[01:12] !testers [01:12] lol [01:12] Anyway... guiverc Leo K etc. please help test the respin of Ubuntu Studio 22.04.1 [01:12] Do we need to also do another full sweep of the Lubuntu test suite? Or is it everything else that needs help? [01:13] You should not need the full suite of testing if e.g. the installer hasn't changed [01:13] Just really for secure boot [01:14] tsimonq2, i read that in -release, but currently writing u-MATE to thumb-drive for testing [01:14] tsimonq2: I approve of this command. [01:14] :) [01:14] I was thinking more like !entermadpanicmode [01:15] Nah, !omgwereallgonnadie [01:16] iso.qa.ubu still shows 0801 for Studio (at least for me) [01:16] !commenceworldwardIII [01:16] !issimonfault? [01:16] * !commenceworldwarIII [01:17] shoudl that have changed Eickmeyer[m] [01:17] MIght have to check cdimage.u.c guiverc . [01:18] But, I agree, not seeing anything. [01:18] Simon Quigley (Developer): ^ [01:18] LOL ubot93 just PM'd me to say "Factoid 'commenceworldwardIII' not found" [01:18] LMAO [01:19] :) [01:23] arraybolt3[m], if you're going to retest Lubuntu (and have time!); as well as secure boot as non-secure boot (which should have NO change) is also worthwhile, maybe even BIOS + uEFI + Secure-uEFI, ie. 2 untouched & 1 touched that shouldn't impact us anyway [01:23] guiverc: I may be able to help with that, but right now we just hit utter mad panic level 3 in ubuntu-release - Firefox is broken (as is snaps as a whole) on OEM installs of Ubuntu 22.04.1. [01:24] Of course, that matters more... I'm happy currently with Lubuntu though (this could change of course) [01:26] * guiverc reads the 'smells like .1 delay'... [01:26] Well hey, that will give us some extra buffer for making sure everything Secure Boot wise is OK! 👍️ [01:28] maybe, but frozen state for a release (for a week) can complicate (slow) other things slightly.. [01:29] guiverc: There's a lot that reads "smells like .1 delay" but they're doing everything they can to prevent that. [01:30] Everything up to now has been critical-but-not-regression. This one is gonna mess up OEMs something fierce I would guess, and it's a regression. [01:30] maybe.. I took the 'smells like .1' as accumlative comment by Lukasz/sil2100 [02:06] Just got the notification from queuebot that the new Studio iso is ready for testing. [02:06] Nice. I'm mid-pulling the Budgie ISO, but I'll upgrade Studio's next. [02:17] * guiverc is about to start the last ubuntu-mate I'm doing.. I grabbed ubuntu-studio last night (dinner @ family, they have faster bandwidth & no quotas) so zsync won't take too long (I hope) so maybe able to help with studio [02:28] Pulling Studio ISO now. [02:30] Yeah, that OEM install bug is something that isn't surprising. We've been running into all sorts of OEM install issues with Kubuntu Focus that we haven't been able to nail down. [02:30] (btw I loved your !omgwereallgonnadie) [02:30] ROFL [02:31] Speaking of Focus, I'm hoping to upgrade my hardware eventually and have a Focus XE1 in my sights. :) [02:31] I'm typing using one (the prototype, actually) right now. [02:32] I have an XE and an M1. [02:33] Lucky. My hardware's 10 years old. [02:33] The M1 was my initial payment for some consulting work I did, and the XE is used for testing purposes. [02:33] But hey, it works, that's what matters. But I'm hammering this poor laptop. [02:34] Wow, so basically you helped them out and they just gave you a laptop? [02:34] Well, several hours of helping them out. This was just before they hired me. [02:36] Awesome. Yeah, I think I'm definitely going Focus. (Framework looked pretty cool, but Focus looks a tad bit cheaper and has way better cooling.) [02:37] (I love how Framework would let you move the charger port from one side of the laptop to the other, though. If Focus would adopt the expansion card idea, that would be so elite.) [02:37] Two cooling profiles: a linear more performant profile and a quieter logarithmic profile. [02:38] And considering the fact that I generally put my systems through insanity, I could use good cooling. [02:39] How easy is it to install your own OS on a Focus? I know the hardware is pretty new, I'm wondering if it has any trouble installing the OS yourself. [02:41] The XE is insanely easy. The M2G4 requires the OEM kernel for the 5.17 kernel. But, if you install your own OS, you'll have to manually add the Kubuntu Focus PPA to get the hardware controls. [02:41] (we're way off topic) [02:42] True, we should probably stop, but I'm waiting for a VM to finish configuring and figured this channel didn't mind. [02:42] But that's fine. [02:42] (As in, I'll be done now.) [03:04] !erichsfault [03:30] !snapsfault [03:31] [telegram] !alwayssimonsfault (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) !erichsfault) [03:31] !canonicalsfault [03:31] I mean, if we're going to blame the OEM install failures... [03:31] nah, when it's Lubuntu space, we always blame everything on Simon [03:31] !thomaswardsfault [03:31] because it's always SImon's fault [03:31] fun fact [03:31] Big facts. [03:31] i had to pour $200/yr more into Lubuntu's infra today [03:31] from my paycheck [03:31] so [03:31] Let's see how many other nonexistent commands we can come up with. [03:32] *burp* !ALLHAILZALGO [03:32] *shot* [03:32] ubot93 just thwacked me. [03:32] lol [03:32] * arraybolt3[m] slaps teward with a live carp [03:32] * arraybolt3[m] ducks to dodge incoming laser fire [03:33] laser fire? [03:33] hell i'm not using lasers [03:33] Sharks with frickin' laser beams. [03:33] **I'M PAINTING WITH BLACK HOLES!** *literally charges up the black hole projector and paints around with a projected black hole, destroying everything in the path* [03:33] * tsimonq2 summons Slim Shady to deal with teward [03:34] lol blame genii in this case [03:34] eminem appears with Mom's Spaghetti [03:34] he left a crate of coffee here yesterday [03:34] teward gets hit with Hawking Radiation and disintegrates [03:34] arraybolt3[m]: congrats now the black hole projector just is painting things randomly and everything is being consumed universally. [03:35] * genii pops up for a moment then fades back into the woodwork surrounding the coffeepot area [03:35] Well so far you've not hit Earth so I'm good. [03:35] genii: Probably better there. [03:35] genii: CAFFEINE SUPPLY WHEN [03:35] *shakes genii vigorously until the caffeine is provided* [03:35] run genii run, world war III is brewing in here [03:35] Heh [03:36] Battery is about to go [03:36] * arraybolt3[m] fires the Coffienator at teward [03:36] arraybolt3[m]: Reading this out loud makes it sound like a Forrest Gump reference... [03:37] Funny thing is, I've never seen the movie, so I had no idea. [03:38] * tsimonq2 pours 15 shots of vodka and four red bulls into teward's megapint [03:38] arraybolt3[m]: Must watch. [03:39] arraybolt3[m]: Must watch. So much culture depends on it. [03:40] > * <@tsimonq2:linuxdelta.com> pours 15 shots of vodka and four red bulls into teward's megapint [03:40] Ugh, my dad literally killed himself drinking caffinated alcohol. Thankfully they don't make that insanity anymore. He fell over in the bathroom and stopped breathing. It's a miracle he managed to get back up again. [03:41] arraybolt3[m]: Yeah that stuff was waayyyy too potent [03:51] Hey arraybolt3 ? [03:51] Yeah? [03:52] I know I added you to the Ubuntu Studio team, and... this doen't preclude you from that, but do me a solid. [03:52] Become a Lubuntu member. [03:52] Yeah [03:53] Become a Lubuntu Member [03:53] Eickmeyer: You bet. I'm working on it. [03:53] Become a Lubuntu Member, arraybolt3 . [03:53] In fact pretty much ever since I heard it was a thing it's been on my radar. [03:53] Become a Lubuntu Member arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: [03:53] Become a Lubuntu Member, arraybolt3 . [03:53] Become a Lubuntu Member arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: [03:54] 😄 [03:54] 🤣🤣😏 [03:54] (Simon and I decided to spam the channel like that) [03:54] But 'twas my idea. Will take credit unashamedly. [03:54] I'm not going to apply right now, since "sustained contribution" is considered to be 6 months per guiverc, but as soon as it's time, I am applying. [03:55] I got Ubuntu Member at 3 [03:55] Eickmeyer Simon Quigley (Developer) You guys. [03:55] You're past 3 :P [03:55] I got Ubuntu Member at 8, but that's because I took my sweet time. Don't be like Erich. [03:56] Personally, I'd like it to not be "Well I'm member but only by a 3 out of 5 vote" or something like that. I'd like to have a unanimous vote in my favor, and I already know I'll have one vote down if I apply right now. Besides, I can do plenty as it is, and I'll feel much better about being a member in the future if everything goes perfectly. [04:00] On the "hallelujah we win!" side, Eickmeyer: I just got a successful out of the box install of Ubuntu Studio on a Secure Boot enabled VM. [04:00] Awesoooome! [04:00] membership is no real stopping block btw, you need (in theory) to be a member to become a fridge editor yet I was posting to fridge.ubuntu.com before I ever i got my Ubuntu membership (I was ultra slow to apply for membership I guess) ... Ubuntu (Lubuntu etc) is a meritocracy.. arraybolt3[m] already has a high trust quotient based on his merit so far to project [04:06] That's precisely why I think we shouldn't "separate" him from the rest of us who are members. He's proved himself imo [04:08] I've never been on any membership board, but knowing what it takes to be a member, I wouldn't expect any less than a unanimous vote. The 6-month requirement is more of a guideline than a hard rule. The contributions that have been done so far have been enormous compared to most at 6 months. [04:10] I held quite a tenure on both the Ubuntu Membership Board and the Ubuntu Developer Membership Board (I don't flex often but it's relevant here). I know what qualifies as a member, and I think Aaron has exceeded those expectations [04:15] I concur (re: no hard rule).. and Aaron has come along away since I first spoke with Guest3 on 25-April-2022 (UTC) [04:15] I'm most comfortable waiting for a while longer. I don't feel separated from the group at all - just because you're able to have chats in my absence doesn't seem like separation to me. [04:16] guiverc: LOL I still, to this day, feel a bit silly that I came on with that nickname. [04:16] most of probably don't remember it anyway; except i noted it for date/record purposes [04:17] [telegram] Same here -think it is time to apply after all the great contributions .. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) I concur (re: no hard rule).. and Aaron has come along away since I first spoke with Guest3 on 25-April-2022 (UTC)) [04:17] I used to just spam random characters as my username, wxl remembers. Oh the days [04:18] Simon Quigley (Developer): why [04:18] OK I just tried it. [04:18] OMG.... LUL [04:18] arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: Okay, I get it, you think you aren't ready. But come on, now you have four people who think you're ready :P [04:18] arraybolt3[m]: LMAO [04:19] Simon Quigley (Developer): Make that five and make them all Lubuntu Council members and you've got it. Until then, !patience [04:19] Don't test me :P [04:19] * tsimonq2 cracks his knuckles... [04:20] Dan Simmons @teward001 @lynorian ^^^^^^ is arraybolt3 ready to apply? [04:22] I think they're all asleep. [04:23] arraybolt3: Unrelated: could you log your findings at iso.qa.ubuntu.com for Studio? I need to get some rest, I'll smoke test in the morning before marking as ready, though I have reason to believe we're all going to get respins anyways. [04:23] Eickmeyer[m]: Already done. [04:23] Oh, sweet! [04:24] Alright, good night everyone! Thanks for being the testing team I never had! [04:25] Eickmeyer: Good night, rest well! Thanks for everything, including the awesome Ubuntu flavor! [04:31] * tsimonq2 smacks Erich upside the head for not testing [04:31] Good night :) [04:31] * arraybolt3[m] feeds Simon Quigley (Developer) a live carp [04:31] Ah yes protein [04:35] Fun fact, I actually like sashimi (raw fish) and purposefully will go out of my way to eat it and other sushi containing raw fish. I do eat the wasabi and pickled ginger to keep from getting sick, though. [09:52] * kc2bez[m] uploaded an image: (61KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/iJVdapDhWYWgUQMYFUFMpUZO/zHwYyGNB9678pyeT6UcC5kHR7LI.gif > [09:53] "Dan Simmons @teward001 @lynorian..." <- ^^ [11:56] [telegram] Has anyone tried experimental on debian to see if lxqt 1.1 works? [13:33] [telegram] Ubuntu 22.04.1 delayed until 11.08.22 https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-22-04-1-delayed-until-august-11/29859 [13:39] thanks @Leokolb, I was waiting for that [13:52] > * <@tsimonq2:linuxdelta.com> smacks Erich upside the head for not testing [13:52] Holup... I tested, but when it's just me, I can't account for every single use case. [14:10] I think testing is a spot where we can pool resources. [14:41] [telegram] I agree 100% .. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) I think testing is a spot where we can pool resources.) === Noumeno is now known as Roberalz [16:45] "[telegram] Ubuntu 22.0..." <- arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: ask sil2100 if that localization bug can be included too [16:46] Everyone else is now like "oh! maybe we should upload literally the entire archive to Jammy" [16:46] Let's not miss our chance [16:49] Sounds like a plan to me. [16:50] Simon Quigley (Developer): Bah, you beat me to it! [17:03] * Eickmeyer[m] uploaded an image: (211KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/epXraYksGcJJiIjazHlBWYzt/image.png > [17:05] Nobody got the Hamilton reference? [17:05] I'll see my way out. [17:06] Eickmeyer[m]: I get it! [17:06] tsimonq2: YESSSSSSS [17:06] * arraybolt3[m] missed it [17:06] Dad joke lmaooo [17:07] * arraybolt3[m] posted a file: (1KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/zfuCeIfPJWFpjNJFxJHEHejp/localizefix-kinetic.diff > [17:07] * arraybolt3[m] posted a file: (3KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/TRYAqPceCIYNTBIzRAUkzuHY/calamares-settings-ubuntu-fix-jammy.diff > [17:07] * arraybolt3[m] posted a file: libreoffice_localization_fix_sru (3KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/eqjilOjHlhssvSCvuowHFGlK > [17:07] Simon Quigley (Developer): ^ Patches and SRU paperwork [17:08] (Hey, first time someone ever needed something yesterday and I actually had it!) [17:16] arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: How many testers has this patch had? Just yourself? [17:16] True, just me. [17:17] I'm going to upload this to Kinetic within the hour and watch it until it hits the release pocket [17:18] I will then respin the ISO. I'd like one other person to please confirm your results and the fact that it's fixed in Kinetic, and I'll upload it straight to Jammy [17:18] arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: Is that reasonable? [17:18] 👍️ [17:19] Rober: cc ^^ since this is your dept ;) [17:20] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1970270 [17:20] Launchpad bug 1970270 in calamares-settings-ubuntu (Ubuntu Kinetic) "LibreOffice localization is not working out of the box" [High, Confirmed] [17:21] [telegram] I also use other languages....will test when it arrives (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) Rober: cc ^^ since this is your dept ;)) [17:21] Thank you [17:25] arraybolt3: Why isn't this SRU in Git? [17:25] The first one. idc about the second one lol [17:25] I was making it in a hurry when we thought it was going to be put into .1 right away and was just throwing it at you ASAP since you wanted it. [17:26] Oh right... I forgot you don't have direct commit access yet LOL (apply to become a Lubuntu Member...) [17:26] All good [17:26] That being said, we're not in !omgwereallgonnadie mode anymore, so I may as well get it in Git. [17:26] I'll fix it up, just roasting you ;) [17:31] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/1:22.10.10 [17:32] Will probably migrate on the next Britney run. I'd give it < 3 or 4 hours before we have an ISO to test [17:32] "Rober: cc ^^ since this is..." <- Question asked several times, especially on the Spanish channel. Why is libreoffice in english? XD [17:32] Rober[m]: Tell them, the fix is coming XD [17:32] Perfect! [18:07] "https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+..." <- This will migrate at approximately 19:30 UTC [18:07] Which means respins are approximately 20:00 UTC [23:38] FYI, I did a thing: https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme/issues/3221 [23:38] Issue 3221 in PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme "distributor-logo-lubuntu icon is outdated/incorrect" [Open] [23:46] Well well well [23:46] Look what we have here [23:46] A new Lubuntu Member Application [23:46] I wonder who may have applied... :P [23:47] * tsimonq2 pokes Eickmeyer @eickmeyer:matrix.org - we were successful in our peer pressure :P [23:48] \o/