
oerheksarraybolt3[m], then he would say in PM?00:00
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> oerheks Not necessarily. It's a large, group chat, much like here.00:01
arraybolt3[m]It sounds like spammers can basically join you to a channel, so just like IRC's /join will join you to a channel, Telegram has some sort of /join <username> <channelname> that shoves someone else into a channel without their consent. Eickmeyer, is that about right? (I don't use Telegram so I'm guessing here, but you do use Telegram.)00:02
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Ok thanks for response. Iam not a spammer, i like the help here and thought someone added me to these groups. Kubuntu channel is the only group i have in telegram and i updated now my privacy settings00:03
Eickmeyer[m]Kubuntu Support Telegram Group has an anti-spambot captcha that is required.00:03
arraybolt3[m]So while it's not spam that can be dealt with here, it's still a valid question if it seems that this chatroom had a spambot in it that was involuntarily shoving users into spam channels.00:03
arraybolt3[m]@Oski146: Nice, hopefully that will make the spam stop.00:04
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> I hope so too. Thanks @all00:04
lexandroparraybolt3[m]: I'm not sure how excatly "/join" works in IRC, but what you've said about Telegram [in this context] is correct.00:07
arraybolt3[m]lexandrop: Thanks! In IRC, the command "/join #channelname" is how you join a channel (so running "/join #kubuntu" while connected to Libera.Chat would result in joining this channel).00:08
oerheksgood thing irc users cannot be illegally pulled in a channel. only an invite can be send.00:09
lexandroparraybolt3[m]: thanks, I'm kinda new to IRC. or, at least, I was using it VERY rarely, because it was always a disaster me to be forced to be online in order to receive responses. until I've set up a bouncer for myself recently ^_^00:11
lexandropoerheks: well, that's not really telegram "flaw" in my opinion. there is a setting "who can add me to groups and channels" in Telegram, which, by default (IIRC) is set to "everybody". you can change it. "default setting" can be called a flaw, but not the whole feature IMO00:13
oerhekslexandrop, thanks. if this happens again, i can pass this solution. not using telegram or matrix myself00:14
lexandropyw :)00:15
lexandropOk, telegram thing aside, I have a question about Kubuntu. I'm on 20.04 currently, looks like 22.04.1 was released today, and, reasonably soon, I'll see a prompt to upgrade. I've never really used ubuntu before (came from other distributions, mostly rolling releases), so I don't have experience with these "dist-upgrade"s. How... "smooth" can I expect it to be?00:20
lexandropkinda afraid to perform an upgrade since I don't know what to expect, and how possible is to break my setup, since my disk is encrypted (luks)00:23
oerhekslexandrop,  from 9.04 to now, upgrade worked fine.00:25
oerheksjust backup your important data, else it is not important.00:26
lexandropoerheks: got it, thank you00:26
oerhekshave fun!00:26
IrcsomeBot<Eduardo_Jose_Soares> Cool! (re @IrcsomeBot: <lexandrop> Ok, telegram thing aside, I have a question about Kubuntu. I'm on 20.04 currently, looks like 22.04.1 was released today, and, reasonably soon, I'll see a prompt to upgrade. I've never really used ubuntu before (came from other distributions, mostly rolling releases), so I don't have experience with these "dist-upgrade"s. How... "smooth" can I expect it to be?)01:26
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Does the download page have newest snapshot iso available for 22.04.1? Or as soon as you download the current iso you’ll still need to update once more for full up to date?05:09
oerhekslook at the download page?05:16
oerheksthere is no snapshot iso, just the 22.04.1 iso05:16
arraybolt3[m]@CrustyCrab55: There are such things as Jammy daily ISOs which are sorta what you might be looking for, but do be warned that those ISOs are not... uh... guaranteed to be stable, even though they are Jammy ISOs. For production use, you should always download an officially released ISO (22.04.1 in this instance) and then fully update your system after. If you like living dangerously, I'll send you the link to the dailies.05:18
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> No I don’t like living dangerously thanks 😅 (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @CrustyCrab55: There are such things as Jammy daily ISOs which are sorta what you might be looking for, but do be warned that those ISOs are not... uh... guaranteed to be stable, even though they are Jammy ISOs. For production use, you should always download an officially released ISO (22.04.1 in this instance) and then fully update your system after. If yo06:20
Iamthehuman1Hello fellow humans. Got a question: For ages I have been using Gwenview's import-functionality to import pics from cell phone via USB, but as the amount of images grows, the apparent crudeness and non-optimization of Gwenview becomes more apparent, it does not build any data structure to _quickly_ figure out that thousands of media files have already been imported08:42
Iamthehuman1Is there another program that would look at the files and their metadata more quickly. I use couple of backupping software from TeeJee (who wrote and maintains Timeshift) and it can backup ~ 400GB of /home in like 20-30 seconds. That software is called Baqpaq, but it is for-a-fee08:44
Iamthehuman1would e.g. DigiKam have a smarter system ... so probably keep an index or indices of the information regarding "already imported this"08:46
noaXesshey hey.. i want to change xdg-open application to open tel: links with a specific application.. means, if clika tel: link on any website, that eg. twinkle (voip app) will be opened12:34
noaXessi found xdg-settings to get information, eg:12:35
noaXessxdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler tel12:35
noaXessthis will schow me: mattermost-desktop.desktop12:35
noaXessbut i want set it to twinkle.desktop... any idea? i tried: xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler tel twinkle.desktop12:35
noaXessbut still mattermost.desktop is set12:36
noaXessalso this does not set it xdg-mime default twinkle.desktop x-scheme-handler/tel12:38
IrcsomeBot<Abu> This upgrade is necessary....? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/a8b8e60b/file_58792.jpg12:54
noaXessfound solution: add it to /usr/share/applications/defaults.list12:54
noaXessmake a spec. desktop file to call the correct command for twinkle ;)12:54
BluesKajHi all13:06
noaXesshey BluesKaj13:15
user|37Dose Kubuntu 22.04 support Canon printers specifically pixma mx 922?13:35
BluesKajhey noaXess13:41
user|37anybody out there help me with configuring a canon printer?13:51
arezgWell Hi there18:06
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