
=== TiZ1 is now known as TiZ
xubuntu67ianyone here?09:56
NintenHey, all! I may have messed up on my xubuntu installation by choosing minimal install. Now I don't have mousepad, snap store, gui software updater, etc. How can I fix that?12:59
c_89If I install a persistent live xubuntu distribution on a USB flash drive and make/save changes, 1) can I start that distribution on a PC with different hardware? 2) Can I install the distribution on HDD ignoring the changes so as if it were a non-persistent live distribution?13:09
NintenSuper+right arrow does nothing, when it should adjust window to fit right side of the screen. Super+up arrow does nothing either13:41
NintenChanging shortcuts for window management worked fine. But, still, there's so much software missing from my linux13:54
ali1234Ninten: "apt install xubuntu-desktop" should get you most things13:58
NintenThank you, ali123414:01
compahey, this probably sounds stupid, but why is the torrent link 404'ing15:49
compawait, no, it's not now15:49
compa(it was yesterday)15:50
compaanyway uhh, gnome-software is giving me some weird error whenever i click update15:51
compaprepared update not found: /var/lib/PackageKit/prepared-update15:52
Eight_is there any way to get a panel launcher to correctly launch an app image? additionally, assuming said launcher is possible to create, how would one go about changing the image it displays on the panel?15:58
* xu-irc3w says "Hello"19:08
* xu-irc3w sees tumbleweed blown by the wind bounce gently across the sandy foreground19:09
tomreynEight_: i think either would probably require a so-called ".desktop" file19:35
xu-irc56wI am on 20.04 LTS. Should I have gotten the update notification for 22.04.1 yet, or will that be in the future?20:00
xu-irc56wShould I wait until the notification pops up?20:00
tomreynxu-irc56w: i don't actually know, but i assume that LTS upgrades are not available, yet, while more critical bugs are being fixed. so you could just wait.20:04
xu-irc56wyeah that's fair20:05
tomreynor you could try your luck with -d20:05
tomreynbut i wouldn't do this if you don't have experience with recovering from a broken upgrade20:06
xu-irc56wI won't do it20:09
Eight_Tried to follow a guide on doing something that seemed to be along those lines but it didnt seem to work. Do you have any idea on how to create a .desktop file for an app image or could you point me in the direction of a guide that would work?20:29

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