
Guest99Is the software center optional in ubuntu-mate 22.04?13:41
coconutGuest99, gnome-software you mean?13:51
coconut!info gnome-software13:51
Guest99I meant to say the boutique.13:51
coconut!info software-boutique13:56
coconut<ubottu> Package software-boutique does not exist in jammy13:57
coconutso no i guesss13:58
sduboisHello. Does anyone know where I can find the default MATE themes? Such as the one found in this screenshot https://mate-desktop.org/assets/img/blog/about-mate-1.26.png18:54
sixwheeledbeastsoftware-boutique is a snap20:24
sixwheeledbeastthemes have been replaced for Yaru ones for better support I believe. There is a ppa for the old ones somewhere20:27
sduboisthanks, i'll look for that. do you know what support issues there are with the old themes? are there ubuntu specific issues with them?20:41
sixwheeledbeastI remember there was something about better compatibility going forward, it's been a while... 21:14
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