
Guest21Does lubuntu use a wayland compositor or am I stuck on X11?00:38
guivercLubuntu uses LXQt which is Xorg; we don't support LWQt which is currently still only in testing00:39
Guest21Strange, I read on wikipedia there was a move from openbox to mir for lubuntu 20.10+. Just wanted to see a confirmation for that.00:40
guivercI'd suggest looking at the source being LXQt dicussions on github as for LWQt support (there is none; it's testing only) or the source rather than wikipedia & people's views on the source material00:42
guivercWayland support thread is https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues/10  (but it's only one possibly interesting link)00:43
ubottuIssue 10 in lxqt/lxqt "Wayland support" [Open]00:43
=== nelson is now known as m0torol4
OpenWithHello, everyone.09:26
OpenWith1) Is it possible to assign a shortcut (e.g. Ctrl+Enter) for opening a certain filetype with a secondary program? I.e. so that — if the default editor for .txt files is featherpad, and pressing Enter on a highlighted .txt file would open it in featherpad — then pressing Ctrl+Enter would open the file in Kate instead.09:26
OpenWith2) And as a sub-question to the above (if there aren't better solutions), is it possible to create a custom Cinnamon shortcut for opening files with a specific program? Something like "featherpad %X" in which the "%X" part would be a variable for the file that is currently selected in the opened window. I managed to do this through custom scripts,09:26
OpenWithbut I want to replicate it in shortcuts, to be able to assign a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Enter) to it.09:26
=== Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion
=== Kuraokam1 is now known as Kuraokami
=== madhens_ is now known as madhens

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