
=== anti_pattern is now known as jdrab
BluesKajHi all13:08
RikMillsmparillo: I assume their was no big trouble switching the KDE BNC to libera?14:47
RikMillsI still have not bothered yet, and am connecting direct14:48
RikMills*there was14:48
RikMillsgot I'm English, I should be ashamed at that 'their'14:48
RikMillsoh I give up!14:48
RikMillsBluesKaj: :D14:49
BluesKajthen there's then and than14:49
BluesKajI muck that up a lot14:50
mparillohttps://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/BNC follow the link to the Web interface. If necessary login with your KDE ID and password. Click Your settings. I had to delete Freenode first, as I was only allowed one entry in the Networks section. I selected libera1irc.libera.chat:666715:17
mparilloWhen I clicked Edit, all my channels migrated automagically15:18
mparilloBut, I have never gotten #kde to work. Not sure if something is special about that.15:18
RikMillsmparillo: thanks15:20
BluesKajthink I just reconfigured konversation after switching to libera iirc15:21
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> ok, lets see15:26
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> doesn't want to connect to libera15:35
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> or is it just very very very very very very very slow doing so, lol15:41
RikMillsvery very slow O.O15:50
RikMillsmparillo: thanks. think that is ok now :)15:56
RikMillsbeer o'clock :D15:57
* RikMills heads for the fridge15:57
mparilloHave a swift half for me.18:04
mparilloAnd glad the KDE bouncer is working well. I owe JR a wee dram.18:05

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