
=== plars_ is now known as plars
blucaslyon: https://salsa.debian.org/systemd-team/systemd/-/merge_requests/15813:19
ubottuMerge 158 in systemd-team/systemd "d/rules: on Ubuntu/i386 only build and install libraries and EFI binaries" [Opened]13:19
slyonthanks! I will check it out13:24
=== nuccitheboss1 is now known as nuccitheboss
bdmurraywaveform: senlin passed on s390x in big_packages when triggered by sqlite316:06
waveformbdmurray, ah, well that's an easier day for me tomorrow then :)16:10
bdmurray"what can I say except you're welcome"16:13
Eickmeyer*moana intensifies*16:13
mwhudsongood morning21:17

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