
=== ledeni__ is now known as ledeni
lotuspsychjegood morning03:19
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
wezEvenin' lotuspsychje 11:46
lotuspsychjehey wez 11:46
wezWhat's crackin'?11:47
lotuspsychjeupgraded my NUC to jammy this morning11:47
lotuspsychjeonly a very few questions did the trick11:48
wezI put Windows 11 on my NUC so I could game it11:50
lotuspsychjewich NUC do you have11:50
wezThe one with the skull on it :P11:51
weza couple of years old, i7 I think, AMD GPU of some description11:51
lotuspsychjeooh the gaming one :p11:52
lotuspsychjei got an i7 cube for business11:52
wezYup, it games well11:53
* lotuspsychje wonders why they didnt fix bug #194918312:32
ubottuBug 1949183 in cheese (Ubuntu) "Cheese screenshot white screen and video freezes" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194918312:32
oerhekslols "i've provided support in this channel for 20 years"23:01
enigma9o7[m]thank you for your service23:02
oerheksi remember blei, had a huge argument with Ikonia..23:03

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