
=== fjmorazan_ is now known as fjmorazan
Guest43question someone had idea05:26
Guest43of how to reenable tlsv1.0 on ubuntu 22.04 (yeah i know why im using this) is for a legacy program that only work in tlsv1.005:26
rfmGuest43, I dunno anything about tlsv but if you have to run ancient software, setting up a container like lxd with a ubuntu 20.04 (if that's old enough) might be the easiest thing05:29
rfmGuest43, https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/getting-started-cli/ might be a place to start reading05:34
Guest43rfm  should be a option05:45
Guest43but this is a high performance node05:45
Guest43using nginx as reverse proxy05:45
Guest43is expected a lot of traffic05:45
Guest43so im not sure about use lxd for this purpose05:45
amurrayGuest43: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1240595/enable-tls-1-0-and-tls-1-1-on-ubuntu-20-0405:59
Guest43doesnt work05:59
Guest43creating a openssl server doesnt work neither06:00
Guest43im start to belive that openssl 3.0.2 is broken with something06:00
rfmGuest43, lxd containers (not VMs) run on the same kernel as native, so there should be no performance penalty unless you're way short of memory06:19
rfmGuest43, but I really don't understand your problem, and I'm off to bed06:20
WoetI have two packages of which I want to keep the versions the same. Unfortunately, their updates come out on different dates. For example, today foo might be updated to 1.2 but bar might still be on 1.1 until next week. Is there any way to pin the versions together so apt will only upgrade if both of them can be updated to the same version?08:14
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
greyboredIs it possible to specify what the hostname should be set to via the kernel params with autoinstall instead of specifying it in user-data file?09:51
samba35how to boot ubuntu linux in performance mode always 15:47
patdk-lapwhat is *performance mode*16:05
patdk-lapyou mean how to boot without running folding@home?16:05
oerheks!info cpufrequtils16:19
ubottucpufrequtils (008-2build1, jammy): utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Built by cpufrequtils. Size 34 kB / 179 kB. (Only available for alpha, amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, hppa, i386, ia64, m68k, mips, mips64el, mipsel, s390x, sh4, sparc64, x32.)16:19
oerheksmaybe this ubuntu-studio page is a help, comandline setup;  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Setting_CPU_Governor16:20
Eickmeyer[m]oerheks: Only thing with that is that ondemand isn't a thing anymore, and that entire page is based on the old upstart command way of doing things.16:21
oerheksoh dear,useless?16:22
Eickmeyer[m]heh, /me forgot to delete that page.16:22
Eickmeyer[m]Yep. page is completely useless.16:22
ogranah, it indicates thatit is time to go back to upstart indeed16:22
oerheksoke.. then mentioning it was a good thing after all :-D16:22
Eickmeyer[m]Though, cpufrequtils is pointing in the right direction.16:22
Eickmeyer[m]sudo cpufreq-set --governor=performance would do the trick.16:24
Eickmeyer[m]scripting that somewhere in systemd would do the trick for boot.16:25
oerhekssamba35, ^ ^ 16:26
fooHuh, nginx seems to be hanging. When someone sees this happening, what's the first troubleshooting step you take? I don't see any postgres queries hanging. 18:10
tomreynfoo: define "hanging" more, and inspect logs.18:20
footomreyn: going to the website via web browser, it just loads. Trying to figure out why. Maybe I need more logs to check for stuff like this. 18:21
tomreynup to three logs are of relevance there: the servers' logs (journalctl), nginx's global error log (if any), nginx's server_name specific error log (if any). if you don't have the latter, you should change the configuration to have it created - at least while debugging issues.18:25
tomreynif you're looking for better documentation that what nginx provides (they recently, maybe 2 or 3 years ago, i think, started having proper documentation thanks to F5 considering it a relevant addition to their portfolio), there's the o'reilly book which is free-if-you-provide-your-or-someones-contacts.18:28
=== smoser2 is now known as smoser
gossip20Hi everyone, I'm trying to config a bond with multiple vlans in MaaS after commissioning a node but seems impossible. Anyone with some experience that can help?23:19
sarnolddo you have a config for that that works without maas's involvement?23:20
sarnoldor is that the core of the open question? heh23:21
sarnoldI never got the hang of vlans, nor bonding..23:21
gossip20yes, config, tested all working23:21
sarnoldnice :D23:22
gossip20but as far as I can see in MaaS GUI you could do a bond with interfaces which already have a vlan setted up... which should not be the case when there are more vlans through that bond.23:23
gossip20Couldn't find any scenario like this, neither some statement `it's not supported` not to chase ghosts and implement an alternative23:24

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