
mparilloDrafted for review: https://kubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=4907&action=edit Note that I could not find https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JammyJellyfish/ReleaseNotes/ChangeSummary/22.04.1 but maybe it is not published yet.09:30
RikMillsmparillo: 22.04.1 has been postponed09:38
RikMillsin case you had not seen09:39
mparilloI missed that. I did notice the seemingly-contradictory parentheticals on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/437/builds "Kubuntu Desktop amd64 (ready) (re-building)"10:26
mparilloLaunchpad bug #1983528 ?11:25
mparilloSorry, that did not work11:25
mparillohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1983528 Funny, I tested Kubuntu OEM. And I was able to launch FF.11:27
mparilloIIRC, FF was not a snap for 22.04, but I assumed it would be for 22.04.111:29
RikMillsmparillo: the bug seems of only affect flavours with some of the snap gnome integration, so we are clear11:31
RikMillsbut delay to one is delay to all11:31
mparilloWill the respin our images as well?12:26
mparillos/ the / they /12:26
RikMillsI believe so12:27
valoriehi mparillo, short and sweet! in the middle I see Type / to choose a block -- is that some invisible WP thing?19:09
valorieplaceholder for an image, or ?19:09

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