
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
=== M4he is now known as mahe
=== Furor is now known as Colere
lexandropHi. So, anyone running desktop 22.04 - how "deep" is snap integration? Reading some random articles at reddit, I have an impression that it became worse compared to 20.04, which I'm running now. I.e. attempt to install firefox via apt automatically installs it via snap, even installing snapd if it was missing, etc.02:00
tomreynit think both of these are facts: when you attempt to install firefox via apt this will automatically install the firefox snap, even installing snapd if it was missing02:03
lexandropI think, my question can be mostly transformed to this: users, who purged snapd from their 22.04 system - do you face any related issues?02:05
tomreynthe related issue would be that snaps are not readily available. thats, if you consider this an issue.02:07
enigma9o7[m]No issues lexandrop.02:09
lexandroptomreyn: since I plan to avoid snapd at all costs, snaps being unavailable is not an issue, but a desired result for me :) An issue would be some other part of the system being broken, because since 22.04 it started to rely on snapd (or some specific snap) availability02:11
lexandropenigma9o7[m]: thanks02:11
Chloe343lexanddrop: snap isn't that hard to remove or integral to Ubuntu02:12
Chloe343I personally have it removed and used the Firefox PPA to get an apt version of Firefox ESR02:12
Chloe343you do get the snap version of Firefox installed on your system if you install it from the Ubuntu repository tho02:13
lexandropChloe343: "snap isn't that hard to remove ..." - I know this is true for 20.04, but wasn't sure if that's still true for 22.04 :) that's why I've came here. thanks02:13
Chloe343haha no problem!02:14
Chloe343I think I had that uhh02:14
Chloe343desnapify thing?02:14
lexandropI've heard something about it... But have never used yet. IIRC, pure apt was enough in my case.02:15
Chloe343yeah same02:15
Chloe343and also a little bit of Flatpaks02:15
lexandropthanks for the link, though, bookmarked it just in case02:18
Chloe343haha you're welcome02:18
=== _WEZ_ is now known as wez
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
alkisgHrm, after upgrading to 22.04, I need to `rmmod igb; modprobe igb` for the Intel I350 adapters to work; it seems like a kernel issue; does anyone know of a bug report for it? (I'm still searching...)07:35
AndrewLooks like everything is packaged as a snap these days in the new Iso09:21
cbreakAndrew: luckily not everything09:33
cbreakbut the things that are are annoying enough :(09:33
webchat42Dear Ubuntu Developers and Contributers,10:01
webchat42Please see my comment about a major SECURITY ISSUE:10:01
webchat42That is really easy to fix.10:01
webchat42I don't know why Ubuntu doesn't change that.10:01
tornovsoy un albaricoque10:10
webchat42Dear Ubuntu Developers and Contributers,10:24
webchat42Please see my comment about a major SECURITY ISSUE:10:24
webchat42That is really easy to fix.10:24
webchat42I don't know why Ubuntu hasn't fixed that.10:24
murmelwebchat42: wrong way of pointing this out. and additionally, what do you expect when you plug in a usb stick which has binaries on them? I never saw ubuntu executing something11:01
murmeland if you really think this is something talking about, create a launchpad account and file it against gnome-control-center11:03
=== de-facto_ is now known as de-facto
zeroesa quick question about mirroring with ftpsync: someone know how to tell ftpsync to mirror non-free and contrib in ftpsync.config file?12:25
zeroes*about mirroring a package repository12:26
ograprobably a question for #debian ?12:27
ogra(ubuntu dos not hav contrib or non-free)12:27
ogra*does not have12:27
BluesKajHi all12:46
=== realivanjx8 is now known as realivanjx
=== realivanjx8 is now known as realivanjx
nmatrix9Hi everyone, accidentally removed my default python 3.6 install out of Ubuntu 18.04 broke almost everything, including networking.  I'm using a rescue dvd in "try but do not install" mode.  Was able to chroot my lvm / partition.15:26
tomreynnmatrix9: ubuntu 18.04 used python 2.7.18 by default, so python3 should not be essential there, i think. unless you changed where "python" points to (3.6 rather than 2.7, but that would already break a lot, i assume). it should also have warned you about removing essential packages, had you done so.15:30
nmatrix9Trying to do a full re-install of all networking components with apt get but getting "Error connecting: Could not connect: Connection refused" while in the chrooted parition15:30
tomreyn'connection refused' would suggest outbound firewalling or a mandatory proxy, which is not configured.15:31
arraybolt3[m]You may also need to deal with resolv.conf within the chroot.15:31
tomreynor just talking to the wrong host (maybe as a result of bad name resolution - but this seems less liekly)15:32
Jeremy31Try a>  ping -c3
nmatrix9I have internet access when I'm "outside" the chrooted partition "/dev/lubuntu-vg/root  mounted to /mnt"15:32
nmatrix9Full internet acces15:32
arraybolt3[m]nmatrix9: While in chroot, "mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.bak", then exit chroot and do "cp /etc/resolv.conf /path/to/chroot/etc/resolv.conf", replacing the path as appropriate.15:32
arraybolt3[m]Re-enter chroot, you should have Internet access.15:33
nmatrix9root@ubuntu:/home/nash/Downloads/ubuntu_packages/gnome# ping -c3
nmatrix9PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.15:33
nmatrix964 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=118 time=13.2 ms15:33
nmatrix964 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=118 time=15.5 ms15:33
nmatrix964 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=118 time=13.3 ms15:33
arraybolt3[m]Then when you're done, just before exiting the chroot, do "rm /etc/resolv.conf && mv /etc/resolv.conf.bak /etc/resolv.conf"15:33
nmatrix9arraybolt3[m], cool I'll try that.15:34
arraybolt3[m](This all assumes you don't have /etc/resolv.conf.bak already present in your installed system.)15:34
Jeremy31Is /etc mounted in the chroot15:35
tomreynif only we had a good chroot repair manual listing all the steps in common scenarios...15:36
arraybolt3[m]Jeremy31: /etc should be a folder in the installed system with configuration data specific to that system, so bind-mounting over chroot might be a bad idea (if that's what you're saying).15:36
arraybolt3[m]s/over chroot/over it in the chroot/15:37
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure lists all steps other than mounting the efi system partition (if you have one).15:38
nmatrix9tomreyn turned off firewall and I'm not sure how to set up a mandatory proxy15:39
tomreynnmatrix9: that's good, then you probably don't have one15:40
tomreynnmatrix9: does    sudo apt update    from within the chroot work now?15:41
nmatrix9tomreyn, I'm mounting a lvm partition /dev/lubuntu-vg/root, the first step, the /dev/sda1 wouldn't apply or would I still have to mount some sort of device even for a lvm?15:43
tomreynnmatrix9: you'd need to mount the root file system, which is probably on your lvm LV then15:44
tomreynoh right you just said so15:44
tomreynso just replace "/dev/sda1" by "/dev/lubuntu-vg/root"15:44
tomreynnmatrix9: if you have other LV's for important system paths such as /var or /usr/ or /etc you should mount those into / below the mounted root file system, too15:46
nmatrix9Still getting : "Hit:22 https://packagecloud.io/datawireio/telepresence/ubuntu bionic InRelease15:46
nmatrix9Hit:23 http://ppa.launchpad.net/remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next/ubuntu bionic InRelease15:46
nmatrix9Hit:24 http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/atom/ubuntu bionic InRelease15:46
nmatrix9Fetched 64.4 kB in 3s (19.6 kB/s)15:46
nmatrix9Error connecting: Could not connect: Connection refused"15:46
nmatrix9after doing apt update15:46
tomreynnmatrix9: you just got muted here for pasting too many lines.15:47
tomreyn!paste | nmatrix915:47
ubottunmatrix9: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:47
tomreynyou can also pipe output into    | nc 999915:47
tomreynthis will post it to termbin.com15:48
tomreynnmatrix9: and the mute is now undone.15:48
nmatrix9tomreyn, ok thanks, will keep my texts one line.15:49
tomreynsudo apt-get update &> /tmp/apt && cat /tmp/apt | nc 999915:50
nmatrix9Yeah, it's just weird to me I can access the internet from the chrooted parition but apt is just failing to do update or install or anything15:50
tomreynif you run the command above, this would post the full "apt-get update" output on termbin.com (where it remains stored for a month, i think) and return a link to this post, which you can share here15:51
tomreynthis assumes you'r eusing a bash-like shell15:52
tomreynotherwise:   sudo apt-get update >/tmp/apt 2>&1 && cat /tmp/apt | nc 999915:52
nmatrix9tomreyn https://termbin.com/oegvt16:00
tomreynnmatrix9: basic apt seems to be working fine, it must be some extension to it that's failing. maybe packagekit.16:03
tomreyndo you remember modifying or adding files in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ ?16:03
tomreynnmatrix9: if you run apt-get with    -o 'Debug::RunScripts 1'     this may hint on which apt hook is failing there16:19
nmatrix9tomreyn, modifying /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ not directly but I have added updated to/etc/apt/sources.list16:20
tomreynnmatrix9: i don't think changes to /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/} would cause this very error.16:23
tomreynfeel free to re-run the above apt-get command with the debug topion and post its output on termbin.com again16:23
tomreyntopion -> option16:24
nmatrix9@tomreyn:  apt-get  -o Debug::RunScripts 1 ?16:24
tomreynsudo apt-get update -o 'Debug::RunScripts 1' >/tmp/apt 2>&1 && cat /tmp/apt | nc 999916:24
Exterminadorhello guys. so, I'm trying to figure out why I get `0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.`: https://0bin.xyz/view/f2d96ff0#L3316:25
tomreynnmatrix9: sorry, it's this:    sudo apt-get update -o 'Debug::RunScripts=1' >/tmp/apt 2>&1 && cat /tmp/apt | nc 999916:26
arraybolt3[m]Exterminador: Phased updates maybe?16:26
tomreynExterminador: when you run     apt show python3-distupgrade ubuntu-release-upgrader-core ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk     you'll see the seeding percentage given in parentheses16:28
Exterminadoroh. so: Phased-Update-Percentage: 016:31
nmatrix9tomreyn https://termbin.com/ws8j16:31
tomreynnmatrix9: i guessed right, it's packagekit related. to solve this, you'd need to find out where these scripts running before the error message try to connect to and how to enable them to do so, or how to stop them from trying to do so.16:35
tomreynnmatrix9: this error does not actually seem to stop apt from working, though16:35
tomreynso maybe, for now, it's best to just ignore this part16:35
tomreynthat's unless there are follow-up errors somewhere? are you able to run   sudo apt full-upgrade    ?16:36
tomreynnmatrix9: so  other than this message from 'apt update' / 'apt-get update', is there any indication that there is a networking issue? what does not seem to work exactly?16:42
nmatrix9tomreyn, let me backtrack a bit, to provide more context this is all occurring with a Ubuntu KVM 18.04.  After accidentally removing the default python install, the KVM is unable to connect to the internet via VIrtual network 'network-wlp3s0' on regular startup: Route to wlp3s0 (my host network).17:05
nmatrix9Not sure how to just get it back to the way it was before or even just get back basic network functionality.17:06
nmatrix9tomreyn in rescue mode I'm simply trying to re-install all the network components so I have basic network / internet connectivity again.  when I do apt install <package> nothing seems to be installed.  I was thinking the :  Error connecting: Could not connect: Connection refused may have something to do with it.17:09
stolenhow to seed ubuntu distros ?17:13
enigma9o7[m]In what context do you mean/17:14
enigma9o7[m]When I read that question, the first thing that pops into my is sharing a torrent, but you must mean somethiing else?17:15
tomreynnmatrix9: wlp3s0 is a wireless network interface - in kvm?!17:20
tomreynnmatrix9: oh that's on your host, ok. so i assume the guest sees this as an ethernet NIC then.17:21
nmatrix9tomreyn, yes17:21
tomreyn"when I do apt install <package> nothing seems to be installed" -> that's probably because it is already installed.17:22
tomreynjust reinstalling the software won't help unless you manually modified its files in directories you normally wouldn't (such as /usr), i guess17:23
tomreynalso, i don't see how that's related to you removing python 3.6, yet, because i think bionic uses a 2.x version system wide.17:23
tomreynsitll, be very careful about making changes to the *system* wide installation of python on ubuntu, in general.17:24
nmatrix9tomreyn, not sure either but I do know that when I did a uninstall of python 3.6. and did a reboot, lots of applications were broken for sure, including network connectivity.17:25
tomreyn"python" is 2.7.15 on bionic: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/python17:26
tomreynthere is python 3.6, too https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?exact=1&suite=bionic-updates&keywords=python317:27
tomreynit's possible that bionic depend on both17:27
tomreynyou could just install python3 and see what happens17:28
tomreynor review what you removed when you did (and reinstall that as needed) - logs are in /var/log/apt/history.log17:29
tomreynnmatrix9: i'll be afk again for a while.17:29
stolenessentials for ubuntu should be on python 2, so python3 uninstall should not break a lot of stuff. Just install pyhton again17:33
cbreakpython2 has been eol and deprecated for many years17:41
cbreak"We did not want to hurt the people using Python 2. So, in 2008, we announced that we would sunset Python 2 in 2015, and asked people to upgrade before then." -- official python web page17:42
cbreakI don't think canonical would be dumb enough to rely on python2 in an ubuntu LTS release made after 200817:43
arraybolt3[m]cbreak: Canonical backports security and bug fixes from newer releases into older ones.17:44
enigma9o7[m]that sounds tricky17:45
arraybolt3[m]cbreak: So even though python2 is EOL, Canonical keeps backporting fixes into it. They do this for everything in the main repository so that software versions can stay stable but still fix security problems and bugs.17:45
arraybolt3[m](OK, maybe not everything - up until Firefox turned into a Snap, Firefox was just kept updated to the newest version all the time. But you get what I'm saying - it stays updated whether upstream EOLs it or not.)17:47
cbreakseems like a waste of time17:50
cbreakswitching to python3 would be much less work17:50
cbreakespecially since it was forseeable in 2008 that support would end in 2015, so starting to use it in something intended for long term support was known to be a committment17:51
arraybolt3[m]cbreak: We might should continue this in #ubuntu-discuss so we don't clutter up the support forum.17:51
nmatrix9tomreyn and stolen, I've re-installed everything I can think of, python 3, python, gnome desktop, lubuntu desktop, network-manager tools. Nothing currently is working, my KVM is still unable to access the internet.17:52
tomreynnmatrix9: and the erro message is?17:56
tomreynhow do you test?17:56
tomreyni was wrong about 18.04 ('bionic') and python. package "python3" is priority "important" whereas "python" and "python2.7" are priority "optional": apt-cache show python python2.7 python3 | grep -E '^((Package|Version|Priority):|$)'17:58
nmatrix9tomreyn, open up a web browser, ping google.com17:58
tomreynso you seem to have issues with the resolver, since you showed previously that you could    ping -c3    fine17:58
tomreynthose are not error messages, though17:59
* tomreyn bbl17:59
nmatrix9tomreyn, that was when I was using Ubuntu install DVD in "Try but do not install Ubuntu"17:59
nmatrix9tomreyn, I was using the live cd, that's when I can access the internet.18:00
nmatrix9tomreyn, when I try to boot up my kvm Ubuntu 18.04 normally and login the desktop, no internet access.18:01
nmatrix9tomreyn, when I login via LXDE, it shows that my Ethernet connection is broken18:02
webchat56Is there anyone that might be able to help me with an external drive that will power on and be visible in Disks, but will not mount or provide no options to format?18:37
tomreynnmatrix9: so check which packages you had removed when you erroneously removed python3, and reinstall those that are needed ("priority" >= "important", see explanation above).18:53
tomreynnmatrix9: you will need to make those packages available to the guest system by other means, obviously. the network instrumention used on desktops is Network Manager, it provides the "nmcli" and "nmtui" utilities for configuration. other than that there is the "ip" command and systemd-resolved for name resolution.18:56
tomreynand sometimes a fresh installation can also be useful.18:56
=== kushal[m] is now known as kushal_kumaran
VIAi need some serious help with a GPU in ubuntu19:31
VIAall of a sudden most shit aint workin19:33
VIAwierd applets i never seen before pop up, and windows with option they usually had r blank or stripped19:33
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Did you just finish updating your system?19:34
VIAmight have not sure19:34
arraybolt3[m]VIA: What GPU are you using?19:35
arraybolt3[m]NVIDIA? AMD? Intel?19:35
VIAso what can i do19:36
VIAis there a way to purge ALL and then via onlnline or disc reinstall ?19:36
VIAAMD-GPU proprietary19:36
VIAbut that shouldnt matter19:36
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Open the application menu and search for "Software and Updates"19:36
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Then click the "Additional Drivers" tab and make sure that the driver you want it set.19:37
arraybolt3[m]VIA: If it's not, set the driver to the desired driver. Once you've made sure the right driver is selected, reboot.19:37
VIAno add drivers available.19:37
murmelVIA: is there a reason why you want the blob driver?19:38
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Hmm. Where did you get the AMD proprietary drivers from? (This might sound silly but I don't actually know where you'd find those to install them, are they just in the main Ubuntu repository?)19:38
VIAif wahat is not?19:38
VIAhow do i know what the apppropriate driver is19:38
VIAim not a developer19:38
arraybolt3[m]murmel: Probably to get the now greyed-out options they were using to start working again. My NVIDIA card absolutely must use the proprietary drivers so I can use NVENC.19:39
Jeremy31VIA: check in terminal>  mokutil --sb19:39
arraybolt3[m]VIA: The proprietary one should make sure things work generally, though with AMD the open-source driver can help. I'll look at the drivers available.19:39
VIAmurmel: is there a reason why you mom cant stop fondling my one single tessticle?19:39
murmelarraybolt3[m]: sure, but there are almost no reasons for the amd blob19:40
ubottuPlease avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:40
VIAyou get them from AMD19:40
murmelVIA: wow, so rather than wanting help you just insult people! nice! do it more often19:40
arraybolt3[m]!coc | murmel19:41
ubottumurmel: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv19:41
murmelI asked _why_ you want them. as the foss drivers are enough for most people19:41
arraybolt3[m]Guys, calm down. We're just trying to get a GPU working for crying out loud.19:41
murmelarraybolt3[m]: may I ask why you point that to me? oO19:41
VIAbut after a while a switxhed to an opensource which did better.19:41
VIA /ignore murmel19:41
VIAsec brbr19:42
VIAarraybolt3[m]: o the AMD's got the own repo19:42
VIAarraybolt3[m]: ÂGAIN im lost idk where to begin with, again19:43
arraybolt3[m]murmel: From the COC: "We don’t allow frustration to turn into a personal attack. A community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one."19:43
murmeloO I was attacked, and that's why you point me out. great19:44
arraybolt3[m]murmel: I'll continue in PMs so as to not clutter up the channel.19:44
murmeland I only told VIA that if he wants to get help, he shouldn't insult people19:44
VIAthis driveer that driver oh no that ... ITS ALL FINE as long as it work19:44
VIAid  be very fine with the proprietary /opensource.19:45
VIAHow do i tell me machine to get it ?19:45
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Try "apt-cache search fglrx"19:46
arraybolt3[m]Agh, that's the wrong command...19:47
arraybolt3[m]Hold on, I'm juggling here, sorry.19:47
arraybolt3[m]VIA: I'd probably start by just rebooting and see if that makes everything work. The AMD graphics drivers should be built into the system. You might also need to run AMD's fglrx installer again if you just had a kernel update happen.19:48
arraybolt3[m]Er, the AMDGPU installer (gosh the documentation is outdated, I should fix that).19:49
VIAapt-cache search fglrx gives some odd figgin output arraybolt3[m]19:51
VIAiv rebooted Xtimes19:51
VIANO it dont fix  shit19:52
jhutchinsVIA: Please keep it civil.19:52
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Sorry, then I'm not sure what to do. I don't have AMD graphics :(19:52
VIAita not aking it esier im running legay on an UEFI system19:52
Jeremy31VIA: in terminal check> dpkg -l amdgpu-pro19:52
VIAuefi succesfuly killed. :D19:53
VIAmy board barely even supports legacy anymore lol19:53
VIAu dont need to have AMD to be helpful i like ur input19:54
VIAthis is about GPU's19:54
VIAjhutchins: please come again? did u witness something disturbing ?19:54
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Yeah but I'm out of ideas :D (Each GPU is different - Intel GPUs use one solution, NVIDIA GPUs use a different solution, and apparently AMD GPUs use a third solution... I have experience with Intel and NVIDIA, but AMD is a mystery to me.)19:55
dimebagWhat's happening people?19:55
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Use of language that isn't considered "family friendly" is generally prohibited on this channel. A slip-up or two is usually overlooked, but this is starting to get... well, disturbing.19:56
VIA /unignore murmel19:56
arraybolt3[m]dimebag: AMD GPU woes - VIA's GPU broke out of nowhere and we're trying to figure out what's happening.19:56
VIAi have an urgent feeling we both took our senttences as jokes, beginning from me19:57
jhutchinsI don't see a clear statement of a problem that could be addressed.  "It doesn't work" isn't really something we can help with.19:57
jhutchinsVIA: Can you say directly what you want to try to do?19:58
dimebagcan anyone recommend a windows "non-admin", non prior installed, portable on the fly encryption usb drive method? Loading drivers seems to be the hang up everytime19:58
arraybolt3[m]jhutchins: It was functioning, an update probably happened, and now suddenly features of applications are no longer functioning, suggesting that the GPU has lost capabilities as a result of the update.19:58
jhutchinsdimebag: That would be a question for ##windows, wouldn't it?19:58
arraybolt3[m]dimebag: You might ask in #windows about that, us Linux/Ubuntu people don't know all that much about that sort of thing.19:59
dimebagyeah, but Linux operators are far more intelligent.19:59
jhutchinsarraybolt3[m]: Could we address them one feature at a time?19:59
jhutchinsdimebag: So you're going to take your Kia to the BMW dealer because they have better mechanics?19:59
arraybolt3[m]jhutchins: Well that's as much as I know, I was just summarizing what info I knew from before and was trying to condense it in case it would be helpful. If not, then...19:59
dimebagok, thanks anyway20:00
VIAplease give me examples of mine, that are not "family friendly" since its getting "DISTURBING", arraybolt3[m]20:00
jhutchinsdimebag: Borrowed from #debian: here is a nice guide on how to use LVM encrypted partitions20:01
jhutchins             at http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/469 .  See also <dm-crypt>, <ecryptfs>, <encfs>, <gpg>, <luks>.20:01
jhutchinsThe <> taged keywords can be accessed in #debian by /msg dpkg <factoid>20:02
VIAa clean reset. purge all GPU start anew ... a new ur the one who can do it arraybolt3[m]20:02
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Try booting into an older kernel maybe?20:02
VIAs/a new/ I know20:03
VIAidk how i would do that20:03
arraybolt3[m]VIA: Press and hold Shift during early boot, go to Advanced Options for Ubuntu, then select an older kernel (not a recovery-mode option).20:03
VIAim new to linux20:03
VIAaagahahahhhaha yeee e think i know whatu might mean20:04
VIAbrb <320:04
transhumanistso I am wondering how affective is reserving memory for the kernel. and can you also reserve memory for normal desktop function so this stuff is never swapped?20:05
jhutchinstranshumanist: Why?20:06
jhutchinstranshumanist: Are you having swapping problems?  How much RAM do you have?20:06
transhumanistbecause I am doing the unthinkable , (way overloading because my system doesnt have enough for my workload (till I can get something new) I could put asside 4G for the desktop and kernel20:07
jhutchinstranshumanist: What happens if you just let it swap?20:07
transhumanistit gets to the point to where it freezes the desktop20:08
transhumanistthere is kernel boot parameters for etc/fstab mem or some such thing20:09
arraybolt3[m]transhumanist: Do you just need to increase your swapfile size?20:09
transhumanistnot any more its about 3 times my memory and its compressed20:09
jhutchinsHow much physical ram do you have, and how much swap?20:09
transhumanistrunning btrfs and zfs (for swap)20:09
transhumanistif I can put asside for desktop and kernel, then  my config will work nicely20:10
jhutchinsLast I checked swap space didn't have a regular file system.20:11
transhumanistit can either be a file or on a seperate partition , in my case its a zpool20:11
transhumanistso there is no parameters for putting asside non swap memory for desktop function I take it like there is for the kernel?20:12
jhutchinsUnless you have really, really bad code it shouldn't steal protected RAM from system functions.  The underlying memory systems date back to systems that ran heavily swapped all the time.20:12
transhumanisthmm, maybe its just a limit of the stress test I am using then, didnt think of that20:13
jhutchinstranshumanist: You say "desktop function".  One of the first things I would do on a memory-restricted system would be get rid of the GUI.20:13
transhumanistya I did that on my other identical system20:14
transhumanistwell answer is probably no, but figured I would ask20:14
jhutchinstranshumanist: There are plenty of articles on the web regarding Linux memory management, but be prepared to dive pretty deeply into core theory.20:18
VIAno luck, or i didnt pay attention and proceeded to dothe worng thing20:19
VIAwhen the ubuntu boot procedure starts, im presented with half a dozen options or so20:20
jhutchinsVIA: You were going to try reverting to an earlier kernel.20:21
jhutchinsVIA: How difficult would it be to just wipe the system and do a clean install?20:21
VIAone (recovery kís in its name first tho) leads me to a menu, where i can select kernels, and each 2 of them. 1 safe 1 just as20:21
VIAi have never done it, so i cant asse how difficult it is20:22
jhutchins:03 < arraybolt3[m]> VIA: Press and hold Shift during early boot, go to Advanced Options for Ubuntu, then select an older kernel20:22
jhutchins                       (not a recovery-mode option).20:22
jhutchinsVIA: You did the original install, you know what you did after that.20:23
VIAmy booting process is slightly diffferent from anyoneelses since i killed UEFI ... but let me give thaat a try20:23
jhutchinsVIA: Lots of us don't use EFI.20:23
VIAto be honest: the end result (option) you dscribed seemed exactly like what  was ending up with20:24
VIAno i cant go through all that. this i my first workin linux distro/INSTALL so this isnt exactlxa  go20:25
jhutchinsWEll, if it's "not working" ...20:27
nmatrix9tomreyn, KVM can be a bit "obtuse" when it comes to networking, fresh installation will wipe out my home directory which has months of new data on it.20:34
oerheksif you have no backup of your important data, it is not important.20:35
jhutchinsWhat do you have to loose?20:47
jhutchinsnmatrix9: Storage is cheap.  How much data do you have to back up?20:49
oerheksjhutchins, nmatrix9:  Ubuntu KVM 18.04.  After accidentally removing the default python install, ...20:50
* rob0 hates it when that happens20:50
oerheksreally, such action removes the complete desktop :-D20:50
jhutchinspython removes the desktop?20:51
oerhekstry it?20:51
oerhekssudo apt remove python320:51
jhutchinsRe-install python.20:51
jhutchinsapt install python320:51
jhutchinsProbably not quite idempotent, but should be workable.20:51
oerheksgood luck, it does not work that way20:52
jhutchinsStill, who needs a GUI to back up data?20:52
jhutchinsWouldn't apt remove python3 take a LOT of dependencies with it?20:52
oerheksyes, complete desktop20:53
jhutchinsLikem maybe give you a clue?20:53
oerheksso, the story is not true.20:53
Jeremy31Likely have to reinstall the DE20:53
jhutchinsWho needs a desktop anyway! 80 charact3ers forever!20:53
oerheksbut install needs python, endless loop of discussion.20:53
oerhekssilly unregistered users, it is a plague20:54
jhutchinsWhen I see "KVM", it always registers as "Keyboard, Video, Mouse (switch)".20:55
tomreynnmatrix9: do a fresh install into a new vm, attach the other storage to it, mount it at /mnt/, backup, and you're done.20:58
tomreynhi manet20:58
VIAjhutchins: no i really dont. ima script kid with a portion of luck thats unearthly :}}}21:24
VIAim thinking now, backup important folders  / documents /scripts/ aynything i think matter... then just do the install and replace the falces back where hey belong21:25
VIAthats hwta i always did in MS eheeheeh21:26
VIAbut got a lawyers appointment soon i cant fiddle that diddle and risk not being able to write at all21:26
VIAthx averyon e whos been so kind and helpful. ill sure be back (like F as if there was a way around :P)21:27
VIAi want a blunt21:28
VIAsry wrong window21:28
nmatrix9tomreyn, I guess it's time to upgrade the KVM to 20.04 anyways. Will backup the home directory and install 20.04 and go from there.21:28
tomreynnmatrix9: if this was lubuntu, it was EOL anyways. and not ethat 22.04 LTS is out since april, so you may want to choose that instead.21:29
nmatrix9tomreyn, Ubuntu 18.04 was using Lubuntu desktop.21:30
tomreynnmatrix9: https://lubuntu.me/bionic-eol/21:30
arraybolt3[m]nmatrix9: I though it used GNOME?21:32
tomreynnmatrix9: And, if this was a generic statement then no, Ubuntu 18.04 was using gnome-shell + mutter as a desktop.21:33
nmatrix9tomreyn, I thought the EOL was 2023 including security updates?21:35
tomreynyes for ubuntu, no for lubuntu21:35
arraybolt3[m]nmatrix9: For Ubuntu, it is. For Lubuntu, EOL hit in 2021.21:35
arraybolt3[m]Ubuntu server and desktop get 5 years of support, flavors get 3.21:36
tomreyn+ 5 years commercial support for the most relevant parts of Ubuntu21:37
HashI moved ~/.mozilla to new ubuntu install and install firefox in 22 and start, my profile isn't there.21:59
TastyWiener95Run "firefox -P" in terminal and add your profile file path to the Profile Manager22:01
HashIt wants me to create a new profile22:02
HashSays something about old version and corruption or something22:02
HashIf I boot into my old install of 22, it's fine.22:02
HashI copied over ~/snap too22:02
HashAfter copying over ~/snap to new install home, now it says about old verson of profile22:02
TastyWiener95Oh idk then, I've never used the snap version22:04
HashI have no idea why it's int here22:04
HashI did apt remove firefox, it removed it, and snap firefox is still installed22:04
Hashit says, using an older verfion of firefox can corrupt me22:05
HashSo the snap version is old.22:05
HashHow do I remove it?22:05
HashI don't understand how firefox is old.. still 22 ubuntu. just reinstall to new partition and move my home over22:06
Bashing-om!info firefox jammy22:06
ubottufirefox (1:1snap1-0ubuntu2, jammy): Transitional package - firefox -> firefox snap. In component main, is optional. Built by firefox. Size 71 kB / 255 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64.)22:06
TastyWiener95snap has it's own commands to remove snap packages. I forget what the command is but if you run "man snap" in terminal youll find it22:06
arraybolt3[m]Hash: You might want to run "sudo snap refresh" real quick, that will get Firefox updated.22:07
Bashing-omHash: ^ ' sudo snap remove firefox ' .22:07
HashI'm just very irritable today I have no idea why!22:08
HashI wanted to start a brand new ~/ and I coudln't.22:08
Hashkde wallet wouldn't open, chrome browser won't work, because even thoughI copied all the wallet files and gnupg keys22:08
HashStill won't open. So I had to copy my entire 12 year old ~ to new home and then it worked in this instal22:09
HashThat's irritable as I wanted to start a new profile clean.22:09
HashThen I lost all my cookies, had to relogin everywehre.22:09
HashIt's a hassle.22:09
Hashnow i have to steup all my ubuntu stuff all over again.22:09
HashI installed new snap of it, -P, and selected the right profile. had to restore from zfs backup22:12
HashI'm not happy with this etup. I want a new home and only want to copy over ssh keys, gpunpg keys, wallet, some few dot files and that's it, start a new home, but have things work. I can't figure out why kdewallet won't open, even though I copied all the files.22:12
Hashand even though snap firefox is installed, I removed ~/snap and it's using .mozilla for profile information.22:14
HashSo some online docs said if you use ubuntu firefox snap, profile is stored in ~/snap but that doesnt' seem to be the case22:15
rickardmaybe its in /var/snap22:15
PraxisI upgraded from ubuntu server 20 to 22 and ever since then my vm has only stay online for about 20 minutes. It just seems to stop responding to the network. I have to reset the vm to get it to respond. I have logs but I can't understand them. Can anyone help?22:21
tomreynPraxis: can oyu share those logs then? on a pastebin-like site?22:22
tomreynPraxis: also, which virtualization is it, which network driver?22:22
tomreynare you using default ubuntu kernels?22:23
Praxistomreyn that's a long story, i've been trying to figure out kernel issues for a minute22:24
tomreyna yes or no to the latter question will be sufficient22:25
HashI also run #kernel if you need kernel help, we have some good people there.22:25
Praxistomreyn I SHOULD be running the default kernel, but I am getting that thing about "Linux version 5.4.0-100-generic" in the log I just posted22:26
HashYeah, so I did that upgrade from 18 to 20, same thing, kernel didnt' update.22:27
tomreynand this would be after the 22.04 upgrade then?22:27
HashI had to manually install 5.15 and remove the old kernel.22:27
tomreynPraxis: ^22:27
HashI'm not sure why22:27
Praxistomreyn yes22:27
HashSame thing happend with 20 to 22 upgrade on a server22:27
PraxisHash yeah I had to do the same, but this message keeps coming up anyway22:27
HashFor some reason, do relese upgrade keeps the same running kernel, even if you reboot, it's default selected I think22:27
tomreynPraxis: this is what you should be running https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/linux-image-virtual22:28
tomreynPraxis: apt list --installed linux-image*22:28
PraxisYeah that's what it says I'm running22:30
Praxisbut I do keep getting that log thing, I don't really know how to read logs22:31
tomreynPraxis: you share the output of this command, on a pastebin-like service?22:31
Praxistomreyn if you want22:31
Praxislinux-image-5.15.0-43-generic/jammy-updates,jammy-security,now 5.15.0-43.46 amd64 [installed,automatic]22:31
Praxislinux-image-generic/jammy-updates,jammy-security,now amd64 [installed,automatic]22:31
PraxisThat's easier22:32
tomreynand in /boot you have which vmlinu* files?22:32
tomreyndid you reboot after the upgrade completed? how did you upgrade actually?22:32
Praxistomreyn I upgraded through a guide specific to ubuntu server22:33
Praxisand yeah I've had to reboot hundreds of times22:34
tomreyndid this guide suggest to edit files in /etc/sources.list* to point to the new target release (jammy) then, or did it suggest to run "do-release-upgrade -d"?22:35
tomreyn<tomreyn> and in /boot you have which vmlinu* files?22:35
Praxisthe guide pretty much did sudo apt update, and then `do-release-upgrade -d`22:37
tomreynaccording to https://pastebin.com/qq23NzB5 (assuming this is from the current session) you are running an outdated kernel now, i'm trying to understand why.22:37
Praxistomreyn it's not the current session but they all say that22:37
tomreynmaybe you can just post the output of    cat /proc/version22:37
tomreynits just one line22:37
PraxisLinux version 5.15.0-43-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-076) (gcc (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1) 11.2.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.38) #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 12 10:30:17 UTC 202222:38
tomreynokay, so you are running the updated kernel image now, not the one seen on https://pastebin.com/qq23NzB522:38
PraxisSee it says i'm running the right kernel there, and 22.04 doesn't boot on 5.4 so...22:39
tomreynnow for the other log, could you report this without the lines cut off at character 80?22:39
PraxisI do keep seeing this `Mar 24 01:36:32 torrentland pulseaudio[14913]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply`22:40
tomreynis this a graphical desktop in a VM?22:40
Praxisit's a ubuntu server running headless22:41
Praxisor at least it should be22:41
tomreynthen you probably don't actually need pulseaudio.22:41
PraxisI ONLY ssh in22:41
Praxistomreyn yeah no kidding22:41
arraybolt3Praxis: I'm guessing it's a torrent seeder since it's called torrentland, what BitTorrent software are you running? Maybe it pulled in PulseAudio and maybe it's connected to your network problems?22:41
Praxisarraybolt3 qbittorrent, with wireguard for vpn22:42
arraybolt3I would immediately suspect your VPN software if you're having network issues.22:43
Praxisarraybolt3 I would too, so I shut them both down, and it didn't change anything22:43
Praxisarraybolt3 also it shouldn't effect anything within my internal network22:44
arraybolt3Hmm. Do all services go offline, or just SSH?22:45
Praxiswell virsh reports it as "running"22:45
arraybolt3If it's just SSH, we should probably dig in whatever log is relevant to learn why sshd is terminating. If it's everything, it's probably a deeper problem.22:45
Praxisbut ssh stops responding.22:45
arraybolt3Praxis: Maybe you can try to download one of the torrents you're seeding when SSH dies and see if you're getting any traffic coming from your server?22:46
arraybolt3(Hmm, with a VPN that might make things tricky though...)22:46
Praxisarraybolt3 already thought of that, i run qbittorrent-nox, so it's all through local web browser, when it stops responding in ssh, it stops responding in the browser too22:47
arraybolt3That sounds like more than just SSH. Are you using a cloud hosting provider or is this a machine you have physical access to?22:48
arraybolt3My idea is, try making a new Ubuntu Server 22.04 VM and see if it also has its network flop over like this - if so, it might be a problem with your VM host, which would be easy to fix if it's on your end, or potentially require customer support if your22:49
arraybolt3you're using a cloud service.22:49
* arraybolt3 hit Enter too early22:49
Praxisarraybolt3 physical access22:49
arraybolt3Praxis: Possibly silly question, but did you upgrade the host or guest?22:49
Praxisarraybolt3 both22:50
arraybolt3OK. If the whole network of the VM is dying, maybe the logs related to libvirt from the host will be more useful, since a total flop of the network sounds to me more likely to be a host problem than a guest problem.22:50
Praxisarraybolt3 interesting22:51
Praxiswhat would I want to look for in the host?22:51
tomreyncould just be network congestion also22:51
arraybolt3Praxis: What all is in /var/log/libvirt (pastebin please, redact sensitive data)?22:52
Praxistomreyn seems unlikely my system is kinda beefy22:53
Praxisarraybolt3 you want the output from a file from within /var/log/libvirt?22:54
arraybolt3Praxis: I don't know what all files are in there, so I'm hoping for the output of "ls /var/log/libvirt", you can pastebin it in the command line with "ls /var/log/libvirt | nc termbin.com 9999".22:55
Praxisthe files are "lxc  qemu  uml"22:55
arraybolt3Is your VM running on LXC or QEMU?22:55
arraybolt3(Don't share a log yet.)22:56
arraybolt3OK, do "cp /var/log/libvirt/qemu /home/user/qemulog.txt", replacing the destination as appropriate, then look through the file and redact any passwords or other sensitive data. Then share that file via a pastebin.22:56
konradosHi! I just accidentally run 'joournalctl' and I noticed this message every one second: device (wlXYZ): supplicant interface state: scanning -> disconnected, followed by ..... -> scanning. Well, I'm on ethernet, I indeed have a wifi card, but I use it very very rarely. I think I should stop this scanning somehow, am I right? Or the log file will blow up my computer :)22:58
konrados It's just that I would prefer doing this without physically disconnecting the wifi card. Is this posssible? BTW, the wifi works fine.22:58
konradosI mean, when I google it, the only posts are about "hey, my wifi doesn't work", it's the opposite here - the wifi works, I just don't want these logs :)23:01
Bashing-omarraybolt3: /2023:04
Bashing-omOOOPPss arraybolt3 :(23:05
Praxisarraybolt3 I'm having some trouble figuring out how to open those files, but I'm working on it23:05
Praxisarraybolt3 okay I got it open what do you need to see in it23:09
tomreynkonrados: is this Ubuntu with a graphical user interface, so gnome-shell?23:11
tomreynPraxis: i think the idea was for you to remove sensitive data off it (if you think you need to), then post it online.23:12
konradostomreyn, GUI, yes, but it's Kubuntu (so it's KDE). But why?23:13
tomreynPraxis: you can edit text files using a text editor such as nano (or, for the more advanced, using vim or emacs)23:13
Praxistomreyn I know, thanks23:13
tomreynkonrados: if this is a laptop, it probably has some keyboard shortcut for disabling the wireless.23:14
tomreynkonrados: something along the line of combining the "Fn" key with one of the F1-12 keys23:15
tomreynkonrados: alternatively, you can just select "Turn off" on the network manager GUI for the wireless interface.23:16
PraxisI just realized those logs were from april, maybe this will be more helpful23:16
konradostomreyn, yeap, I did that (deactivating on the GUI) and it worked, ah,, didn't think about such simple solution :) :) Thank you!!!23:19
tomreynyou're welcome :)23:20
Praxistomreyn arraybolt3 did you see the pastebin23:22
tomreynPraxis: i saw the partial kernel log you posted. what is this for?23:24
Praxistomreyn I thought it might have some more up to date info because i realized the other one was from april23:24
Praxistomreyn no luck?23:24
tomreynPraxis: yes, this is a current partial log, so this succeeded.23:25
PraxisI mean is there anything in there that's helpful?23:26
tomreynthis partial kernel boot log does not have any information on why your VM stopped resopnding to network requests a some point, now.23:27
Praxistomreyn alright I'm still trying to figure out which log in var is the right one23:28
tomreynPraxis: you should correlate the time when it happened to the lines in the system log. your logs are viewable using the journalctl command.23:29
Praxistomreyn alright I'm going to have to wait for it to time out again23:29
tomreynwhy so? can't you tell when it happened last?23:29
PraxisI don't remember the exact time it happened last23:30
Praxisor wait23:30
Praxismaybe i can23:30
Praxishow would I see when a specific command was entered in terminal?23:31
oerheksbash history, unless it was a sudo command23:32
Bashing-omPraxis: If you are going to wait for an event - might be productive to run ' journalctl -f ' in a dedicated terminal interface to watch what the kernel is doing.23:34
PraxisBashing-om thanks23:34
Praxis1999  virsh reset torrentland what does `1999` mean?23:34
tomreynPraxis: you joined this irc channel at 22:17 UTC23:36
Praxisit just happened23:36
Praxiswhat should I do?23:36
arraybolt3[m]Praxis: Can you try to ping the server?23:37
tomreynsee what was looged in journalctl at the time23:37
Praxisarraybolt3[m] 7 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss23:40
arraybolt3Yep, the whole server is inaccessible. Hopefully journalctl will have the critical hint. Unless the VM has panicked or something, this sounds like the bridge or somesuch has gone down.23:41
Praxishow do i call up journal and have it show me the most recent info?23:41
tomreynjournalctl -e23:42
tomreynthis can be the systemd-coredump issue which was recently reported, i don't remeber the bug id though23:49
oerheksPraxis, is this plex?23:50
Praxisoerheks that's one of the various things I am running23:51
=== esv_ is now known as esv
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: BitTorrent is also involved in case that helps, as well as a VPN.23:51
Praxisoerheks arraybolt3[m] that's on a VM, this is the host23:51
tomreyncan you make sure the system is up to date?    sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -V23:52
Praxistomreyn yeah i run it daily23:53
tomreynexactly these commands23:54
Praxistomreyn sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y23:54
tomreynwhich looks different23:55
tomreynso if you run what i suggested, what happens?23:55
PraxisI just ran both, same output23:55
av2156Hi, is there any permanent way to delete a network interface?23:56
tomreynPraxis: the last line of output is?23:57
Praxistomreyn 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:57
Praxissame on both23:57
Praxistomreyn Aug 07 16:57:17 xenon.xanderland.tv autossh[2752]: ssh exited with error status 255; restarting ssh23:58

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