
oerheksuh oh .. https://aepicleak.com/00:16
arraybolt3[m]Ah, yet another cataclysmic CPU failure. I'm starting go get tired of this insanity.00:22
oerheksalso ZEN 1/2/3 are bad ..00:22
oerhekswhat is left, ARM ?00:23
oerhekstoo many, too soon CPU's hit the market.00:24
arraybolt3[m]Even ARM got hit with Meltdown in at least one of their CPUs. I think we have to just accept that CPUs are vulnerable and that microcode updates need to be applied the moment they become available.00:24
* arraybolt3[m] wonders just how many cracks in the armor my 3rd gen i5 is riddled with00:25
arraybolt3[m]Does Intel still release microcode updates for discontinued processors?00:25
arraybolt3[m]I think they do, so hopefully I'm all patched up.00:25
oerheksi run i7 4790 ..00:25
oerheks4th gen00:26
arraybolt3[m]The best one I've got is a 3rd or 4th gen Xeon.00:26
tomreyngrep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/*00:56
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Oh lovely, looks like I can be pwned with srbds, l1tf, or mds.00:57
tomreynarraybolt3[m]: did you switch off mitigations?00:58
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Nope, I've got lots of other mitigations on.00:58
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: L1TF and MDS are problematic because I have hyper-threading enabled, while SRBDS is just straight-up vulnerable (no microcode it say).00:59
tomreynintel-microcode package is installed?00:59
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: Yep.01:02
tomreynthe meltdown-checker script can give you a better interpretation and better explanations. it's also in ubuntu (in an older version)01:02
tomreynsome older cpu's did not get microcode fixes indeed01:02
arraybolt3[m](Your CPU microcode may need to be updated to mitigate the vulnerability) yep, no kidding. But I'm updated. So I guess this system is shot from a CPU security standpoint.01:05
arraybolt3[m]Also some of the vulns say "Not vulnerable, this system is not running a hypervisor." ROFL so what is GNOME Boxes then?01:05
arraybolt3[m]So... yikes. Guess I'd better not run untrusted stuff even in a VM.01:06
arraybolt3[m](Which thankfully I've not done yet, but still, that's a bit unnerving.)01:06
sarnoldbtw, js in a web browser counts as 'untrusted'01:08
lotuspsychjegood morning02:21
=== Probie9681 is now known as Probie968
tomreynravage: btw. MICROburst moved to getting help with whatever it may be they are trying to do in #ubuntu-de16:46
tomreyni'm guessing their goal was to change $PS116:49
ravageok then :)16:49
=== Probie9685 is now known as Probie968

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