guiverc | fyi: live test & install test done successfully on 22.04.1 | 04:25 |
arraybolt3[m] | \o/ | 04:30 |
tsimonq2 | guiverc: Wait, with Secure Boot? | 04:50 |
tsimonq2 | And you checked on that machine it didn't work before? | 04:51 |
guiverc | nah I used a uEFI box without secure boot... checklist didn't mention so settings were unchanged (uEFI) | 04:52 |
* guiverc is off walking dog, be back 35-55 mins; can run test again if required then | 04:53 | |
tsimonq2 | Yes please test before and after those changes with secure boot | 04:56 |
guiverc | in secure boot I get a failure to boot; but I've not recorded it on as I accidently grabbed the wrong thumb-drive & first try was lubuntu 22.04.1 & it failed to boot as well; but we have a PASSED on that; I'm discounting my testing as I didn't recognize Lubuntu isn't Ubuntu-Studio and likely make a user-mistake in BIOS settings (I've done that before; why I don't test Secure-uEFI & leave it all to @Leokolb .. ) | 06:39 |
tsimonq2 | Anyone else have a positive or negative result to report? | 16:50 |
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