
habysdoes anyone have the kernel arguments needed to boot jammy over ipxe00:00
powyscomputershabys, https://boot.ipxe.org/demo/boot.php00:05
habyserm, afaik jammy requires you pass in the kernel, initrd and live.iso00:06
habysand even though I specified the live.iso, it doesn't seem to be able to read it00:07
habysthis is as close as I can come, but it stil fails repeatly trying to read /dev/sr000:07
habysbelieve me if I don't need to use the live.iso I'd rather not00:07
habyswrong paste: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Jd8JzV3jCq/plain/ is a bit closer00:09
powyscomputersreplace bootfile=[stuff] with your https://example.org/cd.iso  -- ive used this on centos00:09
powyscomputersthat 2nd paste requires UbuntuOne signin00:10
arraybolt3[m]I've got the signin ability, I'll look at it.00:10
arraybolt3[m]Nothing sensitive in it, here you go: https://pastebin.com/BdSYd23s00:11
Xrb17Xim still getting oom error with server thumbdrive cant catch a break00:12
powyscomputersthnxs arraybolt300:12
Xrb17Xplaying around with bios to try and get around it :(00:13
habyspowyscomputers: you are saying change the `url=` parameter with `bootfile=` ... I'll try it00:13
powyscomputershabys, basically yes, i really need to give this ipxe stuff another go as it looks like its changed a bit since i last dabbled - but i'd be surprised if the 'simple version' i linked didnt still work..00:14
powyscomputers.. ok i'll be annoyed, it was so nice and simple :D hehe00:14
arraybolt3[m]Xrb17X: Are you sure that the flash drive you're using is good and that your ISO downloaded properly?00:14
habyswhoa I randomly got it, ds="nocloud-net;s=${boot_path}/" was missing quotes00:16
powyscomputersoh gz :)00:16
powyscomputersIF you have time, back that working version up and try the 'simple version' and let us know if that still works - no worries if not, thanks00:16
habysfor posterity here is working kernel arguments: kernel ${boot_path}/vmlinuz ip=dhcp cloud-config-url=/dev/null url=${boot_path}/ubuntu-22.04-live-server-amd64_2022-08-10.iso ds="nocloud-net;s=${boot_path}/" ramdisk_size=1500000 initrd=initrd00:17
powyscomputershabys, good post - thanks00:17
habyswhew!! now to automate the install :D00:17
=== fjmorazan_ is now known as fjmorazan
Xrb17Xwoohoo think im out of the woods :) finally01:01
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
Xrb17Xis there a way i can get the Software & Updates app to take controll of my repo list, it doesnt have all the repos just the main server ones because i used server image01:31
Xrb17Xand can i do the same with network controll i know there used to be an old trick to do it, dont remember01:32
powyscomputersdo you mean add a repository?01:32
sarnoldXrb17X: apt install ubuntu-desktop network-manager    -- that should get you the usual desktop packages, and double-make-sure that NM is brought in01:33
oerheksedit your sources list, and uncomment the repos you want?01:34
Xrb17Xthe app itself doesnt have controll i get an error when trying to modify repos threw the app instead of cli list01:34
Xrb17Xsarnold, yea there installed01:34
powyscomputersshit, there is a gui for that? didnt even know lol01:34
sarnoldyeah, software-properties something or other, I think01:34
powyscomputersoh you mean the "Other Software" tab in the 'Software & Updates' gui application?01:35
Xrb17Xi dont see a service for network-manager but it is installed01:35
Xrb17Xwifi shows up not lan though01:41
sarnoldXrb17X: so, one guess.. you might want to replace the netplan configuration with the NetworkManager example on https://netplan.io/01:44
Xrb17Xill give a try01:45
sarnold.. then netplan apply -- and hopefully NM will be able to configure the other interfaces01:45
powyscomputersnetplan isn't my friend yet ... im sure it will be one day, but it isn't yet01:51
C4mboneAnyone can help me? I've a issue with my headphone, It doesn't work. In audio control it doesn't show the option of output devices. In alsamix shows the headphone bar off with the letters "MM" and i can't change it. HELP.01:54
sarnoldC4mbone: many of those problems can be solved by running pavucontrol and fiddling around a bit01:56
sarnoldC4mbone: what do you mean by "can't change it'? as in, you hit 'm' when it's selected, and nothing happens? or you don't know to hit 'm'?01:57
C4mboneNow i got it01:57
C4mbonethanks man!01:57
oerheksmm = muted01:58
jhutchinsAin't it great when it just works?02:17
=== ledeni__ is now known as ledeni
JMichaelXso what is up with this rash of updates lately that wind up being held back?03:22
JMichaelXkept back*03:23
oerhekslook for phased updates03:29
JMichaelXoerheks: many thanks03:30
Guest55i am in ubuntu 16.04 and have esm. i have only 2 segices enbaled, should i enable others ?03:34
oerheksWhat are segices?03:36
Guest55*services : livepatch and esm-infra03:37
Guest55there are 4 others not enabled03:37
oerheksoh, no idea about that. Access to ESM extends support for LTS packages in the Ubuntu ‘main’ and ‘restricted’ archives only03:38
oerheksthat is all i know03:38
Guest55what are NIST-certified core packages, any idea ?03:39
oerheksFederal Information Processing Standards; FIPS 140 defines security requirements related to the design and implementation of a cryptographic module, or in software terms, for an application or library implementing cryptography03:43
oerheksfrom; https://ubuntu.com/blog/running-fips-140-workloads-on-ubuntu03:43
Guest55for a personal computer is it necessary ? or is it for server computers ?03:44
oerheksno idea further about that package, maybe someone else here can answer that?03:44
oerheksESM can be free for home use, if you paid for it, you know where to get support?03:44
Guest55no I am on the Free account03:45
kushal_kumaranFIPS-validated cryptography is never necessary, unless you are required to implement it by a government agency. If you're asking here, you don't need it.03:45
Guest55okay thanks ! :-)03:46
=== polve2 is now known as polve
DiagonUpgrading Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04.  I'm getting errors that look like this:06:31
Diagonapt_pkg.Error: E:Could not configure 'libc6:i386'. , E:Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libgcc-s1:i386'.06:31
DiagonAny way to handle this?06:31
=== realivanjx0 is now known as realivanjx
napnapHi all, I have a fresh install of the latest ubuntu mate on a computer with dual graphic card (one build-in and one other). When the boot process is finished, I got the ouput on the right card, but during the boot process the output goes to the built-in card. So I can't see when I have to enter the disk decrypt password whithout disconnect/connect the screen on the other card. Can someone help me with this ?07:10
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
HashI noticed a issue/problem in Ubuntu 22.04 in package 'steam'07:23
HashThe menu item which is created (I'm using KDE/Kubuntu 22.04.1) in AppMenu -> Games -> Steam, the menu entry is created with 'sudo /usr/games/steam %U', which causes it to launch as sudo/root and not as user, and this causes a conflict with if you launch steam from command line as user.07:24
HashIf you start steam from menu, windows are blank, nothing renders. If you start as user from command line, it's fine.07:25
HashWhy is the 'steam' package's menu shortcut for a user created as 'sudo'?07:25
Hashdrwxr-xr-x 1 root root  186 Aug 12 01:20 .steam is created in /root which seems very incorrect.07:26
Hashlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   24 Aug 12 01:19 .steampath -> /root/.steam/sdk32/steam07:27
HashThis is on brand new 22.04 install updated to .107:27
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
WoetI have two packages of which I want to keep the versions the same. Unfortunately, their updates come out on different dates. For example, today foo might be updated to 1.2 but bar might still be on 1.1 until next week. Is there any way to pin the versions together so apt will only upgrade if both of them can be updated to the same version?08:14
Woetsorry, this is more a server question :)08:14
powyscomputersWoet, basically you want to use 'apt list --all-versions <package>' and then install the specific version you want from the list (using it's full name including the version number)08:24
Woetpowyscomputers: right, I can do that, but I'm trying to avoid "apt upgrade" (and unattended upgrades) from upgrading one package unless the other one has the same version available08:24
Woetbecause this keeps happening by mistake :)08:24
powyscomputersoh wow really? i thought installing a specific version _locked_ it to that version ... poop ... im sure it use to ...08:25
powyscomputersWoet, a quick DDG reveals this as a possible solution for you: https://linuxhint.com/lock_ubuntu_packages/08:26
Woetpowyscomputers: thanks. it doesn't do *exactly* as I would like, but I guess it's a step in the right direction08:27
WoetI'm guessing what I need is probably too specific08:28
Woettheres also https://askubuntu.com/questions/18654/how-to-prevent-updating-of-a-specific-package08:28
powyscomputersWoet, hack-n-slash thinking - maybe just a nightly cron job to apt-install the two very specific versions ?08:29
Woetpowyscomputers: for now, I'll just hold the packages and when apt shows me they're both being held back, I'll upgrade them manually :)08:42
Woetthanks a lot!08:42
yusefhello everyone...does anyone here have experience using x-11 windowing system?08:42
powyscomputersWoet, coolio - good luck08:43
ogranapnap, have a look at your BIOS settings to disable the internal GPU ?08:44
ograHash, if this is a steam package from the ubuntu archive, this is a serious bug you should file ... i.e. call: "ubuntu-bug steam" ... and follow the instructions08:45
Hashogra: ok thanks08:45
Hashii  steam:i386                                    1:                         i386         Valve's Steam digital software delivery system08:49
HashFilename: pool/multiverse/s/steam/steam_1.0.0.74-1ubuntu2_i386.deb08:50
HashIn debian you use a command line program reportbug to do it. How is it in ubuntu08:50
Hashhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Reporting_non-crash_hardware_and_desktop_application_bugs I can't figure thisout08:52
Hashubuntu-bug just generates a thing where I can't specify the problem.08:53
ograHash, it takes you to a web from in your browser once it collected all logs it needs for that particular package08:55
ogra(and there you can freely input a title and description)08:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1985900 in steam (Ubuntu) "steam xdg/application menu entry gets created as sudo/root" [Undecided, New]08:57
ograalso, if you want a functional steam that gets a lot of testing curently: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/introducing-early-access-to-the-steam-snap/2808208:57
Hashogra: I had to do it manually as ubuntu-bug steam errors out with 'can't create bug report cuz package isn't installed' but steam is installed.08:58
ograprobably because it is foreign architecture (i386)08:58
HashPosted fix, which is just to take out the 'sudo' part from the xdg menu entry09:08
HashThough I wonder, because if you install steam, since steam is often updated, I'm guessing ubuntu only provides an installer, because steam has to download 300~ish mb to update steam to latest.09:09
ograwell, it will come back wit the next package update... thats only a very temporary fix09:09
ograthis is why canonical works on the steam snap i posted above09:09
HashSo I'm not sure if this is created by ubuntu or steam, but since xdg menu entry, I'm guessing steam. the update is just for the binary, and not for the menu's I assume09:09
ogra(the deb will likely go away some time in the future)09:09
HashI see09:11
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
greyboredIs it possible to specify what the hostname should be set to via the kernel params with autoinstall instead of specifying it in user-data file?09:43
tomreyngreybored: try #ubuntu-server on this09:47
stevenmDoes anyone know how I can debug the install screen where you setup AD ?  it seems completely broken09:47
stevenmI get a little green tick when I click "Test Connection" ... but pressing "Continue" does NOTHING and now "Back" is greyed out... basically making you completely stuck on that screen09:48
tomreynstevenm: which installer / screen are you referring to there? which ubuntu variant and version?09:50
stevenmtomreyn, normal ubuntu 22.04 - the AD screen on the normal ubiquity installer09:52
tomreynstevenm: oh that's during those last stages of setup, right? i've not used this, can't comment.09:56
tomreyn!bug | stevenm09:56
ubottustevenm: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:56
absenceafter a fresh install of 22.04 and upgrade to 22.04.1, there are some packages (including apt and gtk) that are "kept back" even if i do apt-get dist-upgrade. can i get them going somehow?09:58
tomreynabsence: those are probably phased updates09:59
stevenmtomreyn, no it's right after naming the computer - *before* it starts to image the disk10:01
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tomreynstevenm: you can still do so after installation10:11
napnapogra, thanks disable it in the bios seems to work10:23
=== Guest26 is now known as abhisk
absencetomreyn: thanks, hadn't heard about those. is there a way to query apt about which updates are phased?10:38
ograabsence, apt-cache policy <packagename> shows it ... (there are other apt commands where it is shown too, but i forgot which exactly)10:41
absenceogra: thanks, i can see there's a phased candidate version10:44
twobefreeI'm looking for the instructions/step-by-step instructions list for those (humans or scripts) who build the official Ubuntu .iso files. Specifically, I'm looking for the genisoimage command that is used to build them. Old instructions all around the Internet include now-non-existent ISOLINUX files and "boot/grub/efi.img", which doesn't seem to be10:46
twobefreepresent in ubuntu-22.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso either10:46
twobefreehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization is equally outdated, or I'm doing this wrong10:46
twobefree("sudo mkisofs -D -r -V "$IMAGE_NAME" -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../ubuntu-9.04.1-desktop-i386-custom.iso ." is probably as old as Ubuntu 09.04)10:48
ograhmm, staying more than 5min might have helped to get an answer ...10:52
Jongwhy am I not seeing cmake 3.20 and newer available for ubuntu via apt?11:12
lotuspsychjewich ubuntu release are you on Jong11:13
lotuspsychje!info cmake focal11:13
ubottucmake (3.16.3-1ubuntu1, focal): cross-platform, open-source make system. In component main, is optional. Built by cmake. Size 3,583 kB / 18,758 kB11:13
lotuspsychjeJong: you can try !backports or the cmake snap version if you like11:14
Jongsnap shows 3.2411:14
Jongyeah I just used snap11:14
Jongbut why is apt behind?11:14
ografrom 3.14 to 3.24 ...11:14
lotuspsychjeapt follows the package versions based on your ubuntu release11:15
ograbecause stable releases normally do not see new versions of packages11:15
ograthis is the definition of "stable" 😉11:15
ograsnaps are release independent, they are rolling releases on a per package basis11:15
lotuspsychjeJong: alternate, you can also mount to higher ubuntu releases to find your higher cmake version(s)11:16
lotuspsychje!info cmake jammy11:17
ubottucmake (3.22.1-1ubuntu1, jammy): cross-platform, open-source make system. In component main, is optional. Built by cmake. Size 4,895 kB / 20,741 kB11:17
ograyeah, in 22.04.1 there is cmake 3.2211:17
JongI also notice there are packages shown on aptitude that aren't on apt11:18
JongI guess they aren't the same program?11:18
twobefreehuh, I seem to have been disconnected. Lost any answers if there had been :|11:59
lotuspsychjeogra: ^12:00
ogratwobefree, try #ubuntu-release, this is where the people building images hang out (#ubuntu-devel too)12:01
twobefreeah perfect, thank you very much :)12:01
ograthough after the hard time the 22.04.1 release was they are probably off today12:01
ogra(there were a few nightshifts involved the last days)12:02
twobefreeah I see. Well-deserved sleep :)12:02
tomreynJong: they are separate applications, working differently. personally, i would recommend against using aptitude, and recommend to use apt and apt-get only. that's because of aptitude's deviations from and partial incompatibilities with apt (or its libraries), which most everyone and wrappers / internal tools use.12:17
Jongcool thanks for the info tomaw12:17
tomreynJong: aptitude also moved to the 'universe' (community maintained) section after 18.04 - supposedly for ths reasoning: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?exact=1&keywords=aptitude12:18
agoodmis there anything I can do in dhcpd to smooth over the ridiculous situation I currently have with Ubuntu 22.04 wireless clients returning pings during wireless roam events? Its causing chaos12:19
agoodmor conversely, is there anything I can do to prevent 22.04 clients returning pings when roaming?12:20
hans_is Ubuntu dead? hasn't been updated since 19.04?12:23
hans_https://lubuntu.net/downloads/  advertise 19.04 ?12:24
murmel!eol | hans_12:25
ubottuhans_: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:25
hans_murmel: what i want to know is, is the Lubuntu project dead? since they haven't even created a 20.04 release?12:25
hans_huh.. a different webside, https://lubuntu.me/ , advertise a Lubuntu 22.04 :o12:26
murmelhans_: https://lubuntu.me/ yes12:27
murmelso 22.04 is a thing12:27
hans_the first google result for "lubuntu" is lubuntu.net12:27
murmelyeah my adblocker was screaming at me12:28
agoodmis there anything I can do in dhcpd to smooth over the ridiculous situation I currently have with Ubuntu 22.04 wireless clients returning pings during wireless roam events? Its causing chaos12:55
agoodmor conversely, is there anything I can do to prevent 22.04 clients returning pings when roaming?12:55
murmelagoodm: idk, but I would first try to block icmp on the clients firewall so they don't return anything12:56
murmelbut that's just my first guess12:56
agoodmfair point I guess12:56
agoodmubuntu uses firewalld and I only really know iptables, do you know what the magic sauce is for firewalld?12:57
loganrunI can see from the last log that it rebooted but don't know why12:57
agoodmloganrun, pastebin your log file and ill look12:58
murmelagoodm: idk, pretty sure ubuntu uses ufw by default.12:58
agoodmmurmel, ah ok, any idea what the magic command will be?12:58
loganrunagoodm, which log12:58
agoodmloganrun, /var/log/syslog if its ubuntu12:59
agoodmmurmel, I suppose I could disable replying to ipv4 icmp entirely12:59
murmelfor example. I rather only know firewalld13:00
agoodmmurmel, I've spent 15 years building networks on iptables; all these helper systems are really simplistic13:01
murmelagoodm: sure, I was just saying that I have no idea about ufw. and I am trying to get into nftables, as i don't like firewalld too much13:02
agoodmI think a more elegant solution is to just tell my kernel not to reply to ipv4 icmp: net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all=113:04
murmeloh. yeah that's also a possibility13:04
leftyfbagoodm: file bugs. That's the only way this is going to get fixed. These are kernel and wpa_supplicant level issues13:05
BluesKajHi all13:06
agoodmleftyfb, I did: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/198136613:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1981366 in linux (Ubuntu) "Intel AX201 / Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen 9 returns ping during WiFi roam" [Undecided, Confirmed]13:07
loganrunagoodm, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qJ3PGn49Ds/13:08
loganrunagoodm, there is the portion around the reboot event13:08
loganrunagoodm, reboot   system boot  5.15.0-46-generi Wed Aug 10 12:43   still running13:09
agoodmloganrun, paste more of the log file please, further down so I can see where it starts to boot again13:13
leftyfbgem: hello. Is there an ubuntu issie we can help you with?13:22
gemlol rekt13:22
gemnope I am a newbie13:22
leftyfbgem: if you're just looking for chat, feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic13:22
gemcheck the forums13:22
wezgem: Lets get stuck into the offtopic!13:22
ses1984is it possible to configure ubuntu to be entirely ipv6 only? without an ipv4 loopback interface, etc13:27
gemyes you can check the forums for line command13:34
leftyfbses1984: why would you want to remove/replace the loopback?13:37
gneeriiloeepdeeris there any way to convert an epub to either .odt or .pdf? Epubs are so complicated to work with13:38
murmelgneeriiloeepdeer: look into calibre13:39
ses1984leftyfb: we're trying to make our application ipv6 compliant for a customer who claims their network is going to be ipv6 only, getting more information from them is like pulling teeth but 100x worse13:41
leftyfbses1984: ok, then you can leave the loopback alone as it doesn't touch the customers network13:41
ses1984we asked them for more info about their server network, we waited a month and all they did was run ipconfig on a windows workstation13:41
gneeriiloeepdeerim using calibre, dont like it13:41
ses1984we want to make sure our application still runs if the loopback is ipv6, we'd like to configure ubuntu this way and run our full test suite on it13:42
murmelgneeriiloeepdeer: what's so bad with a cli command converting it to pdf, pretty sure you don't have to use the gui part at all13:42
leftyfbses1984: the loopback doesn't need t obe ipv613:42
ses1984yeah but what if it is13:42
leftyfbses1984: good luck13:43
gneeriiloeepdeeryou meant the cli :D13:43
murmelgneeriiloeepdeer: https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/generated/en/ebook-convert.html13:44
leftyfbses1984: regardless, a quick google looks like configuring the loopback for ipv6(netplan) is as simple as configuring any other interface13:44
gneeriiloeepdeermurmel, genius!13:46
DynamiteDandecided on a new strategy. The largest NVMe I  used for a vdev contanting the home pool, and the small NVMe I used for a vdev containing /opt /srv /tools /var/lib/libvirt/images14:02
DynamiteDanthanks for your help14:02
biglinux /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER biglinux 8vDhdZC0xL2G6bHG14:15
* DynamiteDan covers his eyes14:16
leftyfbbiglinux: time to change your password14:16
biglinuxI've registered in error14:16
DynamiteDana good practice is to issue server commands on the status window14:16
wezbiglinux: Nice password14:17
wezbiglinux: But there are no symbols14:17
biglinuxDoes have any proxy to use as false redirector?14:17
krytenThat's not the account password though.14:17
wezkryten: Did you try it?  That's a bit rude.14:19
krytenNo, but it's clearly just the verification code.14:19
wezkryten: but still, you attempted to take over their account?14:27
DynamiteDanis there a way to create a bootable install cd on a SSD?14:38
DynamiteDanI had one like that but I think I used a windows tool to do that14:39
geniiThe install images are hybrid, if dd is used to image the ISO file directly to a drive whether that is an USB stick ir a spinnydisk or an SSD, it should still be viable to boot from14:41
DynamiteDanthankies. Gonna try.14:41
DynamiteDananother question. I have several ssds in sata and would like to know the manufacturer ID to be able to disconnect some. How do I get such information?14:43
tomreynDynamiteDan:   fdisk -l   will list them, also   ls /dev/disk/by-id/*14:45
DynamiteDantomreyn, the ls solution is better. I get the manufacturer string14:48
tomreynyou do in fdisk -l, too, it's just more output, including some you probably don't want / need14:49
DynamiteDanah yes14:50
DynamiteDanthere are a lot a loop fs14:51
DynamiteDanand I missed the info14:51
leftyfbDynamiteDan: lsblk -o +type -e7 -f14:54
Guest97Afternoon! Failed Ubuntu 22.04 upgrade. I've FDE from a couple of LTS's ago. Choosing "recovery mode" gets me: https://cloud.pricey.uk/s/QTL6NnCpCnzKwe615:18
Guest97I've also tried booting the previous kernel. No dice. Same error.15:24
Guest97https://askubuntu.com/questions/895492/kernel-panic-vfs-cannot-open-root-device-or-unknown-block-error-6 looks very similar...15:29
ioriaGuest97, if Recovery 's not working, you need a livecd; luks Open, mount the root partition and /boot ; then you can run initramfs or make some space on boot, probably15:36
ioriaGuest97, in chroot, i mean15:36
Guest97ioria Thanks, preparing that now. Yeah have done similar before. Will start with that as basics.15:37
Guest97I'm guessing it's not a known 22.04.1 upgrade issue then!15:37
Guest97Hopefully it's something silly like /boot was full and initramfs failed when it last run or similar...15:37
ioriayou hope so15:38
Guest97I was being so good, waiting for .1 ...15:38
ioriaGuest97, it's not clean if you're just upgrading a 22.04 install, or you're are upgrading from 20.04 to 22.0415:39
Guest97Sorry this is an 18.04 -> 20.04.x -> 22.04.1 upgrade.15:40
ioriaah, i see15:40
Guest97Pretty sure the 18->20 upgrade went cleanly.15:40
ioriaGuest97,  in one shot ?15:40
Guest97Nope. 18->20 2 years ago15:40
samba35#/join #ubuntu15:42
samba35how to always boot system into performance mode on 18.0415:43
samba35is there any grub setting ?15:43
cbreakwhat the hell is performance mode?15:44
samba35powersave mode and performance mode15:44
jhutchinscbreak: Probably a Windows thing where they throttle the system by default.15:44
samba35ubuntu linux15:44
samba35done let check15:52
Guest97Hmm "cryptsetup: WARNING: target 'luks-uuid-goes-here' not found in /etc/crypttab"16:07
wezGuest97: stop hiding!16:07
Guest97And that's is my root...16:09
Guest97wez: hiding?16:09
wezGuest97: yes, guest16:09
Guest97(You don't need to know the uuid of my root partition, and i'm not copying it out from another machine...)16:10
Guest97Anyway that's the output from running update-initramfs.16:10
ioriaGuest97, you might want to read this (note the [Workaroud] part) : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/197915916:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1979159 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu Kinetic) "Cannot unlock encrypted root after upgrading to 22.04" [Critical, Fix Released]16:11
leftyfbwez: as you can see, adding what you perceive as amusing commentary doesn't help someone looking for help and can lead to confusion. Lets not16:11
Guest97ioria fantastic thank you!16:12
ioriagood luck16:12
Guest97(i never get prompted to unlock, but i suspect this'll work anyway)16:12
Guest97ioria hmm annoyingly that suggests it's fixed in the version of cryptsetup I already have installed... 2:2.4.3-1ubuntu1.116:17
wezleftyfb: Interesting analyisis, I am going to bed now as it is early in the morning, lets pick this upo in ten hours or so16:19
Guest97No dice.16:20
Guest97I've got to head out so will pick this up later.16:21
Guest97Thanks for the pointer ioria.16:23
jannemq-^&h "  i ts fizn  d ay , t AND i am ubuntu studio USER, ..$UNIX@40$lts,and...MORE >>>  google+yliohjelmoija s2 HUMANS ,  ¿webdev_null!!:*wiccaZartRu s.  - bring me a night  , greetS =/ -dd p16:29
jannemq...still learning, linux > java.s AND jar16:30
jannemqbtw, i live in finland k. very alone deep selfness virgin white16:31
Eickmeyerjannemq: First of all, please do not post garbage, and second of all, do you have a support question?16:31
jannemqhmn, ok maybe i just wanted to try this Quassel IRC and to next > some more find good irc channel for lonely, from google. thank u AND see u +16:33
Eickmeyerjannemq: Well, if you just want to chat, feel free to simply /join #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntustudio-offtopic . :)16:34
EickmeyerBut also mind the !guidelines16:34
Eickmeyer!guidelines | jannemq16:34
ubottujannemq: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:34
jannemqok, thanks16:35
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
srcubuntu 22.04.1 lts fresh install, installed nginx, created two A records (@ and *) pointing to my server's IP, nginx is running (checked via ps -aux | grep nginx (shows master process and www-data worker process), and via sudo systemctl status nginx which lists it as active (running)), but going to the url in browser still shows it as 'unable to connect'17:33
src(it's a .dev domain if that makes any difference, not sure)17:33
srcany pointers very welcome, I've been out of the game for a while, I think it should work :/17:33
twobefreethanks again and have a nice weekend :)17:33
srcI expect the nginx default page to show17:34
leftyfbsrc: what interface is nginx configured to listen on?17:34
srcleftyfb: I'm currently running nginx without having a single thing edited in the confs17:35
tomreynis any firewalling between the accessing system and the nginx server blocking the traffic?17:35
leftyfbsrc: on the server running nginx run: sudo lsof -i :8017:35
leftyfbsrc: from another machine on the network run:  sudo nmap -p80 <ip of nginx server>17:36
srcleftyfb: I have no other machine on the network, it's a vps btw17:36
srcsudo lsof -i :80 does not give any output17:36
leftyfbsrc: then nginx isn't listening on port 8017:37
jhutchinssrc: What provider?  VPS providers often firewall servers.17:37
srcvultr vps17:37
srcnever had problems with them before17:37
src(though used openbsd before for webservers)17:37
src(but also nginx)17:37
leftyfbsrc: if lsof doesn't give a result, then nothing is listening on port 8017:38
jhutchinssrc: As leftyfb pointed out, if it's not listening locally it's not listening.17:38
tomreynif niothing is bindng to port 80 then it's not (or not only) a firewall issue, though.17:38
leftyfbsrc: I just spun up a 22.04 container and installed nginx. nginx is running, listening on 80 and I can access it from the containers ip from the host17:40
srcleftyfb: this is weird...17:40
leftyfbsrc: it sounds like maybe your VPS is using unoffically modified images. You might want to contact support17:41
srcmaybe I'll just reinstall ubuntu since it won't take long and everything is still relatively clean17:41
tomreynyou should have, in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf or /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/* , a "server {...}" block which includes "listen 80"17:41
srcleftyfb: I've uploaded my custom image, I never use images offered by cloud providers etc if I can help it17:41
srctomreyn: I have in sites-available a file named 'default' which includes server { listen 80 default_server; and listen [::]:80 default_server;17:42
srcno such thing in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled dir is empty17:43
srcleftyfb: tomreyn: jhutchins: thanks to you all, I'll just do a fresh ubuntu install for now (it'll be quicker than debugging this)17:43
srcleftyfb: and thanks for going to the trouble of spinning up a 22.04 container for me17:44
* ogra wonders why you would expect a different result by this17:44
leftyfbsrc: it's a single command and takes less than a minute17:44
srcogra: because I witnessed things mysteriously solving themselves before17:44
tomreynsrc: then you don't understand the basic concept of how these configurations are activated, yet. you are supposed to created configuration files in /etc/nginx/sites-available and then set symlinks to those in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled to enable them.17:45
tomreynthere is probably a README file in either /etc/nginx/sites-available or a README-Debian* file in /usr/share/doc/nginx* explaining this17:46
jhutchinsI don't suppose we could look at the nginx logs...17:46
srcaccess log was empty error log with no interesting info17:47
srclast I checked17:47
srcrunning the reinstall now though17:47
ograsrc, its a simple symlink ... an it wont magically appear if you reinstall the system from scratch 😉17:47
tomreynby default, you would have a /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default symbolic link pointing to, from memory, /etc/nginx/sites-available/000-default17:47
tomreyn(and /etc/nginx/sites-available/000-default would contain the "server { listen 80 ...; ...}" block in it.17:49
jhutchinsI see a lot of steps here that seem to have been skipped.  Manually creating a symlink to default is not one of them.17:55
jhutchinsI don't think I've seen an apache install that didn't enable the default page either.17:56
srcjhutchins: besides ufw none have been skipped17:56
src(and ufw wasn't relevant here)17:56
tomreyni don't think you'd need to manually create a symlink to default, i think it's already there ona fresh install. but i think it must have been removed (or the default file edited) if post 80 is not being listened on.17:59
srcfresh install, done nothing to it but run apt update and apt install nginx, let's see18:00
srcit's there -.- /etc/nginx/sites-enabled ... $ w3m localhost now shows the nginx start page18:01
srcnot sure how I screwed this one up...18:01
tomreynsudo lsof -i :80    should also have had output then18:01
tomreynmaybe you typed something else?18:02
srctwo nginx processes as root, two nginx processes as www-data (one for ipv4, one for ipv6)18:02
tomreyn<src> sudo lsof -i :80 does not give any output18:03
srcyep like I've said, now my etc/nginx/sites-enabled isn't empty18:03
tomreynvery mysterious18:04
srcif the domain name records are correctly configured I should see the nginx starting page also via web right?18:04
srcthere I still get the 'unable to connect'18:04
tomreynif port 443 is still closed and you're accessing via httpS then that's expected18:05
srcit shows up via w3m as well18:06
srcdamn... I'm embarrassed, thanks18:06
srcI'll set up ssl and then read up on nginx and html/css again18:06
gneeriiloeepdeerI hope this is the pace to ask this: I have a bricked smartphone, the stock software and a linux based computer. Is there any way to install the stock software back into the brick with a linux compatible app or must I use windows?18:08
tomreynkeep in mind that nginx will serve different context based on whether you have a "server {...}" block with a "server_name ..." matching your .dev domain name.18:08
tomreynsrc: ^18:08
tomreyngneeriiloeepdeer: if "a linux based computer" is not "a computer running ubuntu" then you'll be better served in #linux18:09
gneeriiloeepdeerwell, it's a computer with ubuntu installed tomreyn18:10
murmelgneeriiloeepdeer: offtopic, but it really depends on what device you hv18:10
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gneeriiloeepdeermurmel, is there a list of devices that work with ubuntu?18:11
srcgneeriiloeepdeer: the smartphone is android18:11
srcthis is more an android issue, usually tools on linux to flash android smartphones etc are available np, but it's outside the scope of the 'ubuntu' channel18:11
srctomreyn: ssl up and running :318:12
srcnow I can access it from browser as well18:12
srctomreyn: not sure I know what you're on about there :P18:12
tomreynsrc: the concept apache httpd refers to as "virtualhosts"18:13
tomreynor "name-based virtual hosts" really18:13
murmelgneeriiloeepdeer: it's rather a question of manufacturer, as it really depends if they require special drivers or not. I have a cheap xiaomi for example which works perfectly fine with adb/fastboot (so no additional things required) but I had quite the trouble with samsung for example, as they have a different driver/protocol thingy18:13
murmelgneeriiloeepdeer: but let's move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic18:14
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tomreynsrc: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/server_names.html https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/name-based.html https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/vhosts/name-based.html18:15
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
rickardAfter "do-release-upgrade" from 20.4 to 22.4   apt has become very noisy. It's now "No services need to be restarted. No containers need to be restarted." and many such messages. Is this normal?18:47
tomreynthat's a result of 22.04 installing "need-restart" by default, i think18:49
tomreynwhich is executed as an apt hook18:49
murmelrickard: yes, that's the default now. the package is called needrestart18:49
enigma9o7[m]and you can remove it if you like18:49
rickardThanks. I don't want to remove it. The functionality seems useful.18:50
xevious67here I am18:50
rickardMaybe it would be nice if it only spoke up if there WERE issues.18:51
rickardbut i dont mind18:51
oerheksgreat feature, instead of looking if /var/run/reboot-required exists18:52
xevious67colee is one mother fucker hypocrite criminal schizotype cluster B fuckup , stealing ideas, programs , make jokes about how and what I work with because of having fun with my tcsh history file   - you Colere and several Dutch that keep their mouth shut  because I have plans for them, it's your ego that under the guise of having my pr0n18:54
xevious67collection you have no moral or any dignitiy your academic medal will be burned with a plasmagun18:54
ElliriaHey there. Is there a list of global GTK CSS selectors for Ubuntu?18:55
leftyfb!op | xevious6718:55
ubottuxevious67: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant18:55
xevious67You ananke colere , anyone who this a kick of channel #linux     fucking low life criminal and if you use anything of me, at least credit that on your 1337 resume, a lot of people will be Well Documented because you leave me no other choice and I am one of fucking revenge that you deserve18:57
leftyfbxevious67: this isn't the place for it18:57
ElliriaMeanwhile, is there a list of global GTK CSS selectors for Ubuntu?18:59
leftyfbElliria: this? https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/css-overview.html18:59
ElliriaNope. I already looked there, leftyfb, but thanks. I'm looking for a complete list of global selectors if possible and that seems to not exist.19:00
leftyfbElliria: maybe try #gnome?19:01
ElliriaYeah, I'm in there and currently being ignored, but I'm hoping someone will reply.19:01
murmelElliria: as irc is very slow, just wait19:03
ElliriaYeah, will do. I also went into #css and asked there. Someone somewhere must know something.19:03
datadudenhi zorro19:06
zorohi everyone19:07
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ElliriaHey there, zoro.19:07
jhutchinsElliria: You're not being ignored, that's just how irc works.  Nobody has a good answer for you right now.19:22
jhutchinsElliria: What are you actually trying to do?19:22
ElliriaFigure out the selectors needed for a certain program. I know I can use the GTK inspector (or whatever it's called), but I'm on Kubuntu and would rather just get a list.19:25
jhutchinsYeah, we got that you were looking for selectors.19:32
Guest79I've just upgraded to ubuntu 22.04.1 using the gui updater. After reboot, I see https://cloud.pricey.uk/s/ooqPR2WmpGEtKNX/preview If I try recovery mode, I see https://cloud.pricey.uk/s/QTL6NnCpCnzKwe6/preview I have tried booting from a live cd and mounting as necessary to "update-initramfs". "cryptsetup: WARNING: target 'luks-uuid-goes-here' not20:03
Guest79found in /etc/crypttab" pops up during that. I'm assuming that's fine and just because I'm in a choot. I was pointed to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/1979159 but I don't think that's the problem as I have the supposedly fixed version of cryptsetup. Any ideas?20:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1979159 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu Kinetic) "Cannot unlock encrypted root after upgrading to 22.04" [Critical, Fix Released]20:03
ovekHello guys. Anyone have any solution for how to sync the philips hue "led strip" with movies I cast to a chromecast? I don't have the tv thingy but there's an option for windows so I thought I could might as well ask here for it :D20:03
Guest79(Yes it's a fully encrypted root partition, originally set up in 18.04 I believe)20:03
Guest79A few google results e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1981740 lead me to believe there's something up and specific with dell's xps 13 models...20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1842320 in OEM Priority Project "Can't boot: 'error: out of memory.' immediately after the grub menu" [Critical, Triaged] [duplicate: 1981740]20:05
Guest79Factory resetting bios, disabling secure boot bits etc. don't help.20:06
murmelGuest79: verify your /etc/crypttab, as that doesn't happen because you are in a chroot20:06
Guest79murmel It had a single line for my root partition in there.20:06
Guest79And the uuid was the same as the error above.20:07
Guest79Sorry warning.20:07
Guest79Given that's a warning and not an error though, I don't think there's any problem with the initramfs.20:07
murmelGuest79: when that warning pops up that means there is something wrong20:08
sarnoldENXIO 6 No such device or address20:09
jhutchinsWow, I just found some function/keystroke that zoomed my entire XFCE display about 200%.  I restarted lightdm to reset it.  No idea what triggered it.20:25
tomreyncould be an accessibility feature20:28
oerhekswindows + scroll wheel?20:29
jhutchinsoerheks: Alt+scroll20:29
genii( enables and disables it)20:30
jhutchinsgenii: toggles which?20:31
geniidesktop zoom20:31
powyscomputerson default ubuntu keyboard shortcuts, alt+win+8 toggles "all screen zoom" on and off20:31
genii( in XFCE )20:31
powyscomputersgenii :thumbsup:20:32
xwallpaper                                                                                                          21:11
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AJ_Z0Fresh Ubuntu 22.04.1 Desktop minimal install includes Ubuntu Software, but launching it fails silently because "snap.snapd-desktop-integration.service: Failed at step CHDIR spawwning /usr/bin/snap: No such file or directory"22:11
AJ_Z0I can find nothing about this as a reported bug.22:12
enigma9o7[m]Weird.  If it were me I'd try to reinstall snapd.  `sudo apt install --reinstall snapd`22:24
AJ_Z0 /usr/bin/snap (included in the snapd package) is installed.22:24
enigma9o7[m]Did reinstalling the package make the snap store work?22:26
AJ_Z0enigma9o7[m]: Done. No change. A clue in another error: internal error, please report: running "snap-store.ubuntu-software" failed: cannot find installed snap "snap store" at revision 582: missing file /snap/snap-store/582/meta/snap.yaml22:30
xwallpaperrevision 852?22:31
xwallpaperoh 582 nvm22:32
AJ_Z0No outstanding updates on this 22.04.1 amd64 Desktop install.22:33
AJ_Z0​/snap/snap-store/582/ is empty22:34
cbreakAJ_Z0: do you have /usr/bin/snap?22:35
jhutchinsAJ_Z0: I'd almost suspect your installer image.22:36
cbreakAJ_Z0: is /snap/snap-store/558 listed in findmnt?22:36
cbreakis snap-store listed in snap list?22:37
cbreakis systemctl status snapd listing it as active (running)?22:37
tomreynencrypted zfs by chance?22:38
jhutchinsI think I would be very suspicious of an installationthat needed major tweaks to launch.22:38
AJ_Z0cbreak: As I mentioned, yes, /usr/bin/snap is installed as part of snapd and exists. findmnt does not including anything for /snap, which is just a directory in /22:39
AJ_Z0FWIW, "snap list" shows all snaps as "broken" in Notes and disabled,broken for firefox - maybe related to running "sudo snap refresh" which produced errors.22:40
AJ_Z0tomreyn: Correct.22:41
tomreynthen you better reinstall without22:41
cbreakso, no snaps are mounted22:42
cbreakdoes snapd run?22:42
oerheksis your filesystem RO ?22:42
AJ_Z0cbreak: snap-store listed in "snap list" and snapd.service is active (running)22:42
cbreakhmm... can you systemctl restart snapd?22:42
tomreynbug 197006622:43
ubottuBug 1970066 in snapd (Ubuntu Jammy) "(Encrypted) ZFS breaks 22.04 installation" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197006622:43
cbreaktomreyn: that bug's 4 months old...22:43
ubottuBug 4 in Launchpad itself "Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/422:43
AJ_Z0tomreyn: I'm just testing a 22.04.1 install, not planning to use it, so am just mentioning this as a bug22:43
cbreakAJ_Z0: I use 22.04 on several systems, with encrypted zfs root22:43
tomreyncbreak: meaning?22:44
cbreakbut I mostly followed https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2022.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html, since the ubuntu installer is not good22:44
cbreaktomreyn: I'd expect it to be fixed by now :P22:44
cbreakAJ_Z0: I only use a single dataset for root, boot and all the system datasets, not all the sub-dataset nonsense the ubuntu installer creates. Also, no zsys22:45
AJ_Z0oerheks: There are many filesystems, but only one pseudofilesystem is mounted ro.22:45
cbreakusing zfs bootmenu to boot it22:45
tomreyncbreak: i don't think it is, also based on the bug's state. but then i don't use encrypted zfs set up through the installer myself.22:45
cbreaktomreyn: neither do I, I use encrypted zfs set up manually... since the installer sets it up in a really weird way22:45
tomreynweird enough to loose core parts of the installation apparently22:46
AJ_Z0tomreyn: Bug 1970066 looks to be consistent with my observation so far. Thanks for finding it.22:47
ubottuBug 1970066 in snapd (Ubuntu Jammy) "(Encrypted) ZFS breaks 22.04 installation" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197006622:47
cbreakAJ_Z0: are all the zfs datasets mounted?22:47
* cbreak wonders what the underlying cause for such a weird bug would be22:47
bleiis there any software for ie infinite scroll down with mouse wheel22:48
AJ_Z0cbreak: The installer certainly likes to create datasets for many things. Since I'm just testing, I let it do its job. Yes, all expected datasets are mounted.22:49
xwallpaperblei xdotool in a loop maybe22:50
blei xdotool doesn't seem to work in chromeos22:53
tomreynblei: maybe you're mixing things up, this is the #ubuntu support channel.22:54
enigma9o7[m]I would like to find an openbox theme that has window border minimize/maximize/close buttons the same as gtk apps's built in buttons.22:54
oerheksoh dear, chromeos ? wrong channel..22:54
bleitomreyn please don't pretend to be stupid just so you can offend someone22:55
bleiyou clearly understood i was running ubuntu in a container in chromeos22:55
bleido not pretend otherwise22:55
bleigo outside or something22:55
oerheksblei, read topic: ubuntu support only22:55
bleii'm aware of the topic, i've provided support in this channel for 20 years22:55
tomreynblei: you did not say so and i did not understand so.22:56
Linux^Uhuntu is based on debian?22:56
bleihow else would i be running xdotool on chromeos22:56
Linux^I heard of this today'22:56
oerheksLinux^, yes.22:56
Linux^So its the same thing?22:56
enigma9o7[m]Ubuntu is based on Debian.  Uhuntu?22:56
Linux^I dont understand22:56
powyscomputersblei, if you have a corsair keyboard ckb-next daemon will allow you to set an infinite 'scroll down' macro ... (clutching at straws)22:56
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!22:57
Linux^<Linux^[they]> yes ubuntu .  enigma9o7[m]22:57
bleipowyscomputers i have a corsair mouse and a logitech keyboard atm22:58
powyscomputersblei, perhaps some sort of battery powered lego/mecano cog that just rolls the middle mouse wheel? :D23:00
powyscomputersim surprised xdotool doesnt work ...23:00
powyscomputersive used that in alot of distro's without a problem, including inside a VM (vbox)23:01
bleii think i'm going to modify the Scroll It Chrome extension to scroll forever and then sideload it23:01
powyscomputersblei, chrome and firefox browsers have a 'auto refresh' plugin which has a tickbox toggle to automatically scroll to bottom of page (im sorry, i havent read the context of what your trying to do)23:02
powyscomputers'auto refresh tab' plugin23:02
NintenHey, all! I'm installing xubuntu 22.04.1 on my laptop, and found partitioning to be very tricky, so I'm turning for help. My question is how much space should I save for swap space, and should I make that partition a primary one or a logical one?23:04
cbreakNinten: I recommend using gpt partition table with efi boot, not the legacy stuff with mbr partitions23:05
cbreakthe primary / logical stuff is ancient23:05
oerheksprimairy or logical in extended, your choice.. ubuntu installs in one partition standard, with swapFILE23:05
cbreakswap partition: depends on how much ram you have / what filesystem you want to use / how much ram you expect to need23:06
enigma9o7[m]Ninten, no need for a swap partition if you don't plan to boot another linux anyway, can do it all with swapfile.23:07
tomreynblei: just to put things into perspective. check what you wrote there, "xdotool doesn't seem to work IN chromeos" (stress added by myself). you did not say "i'm (successfully) running xdotool on ChromeOS", those are different things. i had no way of knowing that you were running Ubuntu (or a system similar to Ubuntu) in a container on ChromeOS.23:07
enigma9o7[m]The only real advantage of a swap partition is (afaik) if you have more than one distro installed, as they can both use that same swap partition.23:07
enigma9o7[m]But that messes up hibernation anyway, so in that sense better to use swapfile on each anyway.23:07
bleii know exactly what was said and there was plenty of information for you to infer that ubuntu was involved and i know for a fact that there is always someone ready to rapid fire a stupid reply to a question23:08
cbreakswap files won't work in case zfs is used23:08
sarnoldswap on zfs is a bad idea23:08
sarnold(i've done it for two years without trouble, but I've got one machine doing it, very lightly used)23:08
ubottuIssue 7734 in openzfs/zfs "Swap deadlock in 0.7.9" [Open]23:09
enigma9o7[m]so many things to consider.  yeah i dunno much about zfs, always just used ext4 default.23:09
guzzlefry1hello, I'm trying to upgrade from Lubuntu 21.10 to 22.04 LTS. The instructions mention doing `sudo apt update` but that seems to fail with: "The repository 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu impish-security Release' no longer has a Release file."23:09
enigma9o7[m]hmmmm probably cuz impish is no longer within security support window23:10
sarnoldguzzlefry1: comment out that line, change the other lines to reference old-releases23:11
enigma9o7[m]if it were me I'd just disable that repo and see if that's enough to make it work.  `sudo apt edit-sources` and put a `#` at the beginning of the security repo line to comment it out....23:11
enigma9o7[m]do what sarnold said btw, he probably knows, i only guessing23:12
sarnoldhey I'm guessing too :)23:12
sarnoldI just have a good feeling about this guess, hehe23:12
Nintencbreak, I have 4GB RAM, but I am not sure of the filesystem I want to use, and I expect to use only enough for hibernation or other minor stuff like the occasional videoediting23:12
cbreakguzzlefry1: you know about https://www.barryodonovan.com/2022/01/31/upgrading-legacy-versions-of-ubuntu ?23:13
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:13
guzzlefry1sarnold: Can you clarify "change the other lines to reference old-releases"?23:13
NintenShould I ditch the swap partition?23:14
oerheksif you used the gui tool, you would be asked to upgrade to 22.04... sure the release file is there, try again?"23:14
enigma9o7[m]I think so Ninten, since you're probably not using ZFS, as thats more an advanced thing.23:14
cbreakNinten: if you don't intend to use zfs (and if you don't know zfs, stay away from it), then not using a swap partition should be ok23:14
gossip20Hi everyone, I'm trying to config a bond with multiple vlans in MaaS after commissioning a node but seems impossible. Anyone with some experience that can help?23:14
cbreak... I think23:14
enigma9o7[m]I think so as to ditch a swap parition.  But its not like it'll hurt either way.23:14
sarnoldNinten: yeah, swap files are generally more convenient23:15
sarnoldguzzlefry1: your /etc/apt/sources.list will have a bunch of 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ...' lines in it -- replace the 'archive.ubuntu.com' with 'old-releases.ubuntu.com' on all those lines23:15
enigma9o7[m]and the installer should start you automatically with a reasonable sized swapfile anyway23:15
NintenThanks everyone, you've helped me a lot23:16
oerhekssarnold, no need for old-releases, he should just try again23:16
sarnoldgossip20: you may have better luck in #ubuntu-server23:16
gossip20sarnold ty23:16
NintenI basically just need an ext4 partition mounted at /, and an EST, for booting the system. Is that correct?23:17
sarnoldoerheks: impish was removed from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ a while back -- the upgrader will whine "please install upgrades" -- *maybe* if all the updates from the existing local copies of the lists have been installed, maybe it'll just work..23:17
sarnoldNinten: yeah, I think that's it23:17
cbreakNinten: can't you use the default auto partitioning?23:18
NintenI totally can! But I feared it would delete the wrong partition23:19
sarnoldif you've got data on the drive you want to keep, backups are always a good idea :)23:19
cbreakI think the auto partitioning will delete everything23:21
Nintencbreak, you're right23:21
enigma9o7[m]well there are options, one of them is to delete everything and install only ubuntu23:21
enigma9o7[m]sometimes it presents other options for dual boot or whatever.23:21
oerheksno backups? data not important..23:21
cbreakdon't trust ubuntu's installer with multiboot23:22
cbreakit'll sometimes overwrite the wrong EFI partition23:23
sarnoldwell.. there's only *one* EFI partition used for booting on a system23:23
bleiYou are our valuable customer.23:23
sarnoldit'll sometimes overwrite the wrong one if you're trying to set up a hard drive for installation in a different computer23:23
cbreaksarnold: there can be many EFI partitions in the same computer, and all of them can be used for booting23:24
cbreakfor example, this very computer here has two bootable efi partitions23:24
sarnoldcbreak: and the bios will let you select from them both? o_O23:24
cbreaksarnold: well, the EFI firmware's boot chooser lets me chose one of the many bootloaders on either one of them23:25
cbreakbut usually I use refind to select stuff23:25
cbreakon the other computer here, I have three EFI partitions23:25
sarnoldcbreak: *wild*23:25
cbreakone for windows, with the windows bootloader, one for MacOS with OpenCore (and refind), and one for linux23:25
sarnoldwhy do they not all use the same partition? o_O23:26
cbreak... because I don't want them to break randomly23:26
Nintenenigma9o7[m], I want to have dual boot. Is that possible?23:26
cbreakI have copies of MacOS, with copies of the bootloader23:26
cbreakso if one disk fails, I can just boot the other one23:26
enigma9o7[m]Yes indeed Ninten.  How is it set up already, is there already unpartitioned space, or is windows using the whole partition already?23:27
enigma9o7[m]@Ninten only one hard drive total, right?23:27
cbreakthe disk with linux isn't even in the computer at the moment, so if it would contain all bootloaders, the system couldn't boot anymore23:27
cbreaksarnold: I think it makes sense to have the bootloader and the os it boots on the same disk23:27
cbreaksarnold: if you ever want to do something similar, you can add many bootloaders to your firmware's knowledge with the efibootmgr command line program23:28
sarnoldcbreak: back when I did dual boot I did the same -- plugging and unplugging drives was just way safer to my mind23:28
cbreakand refind offers a nice boot selector23:28
sarnold"try to overwrite the other OS when you can't even see it!"23:28
cbreakon my current system, I don't dual boot. But I boot from ZFS23:28
cbreaka ZFS mirror23:28
cbreakso I also want to mirror the EFI partition23:29
cbreakotherwise, what good is a redundant system if I can't boot half of it? :)23:29
Nintenenigma9o7[m], Only one hard drive. I have the preinstalled OS in one partition, and one with Xubuntu 20.04 that only boots on emergency mode after I tried upgrading to 22.04.123:29
enigma9o7[m]And you want to overwrite xubuntu with a new install of (x)ubuntu?  That should be doable....23:30
enigma9o7[m]Or do you want to overwrite windows and keep xubuntu?  also doable.23:31
NintenOverwrite xubuntu23:32
blei  /join #machinelearning23:32
* octav1a 𓂀𓈖𓂀 at blei23:33
bleiare those alien spaceship eyeballs23:34
octav1aEgypt == alien23:34
octav1aI like that ubuntu shows all of these fonts out of the box while most other IRC people I talk to can't even see them23:35
arraybolt3[m]blei, octav1a: Is there an Ubuntu support request that we can help you with?23:35
arraybolt3[m](We love casual chat, but we generally keep it in #ubuntu-offtopic:libera.chat so as to keep the support channel from getting cluttered up.)23:35
bleiyes, we're looking for an Ubuntu channel that allows free speech, and where the people answering questions are good people. nice people.23:35
octav1aarraybolt3[m]: sure, I'll keep quiet and just keep to the compliment for now.23:36
bleithis looks like an opportunity to chime in23:37
arraybolt3[m]blei: Sounds like you're looking for #ubuntu-discuss to me, we love discussing stuff about Ubuntu there.23:37
bleiyeah but you're not genuine23:37
arraybolt3[m]Also if you like helping people who's computers are breaking, this is the spot.23:37
oerheksblei, stop it.23:37
bleioerheks again, wanting to get an emotional rise at my expense23:37
arraybolt3[m]blei: I'd advise you to look over the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and IRC Guidelines before further engagement.23:38
bleihave at it bud23:38
bleifucking trolls lol23:38
blei"i'm not a troll you're a troll"23:38
bleithese guys are infidels23:38
arraybolt3[m]!ops | blei is disrupting the channel23:38
ubottublei is disrupting the channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant23:38
arraybolt3[m]sarnold: Thank you!23:38
sarnoldpity he didn't take the hints23:39
* powyscomputers nods23:39
* genii feeds sarnold some cookies 23:39
sarnoldyay botsnacks!23:39
arraybolt3[m]Maybe we need to make an "Official Guide for Bored People who Wander Into IRC".23:47
jhutchinsArguing with trolls is ineffective.  It's pretty obvious they're not looking for tech support.23:53
sarnoldsometimes they just need a nudge. sometimes they need a brutal talk. sometimes they just need a ban.23:55
NintenHow can I get the option 'install alongside windows' when installing xubuntu?23:56
arraybolt3[m]Ninten: It should just be there. Is BitLocker enabled on Windows by any chance? That might be the problem.23:57
oerheksNinten, only when there is empty space? now you would see  replace xubuntu23:57
Nintenarraybolt3[m] Is BitLocker a disk encrypting software? If so, then no, it's not enabled23:59

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