[05:30] Having trouble typing in other languages although made changs in the settings .. does anyone have any idea how to fix this? === keypushe- is now known as keypusher === gpol256 is now known as gpol25 === tomg_ is now known as tomg === gpol254 is now known as gpol25 [21:57] I just installed xubuntu 20.04.3 but find no way to install additional applications. The is nothing that shows for software other than relating to updating. I have done all updates. Please help. George Rodier [22:01] Is anyone interested in the cry of a new user? [22:01] I'd love to help, but I don't know the software center at all. I know apt and synaptic. :/ [22:01] Well, thanks Unit193 for caring. [22:01] If you'd like, you could perhaps try /join #ubuntu and see if someone knows about the software center in there? [22:04] Well, I am leaving now and will try one more complete re-install and if that does not work then, for me, It's goodbye xubuntu.