
jawn-smith#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team15:00
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:00:23 UTC.  The chair is jawn-smith.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:00
jawn-smith#topic Lightning Round15:00
jawn-smithThe status is here: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-04-august-2022/2984515:00
jawn-smithLet's take a moment to read and ask questions15:01
sil2100I did not write my status again, it starting to become a habit. I blame the point-releases15:01
jawn-smith#topic Release incoming bugs15:10
jawn-smith#link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-kk-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:10
jawn-smithbug 198279115:11
ubottuBug 1982791 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "An EoL release cannot dist-upgrade if not all updates are installed and the release has been archived to old-releases" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198279115:11
jawn-smithbdmurray: You tagged this one15:11
bdmurrayThis won't matter for KK but will for LL15:12
bdmurrayso let's retag in rls-ll-incoming15:13
jawn-smithOkay sounds good to me.15:13
jawn-smithbug 198248615:13
ubottuBug 1982486 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Kinetic) "update-motd-fsck-at-reboot: exclude nbd devices" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198248615:13
jawn-smithWe discussed this last week, let me read the logs15:14
bdmurraywe carded it so it just needs cleaning which I'll do15:14
jawn-smithGreat, thanks.15:14
jawn-smithbug 131555915:14
ubottuBug 1315559 in apport (Ubuntu) "UpgradeStatus can be incorrect" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131555915:14
jawn-smiththat's a low number15:14
jawn-smithReported by bdmurray in 201415:15
jawn-smithHas something changed to make this more urgent?15:15
bdmurrayIt confused Steve in https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/2ccb554c-1279-11ed-b06e-fa163ef3520615:15
bdmurrayUpgradeStatus 15:15
bdmurrayUpgraded to groovy on 2022-08-02 (0 days ago)15:15
vorlonwhich I was only paying attention to because it was an ubuntu-release-upgrade crash15:16
jawn-smithSounds worth working then, let's card it15:17
bdmurrayIts horribly confusing and only somebody who is part of the furniture would know why its wrong15:17
jawn-smithbug 197995215:18
ubottuBug 1979952 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Bind mount to NFS mount fails on Ubuntu 22.04" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197995215:18
enr0nI was able to confirm this is present in jammy and kinetic15:18
jawn-smithLooks like there's an upstream fix already15:18
enr0nThere is a straight forward upstream fix available which I have tested15:18
slyonsounds like a nice inclusion for the next jammy SRU15:18
enr0nSo I think we should card this and include it in the upcoming jammy SRU for systemd15:18
jawn-smithAlright let's card it and remove the tag then, sounds like enr0n is on top of it15:18
bdmurrayIs there a timeline for that?15:19
bdmurrayAfter .1?15:19
slyonyes, after .1. The last one was just 1 month ago15:19
enr0nYeah that makes sense.15:20
jawn-smithIs the systemd SRU cycle documented somewhere?15:20
slyonso unless we need some critical fix, we wait a bit more15:20
jawn-smithJust for my own curiosity15:20
slyonjawn-smith: it is not, AFAIK15:20
jawn-smithOkay, that might be something worth doing... eventually15:20
jawn-smithAlright that's getting carded. Moving on15:21
jawn-smithbug 198110915:21
ubottuBug 1981109 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "server image pulls in ModemManager via fwupd, consumes 25MiB RAM in every container" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198110915:21
sil2100When adding the new RISC-V platforms, some of the generic non-SUBARCH code15:21
jawn-smithLast we discussed this there was nothing for foundations to work on.15:21
sil2100    went missing and some invalid assumptions have been made, causing cloud15:21
sil2100eeek, accidental paste15:21
sil2100...please ignore15:21
jawn-smithIt's marked as fixed in livecd-rootfs. vorlon do you agree there is currently nothing for foundations to work on related to this bug?15:22
vorlonit needs to be fixed in jammy15:22
vorlonso should probably be carded for that15:22
jawn-smithAh okay, let's card that then15:23
jawn-smithbug 198172115:24
ubottuBug 1981721 in netplan.io (Ubuntu) "dual port SRIOV NIC with 64 VFs per PF  is not configured with switchdev eswitch mode" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198172115:24
jawn-smithslyon: are we still waiting on openstack input?15:24
slyonno update on that since last week, so let's skip15:24
jawn-smithCool, that's it for kk15:24
slyoni think it's not very high priority for the openstack team15:24
jawn-smith#link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:24
jawn-smithah, looks like both of these jj bugs have already been discussed/carded15:25
jawn-smithrls-ff is empty for foundations, but has a few unknowns again15:25
jawn-smith#link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:25
jawn-smithNone of those look like foundations packages to me. Agreed?15:25
* bdrung agrees15:26
jawn-smith#topic Team proposed-migration report15:26
jawn-smith#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs15:26
slyonre lintian: we could promote libregexp-wildcards-perl, the MIR is ready (LP: #1980968)15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1980968 in lintian (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libregexp-wildcards-perl" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198096815:27
slyonwhich would resolve one of the dependencies15:28
slyonothers are still pending15:28
vorlonubuntu-meta: still in desktop team's hands15:28
vorlonlintian: in MIR land per the above15:29
vorlonbut the MIR tasks are marked incomplete?15:29
slyonyes. those are still pending. only libregexp-wildcards-perl is done15:30
vorlonlooks like this is largely with ginggs who I believe is out this week15:30
slyonwhich is a different LP bug15:30
slyonthat's true.15:30
vorlonmutt has been blocked on gsasl for 25 days; I don't see that this was assigned out last week or discussed?15:31
slyonvorlon: that's a MIR as well, blocked on security review15:31
vorlonaha thanks, hadn't clicked through on the bug yet15:32
vorlongcc-12, looks like we're waiting for doko, who is also out this week15:32
vorlonogayot: are you still on zlib?15:34
vorlonsounds like gcc-12 is hamstrung by launchpad build farm issues that we're waiting for a resolution on15:34
ogayotfheimes has been actively working on that one, I tested the patch from bug 1983255 but unfortunately still red for me15:34
ubottuBug 1983255 in samtools-legacy (Ubuntu) "samtools-legacy misses 'Remove compressBound assertions' (PR #1258) fix" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198325515:34
vorlonogayot: ok, and this is a real regression introduced by new zlib?15:35
schopinseems likely, as the new upload was for s390x specific code.15:35
ogayotusing an old zlib does not trigger the bug, but I don't think this is strictly caused by zlib15:36
vorlonogayot: but in any case we need tests fixed before we progress, ok15:36
vorlonsqlite3 vs senlin: this was mentioned last week as 'probably needs a retry' but it's still stuck15:36
vorlonand was retried several times on the 31st so this needs someone to take it and dig in15:37
vorlonbdmurray: can you take this?15:37
vorlonwaveform: can you take senlin?15:39
waveformI'm out next week, so if it can wait a week, yes15:39
vorlonyou mean you can't fix it tomorrow? :)15:40
vorlonwaveform: senlin/sqlite315:40
bdmurraysenlin passes in debian so I can try it with more resources15:40
waveformack :)15:40
schopinI'll take rustc vs llvm15:40
vorlonschopin: thanks15:40
vorlonlibgd-perl was mis-triaged last week, it was dep-wait but required someone to make changes to get the new build-deps built on i386.  That was done, then it failed to install those build-deps; I'm going to retry it and I'll follow through15:41
vorlonapt missing builds, also an i386 issue somehow, I'll follow up (I think this was already cleared)15:42
bdrungthe regression there on gbrowse was reported as Debian bug #1014797 and forwarded upstream (no response there yet)15:42
ubottuDebian bug 1014797 in src:gbrowse "FTBFS: test failures with new libgd3" [Serious, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/101479715:42
bdrung(referring to libgd-perl)15:43
vorlondevscripts ALSO dep-wait on i38615:43
vorlonfor the same package as apt, so I'll take that too :/15:43
slyonI'll take liburi-perl, because TIL15:43
vorlonslyon: thanks15:43
vorlonlet's give curl / hddemux to dbungert15:44
vorlonbdmurray: can you take libuv1?15:46
vorlonbdrung: can you take libuv1? :)15:46
bdrungI prefer to look an the sudo regressions15:46
vorlonenr0n: can you take libuv1?15:48
enr0nYes indeed15:49
vorlonjawn-smith: can you take casper?15:49
vorlonand that's it15:49
jawn-smith#topic AOB15:49
jawn-smithAny holidays or vacations coming up?15:52
bdrungsoon-ish (but not next week)15:53
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:54:48 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-08-04-15.00.moin.txt15:54

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