
=== polymorp- is now known as polymorphic
=== scoobydoob is now known as scoobydoo
=== polymorp- is now known as polymorphic
=== scoobydoob is now known as scoobydoo
emiiiopenstack neutron 20.2 is available in upstream. When it will be available for ubuntu ? because it fixes critical / blocker bug fixes related to OVN.10:09
=== falcojr7 is now known as falcojr
fricklercoreycb: jamespage: ^^ seems to be on track to becoming an FAQ ;)11:08
=== Hash is now known as stoned
=== SuperL4g is now known as SuperLag
geniiIs there some changelog about what was altered between 5.15.0-43-generic and 5.15.0-46-generic? My system is choking on something in 46 initrd and  but not 4318:56
=== stoned is now known as Hash
sarnoldgenii: /usr/share/doc/linux-modules-5.15.0-46-generic/changelog.Debian.gz  probably has summaries18:59
geniisarnold: Thanks!18:59
* genii zcats19:00
geniiLooks like it's probably the CPU timers thing, just before it hard-halts there's messages about NMI and cpu clocks19:06
lotuspsychjethink i saw more users reporting choking before, but its a while ago, would need a dig into the logs to trace a bug ID19:07
geniiSince it doesn't get past the initrd nothing to look at in syslog/dmesg19:07
sarnoldgenii: try adding dis_ucode_ldr to the kernel command line at grub19:11
sarnoldgenii: that should ask the initrd to skip loading microcode19:11
sarnoldrecovery kernel option should probably work, too19:11
icey[m]any chance on getting python-cheroot accepted into jammy-proposed?19:13
geniisarnold: For the moment I modified grub to load saved default and have it coming up to the 43 kernel, may tinker with this option later to try loading the 46 kernel, but there's some services like my quasselcore and some of the bots that will be be out of commission then while I mess around19:14
icey[m]sorry, wrong channel :-P 19:17
=== thegodsquirrel is now known as thegodstool
geniiIs there a local log of canonical-livepath history?19:20
sarnoldI *think* the module load events are logged to dmesg when they happen19:22
sarnoldtry dmesg | grep -i module19:22
geniiI'm finding references to it running in the main syslog19:23
=== lucaskanashiro[m is now known as kanashiro[m]
=== thegodstool is now known as Cl0udCouch
=== Cl0udCouch is now known as thegodtable
=== thegodtable is now known as thegodstool

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