[00:06] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=457736 I filed this, maybe it's kubuntu specific [00:06] KDE bug 457736 in dolphin "Devices Panel Empty When gParted open in background!" [Normal, Resolved: Duplicate] [01:34] my kubuntu distibution does not support inbuilt wifi card on my hp 348 G4 laptop [01:37] user|77: Do you know what wifi card is in your laptop? [01:37] user|77: It's probably either Ralink, Realtek, or Broadcom if it's not auto-recognized. [01:37] sorry i dont know, how to know this [01:38] we can look on the manufacturer website maybe [01:38] user|77: Run "lspci" in a terminal and look for an entry from one of those three vendors that looks like a wifi card (something like 802.11 will be in it). [01:39] ok [01:45] please suggest something [01:46] show us that pci line, specially the 8 digit hex number? [01:47] HP is know for good hardware, all you need is to insert wired networkng and update [01:54] ? [01:54] ok i will send  the pic ,pic not uploading [01:54] akshay [01:54] no pic please, just copy that one liner [01:55] 1:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev ff) [01:55] good [01:56] u r from? [01:56] user|7740: Is there another one with Realtek in it other than Ethernet? [01:56] From that lspci command you ran. [01:56] wait [01:57] 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7265 (rev ff) [01:59] Intel wireless?! OK, that's news to me, that should just work. [02:00] how [02:00] Eh, nevermind, looks like I was wrong. I'm searching for the driver you need. [02:01] OK, here's the driver: iwlwifi-7265-ucode- [02:01] Bah, hold on... [02:01] https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/_media/en/users/drivers/iwlwifi-7265-ucode- [02:01] There we go. [02:02] Unpack the file, then move the .gcode file inside to /lib/firmware. [02:02] Er, it's a .ucode file, sorry. [02:03] If that doesn't work there's a fix. [06:05] What does amsg do? [06:06] Not sure, are you talking about dmesg? [06:08] Hello [06:08] i think it is an IRC command /amsg broadcast a message. [06:08] to all channels which you are trolling :-P [06:09] /amsg What does amsg do? [06:10] Try amsg [06:11] DCC STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0 [06:42] hi [06:44] i get these same updates daily : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/b5417382/file_58752.jpg [06:46] updates from the oiblaf ppa... use a ppa at your own risk, contact the maintainer? [06:47] and remove https://launchpad.net/~linuxuprising/+archive/ubuntu/ppa as it has no jammy candidates [07:02] gay sex?!?!? [07:02] gay [07:02] sex!!! [07:02] gay sex [07:02] hot fat kinky gay sex uwu [07:03] !ops [07:03] Help! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) acheronuk, ahoneybun, claydoh, ikonia, jussi, Mamarok, mneptok, Nalioth, ovidiu-florin, Pici, Riddell, ryanakca, shadeslayer, Tm_T, tsimpson, valorie, Unit193, yofel. [07:10] I did not understand (re @IrcsomeBot: updates from the oiblaf ppa... use a ppa at your own risk, contact the maintainer?) [07:10] !ppa [07:10] A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [07:10] unsupported here, so ask the maintainer? [07:11] What risk (re @IrcsomeBot: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge) [07:11] you encountered issues while updating, that is 1 [07:12] Wich one (re @IrcsomeBot: you encountered issues while updating, that is 1) [07:12] also some packages sometimes do not mix with original packages [07:12] which one? all of them [07:12] U mean in the pic i send? (re @IrcsomeBot: which one? all of them) [07:12] good luck! [07:13] Thank you (re @IrcsomeBot: good luck!) === floown_ is now known as floown [12:20] Hi all === Hash is now known as stoned [15:54] hi [17:14] NEGU [17:15] 196H [17:16] Hi, is the release data of the Kubuntu 22.04.1 already known? Thanks [17:16] Hi, is the release date of the Kubuntu 22.04.1 already known? Thanks [17:18] it is already out https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2022-August/000282.html [17:18] !isitoutyet [17:18] Yeeep! Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is OUT! Celebrate in #ubuntu-release-party 🎉 [17:22] I see, thanks, I'm opening the beer then :) (re @IrcsomeBot: it is already out https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2022-August/000282.html) === JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays === stoned is now known as Hash === marcel is now known as maese [20:23] How can it be that iam in a crypto group in telegram antivirus shiws nothing [20:23] Shows [20:25] Oski146 how is that related to kubuntu support? [21:34] from what I read, the crypto in telegram is shit. [21:34] they did something home-grown instead of using a proper algorithm [21:35] crypto group , not crypto in telegram itself... [21:36] i dislike telegramm users, the latency of an hour is hilarious [21:39] hi [23:15] oerheks: what do you mean about the latency of an hour in telegram? low activity in some specific group, or ... ? [23:29] How can i remove to be added in crypto groups [23:32] Since i joined here, i get all day a crypto or cash group, in telegram. Think someone here is a bot that adds people to groups [23:32] Oski146 why did you choose #kubuntu channel to ask these questions? [23:33] Dont know if its from here, iam using telegram to chat in kubuntu channel [23:33] Just sometimes the irc when iam on the notebook [23:34] Can someone look, if some users here are botting people into these groups if possible? Dont want to leave the kubuntu channel, because of the good support here [23:37] I didn't even know there are bridges between IRC in Telegram :) Anyway: 1) I doubt anyone can "check" it technically. 2) Check your telegram privacy settings - there is a specific setting to limit users who can add you to groups. [23:49] lexandrop, see? they walk away or see it after an hour [23:53] oerheks: well... when I saw your initial message about telegram at first, I thought you are talking about telegram in general. here looks like we have some specific channel with some bridge IRC-telegram, so... everything is possible :) [23:54] " i get all day a crypto or cash group, in telegram" is not an kubuntu issue [23:54] this bridge does not allow spam.. [23:54] and, I guess, many of telegram users (me included) turn off notifications for public channels, so "just typing my nickname" won't trigger any alert for me as a telegram user - something like @nickname required, and I'm not sure if it works correctly with bridge [23:54] so, he must have joined those channels himself i guess [23:55] no, what he says is very possible. there are different types of spam in telegram: sometimes someone spams directly into the channels, sometimes they try to PM you, sometimes they try to add you to other channels [23:55] oerheks: Oski146 is not a spammer (I know from experience), in fact he's asking for help with a possible spam problem in the Kubuntu channel. Telegram moderators of the channel are here (I think Eickmeyer is one), so it may be important information to them. [23:56] arraybolt3[m]: +1 [23:56] if there was spam we should read it too, no? [23:56] oerheks: Not if it's only on the Telegram side. [23:56] oerheks: I agree, Oski146 is not spamming, in fact he's very nice. [23:56] oerheks: as Oski146 said, someone adds him to some shady channels, and he suspect this "someone" can be in [this] telegram group [23:56] Eickmeyer[m], do you see those messages appear? if not, it is on his account [23:57] it's not about spam messages directly here, in this channel [23:58] Yeah, that's Telegram, not here. [23:58] oh oke, move on [23:59] @Oski146 So, to answer your question, there's nothing we can do about Telegram spambots. All you can do is report them, block them, and move on. But that has nothing to do with this Kubuntu Support channel. [23:59] oerheks: I don't think you're understanding. This channel provides a bridge between IRC and Telegram called IrcsomeBot. If users on Telegram in this channel are spamming other users on Telegram in this channel, that's a spam issue in this channel that is on a different chat medium than IRC. Just because you use IRC doesn't mean everyone does.