
FanOfFanHello guys and girls :)12:53
FanOfFani have old laptop: https://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/review/acer/aspire_one_zg5_linux/255307/specs/ Acer ZG5 with intel atom cpu 1.6Ghz and 1.5GB ram12:55
FanOfFanxubuntu will be good OS for it? :)12:55
FanOfFani have already installed lubuntu, but they are pretty slow, xubuntu will be faster? :)12:56
bluesabreFanOfFan: I think Unit193 might use a netbook like that with Xubuntu. He's not usually around for a couple more hours though.14:53
Unit193AMD C-50 with 2G ram, and I'd still say good luck with current firefox.18:54

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