday to complete09:20
cjwatson(or maybe a bit more)09:20
cjwatsonKuraokami: That's a full dump/restore from production, so everything changed only on staging vanishes at that point09:21
mitya57Hi! These builds are marked as failed, but according to the log they succeeded:10:46
cjwatsonmitya57: Known networking issue with bos02, being investigated.  I've retried those jobs in the meantime, which is the only remedy right now11:00
mitya57Thank you!11:03
athosI got the same issue with some php builds a few hours ago. Is there a bug open for that network issue?13:18
cjwatsonathos: There's an internal ticket13:23
cjwatsonNot much point in an external bug as well because it's not a defect in Launchpad itself, but rather in infrastructure13:23
athosack; thanks, cjwatson :)13:25

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