[09:29] can't format 2nd disk: https://pastebin.com/tFry9btA [10:30] OK, fixed it: Had to replace 'mbr' with 'gpt'. But how to mount it using UUID? [11:51] Is there some curtin to cloud-init conversion script especially for storage config? [13:08] ping [13:53] if anyone gets a chance, a review on #1642 would be much appreciated. [13:59] cjp256: is that a bug report? [14:00] MICROburst: PR https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1642 :D [14:00] Pull 1642 in canonical/cloud-init "sources/azure: handle network unreachable errors for savable PPS" [Open] [17:59] Thanks holmanb ! :) [18:11] cjp256: And thank you! :) [18:30] Hi everyone, I am trying to determine if this is a bug. [18:32] the docs I found this line under discovery "DMI chassis_asset_tag is OpenTelekomCloud, SAP CCloud VM, OpenStack Nova (since 19.2) or OpenStack Compute (since 19.2)"  https://docs.openstack.org/developer/dragonflow/readme.html#meta-data-and-cloud-init [18:47] cloud-init-19.4-7.el7_9.6.x86_64 [18:47] # OpenStack DMI constants [18:47] DMI_PRODUCT_NOVA = 'OpenStack Nova' [18:47] DMI_PRODUCT_COMPUTE = 'OpenStack Compute' [18:47] VALID_DMI_PRODUCT_NAMES = [DMI_PRODUCT_NOVA, DMI_PRODUCT_COMPUTE] [18:47] DMI_ASSET_TAG_OPENTELEKOM = 'OpenTelekomCloud' [18:47] VALID_DMI_ASSET_TAGS = [DMI_ASSET_TAG_OPENTELEKOM] [18:47] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init [18:47] # OpenStack DMI constants [18:47] DMI_PRODUCT_NOVA = "OpenStack Nova" [18:47] DMI_PRODUCT_COMPUTE = "OpenStack Compute" [18:47] VALID_DMI_PRODUCT_NAMES = [DMI_PRODUCT_NOVA, DMI_PRODUCT_COMPUTE] [18:47] DMI_ASSET_TAG_OPENTELEKOM = "OpenTelekomCloud" [18:47] # See github.com/sapcc/helm-charts/blob/master/openstack/nova/values.yaml [18:47] # -> compute.defaults.vmware.smbios_asset_tag for this value [18:47] DMI_ASSET_TAG_SAPCCLOUD = "SAP CCloud VM" [18:47] VALID_DMI_ASSET_TAGS = VALID_DMI_PRODUCT_NAMES [18:47] VALID_DMI_ASSET_TAGS += [DMI_ASSET_TAG_OPENTELEKOM, DMI_ASSET_TAG_SAPCCLOUD] [18:47] dave_garvey: please use dpaste/pastebin or similar next time [18:49] ok, thanks [18:50] dave_garvey: I don't see anything that looks cloud-init related in that openstack doc, is that what you're asking? [18:51] well, I think I have the issue... it looks to me like the rhel7 rpm is behind the times [18:51] dave_garvey: oh yeah [18:51] it hasn't been updated since pythoon 2 days, so just a bit ;) [18:52] ;) === smoser2 is now known as smoser [21:52] How to mount using UUID instead of device name [21:52] ?