
=== amurray_ is now known as amurray
umanHello. I have a patch that fixes a minor bug in the software-properties-gtk package. How can I contribute it?01:28
arraybolt3[m]uman: Is it intended for the development release or for an existing, stable release?01:29
umanI suppose the development release.01:30
arraybolt3[m]uman: Either way, the first thing to do (if you've not done so already) is to get a debdiff of the patch.01:30
arraybolt3[m]uman: Make sure to build a deb with the patch yourself and test it on the latest development release to ensure it works (if you've not already done that).01:30
arraybolt3[m]uman: Then you'd probably need to ask for a sponsor, which I believe there's a mailing list for, though I'm willing to bet you can find someone to sponsor your patch into the archives right here.01:31
umanOK, thanks for the info.01:32
arraybolt3[m]uman: If there's any changes that need made first, they'll tell you, and once everything looks good they'll upload it and it will become part of Ubuntu.01:32
arraybolt3[m]Happy to help out! In case you need it, I'll put a link where you can download the latest development release.01:32
arraybolt3[m]uman: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:32
arraybolt3[m]Thank you for your help in assisting us with the Ubuntu project!01:33
umanI am already running latest Kinetic01:33
umanok, I will make a debdiff tomorrow and submit it01:34
arraybolt3[m]uman: Also, for more info about getting a patch sponsored: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess01:36
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Unit193mapreri: Oh wow, core dev!  Congrats!04:31
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luis220413Feature Freeze is approaching and I would like to get bug 1979893 fixed before Feature Freeze (because Varnish 7.x is a major release with many new features).08:06
ubottuBug 1979893 in varnish-modules (Debian) "Varnish modules fail to build or to install" [Unknown, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197989308:06
luis220413The linked Debian bugs have not been responded to since June 26. I believe the libvmod-re2 source package should be removed from the Ubuntu archive and varnish-modules should not be built on armhf, or the test failures addressed or ignored.08:13
luis220413... on that architecture08:13
luis220413See the bug for the rationale08:16
luis220413s/7.x/7.1.0/ ... new features compared with 6.6.1-108:18
luis220413I am back. Moving this to #ubuntu-release.11:39
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luis220413I will be back in 1 hour but remain online.13:36
luis220413I am back.13:59
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luis220413When should I discuss my SRU for openconnect (bug 1969734)? This is a fatal bug for users of a significant portion of GlobalProtect VPNs (simply it does not connect) but it does not have enough priority to go into 22.04.1 (to be released on August 11).19:53
ubottuBug 1969734 in openconnect (Ubuntu Jammy) "[Jammy] NetworkManager-openconnect 1.2.6 not compatible with openconnect 8.20" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196973419:53
luis220413I can discuss anywhere from 04:30 to 21:00 UTC.19:53
luis220413On any date before September 1719:54
luis220413For an SRU vanguard to get it into jammy-proposed.19:58
luis220413I will return in 15 minutes but remain online.19:59
luis220413I am back.20:07
jbichaluis220413: could you wait at least a few days before reminding us about your SRU again? Not trying to be rude, but we've heard your request20:22
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luis220413jbicha: Yes. I will remind you on August 17 to take the next step (move to jammy-proposed or to jammy-updates).20:58
luis220413If they are not both done, of course20:59
Eickmeyer[m]!guidelines | luis220413 Please see this, particularly the part about "Time to ask", "Don't repeat your question every few minutes" (don't take minutes literally that can be hours), and "Don't be annoying".21:41
ubottuluis220413 Please see this, particularly the part about "Time to ask", "Don't repeat your question every few minutes" (don't take minutes literally that can be hours), and "Don't be annoying".: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:41
luis220413Eickmeyer[m]: OK21:51
Unit193mapreri: OK, popped them into -backports, waiting on approval.22:06
mwhudsonDepends: libc6 (>> 2.36), libc6 (<< 2.36)23:26
Unit193Haha. :D23:29

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