
guivercbluesabre, just started a boot of 22.04.1 (again) for qa-test install00:05
bluesabreThanks guiverc!00:40
guivercI just got a eject installtion media message too; I didn't get that yesterday !00:42
guiverc& you're welcome00:42
Unit193Huh, neat.  I'll check if the 22.10 core does that too, if I get that far. :P00:43
Unit193bluesabre: Sorry to jump on you, but given any more thought to Mauro Gaspari?00:45
Unit193I do not get that message, but it does boot!00:50
bluesabreUnit193: yes, we need to coordinate a time! What days/times *don't* work for you? ochosi: same question00:56
bluesabreI'm also seeing the eject installation media message now01:15
guiverci just did second install, same box (install alongside/auto-resize) & no eject message...  22.04.101:21
* guiverc now stuck waiting to see if it appears..01:21
bluesabreAlso same, failed on second go around01:43
guiverci didn't get message on 3 boxes & 4 boots/sessions (install+live), but all looks good to me01:43
guiverc3 boxes of 4 boots/session ^ s/&/of/ 01:44
Unit193bluesabre: Surprisingly open this week, though evenings work better for me.02:33
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 22.10 - amd64 - amd64 built.03:37
krytenSo I've already updated the 22.04 torrent download link to point to .1, but hard caching etc etc..15:02
krytenI feel like we should make the mirror links point to the codenamed directories rather than the versioned ones, because in the case of LTS releases they will be stuck on e.g. "22.04" while users may expect to see "22.04.1" indicating the current point release - whereas e.g. "jammy" would always be correct (and I believe is also the actual directory while the versioned ones are symlinked to  ...15:49
kryten... it).  But in the WP interface I don't see any options to change this.15:49

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