[00:57] Does anyone here think I should ping Thomas about the ACL for #lubuntu-members? I still can't get in. [00:59] He'll see your last message I bet when he has time... I'd be patient if you can and wait. The room is generally quite nules there is a need for it, if that need arises you'll find you're added pretty quick (probably anyway) [00:59] (I might not be worth a whole lot tonight as far as development work, I had a pretty stressful day so I'm still in "recovery" mode ATM.) [00:59] guiverc: Thanks, that makes sense to me. [00:59] s/nules/unless ^ [00:59] arraybolt3[m]: I sent a message, it is in his list. Give it a day or so. [01:01] s/quite/quiet ^ too, i make too many typos ☹️ [20:53] [telegram] been busy annd I now see gittea is up what is it that I need to actually do to move over been busy for the past week === Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion [21:06] [telegram] I need to create an account for you. I also need to setup pushing to Github for mirroring as well. === Kuraokam1 is now known as Kuraokami