
BluesKajHi all13:06
Eickmeyer[m]RikMills: Would it be OK for us to package the discover update indicator plasmoid as a separate binary from discover itself? Part of me is thinking about shipping Ubuntu's software updater instead on Studio as it's more robust for cleaning-up unused kernels and such.14:25
Eickmeyer[m]I would be willing to do the change, and you know I'm more than capable.14:26
Eickmeyer[m]Might require an adjustment to the Kubuntu seed though, probably a one-liner.14:27
RikMillsEickmeyer[m]: I even started the packaging on doing that at one point. Not sure if that has survived anywhere I can find now14:41
Eickmeyer[m]RikMills: It would take me less than an hour once I got started.14:42
RikMillsThe ubuntu updater may pull in a sh*t-ton of gnome14:42
RikMillsI think thta maybe be why lubuntu forked?14:43
* RikMills looks aghast at that typing14:43
Eickmeyer[m]Not from what I can tell.14:44
Eickmeyer[m]It maybe used to.14:44
Eickmeyer[m]It pulls-in quite a bit, but doesn't pull in gnome itself.14:48
Eickmeyer[m]Pulls in some session components, but not the actual session.14:48
Eickmeyer[m]Seems odd that it wants software-properties-gtk when the qt version is already installed.14:48
RikMillsmy motivation was so that people could have the option to remove it, since KDE refuse to add a GUI option to disable it14:49
Eickmeyer[m]My motivation is that Discover doesn't exactly have an autoremove function.14:51
valoriehttps://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/1558178830992359424 - plz RT19:50

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