[05:20] hi [05:23] i upgraded my kernel and i did autoremove to the old one and rebooted my system and some apps are not responding [05:29] many apps [07:07] autoremove doesn't remove all the older kernels, it keeps the last one. Boot into the last one and test. [07:09] kernel upgrade by update? or a wild download from mainline? [07:09] alkisg +1 [07:53] how to do this (re @IrcsomeBot: autoremove doesn't remove all the older kernels, it keeps the last one. Boot into the last one and test.) [07:54] upgrade (re @IrcsomeBot: kernel upgrade by update? or a wild download from mainline?) [07:54] Omar, what's the output of this command? ls /boot | nc termbin.com 9999 [07:54] https://termbin.com/p0h8 [07:55] You have two kernels, the -43 and the -46 ones. Now run: uname -r [07:55] Does it say -46? [07:55] yeah [07:55] Then reboot, and in grub > advanced options, select: ubuntu, with ...-43 kernel. That will allow you to boot the older kernel. [07:56] what is grup and how to get there [07:57] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1014634/how-to-access-advanced-options-in-grub [07:58] ok [08:06] it dose not appears [08:14] Try hitting while the computer boots [08:15] hold shift, or esc .. tap repeatedly [08:17] ok [08:19] nothing [08:27] https://termbin.com/14px [08:27] do i have a problem here? [08:32] anyone?? [08:49] How did you upgrade it? (re @Omar: i upgraded my kernel and i did autoremove to the old one and rebooted my system and some apps are not responding) [08:49] sudo nala upgrade (re @trevantee: How did you upgrade it?) [08:49] Who knows how to go about the acpi error [08:50] At boot [08:50] Thts all? (re @Omar: sudo nala upgrade) [08:50] What version is it at? [08:50] yeah (re @trevantee: Thts all?) [08:50] . (re @IrcsomeBot: Does it say -46?) [08:50] Sudo nano upgrade? (re @Omar: yeah) [08:50] what? (re @trevantee: Sudo nano upgrade?) [08:50] How can I downgrade my kernel [08:51] U wrote nala…so wanted to be sure (re @Omar: sudo nala upgrade) [08:51] from grub menu witch im trying to access (re @trevantee: How can I downgrade my kernel) [08:52] yeah i used nala (re @trevantee: U wrote nala…so wanted to be sure) [08:52] Oh u can’t access grub (re @Omar: from grub menu witch im trying to access) [08:52] yup [08:53] u know how? [08:54] Sudo nano /etc/defaul/grub [08:54] Set hidden to menu [08:55] i did it [08:55] And time from 0 to 10 [08:55] Did this too? (re @trevantee: And time from 0 to 10) [08:55] wich time? [08:56] yup but i think cuz time is set to 0 (re @trevantee: Did this too?) [08:58] thank you i opened it [08:59] but my apps still not working [08:59] arraybolt3 [09:03] It is not the kernel [09:32] snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks [09:32] this is what i get when i try to open vscode from terminal [10:08] Omar: I recommend getting vscode from microsoft, not from snap [11:53] Is it a snap? [11:53] Ok how to get it from microsoft? [11:53] Will i lose my extintions? [12:09] omar: https://code.visualstudio.com/Download [12:34] Why would you recommend it? (re @IrcsomeBot: omar: https://code.visualstudio.com/Download) [12:36] i can not install it : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/38ca07c3/file_58827.jpg [12:38] Hi all [12:38] omegatron: because it'll use apt, and will be updatable via apt [12:38] sorry, Omar [12:39] what are u sorry for? (re @IrcsomeBot: sorry, Omar) [12:40] I wrote "omegatron" [12:40] so I appologized, and corrected to Omar [12:40] your name is not auto-completable because you talk via ircsomebot [12:40] haaa (re @IrcsomeBot: omegatron: because it'll use apt, and will be updatable via apt) [12:41] ok (re @IrcsomeBot: so I appologized, and corrected to Omar) [12:41] ok how can i install it [12:42] via dpkg -i ? [12:42] is this apt? [12:43] I have http://packages.microsoft.com/repos/code stable main in my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list, was probably from that package... or you can try that instead [12:43] haven't installed from scratch in ags [12:43] ages [12:44] ok [12:44] thank u [13:07] This is very random but could someone help me find this developer's email address? The following link has decent info on how to reach him but I couldn't manage to find his email. Here's the link https://unixsheikh.com/contact.html === Hash is now known as OpenSores === OpenSores is now known as Hash === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [21:38] Hello. Does anyone know of a way to troubleshoot bad framerate after waking up from sleep? This happens always on my user, but not on a new user I created === graham_ is now known as graham__ [22:57] list [23:02] list what? [23:04] sorry wrong screen [23:07] most likely a shopping list application [23:07] rigzt, dustymarcus?