[09:54] Hey, direct download links in https://ubuntustudio.org/download/ use http:// rather than https:// [09:54] Which cause Firefox to (correctly) flag it as potentially insecure [09:54] Just using https:// there works, so maybe the link could be fixed? [10:17] ecobos: "Fixed" (also on some other links on the page that were still HTTP) [12:58] Used to be only http worked. [13:02] zysnc only works with plain http [14:27] Firefox is getting obnoxious with their security warnings. [16:31] kryten: Thanks! [22:36] leonwinter1993: Welcome. I'll let you know when I've got something, just watch element for a notification. [22:37] Bear in mind, I can't add it to Ubuntu Studio 22.04 retroactively, but I can put it in the backport ppa when it's ready. [22:37] Eickmeyer: Heck yeah dude! I'm not always on here, so if it takes me a minute to respond, feel free to shoot me a DM and I'll get back to you ASAP [22:38] Oh, don't worry. Instant messaging != instant, if you know what I mean. :) [22:38] Haha I got you [22:38] Again, much appreciated! [22:41] leonwinter1993: I found the source code and I just realized I've been working on this set of plugins for quite some time. It's actually a gigantic plugin bundle in the source code that I've been trying to get a code review on forever. At one point, I had a build, but it's way outdated. [22:42] So this is... youch. [22:42] Yeah I think it comes with a package called distrho-ports [22:42] Indeed it does. [22:42] That's the source package. [22:43] Weird thing is, it works on the arch-based distros that I've used. [22:44] Well, Debian (and Ubuntu) packaging is quite a bit more pedantic when it comes to copyright. We have a file that has to account for every single file in the source. That takes some time to go through for both the packager to create, and the reviewer to review. [22:47] So it it just a matter of waiting for a review, or a matter of "how to get it reviewed"? [22:47] If it's the latter, maybe hit up the guys over at Manjaro and see how they got it through? [22:47] Nah, it's a matter of the wait for the most part. However, uploading to my own PPA is a matter of just a little yeet. [22:47] Manjaro's packaging is completely different. [22:48] Fedora's is one I can speak to as well as I'm technically still a packager there. With that, it's all just one file, and you just have to list the licenses without respect to the individual files. [22:49] I figured so. Anyway to yeet it over to your PPA and try it out? I just started with my Ubuntu Studio setup, so I don't mind risking my current system to test it. [22:50] Yeah, I could, but my sources are out of date, so it'll be a bit. Can't even guarantee it'll be tonight. [22:51] That's ok with me dude. Whenever you're ready, just lmk and I'd be happy to try it out! [22:51] Sure, will do. [22:51] We can always use more people willing to test thigns. [22:52] Happy to help out any way I can, really want to find my home distro for linux music production, and it would be super cool for it to be ubuntu studio! [22:52] Well, that's one of the many things it's made for, so we'd be happy to have you! [22:52] Sweet! [22:52] Eickmeyer: Is there something I can help with as far as the plugin goes? [22:53] arraybolt3: Considering I have nothing to work with (yet)... nothing. 😅 [22:53] Ah. OK, I was just thinking I could manage the copyright file or something. [22:54] arraybolt3: I mean... if you want... last time I touched it it was over 1,500 lines [22:54] Well, I don't have anything pressing I'm doing in Lubuntu, so it might be a fun project. [22:55] Well, I'd hate for you to start from scratch, so let me see if I can even find it. [22:56] Found it, and yes, I haven't touched it for two years: https://code.launchpad.net/distrho-ports [22:56] I'll get the new upstream release in. [23:00] I think I should start from scratch for accuracy's sake. I'll just use LibreOffice Calc to help me with it, and then translate it to Debian copyright file format. [23:00] What version should I be doing it against? [23:03] Well, I'm updating the entire git repo now. It'll only be 6 months out of date, since the last release was in March 2021. [23:03] Oh, OK. [23:03] So, the copyright file won't be too far off. [23:05] Pretty much will need to add all of the ports/ and scripts/ directories. [23:29] arraybolt3: Ok, you should have push/pull access to that git repo. Everything you need should be in master. [23:29] Final push done. [23:29] Eickmeyer: Oh wow, thank you! [23:30] Feel free to comb through and make any corrections to that d/copyright. It's nearly 500 lines long (I was exaggerating earlier, but it's a long one). [23:30] There are two new plugins, one of which is the plugin in question. [23:30] Both include an lv2 and a vst version. [23:31] OK. What's the old version so I can git diff properly? [23:32] (Sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm not sure how to look it up off the top of my head.) [23:33] Actually, you don't need to. Everything is updated, we're just looking for an update to the d/copyright at this point. [23:34] Oh, OK. I see what you're saying. [23:34] I have a pretty fast workflow when it comes to updating upstream branches.