
skraitoor any server that you know supported it for ubuntu00:00
sarnoldhmm, good question. I think 18.04 still has 32bit x86 support, I'm not positive00:00
skraitoat least i can turn this 1 gig eeepc to server00:00
skraitoand host is it from dynamic dns00:00
skraito18.04 how long does it end for the patch and everything00:01
skraitoand what's the name of 18.04 sarnold00:01
skraitoi know ubuntu have some name for it so i am not sure which one is whichone for 18.0400:01
skraitoin download directory i mean00:02
sarnoldoh no!00:02
skraitonvm let me just go and open the direct ubuntu download00:02
skraitobionic ?00:02
sarnoldhaha, I got it wrong. xenial is 16.04. (now in ESM support, no longer free support) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:02
tomreynand 18.04 is called "bionic".00:03
skraitowell at least i got one more yeah00:03
skraitoi plant it now than00:04
skraitooh wait what about the server00:04
skraitois there any bionic server ?00:04
skraitoor i am just being totally idiot00:04
skraitoasking the desktop version00:05
skraitoall i need is the server version00:05
tomreynthere's a 'desktop' and a 'server' variant for every ubuntu release.00:05
HashDan39: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=457736 I put in a report00:05
ubottuKDE bug 457736 in dolphin "Devices Panel Empty When gParted open in background!" [Normal, Resolved: Duplicate]00:06
HashIs this a KDE thing or a Kubuntu thing?00:06
skraitois all 64 bit00:07
skraitoyeah this the problem with 32 bit00:07
skraitowho has it anyway nowdays00:07
skraitoi just hit freebsd than :(00:08
skraitothank you again sarnold00:08
skraitoi just shut up now00:08
tomreynI think Debian and some other Linux distros still support 32-bit, or try to.00:08
skraitoyou trust debian tomreyn ?00:08
skraitoi would rather go with canonical rather than debian00:09
skraitosorry no offense though00:09
tomreyni have no reason not to. but this would be more of a topic for #debian00:09
sarnoldyeah, debian is the base of ubuntu; we all pretty much trust debian :)00:09
tomreyn(or #linux if you want to compare different distributions)00:09
skraitoyeah i know debian is the root00:10
skraitobut no one support it other than community may be at least what i know last time00:10
skraitoat least enterprise won't just use it00:10
skraitoso it might be usless to code anything there00:11
skraitoi know i know is .deb00:11
skraitobut yeah different distro might just confusing you00:11
skraitoi saw there is couple of ubuntu market to for my next job00:11
skraitoso might as well learned it00:11
skraitobrb checking00:12
skraitotime to research again00:12
skraitohave a good day all00:12
sarnoldsee ya skraito :)00:13
skraitooh yeah wait sarnold00:14
skraitodid ubuntu provide any sysadmin book00:14
skraitoor any book for free download00:14
skraitojust like other competitor00:15
skraitorather than googling i would rather read organize document like book00:15
sarnoldskraito: there's some stuff on https://help.ubuntu.com/ -- I don't know if I'd call it a book, exactly, but it covers a lot of topics00:15
skraitookay thank you00:17
skraitoanyone expert here at firewalld00:20
skraitohow to log all packet in and out and even forward it to others destination00:21
skraitolike iptables chain00:21
sarnoldlogging all the packets is liable to require a *lot* of storage; I killed a hard drive once by logging all my *denied* packets, not all the packets..00:22
skraitoyeah i can only find documentation for deny packages sarnold00:23
skraitoi like one that future to log in all incoming connection or out too00:24
skraitoeven forward like iptables just for security audit00:24
skraitoit's just taking small harddrive space00:26
skraitoeven like 1000 connection per second00:26
skraitomay be our ssd now or whatever technology is fast enough to track all00:27
skraitobut how to do it sarnold anyone here know00:27
sarnoldskraito: I never really got the hang of iptables; I think a -jLOG or -jULOG in the right place would do the trick, but I'm not sure00:28
skraitookay let me google it00:28
skraitonvm i am tired00:32
skraitogoing to walk in the park00:32
skraitosee ya around sarnold00:32
skraitothanks again for letting me in00:33
skraitooh sarnold00:38
skraitoi mean firewalld00:38
skraitonot iptables00:38
skraitoi mean how can we log every packet frame or everything at firewalld configuration00:39
skraitoi know tcpdump can do it00:39
skraitobut well might be nice not to run tcpdump but only firewalld00:40
skraitoi know how to setup iptables00:40
skraitobut not so sure about this firewalld00:41
skraitoaccepted package output package and forwarding packet00:41
skraitoreally brb now00:42
skraitosee ya00:42
sarnoldskraito: heh, sorry, I've never even looked at firewalld00:42
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stevessssso.. ubuntu 22.04 upgraded me from linux-image-5.15.0-41-generic to linux-image-5.15.0-43-generic and snd-usb-audio.ko is now missing01:27
stevessssneedless to say no pulseaudio devices work01:28
sarnoldcheck the modules-extra package?01:28
stevessssI thought alsa was  a big default01:30
fuakatahelp quit01:36
oerheksno, stay here01:36
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jhutchinsThis business of moving modules from core to extra mid-release looks serious.01:57
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de-factowhere can i disable that annoying popup "application X does not respond bla"?04:19
de-factoits a lie, i interact with the application the only thing that interrupts my workflow is that gnome popup04:19
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ice9is it possible to share wifi connection as hostspot?05:45
oerheksice9, yes, but not all cards/drivers allow this05:46
ice9oerheks, i mean wifi over wifi, not wired to hotspot05:47
oerhekshmm, maybe with 2 wifi adapters..05:48
arraybolt3[m]ice9: AFAIK, a single WiFi adapter can only sustain one connection. If you have two adapters like oerheks suggests, that should allow you to make your Ubuntu system into a WiFi repeater, but with only one, I don't think that's going to be possible.05:49
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dartzDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 006:14
Unit193dartz: I thought I told you to quit being obnoxious.06:15
arraybolt3[m]Unit193: Looks like his /amsg command worked.06:23
oerheksno it didn' t06:25
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ice9what will be the ubuntu summit ticket price?07:22
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BardonHello, I have a server running Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS. When will 22.04.1 be available through `do-release-upgrade`?07:56
ograBardon, the next days ... (22.04.1 was delayed due to a bug with the isos, it will likely release today, the meta-release files will be updated afterwards and you should see the update prompt then)08:05
Bardonogra: Likely release today? Where can I check if it has been released?08:08
BardonI found this link but it says daily builds https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/jammy/daily-live/current/08:09
BardonI see, thanks. I'll wait a few days then!08:10
ograit depends how exhausted the release team is, with luck the switch happens today or tomorrow ... latest on monday i'd say08:11
ogra(they had a few nightshifts thanks to the bug)08:11
Bardon"the switch" as in the release being available through `do-release-upgrade`?08:14
BardonWhen it releases, will it be immediatly available through do-release-upgrade, or is it offered only to a subset of users first to mitigate the load?08:14
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murmelsomebody knows how bad it would be to switch out bintuils for a newer release?08:34
nshireI keep getting a buffer io error on my vm, it's always on sr008:59
nshireevery time I connect to the vm its spamming me about buffer io errors on sr008:59
nshirehmm looks like I forgot to remove the virtual dvd drive. nvm.09:01
stoleni setup samba in ubuntu 16.04 but it is not showing in Windows09:34
oerheks16.04 ie EOL, dead jim, upgrade please09:36
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 30th, 2021. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade09:37
oerheksand if you have ESM, you know where to go to09:37
stolenESM ?09:37
oerheksyes, if you have to ask what it is, you did not pay for it09:38
oerheksso, have fun upgrading09:39
oerheksi would do a fresh install, but that is me09:40
guivercBardon, the status on 22.04.1 can be seen here https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-22-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/29102  (though releasing in hours so little there), but upgrading blockers on 20.04->22.04.1 are there; it was two & is down to one09:54
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oerheksguiverc, it is still set for today, right?09:57
c_89Hello, I would like to know I would like to create a pendrive with the persistent ubuntu live image to be able to use it in case of troubleshooting, but at the same time in case I have to reinstall the ubuntu distribution on the HDD from scratch, I would like the persistent changes to be ignored and then install the distribution as if it were a10:14
c_89virgin. Is it possible to do this?10:14
oerhekspersistent install is just the iso with extra space, if you install updates/programms, not sure it is still the same..10:19
oerheksoh snapd update comming through \0/10:28
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bittin22.04.1 just dropped12:14
BluesKajHi all12:20
ograif only he would not post these things while people are still trying hard to sync their mirrors12:40
ograthe release is *NOT OUT YET*12:40
bittinyeah Maik said that too on Telegram, i don't really follow Ubuntu that close anymore, so did not know omgUbuntu was to early12:41
ograjoey tends to do that every release ... just slowing down the release process since the servers get hit hard as soon as his posts go out12:42
ograthe release is out once the announcement hits the ubuntu-announce ML ... not before12:42
bittinmaybe someone should talk to Joey then12:42
ogramany people tried multiple times over the years12:43
bittinsorry did not know that12:43
ograseems he needs the clicks urgently 🙂12:43
Maikwould be better to take it to #ubuntu-discuss12:43
ograyeah ... well, i'm done ranting anyway 🙂12:44
bittinand i know whats going on and don't really have anything to add12:44
Maiki left a comment on his tweet regarding his way of doing12:44
stevenmHey the bit of the installer that asks for your AD domain administrator's username... doesn't like a $ being in the username... even though that's completely valid for AD.  Anyway around this?14:09
leftyfbwho puts a $ in a username?14:09
stevenme.g. if I put in $stevenm then it states 'Must start with a lower-case letter' and so it won't let you hit continue14:10
stevenmI dunno - just something our company does for admin accounts14:10
enychrrm a 20.04.xLTS machine  do-release-upgrade isn't offering 22.04.1 even though .1 released ...?14:22
leftyfbenyc: you will be on 22.04.114:23
stevenmalso this AD setup screen is very broken... it gives no feedback to if something has worked or not and doesn't let you go back14:24
stevenmso basically you are trapped on the screen - on a half installed ubuntu to disk... with no way of progressing until you can guess what to enter that it'll accept (with no feedback about what is wrong if you get it wrong)14:24
leftyfbstevenm: ALT+F1 then look at /var/log/install.log (I think that's the name of it)14:25
stevenmalt+f1 does nothing14:28
stevenmf2 does though - gets me tty214:29
stevenmdon't know the installer live cd's user/pass through - probably something I can google14:29
leftyfbtry just root14:30
stevenmnah I got in with just username 'ubuntu'14:30
stevenmno pass14:30
stevenmno such thing as /var/log/install.log though14:31
enycleftyfb: the trouble is do-release-upgrade isn't offering that upgrade14:36
enycleftyfb: is that not for a little while until 22.04.1 out on all mirrors or so?14:37
spchpdhow many kernels system keeps installed?14:38
leftyfbenyc: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2022-August/thread.html  it's not officially released yet14:38
enycleftyfb: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2022-August/thread.html  says it is14:39
stevenmit is for ubuntu mate too (as that's what I'm trying to install now)14:40
stevenmalthough the ubuntu mate site points to the old URL (the non .1 release) and gets you 404 now14:40
stevenmbut the mirror it's pointing at has certainly moved on, and in that dir only hosts the .1 file14:41
leftyfbenyc: ah, I was in the wrong place14:41
leftyfbenyc: not sure what to tell you14:41
spchpdi have 5.15.0-30 and, 41th is faulty. So if I install 46th will it mark 30th for deletion?14:41
enycleftyfb: I very much suspect patience is nthe name of the game, or use  d-release-upgrade -dh ;o14:46
leftyfbI would go with the former14:46
amaroqsudo apt update is showing everything up to date. Yet, when I open Software it is showing OS updates available. I'm confused. Are OS updates different to apt update?15:00
amaroqAlso, Superkey has stopped working. I miss a good launcher like Spotlight in macos world. Recommended alternatives? Gnome-Do??15:01
leftyfb!upgrade | amaroq15:02
ubottuamaroq: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:02
amaroqleftyfb, appreciate it, but wasn't really my question. I know I can sudo apt upgrade but shouldn't sudo apt update have told me that there was stuff ready for upgrading? I only found out coz I happened to open Software otherwise, I wouldn't be the wiser.15:04
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habyshiyo, has anyone booted jammy from ipxe successfully? I have simplified my setup as much as I think I can and still get 'Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block' and it does not appear to have taken the time to download the iso. Here is my info: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/G7yHnx5gvG/15:13
habysI would like to not need to involve the whole ISO, but I am willing to do anything to just get it working at this point15:14
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Marie-Odile1En train d'installer ubuntu 22 PC fixe neuf message :après toute une liste de choses faites ; failed to start Ubuntu livre CD installer ,,, nel crash signatures15:25
Marie-Odile1Qu dois.je faire ?15:26
leftyfb!fr | Marie-Odile115:26
ubottuMarie-Odile1: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:26
leftyfb /join #ubuntu-fr15:27
wez /quit15:29
dobbicorpdon't /quit ubuntu is the best drug15:29
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wezdobbicorp: /quit will exit libera15:34
naraiank[m]uname -r15:44
dobbicorpwrong shell :)15:44
wezdobbicorp: no, it was the correct shell :)  The answer is 5.15.0-1015-aws15:45
amaroqSo, I downloaded the suggested OS update in Software, restarted and system crashed.16:00
Sven_vBhi :)16:08
Sven_vBI'm using Ubuntu focal with pulseaudio 13.99.1 and bluetoothctl 5.53. is there a way to monitor link quality to my headphones, especially anything that hints at radiowave traffic congestion or rogue interference?16:17
Sven_vBback agai16:18
jhutchinsSven_vB: The only way to "monitor" that would be to pay attention to the sound quality and compare it to a wired connection.16:22
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Sven_vBjhutchins, does BT not have statistics like retransmission count etc.? I have the impression that in the far parts of usable antenna distance range, audio gaps have increased compared to a few weeks ago, but using my human memory for comparison is rather error prone.16:26
jhutchinsSven_vB: BT is not an open-source technology.  The systems it was developed for do not usually have any provision for user monitoring and troubleshooting.  What leaves the lab is what you get.16:30
Sven_vBoh I see. thanks! at least now I can stop searching for those stats.16:31
beherit1i need help,16:32
beherit1i've installed ubuntu 22.04 on my new thinkpad p14s gen 2 AMD16:33
beherit1for the power management , i've installed tlp16:34
agoodmHi, I have an odd WiFi issue since upgrading to 22.04.  Basically during roam events my laptop is replying to ping packets, which causes my dhcp server to give it a new different ip every time it roams.  Extremely aggravating.  Any way to stop this behaviour?  Feels like a bug - never used to do this16:34
agoodmlaptop is a thinkpad x1 carbon gen 9 AX201 wifi16:34
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beheritwhenever i plug in my AC connection, it flips to Performance mode no problem. but when i have it disconnected, it stays on performance and doesn't swap back to balanced or power savings.16:35
beheriti think i've been through the confiq pretty thoroughly but i don't understand what else i might need to set .16:35
jhutchinsbeherit: If you're roaming, the previous IP address is probably not part of the range available from the next AP.  This is more likely something happening with the APs than the network stack.16:36
agoodmbeherit, you can have mode change via setting in bios, works better.  Personally I have mine in ballanced all the time via this setting16:36
beheriti don't think bios has that as an option16:36
beheritunder power i see amd cpu management16:37
beheritnone of the 3 profiles .16:37
beherit*under power menu in bios16:37
beheritit's either on or off16:37
agoodmjhutchins, was that intended for me? If so access points are on the same VLAN; laptop does a dhcp discover after roam event which is normal, dhcp server goes to offer it the ip it had, pings it first, laptop replies, dhcp abandons the ip and gives a fresh one.16:37
leftyfbagoodm: I think it's a known bug in the kernel and wpa_supplicant16:37
agoodmleftyfb, no work arounds?16:38
agoodmits really screwing up my work because every time it roams I loose all my sessions.  Some of my sites have many dozens of wifi cells ;(16:38
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ograSven_vB, you should be able to read RSSI values (sigal strenght) and such for sure via bluetoothctl queries (now dont ask me which, but BT offers a metric ton of link quality info and such)16:39
leftyfbnot really. We moved to iwd as opposed to wpa_supplicant and have been patching the kernel. We still see some issues with roaming that we are tracking down but it's been better but not perfect16:39
agoodmbeherit, why do you want to go to performance mode on ac anyway? On my laptop performance different is not very noticable but laptop runs hot++ so its not worth it to me16:39
beheriti see.16:40
leftyfbagoodm: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/fcdb44d08a95003c3d040aecdee286156ec6f34e  this is one of the bugs we came across16:40
ubottuCommit fcdb44d in torvalds/linux "net: arp: introduce arp_evict_nocarrier sysctl parameter"16:40
beheriti see , so you reckon just leave it in balanced ? I mainly use tlp no have have my battery constantly at full charge when i have it plugged in .16:41
agoodmleftyfb, I wish my issue was as minor as a 1 second drop... Due to IP address change I constantly loose all my authenticated sessions when working on WiFi, its practically unusable16:41
beheriti have the charge treshhold at 40% / 85%16:41
leftyfbagoodm: again, we came across several bugs related to roaming. This is just 1 of them16:41
agoodmbeherit, I would unless you had a good use case for performance.  I would also set charge threshold to 80 85 - seems like good compromise on battery life to me - last laptop was used like this for 5 years and battery still at 80% health after 400 cycles16:42
beheritwow ok16:43
beheritanyway i can set a treshhold if i deleted and did away with tlp completely ?16:43
agoodmno you need to use tlp for that16:44
beheritah ok, so leave tlp as it is,16:44
beheritset AC mode to balanced16:44
beheritand just run with it .16:44
agoodmmine will boost up to full speed in balanced but run efficiently under part load.  Performance just seems to allow uncapped case temperatures and it wont even go into performance if it thinks its not sitting on a desk.  I think there is slightly better sustained performance in that mode, but its so fast I dont notice it.  I wanna be kind to my laptop and not cook it so it lasts ages.16:46
Sven_vBogra, thanks! then I should still search some more.16:46
ograwell, play a bit with bluetootctl (also with its well hidden submenus) ...16:47
ograthere is a mass of information in BT links ... enough that you can triangulate positions to centimeters in rooms from link quality data if you have multiple receivers in the room16:48
agoodmleftyfb, I also noticed that when my laptop roams it sends a burst of multicast traffic, which was upsetting igmp snooping.  So since my home network is small and its here I have most issues I decided to just turn off igmp snooping as a test, but it didnt help :(16:48
beheritthank you16:49
beheritmuch appreciate your help16:49
beheritammended my .conf file , going to reboot now and see what happends.16:49
agoodmmaybe as a work around I could alter the roaming behaviour so that its more sticky? it would be preferable to have poor performance vs constantly loosing all of my sessions every time it roams16:51
agoodmall of my networks have a lot of overlap in the cells which may cause some devices to roam frequently16:51
habysre: ipxe+jammy - some progress is made, by specifying inird= in the kernel line the root is found, but it is trying to load /dev/sr0 over and over until it fails. Latest config: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Jd8JzV3jCq/plain/  -- if anyone has jammy working on ipxe and can give me a hint, please help17:12
archeris it common for snapstore having issues with VPN? Unless i am disconnected from my VPN i am unable to do software updates using ubuntu software as well as im unable to "explore".17:12
habysI must have some kernel parameter wrong17:13
archerive updated mirrors to fastest recommended and have found myself having to kill snapstore more than i think is normal. is there a work around to keep my vpn connected and still use the snapstore? i am currently on 20.04.417:14
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DynamiteDangreetings. what would be the difference between /svr and /var/lib folders?17:51
leftyfbDynamiteDan: https://www.howtogeek.com/117435/htg-explains-the-linux-directory-structure-explained/17:52
oerheks /srv can contain data directories of services such as HTTP (/srv/www/) or FTP.17:54
DynamiteDanhmm. I have this SynologyDrive folder that I don't want to be /home/user17:55
oerheks /var is dedicated to variable data, such as logs, databases, websites, files that persist from one boot to the next17:55
leftyfbDynamiteDan: why not?17:55
oerheksthe free folder to store stuff is /opt17:55
DynamiteDanthat is more for apps17:55
leftyfboerheks: from a vendor perspective17:55
DynamiteDanor does it include data?17:55
leftyfbDynamiteDan: Synology drive is akin to Dropbox. Those are you personal files which belong in your $HOME17:56
DynamiteDanneed to think then17:56
DynamiteDanprolly going to create a user just for that17:59
DynamiteDanI have had success using links17:59
DynamiteDanand that way users can share the data17:59
leftyfbDynamiteDan: the proper way is for each user on your ubuntu machine to have their own user on your synology with their own mounts17:59
leftyfbDynamiteDan: that said, you can always try bind mounts18:00
DynamiteDanit will be complicated cause I have the home on a zfs dataset18:00
DynamiteDanmount another on a folder in a dataset18:00
DynamiteDancan be complicated18:00
leftyfbI don't see how the filesystem matters18:01
DynamiteDanzfs is auto mount18:01
DynamiteDanit doesn't go on fstab18:01
DynamiteDanthe /home/user is in a zfs dataset18:01
DynamiteDancreating another volume and install it on /home/q/SynologyDrive18:02
DynamiteDanmeans that a mount order must exist18:02
leftyfbcreating another volume for what?18:03
DynamiteDandiferent nvme18:03
leftyfbDynamiteDan: synology drive is an applications that syncs a shared folder(s) to a directory(ies) on your machine. I don't see where another physical drive/volume comes into play18:04
DynamiteDansize do matter18:04
leftyfbDynamiteDan: so you want the synology drive application to sync everything to another drive/volume which you then want to mount into home directores?18:06
DynamiteDanI can do that with a link18:06
DynamiteDanjust unsure what would be the best place to place a shared folder between users18:06
leftyfbDynamiteDan: you can use bind mounts within systemd that would first check that your /home is mounted first18:07
leftyfbsymlinks have their limitations18:07
DynamiteDanwell. Seems it is best to move the user home folder to a bigger nvme18:08
DynamiteDanand then use the small nvme as opt18:09
leftyfbif the majority of the space is going to reside on the bigger nvme, you don't need to mount /home separately18:09
DynamiteDanI will need to zfs send/receive to the new nvme pool18:10
leftyfbok, so you're splitting up all your system directories into their own drives/volumes/partitions? If so, good luck maintaining that. These days it doesn't serve much purpose18:10
DynamiteDanand then create another pool18:10
DynamiteDanI don't do that18:10
DynamiteDanzfs has its automount thingy18:10
DynamiteDanit doesn't pass through /etc/FSTAB18:11
leftyfbwhy do you need opt on a separate mount?18:11
DynamiteDanspace availability18:11
DynamiteDanthe root drive is 250GB only18:11
DynamiteDanmachine doesn't boot from nvme18:11
leftyfband you have massive applications/data going into /opt?18:12
DynamiteDanI would like to have a build app space18:12
leftyfbgood luck18:12
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.18:38
SteeveI've been seeing some new behavior out of # apt upgrade  on 22.04LTS systems that I didn't see in the past. Is anyone else getting instances of "packages held back" during routine upgrades?18:52
SteeveThis sort of thing:18:52
SteeveThe following packages have been kept back:18:52
Steeve  apt apt-utils libapt-pkg6.0 python3-software-properties software-properties-common18:52
Steeve  software-properties-gtk18:52
Steeveon just regular # apt upgrade or # apt dist-upgrade18:52
Steeveno PPAs, no funky dependency stuff, just normal stock systems18:52
ograSteeve, read up about apt phasing 😉18:54
SteeveThanks, will do - hadn't been having luck googling yet18:54
ograSteeve, ^^^18:55
stonedHi, I created a bridge in netplan and now I can't connect to my virtual machines in virtualbox18:56
stonedI have a previous ubuntu installation in another partition, which are the network files I can copy to restore18:56
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SteeveThanks ogra, appreciate it! Good to know why this was happening18:58
oerheksSteeve, install software-properties-gtk, that pulls in the other 219:08
ograor just be patient until it is your turn in the phasing queue19:12
oerheksthose 3 are free for all .. the heldback snapd got updated today here19:13
SteeveI was thinking about turning it off for production/work systems, but it doesn't look super well documented19:14
HashNetworking is completely broken after I tried to setup a bridge19:14
HashI restored, now I have connectivity, but now I can't access my college website?!19:14
SteeveI will probably just leave it be and wait until the package comes through naturally19:14
HashWTF dude19:14
HashHell of a day19:15
Steeveassuming that doesn't delay security updates19:15
oerhekssudo atp install  software-properties-gtk # and see what happens :-)19:17
oerheksor was it ubuntu-release-upgrader-core ??19:18
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lotuspsychje!details | Hash19:19
ubottuHash: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:19
HashInformation hasn't changed, man.19:20
HashYou just have to spend time actively lookin into my problem.19:20
HashI don't want to repeat.19:20
HashGmail is open in one tab. In another account, I open gmail for student/college portal and it fails.19:21
Hashhttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ works in same browser. Open new tab, login to college website, click mail, it goes to: The webpage at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?tab=cm might be temporarilty down.19:22
HashIn one tab it works fine, in another tab, it fails.19:22
HashSame browser, same time.19:22
HashYou tell me, you need Ubuntu versions for this?19:22
HashConfig files for this? What do you need from me, man, I'll provide it to you.19:22
HashI'm seriously confsued as to why this is even happenikgn.19:22
HashHAve you any ideas about this peculiar behavior?19:23
freakyy85does someone know a good server system montioring solution with web graphics etc. in realtime and so on?19:23
freakyy85which is easy to deploy?19:23
leftyfbfreakyy85: try #ubuntu-offtopic for software opinions19:23
freakyy85ok thanks19:24
HashAll I did was to create a bridge br0 in netplan, then didn't like it, removed the bridge, now I can't access my college mail through gmail. Regular gmail is fine in another browser19:24
HashI'm seriously19:24
HashI don't even know why?19:24
HashWhy does computer do this kind of stuff to me?19:25
HashI loaded it in basic html view, that works.19:26
sarnoldthen it sounds like you should be talking to gmail19:26
C4mboneAnyone can HELP me? i've a issue with my audio control PulseAudio, i can't able my headphone, it doesn't show the option in output devices, only "JACK sink (pulse_out)19:26
HashBut it happened after I did the netplan thing.19:26
HashSo I dunno if that affected something?!19:26
oerheks sudo netplan try19:26
HashI have no idea what to do...19:34
HashNothing changed anywhere accept this netplan thing19:34
HashWhich I restored from backup so it's the same.19:34
ograHash, you probably have better chances to find netplan specialists in #ubuntu-server19:42
HashOh yeah no it works in windows 10 vm19:46
Hashhttps://i.imgur.com/biBkTL9.png then google chrome says, I'm on pause19:46
Hashso it wants me to login again19:46
HashThen it gives this prompt, which I have never in myentire life seen before19:46
HashWhy does googel want me to conenct up my phone via wire to verify 2FA19:46
HashSomethign is goofy and I'lm gonna figrue it out19:46
HashThis is now past the netplan thingy19:46
HashThanks man19:46
jhutchins!enter Hash19:55
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:55
Apachezdo one need to run do-release-upgrade if you already have 22.04 installed in order for it to become 22.04.1 ?20:10
Apachezor is apt-get dist-upgrade enough?20:10
leftyfbthe former20:11
leftyfbApachez: cat /etc/issue20:11
oerheksdist-upgrade will do20:11
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pycuriousCan anyone let me know why this apt install is failing - https://dpaste.org/Ho3hq - and what is the correct way to fix this?21:19
oerheks14 not upgraded.21:20
webchat77hi does anyone know how to fix a LUKS usb that isnt mounting after unclean ejection? it says something about superblocks error21:20
oerhekstime to run apt update && apt dist-upgrade first21:20
webchat77anyone know please?21:22
oerhekswebchat77, run a fsck on that luks device, e2fsck -v /dev/mapper/luks-ID  .. https://forum.manjaro.org/t/running-filesystem-check-on-luks-encrypted-root-partition-fsck/50506/2 and there are tons of other howtos21:24
webchat77thanks oerheks I have been trying the past few hours and looked at dozens of post, whenever I try something another error comes, when i do e2fsck it tells me to use alternate superblock but they dont work and just gives me same output21:25
webchat77then when I use crpysetup it tells me /dev/scb is not a valid LUKS device but it is and it is an encrpyed LUKS21:27
oerheksmaybe it is beyond repair?21:28
webchat77I really need this fixed have so much files on it how can corrupt over just a ejection21:28
oerheksif the alternate superblock does not work, i have no idea21:31
oerheksthat is your safety copy21:31
webchat77 do you know the command to test each alternate superblock21:31
webchat77without going through each one indivudally21:32
oerheksno, check what superbocks there are, with mke2fs, and use that on e2fsck -b block_number /dev/xxx21:34
oerheksold page, should be still valid https://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/21:34
oerheksif it does not find a superblock, sorry...21:34
jhutchinswebchat77: Are you actually referring to /dev/scb?  I don't think I've seen an sc device before.21:35
webchat77sorry meant sdb21:35
jhutchinswebchat77: Ah, I kinda thought so.21:35
jhutchinsOn the other hand, it's always fun to discover new kinds of devices...21:36
webchat77ok I used mke2fs to get th list of superblocks and there was 10 backups stored, and tried all of them with e2fsck -b but it says the superblocks cannot be read / are corrupt etc21:38
webchat77please do you know what do go from here21:41
webchat77is that the best tool for recovering?21:42
webchat77 I will try21:43
jhutchins"Best" is the one that works for you.21:43
oerhekswhy would ddrescue fix things when normal procedure does not give a valid copy of superblock?21:51
jhutchinsoerheks: It might not, have you used it?21:53
webchat77 is there a way i can use crypt command to fix it21:54
jhutchinsMy impression was that it tried to access the data directly without reference to the filesystem structure.21:54
webchat77without it saying that it is not a LUKS21:54
webchat77or restore the header?21:54
oerheksddrescue can make a bit-by-bit copy, but damaged sectors are untouched and copied21:55
oerheksi say it is damaged beyond repair. ..21:55
jhutchinsReading farther into the scrollback, I see that the data is encrypted, which rules out the chance of recognizable patterns, and pretty much means "restore from backup".21:55
jhutchinsAlso a reminder that any data you only have on a flash drive isn't really yours to keep.21:55
webchat77how does unplugging a usb destroy it21:55
Psil0only if you have valiable information if you just have random data, it never happens21:56
oerheksif you did notr umount it safely, this happens on ALL operating systems21:56
Psil0from my experience ha ha21:56
oerheksand encrypted makes it more difficult to restore21:56
Psil0oh yes you need to umount even encfs21:56
webchat77does ddrescue work encrypted21:56
jhutchinswebchat77: Usually because there is data that has not been written to the drive, and files that have not been closed, so that the data on the drive does not have a known beginning and a known end.21:56
Psil0i had to use umount for encfs partitions or "folders"21:56
Psil0back when i used it.21:56
jhutchinsUmount, sync, eject, "Safely remove"...21:57
oerhekseven a normal fast shutdown could cause this..21:59
webchat77there has to be a way to fix this22:00
oerhekswe showed you how to use a copy of superblocks, but that seems not to work, sorry to tell you22:00
oerheksit is dead, jim22:01
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oerheksthegodstool, please stop the namechange, thanks.22:14
webchat77please whoever can fix it i will send them $20 bitcoin22:15
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sarnoldpity webchat77 didn't stick around a bit longer, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/1979159 might be related22:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1979159 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu Kinetic) "Cannot unlock encrypted root after upgrading to 22.04" [Critical, Fix Released]22:29
sarnoldgranted, he didn't say a whole lot, it's hard to know if it's relevant22:29
Apachezdo one have to run do-release-upgrade to upgrade from 22.04 into 22.04.1 or is a plain "apt-get dist-upgrade" enough?22:30
sarnoldapt update && apt upgrade  should do the thing22:30
sarnoldif you're coming from 22.04 it's basically no change at all22:30
sarnoldjust installing the usual updates22:30
oerhekssarnold, that is already fixed, no?22:30
Apachezsarnold: wasnt whirlpool removed lately?22:31
sarnoldoerheks: I saw it being discussed a few hours ago, so I'm not sure22:31
Apachezregarubg 1979159 issue22:31
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Apachezwhere can I find online the default for /etc/default/grub in ubuntu 22.04.1 ?23:41
arraybolt3[m]Apachez: What are you trying to do? Is your version of the file corrupted?23:42
ApachezI want to see if "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=" is included by default or not23:43
arraybolt3[m]Ah. I can get a 22.04.1 ISO and boot it in a VM and find out.23:43
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
Apachezbut there is no online repo for ubuntu to find that out?23:45
oerheksos prober is disabled, standard23:45
sarnoldApachez: indeed, there's no easy way to find that out23:46
arraybolt3[m]Come to think of it, there might be. That's a good idea, I'll look.23:46
oerheksenable it; add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false to /etc/default/grub23:46
oerheksand run update grub..23:46
arraybolt3[m]sarnold: I was going to hork it off of Launchpad.23:47
Apachezsince by /etc/default/grub lacked that after upgrade into 22.0423:47
oerheksthere is no default grub config23:47
sarnoldarraybolt3[m]: definitely worth a shot, but the maintainer scripts might muck with the file23:47
Apachezwell something is generating it then that is missing this new default option which should be included23:48
arraybolt3[m]sarnold: That's a good point.23:48
oerheksshould be? there are enough bugreports to make it disabled..23:48
arraybolt3[m]Hmm, this is trickier than I thought, sarnold.23:50
Apachezoerheks: which is why it should be included to make update-grub stop complaing and stop throwing users of other oses under the bus :P23:52
Xrb17Xcan someone point me to some docs or my bestoptions for the following, I want to install ubu 22.04 on a desktop with mdadm and secure boot, i cant seem to find anything where i can do both. I have 22.04(actually may be 20.04 but im wiping this anyway) installed now on just a single nvme with secure boot. I am getting out of memory errorwhen trying to boot ubu 22 usb and it says online to disable secure boot if thats the case did they get rid of the option23:53
Xrb17Xto even use it? Is it even worth the trouble from a security aspect?23:53
arraybolt3[m]Apachez: The reason it was taken out was due to a security risk - os-prober mounts and scans through all attached drives for OS images, which is potentially a ripe attack vector. We didn't do this, the makers of GNU GRUB did and then we got the new GNU GRUB. Good for security, bad for multiboot, but thankfully it can be turned back on.23:54
sarnoldXrb17X: if the desktop installer doesn't offer mdadm installation, you could use the server installer, then install the ubuntu-desktop metapackage afterwards. I think the server installer should offer mdadm support23:55
Xrb17Xshould i use a server usb to do the setup since doing mdadm and just install the packs i need would that makew things easier?23:55
Xrb17Xsarnold, :)23:55
Apachezarraybolt3[m]: if so then the variable should still be in there with an explanation as the other variables which are more rarely used23:55
Apachezjust my €0.05...23:55
Xrb17Xwhat about the whole secure boot thing?23:55
Apachezmicrosoft unsecure boot you mean? :)23:56
sarnoldXrb17X: I did something very similar for my own laptop (zfs on root way before the desktop installer offered it) -- it works okay, but I went for i3wm instead, so I don't have easy access to the control panel things23:56
Apachezexplained by random defcon/blackhat tak :P23:56
Xrb17Xeven worth messing with, the thing is I dual boot this is my gaming pc so have to run win23:56
sarnoldXrb17X: secure boot should just work -- it should just work on any ubuntu for the last decade or so23:56
Xrb17Xyeah i havent had any issues for a while but when trying to install other day was getting that boot error on humbdrive23:57
arraybolt3[m]Unless you have one of those AMD laptops with the Pluton security feature, in which case you have to manually turn on the 3rd party UEFI certificate in the BIOS.23:57
Xrb17Xno its a desktop gigabyteboard23:58
Xrb17Xwith nvidia card so have to jump threw all those hoops in the begining lol23:58
Xrb17Xsomethings never change23:58

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