
tomreynhmm maybe you need to find someone who is both into minecraft and into ubuntu. there may not be a lot of minecraft players around here right now.00:00
enigma9o7[m]They do seem to have a discord link that may help find that kinda person.00:00
oerheks!find openjdk-8-jre00:01
RokumaI have tried it on 3 different shared hosting web spaces now.00:01
ubottuFound: openjdk-8-jre, openjdk-8-jre-headless, openjdk-8-jre-zero00:01
Rokumaonly one of them allows me to change the group (chgrp)00:01
Rokumaall others disallow for me as non-root user to do that00:01
oerheksalso see the java factoid, to set 8 standard00:01
RokumaWhat chmod would I set for a directory where users can upload to?00:01
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.00:01
cbreakRokuma: as I said above: You can change groups only to groups you're member of00:03
cbreakid lists these00:03
Rokumacbreak, so, that won't work then00:03
cbreakmake an admin create a group for this purpose.00:03
Rokumacbreak, what chmod should I set for an upload directory?00:03
Rokumacbreak, that's a big-ass hoster, they don't set custom groups just for me00:04
Rokumathe only solution I can think of is 77700:04
cbreakthat's what I'd set for an upload directory00:05
Rokumacbreak, what's the translation of this into a number?00:05
cbreakwho cares?00:05
Rokumaa= all ?00:05
RokumarwX = read write execute00:05
Rokumaso that's 777 ?00:05
cbreaknot exactly00:05
Rokumawhat is +t ?00:05
cbreakas I said above:00:05
cbreakX is only "executable" for directories00:05
cbreaknot for files00:05
cbreak+t is "restricted delete"00:06
cbreakso while everyone can create files, you can't delete files owned by others00:06
Rokumacbreak, first of all, thank you for this viable information00:06
Rokumacbreak, secondly, I am trying to wrap my mind around the X thingy.  As long as I don't go with  -R  (recursive),  what difference does x (files and dirs) and X (dis only) make?00:07
Rokumatypo: (dis only) = dirs only00:07
cbreakif you do +x on a file, it will become executable00:08
cbreakif you do +x on a file, it won't become executable00:08
cbreakthe purpose is to be able to apply it recursively00:08
Rokumabut we are talking about a directory?  Is specifying uppercase X important?00:08
Rokumaoh, I see.00:09
RokumaCan I repeat what I understood?00:09
cbreakfiles are not normally expected to be executable, unless they are actually executables00:09
RokumaJust to be sure, my thoughts reflect what you meant to tell me00:09
cbreakso +X is safer00:09
Rokumamkdir data ; mkdir data/pics ; mkdir data/pics/thumbnails ; touch data/bad.sh ; chmod -R a=rwX,+t data00:10
webchat66Is there a magic command to install openjre 700:10
Rokumacbreak, is this what you meant?00:11
oerhekswebchat66, no .00:11
cbreakyou can do mkdir -p data/pics/thumbnails00:11
cbreakRokuma: but yes00:11
Rokumacbreak, this way, all subdirectories of data and data itself would be writable, but "bad.sh" would not be executable00:11
cbreakthe +t would be applied only to the upload directory00:11
cbreakthe purpose of +t is to prevent users in shared directories from deleting other users' files00:11
Rokumacbreak, thank you!00:12
Rokumacbreak, If that's okay for you, I would like to gather my thoughts, let it sink in, and make sure, everything is clear before I leave00:12
RokumaI might get back to you in a few minutes (or not) depending on the outcome00:13
oerheksopenjdk 7 is even removed from https://jdk.java.net/archive/, too old, vulnerable00:15
oerheksagain, standard 11 would work, i guess. but not with your fancy mods?00:16
webchat66i dont think it even gets to the fancy mods part, its this Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class java.net.URLClassLoader (jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader and java.net.URLClassLoader are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')00:21
oerhekswebchat66, time to enter the #minecraft channels00:23
Rokumacbreak, still there?00:26
webchat66Would someone please tell me how to switch from openjdk 11 to 800:26
murmelwebchat66: java.com00:27
cbreakRokuma: what's up?00:27
oerheksi gave you the java factoid00:27
Rokumacbreak, I have found a website that recommended chmod 440 or even 400 for config files in order to stop other users from reading the config file (e.g. mysql username + password)00:27
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.00:27
oerheksit gives how to switch ...00:27
Rokumacbreak, does that even make sense?  Would it really be harmful to go with 644 ?00:27
cbreakRokuma: sure, makes sense. Or don't store passwords in config files.00:27
Rokumasorry, my bad:  not 64400:28
RokumaI meant: 60000:28
cbreakif you want to keep your configuration secret, don't give anyone read access that's not supposed to know the contents00:28
Rokumayeah, my bad, I wrote something wrong above.00:28
RokumaI meant: 400 vs 60000:28
Rokumado I really need to remove permissions from myself just to keep the file save?00:28
Rokumaif anyone had my login credentials, they could do as they please anyway00:29
Rokumaso why should I limit myself on a file?00:29
cbreakmaking files read only can protect against mistakes00:29
cbreakmistakes by yourself00:29
cbreakthat's it. It's not hard security.00:29
Rokumaoh, I see00:29
Rokumathank you00:29
Rokumacbreak, I am now creating the bash script for shared hosting00:30
RokumaI will show you the result soon00:30
Rokumano! 400 won't work!00:31
Rokumaapache must be able to read the file00:31
Rokumaapache and I don't even share a group00:32
tomreynyou're probably not familiar with how shared hosting environments tend to differ from the most simple php setup with apache + mod-php. shared hosting will usually use some form of fcgi / fpm, where php runs as the same user you're logging in with.00:34
Rokumatomreyn, I had literally no idea00:35
Rokumatomreyn, you're telling me, it's _not_ www-data that's running the PHP files?00:35
Rokumathat changes _everything_00:35
tomreynprobably, if not most likely, not.00:35
tomreynbut i was generalizing, you'll probably need to check with your every host.00:35
Rokumaok, then we can put a stop to all of this now.00:36
Rokumathis is a total game-changer00:36
Rokumasorry for bothering y'all for so long!00:36
RokumaThank you cbreak for your time and effort!00:36
RokumaThank you tomreyn for understanding my real problem so quickly00:37
tomreynyou're welcome!00:37
Rokumatomreyn, I don't know if that's against channel policy, but can you recommend a hoster that has this "php runs as the same user you're logging in with" kind of setup?00:38
RokumaI was thinking of Digital Ocean?  I've heard a lot of good things about them?  Or linode?00:38
tomreynRokuma: not really, but you could try this in #php if they allow for it (check it first)00:38
RokumaThank you!00:39
tomreyngood luck00:39
RokumaAll the best to you!00:40
ykbyRokuma: does it have to be shared hosting? Because with a VPS you would have free reign00:40
RokumaI would leave now00:40
Rokumaykby, It can be a root server as well... but I am scared00:40
Rokumaykby, I am a linux user.  I wouldn't say that I am good.  But I am definitely not a beginner by no means.  The command line is my territory.00:41
Rokumaykby, but, having a root server out there is a liability risk00:41
Rokumaykby, imagine somebody hacks into the server and uses it, unbeknownst to me, as a web space to host very illegal stuff00:41
Rokumaykby, or somebody steals user data from the server just because of an open security hole00:42
ykbyYeah I get where you‘re coming from. Definitely don‘t do anything you don‘t feel comfortable with. Unfortunately cannot recommend a specific hoster, but I hope you can find your ideal solution.00:42
RokumaI have managed a lot of root server in my days, but I felt like I should go with the flow in my age now00:42
Rokumaykby, imagine you sitting at the beach with a drink when a customer calls you about a hacked site.  Nothing more fun than that.00:43
Rokumathat's also the reason why I am just shifting from plain PHP to Laravel  (just because of the perceived added safety net which I hope it will provide me with)00:44
ykbyDefinitely has its pros and cons to manage a server by yourself. Appreciate the explanation.00:47
RokumaIRC is really such a nice place.  Take good care of it :)00:47
RokumaThank you, bye bye00:48
=== NeoFAT32_ is now known as NeoFAT32
Jasonhello guys01:44
oerhekshi Jason01:44
Jasonwhat you guys wanna talk about01:45
oerhekssee topic, ubuntu support01:45
Jasonthats what you wanna talk about01:46
oerheksDo you have an Ubuntu support related question?01:46
Jasonnot really01:47
=== Abrax- is now known as Abrax
hiyatomreyn: ok. Thank you03:00
origintopleftMy system's rootfs is on an LVM volume withing a LUKS partition. I recently ran do-release-upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04. The kernel can no longer find /dev/vg0/root. I'm assuming the boot parameters got accidentally dropped during the upgrade, which I can fix, but I need to be able to boot to the existing system first. And I've forgotten what the parameters were to boot from LUKS/LVM. Does anyone know off the top of their heads03:11
murmelorigintopleft: does this help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1403753/sda3-crypt-cryptsetup-failed-after-20-04-to-22-04-upgrade03:14
origintopleftmurmel: that link seems to imply that cryptsetup was at least running on boot. i don't think cryptsetup is doing anything.03:17
murmelorigintopleft: yeah, seems like grub went awry https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Configuring_the_boot_loader_303:20
Sven_vBhi :)03:27
Sven_vBdoes someone know where simple-scan 3.36.3 on Ubuntu focal saves the user preferences?03:27
murmelSven_vB: should follow the xdg standard, which means it should be in ~/.config03:29
Sven_vBmurmel, I thought so. when I changed contrast, closed simple-scan, and re-opened it, it remembered the change, so it was saved. but according to git, there were no changes in ~/.config. there are a few results for `find ~/.config/ -iname '*scan*'` but none related.03:32
origintopleftmurmel: neither of the two parameters given to specify a crypto device seem to work. i'll flash an iso onto a usb drive and investigate tomorrow. for now i must sleep03:34
origintopleftthank you03:34
murmelSven_vB: ugh. so the state of the window is saved in .config/simple-scan/state. but not the config oO03:39
Sven_vBmurmel, was my "find" command wrong then? why wouldn't it have found it?03:40
Sven_vBwell. "ls: cannot access '/home/sven/.config/simple-scan': No such file or directory"03:41
murmelSven_vB: am not right now on ubuntu (debian sid) so maybe that's why03:41
murmelSven_vB: try simple-scan --debug, maybe something shows up on your end? (~/.cache/simple-scan for me gets deleted before I can do stuff oO)03:42
=== realivanjx1 is now known as realivanjx
shubhamanyone there?05:44
lotuspsychje!ask | shubham05:45
ubottushubham: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:45
shubhamwant to know about this channel05:46
lotuspsychjeshubham: this channel is the ubuntu support channel, you can ask ubuntu related questions here05:47
lotuspsychjevolunteers will then try to help you05:48
Maik!topic | shubham05:48
ubottushubham: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:48
shubhamubuntu has bugs can anyone fix it?05:55
Maikshubham: which ones? have a look on Launchpad if they are reported already if not file them there.05:56
Maik!bugs | shubham05:58
ubottushubham: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:58
=== scoobydoob is now known as scoobydoo
Guest9022how can I have multiple icons in the dock for different firefox profiles?08:05
Guest9022I have .desktop files but they all show as default firefox in the dock08:06
Guest9022in the gnome menu they have their own icons08:06
dreamcat4hello. i am experiencing boot issue with the 22.04 live usb installer (uefi mode)08:07
dreamcat4the grub screen loads, then it asks "try or install ubuntu" ... ---> then system freezes08:07
dreamcat4i have seen this on stack overflow, with no answer08:07
dreamcat4this is with intel igp graphics08:07
lotuspsychjedreamcat4: press F1 at boot, to switch to textboot, see where the errors got stuck08:08
=== diskin is now known as Guest8339
=== diskin_ is now known as diskin
Guest92I spent whole day yesterday trying to make qemu/kvm gpu passtrought for ubuntu 22.04 as a host and win10/11 as an guest08:17
Guest92it does not really work08:18
Guest92works certainly worse than virtualbox solution08:18
Guest92ryzen 5 4600 with gtx1650ti08:19
dreamcat4thanks lotuspsychje08:27
=== pah is now known as pa
lyvaHi. I've copied the sd card contents of a Ubuntu Raspberry Pi image I've been using to the right partitions on an SSD.09:39
lyvaI've adapted the fstab on the new disk.09:40
lyvaBut what do I do to install and configure uboot on the new disk correctly?09:40
lyvaIs there something like update-grub but for uboot?09:45
ogralyva, yes, there is a script called flash-kernel but not sure it would support such a change easily, i.e. how much it actually touches the u-boot configuration ... if you instead back up your data and do a fresh install of 22.04, it should be easier because there u-boot is not used anymore09:54
lyvaAh, I guess I can also change it to not use u-boot anymore via instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi09:54
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=== beernarrd is now known as niber
=== Mentos is now known as BBL
=== BBL is now known as Mentos
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
lighthammerhello - regarding AppArmor - i have a few questions - anyone here with experience in this regard?12:02
MentosDon't ask to ask, just ask!12:09
MentosIf someone can help, they will ^_^12:09
wezlighthammer: I have experience in AppArmor12:17
BluesKajHi all12:59
=== Mibix is now known as FreshPorridge
webchat66How do i give a user account access to  /usr/bin/java: Permission denied13:33
EriC^^webchat66: what does "ls -l $(readlink -f /usr/bin/java)" give?13:36
oerheksbasicly not. let openjdk handle that?13:36
oerheksoh, there is no such folder13:37
oerheksmust be something lik /usr/share/java/13:39
realSorry, a bit of noob question. I was reading the tutorial about the terminal on the Ubuntu site, and it said you should be suspicious if anyone ever asks you to use the command "sudo su", I had setup a virtual machine that used these two guides (links below), I notice that they both required sudo su, and I was wondering if the commands they were asking me to run are safe?13:39
EriC^^real: those look fine13:41
realThanks EriC13:41
EriC^^in general it's not a good idea to run any command sudo or not without understanding a little what it does exactly13:42
oerheks webchat66 still working on your custom minecraft server with fancy mods?13:42
EriC^^no problem real13:42
webchat66EriC^^ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14632 Jul 23 16:13 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java13:42
webchat66oerheks yes I got it to load finally, not im trying to get it started as a service13:43
EriC^^webchat66: what's the username of what's running the service or trying to run java13:43
webchat66EriC^^ Its supposed to be a useravvount called minecraft13:44
webchat66EriC^^ this line might be wrong ExecStart=/usr/bin/java   I am not sure java is there im checking13:44
realThank you EriC, yes I realise that mistake now, so I am trying to learn a bit more about the terminal.13:44
EriC^^webchat66: type 'sudo -u minecraft -H -s'13:45
webchat66how i am in a minecraft shell13:46
EriC^^webchat66: then try to manually run "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java"13:46
webchat66it brings up a usage page13:47
webchat66Is that the working directory for java?13:47
oerheksyou might want to show what guide you followed, webchat6613:48
EriC^^real: no mistake, yeah you're on the right track13:48
oerheksone cannot play directly on the server, only with a client13:48
webchat66https://bobcares.com/blog/install-minecraft-server-on-ubuntu/    Down at the step Create Systemd Unit File13:49
webchat66I think i need to know if this line looks right? ExecStart=/usr/bin/java is that where java 8 is?13:50
EriC^^webchat66: yeah, it's a symlink to the actual one /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java13:51
EriC^^you get that permission denied error after running systemctl  start minecraft?13:52
webchat66Yeah here is the paste https://dpaste.com/7LJNE29TD13:53
webchat66I can load it myself in a terminal so i know it works13:54
EriC^^maybe it has to do with the workingdir, what did you use for that?13:54
webchat66Its just this systemd is having issues13:54
EriC^^( cause it mentions status=200/CHDIR )13:54
webchat66CHanged WorkingDirectory=/opt/minecraft/server to WorkingDirectory=/home/minor723/Desktop/QH'13:55
webchat66Without the '13:55
webchat66Thats where my server files are13:55
EriC^^ah, i think that's the problem, minecraft user can't access /home/minor72313:56
webchat66Can i allow it access?13:56
webchat66Or should I just move the folder13:56
EriC^^sure but i think in that way it's kind of a vulnerability for your user13:56
EriC^^yeah i'd move it, keep everything contained under the minecraft account13:57
webchat66So move it to opt/minecraft/server13:57
EriC^^yeah i guess13:58
EriC^^make sure ls -l /opt/minecraft/server has permissions for minecraft and it's the owner/group13:58
webchat66EriC^^ i think i made it worse https://dpaste.com/FDLCS77LL14:03
EriC^^webchat66: what do you have for workingdir currently?14:03
webchat66oh i see the typo14:04
webchat66Aug 14 14:04:42 pms systemd[17605]: minecraft.service: Changing to the requested working directory failed: Permission denied14:05
EriC^^webchat66: type 'sudo chown -R minecraft: /opt/minecraft/server'14:06
webchat66my user cant see past /opt/minecraft14:06
EriC^^i'm assuming here it wants all the files to be owned by minecraft, never installed it before14:06
webchat66Yeah can we just allow both users access ?14:06
EriC^^webchat66: you could add your main user to the minecraft group14:07
webchat66minecraft user still permissions denied14:07
EriC^^webchat66: ok first let's get the minecraft working14:08
EriC^^webchat66: try "sudo -u minecraft -s" then try "cd /opt/minecraft/server"14:09
webchat66So I su minecraft and I can see all the files. with ls /opt/minecraft/server/QH14:09
webchat66Its my main user who cant see them anymore14:09
webchat66Yeah that worked14:10
webchat66I can see it with your command14:10
oerheksafter copy, did you restart the service?14:10
webchat66Yeah I think the problem is im doing the service on my main account, but not on the minecraft account14:11
webchat66DO I have to start the service on the minecraft side?14:11
oerheksYes, with such changes..14:13
webchat66I was able to sudo minecraft, cd ~/server/QM , then java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar server.jar nogui and got it to load14:22
webchat66KillMode=none  What should this be set to it does not like none14:26
webchat66This is a new one, when minecraft users tries to start server i get this. "ERROR Unable to create Appender of type RollingRandomAccessFile" What does that mean?14:29
oerheksthey can answer that in #minecraft??14:32
webchat66I will try i didnt know if it was a ubuntu error14:32
oerheksthis is application specific14:32
ravagei can assure you all minecraft versions run on ubuntu. i host about 130 different mods for our customers14:33
webchat66ravage thanks ill keep working on it14:35
webchat66Can you tell me how to check permissions on a folder /opt/mincraft/server/QH14:35
oerheksah, a minecraft expert14:35
leftyfbwebchat66: will this server be accessible over the internet?14:36
webchat66No I dont need it to be, just locally14:36
webchat66On my local network only.14:37
bitblit_hey all, trying to upgrade from 21.04 using the EOL upgrade process. do-release-upgrade fails with this in the apt.log: WARNING Can't mark 'ubuntu-desktop' for upgrade (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.). Here's my main.log and apt.log: https://privatebin.at/?8b2a688accfbdd9f#8uquoLtt7qdovmyc83NQ1RFKhNdioLduFERv5yGPTDJt14:48
ioriabitblit_, you probably have ppas installed14:58
webchat66This might be something you guys can answer, Inside /opt/minecraft/server/QM     the permissions are some minecraft some root. How do I give minecraft perms to every file in that folder15:00
oerhekschown root:root  -R /path/to/files15:02
oerhekswith sudo15:02
bitblit_ioria: i probably did at one time, nothing in my sources now.15:04
webchat66cant run it on my minecraft users they cant sudo and cant run it on root, they dont have permission to that folder15:05
ioriabitblit_, apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 999915:05
oerheksppa's are stored in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/15:08
ioriayou can manually remove the .lists from there, and the files stiil be in the system15:08
oerheksrelease-upgrade would remove that..15:09
ioriawhat ?15:10
oerheksi would not manually remove those lists though15:10
ioriappas will be just disabled, but the installed files are still there15:11
oerheksyes, and get removes at the cleanup15:11
ioriai have my douts15:11
oerhekslets wait for the termbin what is going on15:11
bitblit_ioria: i have 193. do i need to get rid of those before i can upgrade?15:12
ioriappa -purge15:12
ioriaand please, when someone asks you for infos, provide them15:13
oerheksbitblit_, care to share that termbin?15:13
oerheksif not, do a fresh install :-D15:13
bitblit_my sources.list.d/ is empty15:15
bitblit_sources.list has only the EOL upgrade sources15:15
bitblit_well, i definetly see some packages that need to go! (it's an old box)15:17
oerheksubuntu-extras-keyring .. icomes from trusty? python3.3 comes from 12.04 ...15:17
oerheksman, this is a weird install15:18
leftyfbtime to fresh install15:18
oerheksdo a fresh install, i would not bother anymore15:18
=== Mentos is now known as MentozZz
bitblit_i need to replace the hardware anyway actually... well thanks for looking.15:21
oerhekshave fun!15:22
webchat66Is it ok to make my basic minecraft account part of the sudoers group15:35
webchat66sudo chown root:root  -R /opt/minecraft/server/QM/   minecraft is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.15:36
enigma9o7[m]I can't think of a reason to have a seperate account for minecraft in the first place.15:37
enigma9o7[m]So I don't think there is any problem giving it the same permissions as a regular user such as yourself.15:37
webchat66im not against running it on my main i was just following a guide15:37
oerheksenigma9o7[m], it is a server15:38
ioriabitblit_, if you have backups, we can try to revert with an apt preference file15:39
enigma9o7[m]ah ok.15:39
oerhekslots of issues with minecraft server, specially with fancy mods, i stay out of it,15:42
kushal_kumaranwebchat66: you do the setup as your regular sudo-capable user, and create the minecraft user without those privileges. For any directories that that user needs write access to (for games, this tends to be directories where they put savegames/settings/highscores), change the ownership to the minecraft user (don't make the directory with the actual minecraft executables writable by the minecraft user itself; leave it root-writable only).15:43
kushal_kumaranarrange for the minecraft process to be run as that unprivileged minecraft user. If you're using systemd to start this server, consider using the features in https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html to restrict what that process can do (in particular, disallowing execution of any files that the server can write is a very good thing).15:46
bitblit_ioria: i do have backups.15:58
ioriabitblit_, ok, let's try this; save the content of https://termbin.com/0usb  in a text file; then do 'awk '{print $1}' that_file |cut -d '/' -f1  | xargs apt -s purge' .... it's only a silulation and see what happens16:01
bitblit_ioria: it ran without errors, just listed them all as removed.16:06
ioriabitblit_, so, if you want to purge them in one shot, you can  do it16:07
bitblit_ioria: it seems to have worked! thank you, and all.16:19
ioriabitblit_, good job16:19
=== JanC is now known as Guest3048
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
stolencan i extend my ubuntu display to another ubuntu laptop ?17:19
webchat66kushal_kumaran Thanks  I am still trying, This is really confusing, my minecraft ubuntu user can start the server in a terminal, and my normal user can start the server in a terminal. But systemd cannot17:21
Rexodusstolen: VNC?17:21
leftyfbstolen: not really. But uou could use something like synergy to move your mouse from your main display over off the screen to one side and onto the screen of the other machine and control it. Essentially the same thing if you do things like running applications over X forwarding17:21
stolenbut I cant move the graphical windows across , can I ?17:23
leftyfbbut again, you could open saw firefox from the main machine over X forwarding and control it with the same keyboard and mouse17:23
=== Furor is now known as Colere
webchat66How do I copy the contents of /home/minor723/Desktop/QM to /opt/minecraft/server/QM17:51
webchat66They are owned by different people17:51
Jeremy31sudo cp?17:52
webchat66 sudo cp /home/minor723/Desktop/QM/* /opt/minecraft/server/QM/*17:52
webchat66like this?17:52
enigma9o7[m]sudo cp -r /home/minor723/Desktop/QM /opt/minecraft/server/QM17:52
enigma9o7[m]hmmmm your way may work fine too17:53
enigma9o7[m]im no expert but i think -r will also work (recursive)17:53
enigma9o7[m]your way may not get dotfiles tho17:53
enigma9o7[m]or subdirs?  not sure.  would have to try and see.17:54
enigma9o7[m]although for your way you wound't put the /* at the very end anyway17:55
webchat66does ubuntu support teamviewer19:40
webchat66Or any free way to remote in19:40
Jeremy31I think teamviewer has a deb file on their website19:41
elias_awebchat66: It is the other way around: Teamviewer supports Linux. :)19:42
webchat66ahh yes19:42
webchat66How do I install a deb package19:43
webchat66i am supposed to double click it and it opens Ubuntu Software Center but that does not happen19:43
Jeremy31Download the right one, then go into terminal and change into the correct directory and> sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_amd64.deb19:44
ioriawebchat66, that's interesting; are you choosing to directly open the .deb from firefox or in nautilus ?19:47
webchat66Files > Downloads and open it, and it opens it like a zip file19:47
AHemlocksLieI have a Yubikey that has an unpublished key I need to import into gpg so I can use it for SSH authentication. I set it up on an old computer, and I don't think I have the original key files anymore. What can I do?19:48
webchat66Here is where I am now with installing teamviewer https://dpaste.com/93E6R3GTQ19:48
AHemlocksLieI just need gpg to recognize it when I plug it in so I can use it for auth19:48
ioriawebchat66, cd in Downloads and try : sduo apt  install ./teamviewer_15.32.3_amd64.deb19:50
ioriawebchat66, cd in Downloads and try : sudo apt  install ./teamviewer_15.32.3_amd64.deb19:51
webchat66Ok thanks I got it installed, maybe it was a waste of time seems like I cant add this computer to my computers19:55
ioriawell, we 'd need some additional infos about that19:56
webchat66I want to be able to have teamviewer start up on its own and access this ubuntu teamviewer from another machine. But I dont see that option19:57
Jeremy31Might need a client on each computer19:57
ioriawell, we 'd need some additional infos about that19:58
ioriawebchat66, not sure you can automate teamviewer19:59
Jeremy31I doubt VNC for Linux would auto connect20:00
enigma9o7[m]Remmina has an autoconnect option.20:01
webchat66I just need to be able to connect to it with my phone / another computer. I got teamviewer to "work" but on the laptop it pops open a remote desktop box that says select monitor to share with the requesting applications, and it wais for someone to click ok20:03
Jeremy31Actually VNC might work automatically.  They just haven't done it that way at work20:04
enigma9o7[m]I dunno about teamviewer, but you can certainly set up a vnc server that allows someone to log in remotely, and you wont even see it on the machine.20:04
enigma9o7[m](on the server machine I mean)20:04
enigma9o7[m]You can also set it up the other way, where it connects to the active desktop session logged in user.20:04
webchat66enigma9o7[m] Do you have a link for instructions20:05
enigma9o7[m]nope.  read manpages and tutorials for x11vncserver.20:05
enigma9o7[m]If you just run `x11vncserver` on the server machine, using default config, then if you vnc into it you will connect to the active desktop.20:06
enigma9o7[m]If yo have ssh access already, you can ssh into the machine and start x11vncserver manually even, then able to vnc in immediately.20:07
enigma9o7[m]I do it that way as I dont want the overhead of leaving vncserver running all the time, although that could be insigificant, i never looked into it farther since that method works for my needs.20:08
Jeremy31How much overhead does vncserver cause if no clients are connected?20:10
din0Hi, I recently upgraded to 22.04 from the recently EOL'd version (21.04 or something, Impish?), but now my ssh key authentication no longer works, did it change my authorized_keys?20:23
dartzi have an erection21:03
arraybolt3[m]!language | dartz, not sure if that was a really horrible typo, but if not, you should read this21:04
ubottudartz, not sure if that was a really horrible typo, but if not, you should read this: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:04
dartzi dont have an erection21:05
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jhutchinsJeremy31: Looks like you're going to have to run it and see.21:09
dartzhey guys i felt down the stairs and forgot how to install programs on ubuntu21:14
dartzhow do i emerge packages21:14
arraybolt3[m]dartz: sudo apt install <program name>21:14
arraybolt3[m]dartz: Or "sudo snap install <program name>"21:15
arraybolt3[m]Depends on whether you're installing a usual APT package or a Snap package.21:15
arraybolt3[m]You can also use the Ubuntu Software app.21:15
dartzmuch apperciated21:15
dartzcan i use apt to install macos21:16
arraybolt3[m]dartz: LOL no.21:16
arraybolt3[m]If you have a Macbook you'd need to download macOS from Apple's website and then install it like that. You can't install macOS on non-Apple hardware without breaking the EULA.21:16
ograwell, you can use snap to install macos on ubuntu ...21:18
dartzhelp i used snap and now a tree fell directly onto my computer from outside21:18
dartzhow do i undo this21:18
dartzok figured it out21:18
dartz^Z was the solution21:18
arraybolt3[m]dartz: This is the Ubuntu support channel - falling trees are probably outside of the scope of what we can support.21:19
s1gynWHat up g-units? I have lubuntu 22.04 and I notice in qterminal doing something like echo -e '\a' or tput bel doesn't make a noise. Is there a way to have pulse make the noise vs messing with the pc speak module, which I know is blacklisted by default.21:19
dartzi deleted apt by accident21:21
s1gynreal men use dpkg anyway21:22
arraybolt3[m]dartz: I'm sorry, this is getting into the realm of trolling. I'll have to request that you refrain. Please see the Ubuntu IRC guidelines.21:22
arraybolt3[m](There's a link to them in the channel topic.)21:22
krytarikZuppaVideos: I believe you hit the wrong channel here.21:32
arraybolt3[m]!ops | ZuppaVideos is posting possible spam21:32
ubottuZuppaVideos is posting possible spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant21:33
krytarikarraybolt3[m]: Please..21:33
arraybolt3[m]krytarik: Sorry, I didn't think of that until it was too late...21:33
arraybolt3[m]krytarik: Actually, nevermind, he just posted porn in the site.21:34
krytarikWell, I don't usually visit spammed pages.21:34
krytarik(I'm an op here fwiw.)21:35
arraybolt3[m]krytarik: I clicked it since I thought maybe it was a wrong channel post and he was trying to do something that made sense elsewhere.21:35
arraybolt3[m]krytarik: Didn't know that until after hitting the trigger...21:36
krytarikThey also posted the same in #libera btw.21:36
arraybolt3[m]Oh wow. Blah. Are they trying to get banned? I mean, that's against the Libera.Chat network policy.21:39
ronmerkleImplying that trying to get banned from libera is against the policy? So 1984 dude.21:40
krytarikPlease let's get back to the channel topic, folks - which likely on a Sunday evening means peaceful silence.. :P21:41
ronmerklenetwurk polise??? more like network polideez XdxdxxdDXDXdxdxDXDXdx dDDDD :333321:42
krytarikronmerkle: Quit it, dartz.21:42
ronmerkleSorry, that was my stupid brother. He gets on the computer to say some weird stuff like that, Apologies.21:43
ronmerkleHopefully will not happen again.21:43
ronmerkleEnjoy the rest of your day.21:43
rickardmy day only has 17 minutes left but I will try21:44
arraybolt3[m]ronmerkle: In case it's helpful, Win+L will lock your computer, and if you have a good password that should help avoid stuff like this from happening in the future.21:44
krytarikSame here. :o21:44
ronmerkleHow are there 17 minutes in a day21:44
ronmerkleSorry, that was my brother again.21:44
ronmerkleI don't use WIndows.21:44
ronmerkleI use Plan 9.21:45
ronmerkleSpecifically Plan 9 XiaoDiao Edition for Intel IA-6421:45
ronmerkleI made and compiled my own IRC client.21:45
Bahhumbugronmerkle: Advice, is I may?  Your "brother" is going to get _you_ in trouble here.  You may want to do something to prevent that.21:45
ronmerkleMy brother is a "hacker" apparently, he cracks all my passwords.21:45
BahhumbugThat's a you problem and not an our problem.21:46
eric47Wow I totally forgot about irc for like twenty years until right now, just got online for the first time since way back then21:46
arraybolt3[m]ronmerkle: Full Disk Encryption and a GRUB password will help with that.21:46
Jeremy31ronmerkle: shut it off and remove the hard drive21:46
eric47seems kinda dead21:46
ronmerkleIf this happens again, I'm giving my Windows 98 FE computer to him and locking him in the basement.21:47
arraybolt3[m](I'm guessing he's probably dropping to a recovery mode root shell and then resetting the password that way. Also a BIOS password will help avoid him changing the GRUB password)21:47
ronmerkleHis computer runs an odd version of Windows21:48
ronmerkleIdentifies as "7 BossKanae Edition 2012"21:48
arraybolt3[m]ronmerkle: I'm very sorry to hear what your brother is doing to mess things up. We understand and don't need any further explanation. If we could keep the channel on-topic, that would be helpful.21:48
ronmerkleI have tried getting Windows 11 on his computer but he locks the computer behind 7 security layers.21:48
rickardthey need to insert more bugs into ubuntu so we have more to talk about21:49
arraybolt3[m]!topic | rickard21:50
ubotturickard: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:50
ronmerkleTo stay on toic, if I install Ubuntu, can I have GRUB encrypted behind ChaCha20 and a password to secure my boot sequence (and subsequently, my machine), from my brother?21:50
ronmerkleCan I use Ubuntu 5.10 as a daily driver on my old 2006 Windows XP machine?21:50
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:51
ronmerkleIt's a Dell Latitude D820.21:51
eric47the /topic command isn't showing me anything21:51
arraybolt3[m]eric47: Odd. Here's the full text: "Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 18.04, 20.04, 22.04 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl"21:52
rickardslash commands are handled by your irc client21:52
rickardor not handled, in this case21:52
eric47I'm using the libera web client http://web.libera.chat/ . Going to download a real client now21:53
arraybolt3[m]!ops | The whole channel has gotten derailed by non-support questions, any chance we can clean things up here?21:53
ubottuThe whole channel has gotten derailed by non-support questions, any chance we can clean things up here?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant21:53
krytarikarraybolt3[m]: Just be less strict and try to ignore obvious trolls or spammers.21:56
arraybolt3[m]krytarik: Understood, thank you.21:56
=== Vercas65 is now known as Vercas6
ph88how can i get upgrade to run with keeping third party repositories? i tried this https://bpa.st/QNXQ23:15
leftyfbph88: you don't. You add the 3rd party repo's after the install and re-install your apps23:16
ph88that RELEASE_UPGRADER_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY isn't supported no more ?23:16
leftyfbph88: I couldn't tell you23:17
Unit193It also looks like your repos seem to have errors anyway.23:17
leftyfbph88: either way, it would take under a minute for you to add all the repo's and applications again23:17
amaroq There seems to be some serious problem with my Ubuntu installation. How to diagnose?23:29
arraybolt3[m]amaroq: We're good at diagnosing, what's it doing?23:29
amaroqthx, arraybolt3[m]  ...things keep "closing unexpectedly" So, I 'send the report' but wondering what's going on23:30
arraybolt3[m]amaroq: What applications in particular are doing this, and do they seem related in any way?23:30
amaroqFirst, the superkey stopped working. Then I can't toggle between workspaces like I used to with ctrl. + alt + space....and things just keep crashing.23:31
arraybolt3[m](I'd try a "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" to see if that would help, and maybe a "sudo snap refresh" too - I doubt that will fix it but it's worth a shot.)23:31
amaroqLike Files just closed unexpectedly a minute ago...23:32
arraybolt3[m]Can you run "sudo dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" in a terminal and send the link?23:32
arraybolt3[m](I'm suspecting possible hard drive failure, how old is this computer?)23:32
amaroqYea, I suspect its to do with my hardware. Its a laptop Dell E747023:33
arraybolt3[m]amaroq: Odd, the only thing I can see that crashed was Nautilus, which seems to have segfaulted. What else crashed that you remember?23:37
amaroqarraybolt3[m], trying to remember...I just hit 'send' when the crash comes asking to send the report23:40
amaroqwhat does segfaulted mean? I know Nautilus is the file manager. Are partitions corrupted?23:41
amaroqAhh...hexchat crashed earlier, I remember23:44
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webchat66Is it ok to just have normal qbitorrent run as a service, or do i need to do the nox version?23:45
tfz74segfault means it tried to access memory it shouldnt or went out of bounds or something23:46
arraybolt3[m]amaroq: It could just be coincidence - I'd reboot and see if it all goes away.23:47
amaroqtfz74, aha..thx23:47
amaroqarraybolt3[m], I been doing that already. There was some crash when I updated Software to the latest .01 increase... I rebooted and the system came back to my relief but despite reboots the system has been acting quirky for a few days now23:49
arraybolt3[m]Did you install anything from a third-party source by any chance?23:50
arraybolt3[m](I know Linux malware is rare, but this sorta sounds like what I would expect a malware infection to sound like.)23:50
tomreynI'd run a memtest overnight. A broken DIMM would explain those three misbehaving and failing processes after boot.23:52
amaroqhow does one do a memtest?23:52
arraybolt3[m]amaroq: https://www.memtest.org/23:53
tomreynon an uefi booting system like yours, i'd use the free test from https://www.memtest86.com/23:53
amaroqI download it and put it on usb it looks like?23:54
tomreyn(or memtest.org's v6 once it's stable)23:54
arraybolt3[m]amaroq: I believe that's correct.23:55
tomreynamaroq: yes, the one from memtest86.com you download, write to a usb stick or place on your ESP, and boot.23:55
amaroqok, downloading and will try that23:56
tomreynit may be safer to do so with a different computer, or using a software which can verify the data written to the usb is identical to that of the .iso.23:57
amaroqAlso, while I'm here. I tried to upcycle a 2012 mac mini but Ubuntu couldn't see the Wi-Fi list. I suspect with a ethernet cable it would work but was surprised that it couldn't see available WiFi Did a search whether this was a known issue with Ubuntu on mac-mini (intel obviously). Any ideas by any chance?23:58
amaroqtomreyn, rather than creating the usb from the potential problem computer? ...makes sense.23:59
tomreynexactly - if you have another23:59

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