
holmanbcjp256: Ouch. The noexec hardening issue is one of the reasons I say that (among others). We need to make time to pay off that tech debt I guess.02:01
holmanbA related concern is that dhclient doesn't have upstream support anymore, and given cloud-init's support matrix of operating systems, init systems and networking daemons, there is no obvious path forward.02:02
=== falcojr7 is now known as falcojr
minimalholmanb: what about additionally supporting dhcpcd? It is packaged for at least Alpine, Debian, Fedora, and FreeBSD (didn't check further distros but assume also Ubuntu, CentOS, etc14:07
minimalit has IPv6 support, has hook support14:08
minimalI thought about adding dhcpcd and udhcpc (from Busybox) support in the past, but I guess udhcpc is more niche14:09
holmanbminimal: I don't think I've considered dhcpcd yet, sounds like it may work15:05
courcheaHi all, I'm working on an Ubuntu 22.04 Server autoinstall. So far it works great, but the next step is RAID 1... According to the docs this is not supported as part of cloud-init as such. Anyone knows of a way to do it, either with scripting inside the user-data or post install ?15:18
holmanbcourchea: Hey there :) autoinstall is a subiquity thing (which happens to use cloud-init, but their configs aren't a 1:1 match)15:26
courcheaOh had not realized that. Thanks.15:29
holmanbcourchea: no worries.15:29
SDes91Hi all, I am looking for some docs in cloud-init that can let me partition a disk for `/home` and `/boot` mounts. Something similar to curtin storage config. Would that be possible to achieve in `cloud-init`?15:29
holmanbcourchea: assuming you're talking about software raid, you'll want to look at this I assume https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference15:29
holmanbwhich mentions lvm (not sure about the other raid options)15:29
courcheayeah thanks for the pointer that will get me going for a few hours lol15:30
SDes91Can I completely shift my cloud-init user-data config under the Ubuntu autoinstall's `user-data` key and would it work? Are there certain subschemas that autoinstall won't consider?15:36
minimalholmanb: dhcpcd has a very extensive set of DHCP functionality, probably more than any other alternative including dhclient15:55

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