=== calwig_ is now known as calwig [06:18] Hi [06:22] Vroj [06:22] VROJ [06:26] I am new in kubuntu system so i try to download chrome and jdk from youtup and google, i do all the steps but not any one of them work. [06:27] 1X4W [06:28] 1 X 4 W [06:28] . (re @altyb: I am new in kubuntu system so i try to download chrome and jdk from youtup and google, i do all the steps but not any one of them work.) [06:29] wie kann ich Kubuntu aktualisieren, bzw. upgraden [06:33] ZYOQ [06:34] Z Y O Q [06:34] 0 O S @ [06:35] I upgrade it (re @IrcsomeBot: wie kann ich Kubuntu aktualisieren, bzw. upgraden) [06:39] 6 D V E === mohamed is now known as mohamed__ [09:25] hi [09:36] Hi [12:33] Hi all === JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays [14:42] hi [14:43] i drew on my screen and i dont know how to undo it [14:43] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/7026bc3f/Screenshot_20220809_164325.png [14:48] Forwarded from Omar: with meta+shift+move touchpad [15:24] @Omar: Check your settings. [15:24] @Omar: There should be a setting that lets you draw on the screen, that wi [15:25] will possibly give you the info you need to get it to go away. [15:29] Then (re @IrcsomeBot: @Omar: Check your settings.) [15:32] ha, I've found it [15:32] meta+shift+f11 [15:33] 👍️ === misterpowell is now known as misterpowell_ === misterpowell_ is now known as misterpowell__ === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [18:58] hey, anyone good with getting programs to run with wine that dont want to? :) [19:06] I'm a newbie so excuse the question, I'm looking to setup a single app web based kiosk that needs to be connected to a On Prem domain.  Is this distro up to that task [19:08] user|1: I think Ubuntu Core might be more what you're looking for. [19:08] user|1: https://mir-server.io/docs/make-a-secure-ubuntu-web-kiosk [19:09] thank you [19:09] 👍️ Happy to help! [20:17] . [20:33] arraybolt3 (re @altyb: I am new in kubuntu system so i try to download chrome and jdk from youtup and google, i do all the steps but not any one of them work.) [20:33] Can you help my friend here? [20:34] @Omar: Just download Google Chrome from Google directly, downloading the .deb package. You can then install it by double-clicking on it. [20:35] As for a JDK, which package to install depends on which version of Java you're looking for, but "sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk" should do the trick if you're looking for Java 11. There's also Java 8, 17, and 18 available in the repositories. [20:35] He have a problem with downloading riseup vpn too [20:37] https://riseup.net/en/vpn/linux for info on RiseUp, "sudo snap install --classic riseup-vpn" should work to install that. [20:37] Also, by "jdk" you do mean Java Development Kit, right? Or does that mean something else? [20:39] Yeah yeah (re @IrcsomeBot: Also, by "jdk" you do mean Java Development Kit, right? Or does that mean something else?) [20:40] Nice. Then that should do it! [20:41] In case it's helpful, here's the link he should download Chrome from: https://www.google.com/chrome/ [20:47] Will the chromium-browser package do? That one's in the repositories and can be installed via the package manager. [20:51] Elliria: You can if you want to, but do be advised that it is a Snap, and also Google recently crippled some of Chromium's features (like Sync) so that now they're only available in Google Chrome proper. [20:52] Oh, good heavens. What on earth are they thinking by doing that? [20:52] It's bad enough that Firefox is a snap and comes with Kubuntu by default. [20:52] Elliria: Good question. Supposedly it had something to do with someone making a browser extension for Edge or something that allowed Sync to be used there, and Google didn't like that so much. [20:53] But can't they do that with Chrome proper just as easily? It's odd that they just disabled it in the snap. [20:54] Elliria: Oh it's not just in the snap. Chromium no longer can use Sync, period. Doesn't matter what package manager you use, or even if you build it from source (unless you want to go to the trouble of getting an API key from Google using a convoluted method). [20:54] Chrome is now the only Sync-enabled browser AFAIK. [20:55] I really don't understand why they thought it was necessary either, but it is what it is sadly. [20:55] Ah, it's the new security measures. I had a heck of a time jumping through those hoops when I tried to set up Claws Mail to use Gmail. [20:55] (And since I use a Chromebook and really wanted Sync and all that cool stuff, I just caved and use Google Chrome itself on my system.) [20:56] Yeah, a few bad eggs spoil it for the rest of us. [20:56] I don't sync, so I wouldn't even have noticed, but it's not a good omen for the future. First they take away this, then something else. [21:12] . === tomakoz_ is now known as tomakoz__ [22:30] NCXO [22:31] Thank you very much [22:31] It's work (re @IrcsomeBot: In case it's helpful, here's the link he should download Chrome from: https://www.google.com/chrome/) [23:26] 👍️ Very glad to help!