
* fenafsezaman - (Allah the Greatest Rules and the power is in his hands)00:01
* fenafsezaman we r not UFOs we rule by the authority and POWER of GOD My God is Allah the one of islam00:04
* fenafsezaman - ^ All your life u been following seculars armies and tyrant systems those who rule in injust00:05
* fenafsezaman In the name of Allah AlAazam the sustainer of existance the most powerful Almonhi HAWK ALAKBAR AJBAR AJBAR AJBAR: (Praised) he is in Quran the Global Book ; Sunni islam is the true religion of God (Allah Rules and the power is in his hands) _ monotheism islam is righthood it is the belief in God Allah the King of kings the right -00:05
johnny_Linuxthey are out in full force00:10
sarnoldhe's quite a bit nicer these days than previously; once upon a time it was a gigantic 100-line flood00:14
johnny_Linuxthis is why internet 2 will be enforced00:20
johnny_Linuxits all been hyjakt and those who said we were kooks.. eats sht.. its here.00:21
=== Abrax- is now known as Abrax
Guest87Can I use apt-mirror on Ubuntu to create a repository for Debian?01:09
leftyfbGuest87: yes, lots of tutorials online on how to do it01:11
sarnoldyeah I'd expect that to work okay01:12
oerheksGuest87, register with libera, and ask there?01:24
Guest87Do I use the same process as creating a Ubuntu mirror but with Debian links?01:29
oerheksIt is disrespectful not to register.01:30
oerheksafter that, you know you will have access to #debisn01:30
leftyfbGuest87: when I typed "apt-mirror" into google, this is the 4th link that comes up https://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror01:33
oerheksBing idem dito01:34
camique asen01:53
Guest87Are the instructions going to download the tar.gz?01:59
oerheksGuest87, can you explain what you are asking for?02:00
=== percY-_ is now known as percY-
shachafI upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 and now Firefox is a Snap package. It works better than I expected, but my keybinding to open a new Firefox window now takes over 500ms. Is there a way to not have it be so slow?02:55
shachafAll it does is run the `firefox` program, which I guess goes through Snap which is very slow to start up programs.02:56
toddcshachaf: bug they are working on it02:58
shachaftoddc: What's the bug? That it takes a long time to run a Snap program?03:03
arraybolt3[m]shachaf: Run "sudo snap refresh" - this will update all the Snaps on your system (including Firefox). The latest Snap Firefox starts up quite quickly even the first time after bootup.03:07
arraybolt3[m](The transition to Snap originally made Firefox launch very slowly the first time after the system was booted, but the latest version has improved tremendously.)03:07
toddcshachaf:  https://linuxstoney.com/ubuntu-developers-begin-to-solve-problems-with-the-slow-launch-of-the-firefox-snap-package/03:07
toddcyes it is much better with the latest version03:08
shachafHmm, "All snaps up to date."03:11
shachafI guess 500ms to open a window in an existing instance is considered "quite quick" by Snap standards.03:12
shachafBut if people are working on it, maybe it'll get faster eventually.03:12
sarnoldthat sounds like it's worth a bug report to me03:14
arraybolt3[m]500ms = 1/2 second? I guess to me that's more than fast enough.03:15
shachafEvery time you open a new browser window?03:16
arraybolt3[m](Then again my Chromebook can pop open a browser window in an instant so I can understand the appeal of a quicker start speed.)03:16
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, every time I open a new browser window. That's just par for the course for me. It was that way even with the apt version of Firefox IIRC.03:16
sarnoldthis is what I got on my 20.04 system:03:16
sarnold± time firefox --new-window http://google.com03:16
sarnoldit felt about like that03:16
arraybolt3[m]It takes multiple seconds for a new Chrome window to appear on my laptop, and I have Chrome installed via apt. Maybe I just have slow hardware.03:17
sarnolda second run 0m0.079s03:17
shachafHmm, given that Firefox is already running, I don't see why it should take more than one frame (16ms) to open a new window. 500ms is just absurd.03:18
arraybolt3[m]Yeah I'm getting more like 5 to 10 seconds on my laptop.03:18
arraybolt3[m]Oh, but that's starting Firefox afresh every time. So when I do a new window while Firefox is stil running, it takes 0.688s.03:19
enigma9o7[m]0.227 seconds on 18.04 (using deb version) on the command sarnold tried... on my 13 year old laptop03:20
sarnoldhalf a second is an eternity then :)03:20
enigma9o7[m]second run 0.11703:20
shachafI upgraded from 21.something to 22.04 and it definitely got much slower.03:21
arraybolt3[m]shachaf: I wouldn't expect a new Firefox window to just snap to the screen in an instant - after all, you are calling the Firefox program from scratch and it does have to go through the whole process of figuring out that another Firefox instance is already running and then do whatever magic it does from there - that's gonna take time. But it does look like Snap is slowing things down. You could install Firefox from a PPA or from the03:22
arraybolt3[m]official tarball.03:22
arraybolt3[m](Note by "a PPA" there's one PPA I have in mind, there might be various Firefox PPAs of questionable reliability but there's one that I think Mozilla runs that should be safe.)03:23
shachafI don't understand why it needs to take time that's noticeable on a human scale or anything close to it.03:25
shachaf500ms is an eternity.03:25
enigma9o7[m]apperantly its because the developers have super new hardware, and dont realize most everyone else is 10x slower than them.03:26
arraybolt3[m]shachaf: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa03:26
shachafSwitching away from the Snap package sounds like a good idea.03:28
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
Guest59Can I use ubuntu on 2 monitors together ? I mean combining them as 1 display ?05:39
=== Guest59 is now known as nowhere007
InPhasenowhere007: Yes, if you follow the following steps:  Plug them both in.05:48
nowhere007Actually I was trying wireless, I could do the wired. Is there any way to do it wireless ? Like windows can cast to another display wirelessly and extend05:53
tuxinatorGood morning everybody, somebody else getting this on try to sync jammy to on premise landscape? Calculating packages to get...06:01
tuxinatorDeleting unexpected file './pool/universe/q/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/qtdeclarative5-doc-html_5.15.3+dfsg-1_all.deb'!06:01
tuxinator(not in database and wrong in pool)06:01
tuxinator Getting packages...06:01
tuxinatoraptmethod error receiving 'http://mirror.init7.net/ubuntu/pool/universe/q/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/qtdeclarative5-doc-html_5.15.3+dfsg-1_all.deb':06:01
tuxinator'Connection failed [IP: 80]'06:01
tuxinatorGood morning everybody, somebody else getting this on try to sync jammy to on premise landscape? https://dpaste.com/7RTECJSRJ06:05
Unit193I have never seen that before, have you done an `apt update` recently?06:06
tuxinatortried a lot of things, change of mirror etc06:07
tuxinatorand i checked my mirror sync logs and synced manually my used mirror (i am the operator of mirror2.tuxinator.org public ubuntu mirror) but all looks good06:07
tuxinatorfriday i was unable to download the package even manually to the landscape-server but now this works but the error is the same06:08
tuxinatorUnit193: do you use landscape on premise?06:08
Unit193No, I have never used landscape except the sysinfo aspect of it. :P06:08
tuxinatorUnit193: well then it's clear you never seen that error message06:09
Unit193Yeah I was thinking apt/aptitude stuff.06:09
tuxinatorUnit193: thx anyway for your try to help06:11
Unit193tuxinator: Wouldn't one contact Canonical for landscape issues?06:12
tuxinatorUnit193: well that would be my next step :D  i thought maybe there is some general issue with this package or this error message independent of landscape :D06:19
Unit193`apt-get download qtdeclarative5-doc-html` goes well at least, not that I'd expect it to show that error even if there was a problem, since it's very basic.06:21
=== beaver is now known as Guest0110
nuovolnxSorry, I use linuxmint, after upgrading to 21 I find myself with the open suorce drivers instead of the nvidia ones I had previously installed. The pc freezes on google maps 3d and when I watch videos with celluloid.07:31
tuxinatornuovolnx: as a workaround disable hw accel in your browser07:47
tuxinatorthis is the ubuntu channel, maybe you find better help in a mint channel07:47
nuovolnxbetter help?07:48
Johnny_Mucambogood morning all... i have one question about graphics07:57
Johnny_MucamboI have one monitor 7''07:57
Johnny_Mucambomy PC has one display port and convert it to VGA so my output is VGA07:58
Johnny_Mucamboo bought one VGA to HDMI converter because i need HDM as output07:58
Johnny_Mucambomy problem is07:59
Johnny_Mucamboi cant foce any resolution (at least the right resolution) i suspect that is somthing about timings on HDMI08:00
Johnny_Mucambomy vga to hdmi can output 1920x1200. whene i connect to my desktop if i force full HD it works very well but if i use this 7'' LCD i can't force any resolution08:03
Johnny_Mucamboedid problems? how can i solve this ? frame buffer?08:03
=== diskin is now known as Guest5397
ForeverNoob[m]Hi, I have `python3` pointing to python 3.6, what is the best way for it to point to python 3.7? Simply adjust the symlink?08:37
tarzeauForeverNoob[m]: that's ubuntu 18.04?08:41
tarzeauwhy not just dist-upgrade to 20.04? and then 22.04?08:47
tarzeauyes you can fiddle with the symlink, it might be good for some things, but break others. better use pyenv/venv instead?08:47
firesnapHi, I upgraded ubuntu to 22.04 and I can not install firefox anymore. When I try, I get error: "Run configure hook of "firefox" snap if present (run hook "configure": cannot perform operation: mount --rbind /home /tmp/snap.rootfs_SX52GO//home: Permission denied)" ... is there some work-a-round or way for me to fix it?09:22
ForeverNoob[m]@tarzeau: yeah it's going to happen somewhen in the future but atm got too many things going on. Can pyenv/venv be used if external app depends on python3 pointing to 3.7 though?09:23
ografiresnap, try postin in ths thread: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/known-issues-with-firefox-snap/2466309:44
ograit is read by the firefox maintainers ...09:45
firesnap@orgra Thanks09:47
=== FreshBorscht is now known as Mibix
firesnapAnswering to myself, as a work-a-round, I installed Firefox as a .deb package using these instructions: I hope I don't run into too many problems in the future because of this, but at least I can use Firefox again for now: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/04/how-to-install-firefox-deb-apt-ubuntu-22-0410:22
pikapikahow do we get a list of pacakges for a fresh install10:38
pikapikawithout actually installing a vm10:38
pikapikais there any page or archive that lists packages that are preinstalled on a fresh ubuntu10:39
Unit193There's the manifest.10:41
ravagepikapika, https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jammy/ubuntu-meta10:43
pikapikaI found a manifest file in the ubuntu release page10:46
pikapikait has a list of packages10:46
lotuspsychjewelcome cousteau10:49
cousteauI see gksu and gksudo are gone.  Why were they removed (what is the rationale), what purpose did those applications serve, and what are the recommended alternatives?10:50
cousteauIn my experience, gksu was used to run graphical applications as admin, probably because running them directly with sudo had several issues.10:51
cousteauSo instead of "run sudo with these extra parameters that fix those issues", the general recommendation was just "use gksu instead", but I'm not totally sure what were the advantages.10:51
pikapikawhat were you opening with gksudo10:52
lotuspsychjecousteau: in nautilus you can now ctrl+l and type admin:/// to manage admin tasks10:52
cousteauI *think* that the main reason it was discouraged to "run graphical apps as sudo" was because "graphical apps" tend to mess with your $HOME (either because they write config files or because of some issues with .Xauthority files and other locks being left on your $HOME), so I systematically run sudo with the -H option so that it puts all that garbage on /root and leaves my $HOME alone10:53
cousteaubut I don't know if that was the actual reason to use gksu instead of sudo10:54
ubottugksudo was a way to run graphical applications as root. It should no longer be used. Use !pkexec instead.10:55
cousteauwelp, guess that answers the third part of my question :)10:56
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:57
cousteaualthough that link is old, it does mention my -H trick I was so proud of...10:57
krytarikcousteau: gksudo and friends also query the admin password graphically rather than on the command line, which you wouldn't get when invoking it graphically like by using a launcher.11:00
cousteauhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Graphical_sudo -- hm, this may provide details about why it is unadvised to use sudo with graphical apps11:00
cousteaukrytarik: oh, good point... you don't always have a terminal (well, I do, but not all people do)11:01
cousteaulotuspsychje: I guess that works for opening and editing and moving files, but there are other uses for it such as... dunno, running graphical installers, for example11:03
cousteaubut good to know about admin:///11:03
krytarikYeah, the rationale here is of course that if you run graphical apps (with elevated rights or not) then you shouldn't need to use a terminal to do that.11:04
cousteaupikapika: in this particular case, I was thinking on using it for a graphical installer.  And the first thing that installer did when I launched it with `sudo -H` was to throw a cryptic java error, which seems to be solved if I run `xhost +` before.11:05
cousteau(For those of you who don't know what `xhost +` does... welcome to the club!)11:05
cousteaukrytarik: yeah that makes a lot of sense11:06
lotuspsychjecousteau: running gparted from terminal for example asks your password GUI11:06
cousteaubut I thought gksu was meant to solve other issues.  For example, I think it deals with the -H issue.11:06
cousteauAnd I suspect it would have solved the xhost + issue, which looks like it's something graphical-related11:07
SlartibartWhen I try to download some file from a chat in slack I get notice with 'Open containing folder' and all that. I.e it looks as if the file was downloaded. But when I check outside slack the file isn't there in that folder. I'm fairly sure apparmor is behind this, but when I check /etc/apparmor.d there are no slack profiles, and dmesg doesn't seem to show anything about it either.11:07
cousteaulotuspsychje: so it sort of "has a built-in gksudo"?11:07
Slartibarthttps://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-apparmor says 'explicit denies will put no message in your logs at all'. Is there some other way to get confirmation that apparmor is causing this?11:07
lotuspsychjei used to like sux a lot, but its not on recent ubuntu releases any longer11:07
cousteauI guess sux is the creative name for an X-based version of su11:08
cousteauOK this is annoying: pkexec automatically cd's to /root >:(11:10
cousteaupkexec ./xsetup  ->  Error executing ./xsetup: No such file or directory11:10
ravageno cd here. https://p.haxxors.com/qgaxxzz6.txt11:12
cousteauand there doesn't seem to be an elegant way around it (well, in this case I guess `pkexec "$PWD/xsetup"` would work, but there are other use cases that wouldn't)11:12
cousteauravage: `pkexec pwd`?11:13
ravagethat shows root yes11:13
cousteauobviously, calling a regular command, which is run in a subshell, won't change the directory from the caller shell11:14
ravagehttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/50783033/execute-pkexec-command-on-a-different-path looks like a workaround11:14
cousteauso something like   sh -c 'cd /tmp'   will cd to /tmp *in a subshell* and then exit, and after exiting you'll be left on the dir you were before11:15
cousteauravage: well, I guess that (or a simpler `pkexec -c 'cd /some/path; some_command'`) would do... but that's not an elegant way around it11:16
cousteauan elegant way would be either a --dont-change-dir switch, or a config option to decide whether it does change dir or not.  Or not having that "undocumented feature" at all, which doesn't seem to serve any practical purpose.11:18
cousteau(do you know what "undocumented feature" is a euphemism for?)  >:)11:19
pikapikacousteau, in some applications like video games undocumented features are considered acceptable to use for setting speed records11:20
ravagecousteau, https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/polkit/polkit/ and when its implemented upstream feel free to file a bug/feature request on launchpad :)11:21
cousteauravage: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/polkit/polkit/-/blob/master/src/programs/pkexec.c#L55411:25
cousteauseems to be already implemented11:25
ravagenice :)11:26
ravagethen maybe someone can port to ubuntu11:26
ogragksu/gksudo simply can not work with waylands security model (one window can not see the content of the other or control the other by design), this is why they were dropped11:26
cousteau...for some pkexec version11:26
cousteauravage: I'm not even sure that feature's been released though11:27
AlexChi, does anyone aware in ubuntu 22.04 transmission has a memory leak?11:27
cousteauogra: thanks, that's a neat explanation for the first part of my question :)11:27
AlexC1 day uptime it consumed me 20 gigs of ram11:27
ravagecousteau, you should check if its available in debian sid11:27
cousteauI don't have a debian sid around... I'll do some version checking though11:28
lotuspsychjeAlexC: bug #197308411:28
ubottuBug 1973084 in transmission (Ubuntu) "transmission-daemon high RAM usage" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197308411:28
lotuspsychjeAlexC: if you think this is your case, please affect to the bug at left upper corner11:29
AlexCit has been fixed in upstream, but it has still some bugs, using more cpu than it should11:29
AlexCit is affecting, but not just arm64 build11:30
AlexCx86_64 also affected11:30
AlexCknown bug over on transmission github also11:30
lotuspsychjeAlexC: you can also add a comment, and/or mention the upstream bug ID11:30
AlexCif I remember my launchpad creds.. :D11:31
cousteauhttps://gitlab.freedesktop.org/polkit/polkit/-/commit/af533784a33040ce91b03744c6fd5ba9aff3e007 -- "pkexec: Don't chdir(~)" - commit authored 3 months ago11:32
ubottuCommit af53378 in polkit/polkit "pkexec: Don't chdir(~)"11:32
cousteaumerged into tag... uh... doesn't seem available in gitlab11:32
cousteauIncidentally, that commit also fixes the "bug due to an 'undocumented feature'" in the simplest way to fix those bugs: by documenting them11:33
cousteau(but I still don't see WHY the default should be to cd ~)11:33
ravagecousteau, it is very unlikely that any of that will appear in Ubuntu before there is any debian package available for it. so if you really need this to be fixed the first step is to make it apperar in sid11:34
cousteauravage: I understand that.  I was just checking if that commit has been "released" or not11:34
AlexCyee I remembered11:35
cousteau...oh, that cryptic "[__> 121" button in gitlab seems to mean "this commit is part of tag '121'"11:36
cousteauSo, the earliest version containing this change is polkit 121 (version 121 is the one immediately following 0.120, because apparently they got tired of that 0. numbering system and went directly with single numbers)11:38
cousteauravage: it appears that polkit is in version 0.105-33 in sid, but 121-2 in experimental: https://packages.debian.org/sid/pkexec | https://packages.debian.org/experimental/pkexec11:42
ravagecousteau, feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic . i dont see an direct support case here atm.11:42
cousteauis that good enough, or does it HAVE to be in sid?11:42
cousteauok :) sorry for deviating11:42
krytarikNeeds to be in Sid, yes.11:43
ravagesid makes the merge much easier11:43
ograwell, experimental is sometimes an option ...11:43
cousteauin any case I wasn't planning to get this deep into debugging that issue; I just wanted to know the alternatives to gksu11:43
cousteaubut I guess I should move the discussion there, or maybe to #ubuntu-devel11:43
ravageactually it will appear in ubuntu after some years automatically if you can wait :)11:44
ravage(from sid)11:44
cousteaubut I want it now!11:44
ogracousteau, in fact you shoudl "ubuntu-bug pkexec" and explain it in the bug 😉11:44
ravageogra, sorry - totally unrelated - any chance you can push a zoom-client snap update. my client keeps complaining :D11:45
ograravage, sadly not ... zoom removed the ability to open links in newer client versions that drop the internal sandboxing (which i have to do for the snap to work at all) ... so the zoomus:// urls will not work anymore11:46
ravageoh :(11:46
ograravage, you can switch to the edge channel and live with the limitation11:46
ravageyes thats ok for me11:46
ograi'm still looking for a solution, but dont expect anything fast11:46
ravagei dont click zoom links :)11:46
ograwell, people that open them from i.e. a google calendar invite are screwed ... (especially if the invite holds the credentials for a non-public meeting)11:47
cousteauAnd, back to my original issue... it seems that `pkexec "$PWD"/xsetup` doesn't solve this issue I was having with xhost11:47
cousteaubasically, `./xsetup` works, but `sudo [-H] ./xsetup` and `pkexec "$PWD"/xsetup` cause a Java error; this error seems to go away if I run `xhost +` first.  I somehow suspect that this is the sort of thing that gksu would deal with elegantly, but I have no way to prove it.11:49
ravageogra, sure. i just have to start a video call once in a while and use the chat. i dont like the tool really and try to avoid it as much as i can. edge will do for me. thanks :)11:49
ograedge is auto-built every time zoom does a new release btw ... so expect regular (but intested) updates11:49
ravageliving on the edge is fun :D11:50
dante-asHi guys, how can I create a username with password included in CLI?12:03
cousteaudante-as: `useradd -p password123`?  Although I don't think you want to put a password directly in a command line argument12:05
oerheksdante-as, see the server docs, https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-users12:05
oerhekscousteau, +112:05
oerheksin the docs are more details, about when the user is forced to change the password and so on12:05
cousteaubetter to use useradd and then passwd12:06
oerheksuseradd --help12:07
ograuuuh ... use adduser, not useradd ...12:07
ogra(adduser applies the distro default settings, useradd does not)12:07
oerheksogra, you are right, useradd does not make a home folder12:08
geirhauseradd is how you confusingly end up with sh as your login shell12:09
ograand lost of other dd things 😞+12:09
ogra*odd things 🙂12:09
dante-asI would need to create it without interactivity as will be part of user-data12:09
dante-asIs it possible?12:09
mgedminadduser can be used non-interactively (IIRC you need to pass --disable-password so it doesn't stop to ask)12:10
cousteaudante-as: so you first create the user with something like:  useradd  -c 'John Smith'  -G 'sudo,plugdev,dialout,someothergroups'  -m  -s /bin/bash  johnsmith12:11
dante-asHmm, let rephrase it - I would need to create the user with password included, but without interactivtiy12:11
cousteauand then set its password with:   passwd johnsmith12:11
mgedminah, it also asks for GECOS information, unless you pass --gecos or add a --sytem user12:11
SuperLagoerheks: sure enough, you were right... phased updates. Both of those packages updated this morning.12:12
dante-ascousteau: that would require to set the password with interactivity. I would need it without interactivity12:12
oerheksSuperLag, thanks, have fun!12:12
ogradante-as, use adduser without setting a password, ten you use chpasswd to set a PW12:13
mgedminchpasswd(8) is a tool that can set user passwords noninteractively12:13
dante-asok, let me try12:14
cousteau-c/--comment is the user description (their full name), -G/--groups the initial groups (include "sudo" if you want them to have access to sudo, and e.g. "plugdev" and "dialout" are usually good if you work with UART and stuff like that; those are only a few examples); -m/--create-home will create a ~johnsmith home directory at /home/johnsmith (by default it doesn't), and -s/--shell specifies the default login shell (I think useradd defaults to /bin/sh12:15
cousteauin ubuntu instead of the more practical /bin/bash)12:15
cousteaudante-as: what is the use case you have where you want to set passwords non-interactively?  Maybe mgedmin's suggestion of using chpasswd is a better solution12:17
cousteauI guess the usage (assuming bash) would be   chpasswd <<<'johnsmith:password123'   or   chpasswd <<'EOF'  johnsmith:password123  EOF12:18
cousteaubut I'm not really sure what are the risks of simply using `useradd --password password123`, and whether my other suggestions defy the purpose of not using that option12:19
cousteauto wrap up my question... any reason I would NOT want to use `sudo -H` and SHOULD use `pkexec` instead?  (as a user, not as a developer of some script meant to be run graphically)12:39
cousteau...and also I'd like to know what's with this `xhost +` that I needed to call12:40
mgedminpkexec can open a GUI password prompt (well, ask gnome-shell to show it via whatever polkit dbus mechanism); sudo needs a terminal to ask for the password12:42
cousteaubut I'll ask about `xhost` elsewhere12:43
mgedminxhost + is to allow X11 apps to work when the uid of the X11 app doesn't match the uid of the logged in user (e.g. app running as root vs regular user)12:43
mgedminit's an old security mechanism from when we had multiuser machines to not allow other users sniff your passwords etc.12:44
cousteaumgedmin: yeah, but as a user who just wants to run a program, there's no difference between running sudo from a terminal or running pkexec from a terminal.  If I were writing a script for someone else to open e.g. by double-clicking, then that's a different scenario where I understand why I'd want to use pkexec.12:44
cousteauI see12:44
mgedminyeah, if you always run from a terminal there's not much difference12:45
mgedminsudo can remember the password verification for a little while (15 minutes iirc) as long as you reuse the same terminal12:45
mgedminI don't know if pkexec has anything like that12:45
cousteau...but I've never needed that in the past, and I've run a great deal of graphical apps with `sudo -H` or `gksudo` or `gksu`, why do I need it for this?12:45
mgedminthere are probably technical reasons why pkexec is superior, but I don't remember them12:46
mgedmin(running GUI apps as root is generally accepted to be a Bad Idea, for various reasons)12:46
cousteau(not sure if "this" is just "the latest ubuntu version", or "this specific program", or "the current system configuration", or "ever since wayland started being used")12:47
cousteaumgedmin: oh, I'm interested... which are those various reasons?12:47
cousteauI keep running stuff under `sudo -H` with a trembling pulse fearing I will break something12:47
mgedminone of the main reasons is that large GUI toolkits tend to have exploitable bugs in them, so it's easier to make a GUI app running as root to do evil things12:48
mgedminanother thing is when you ask sudo to preserve your home directory, a bunch of dotfiles become root-owned, and then when you run the same apps as non-root they end up being unable to save settings/history/etc.12:48
cousteauHas anyone here ever been locked out of their graphical session because some program decided to create a ~/.Xauthority lock as sudo, and couldn't log in graphically ever again, until they logged in from a tty and manually deleted/chowned that file?  I have :I12:49
mgedmin(sudo preserves $HOME used to be default, and I had gotten into a habit of running `find ~/ -uid \! 1000 -ls` to discover problems)12:49
cousteaumgedmin: ok.  (1) is not really an issue since this file is an installer, so of course it needs access to my system.  Not sure if having other apps leeching into that app for evil purposes is a concern.  And not sure if pkexec et al would solve that.12:50
cousteau(2) is solved by running `sudo -H`, and is the reason one of the first things I do whenever I set up a new linux account is to add `alias sudo='sudo -H'` to my .bashrc12:51
cousteau(I think there is a system-wide option for that)12:51
cousteauI remember that MAAAAANY years ago I proposed that -H to be the default in the Ubuntu platform where users proposed stuff and then voted on them, but it got very little support12:52
mgedminspeaking of sudo and friends, what's a good way to allow a user (me) run echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/tpacpi::power/brightness as root without a password prompt12:52
EriC^^mgedmin: did you try using xbacklight?12:53
cousteaudo you mean without the password prompt getting in the way, or without ever needing a password prompt at all?  For the former, you usually do it like   sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/tpacpi::power/brightness'12:53
mgedminthis command turns off the power LED, not the display brightness12:54
cousteauand... oh ok I didn't bother to read what the command did... yeah I see why you would want to do that without being root evvery time12:54
mgedminI want to Alt-F2, turn-off-power-led, enter and not be bothered with any password prompts12:54
mgedminthen enjoy my movie at night without extraneous white lights (why did Lenovo have to make all the LEDs white?)12:54
mgedminI suppose I could add 'NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c "echo ..."' to my sudoers file...12:55
EriC^^mgedmin: "xset dpms force off" this doesnt work?12:55
mgedminI don't want to turn off my display, I want to turn off the little LED light in the middle of the power button12:56
cousteauit's weird that that block device is owned by root:root.  I was expecting it to be owned by some less restricted group, e.g. plugdev or something12:56
cousteau...maybe you can chmod that file?12:57
ioriamgedmin, you use a unit service at startup12:57
mgedminyeah, I do that for the mute and mic mute LEDs12:57
mgedminbut usually I want the power LED to be visible, except when I'm watching a movie at night12:58
ioriamgedmin, something like this : https://n.ethz.ch/~dbernhard/disable-led-on-a-thinkpad.html12:58
lotuspsychjenice find ioria12:58
BluesKajHi all12:59
ioriamgedmin, maybe you add a condition ; e.g if your player is running; then do that12:59
mgedminhmmm I could create the systemd unit without the WantedBy and then add 'NOPASSWD: systemctl start disable-power-led' to sudoers, then have my turn-off-power-led do the sudo systemctl start ... thing12:59
ioriamgedmin, or even a .timer for night time13:00
mgedminanyway time for me to go, thanks for all the ideas!13:00
iorialotuspsychje, hey lotus; all good ?13:00
lotuspsychjeyeah mate tnx ioria13:00
cousteaumgedmin: if you're adding an init script for stuff, you could add an init script that chmod or chown that special file13:04
Guest6Hi! After starting the installation of Steam from Ubuntu 20.04 Package Repository I wanted to reboot my system and now I can't start it anymore. In Grub I can choose between my windows system (which works fine) and my ubuntu one, which doesn't restart. Any tips or help?13:19
EriC^^Guest6: start by choosing an older kernel from the "Advanced" menu13:25
Guest6so I got into the recovery menu - any suggestions what I should do next? Repair broken packages?13:36
=== Mibixy is now known as Mibix
cousteauGuest6: do you get any error message?13:57
* cousteau trying to recall if installing Steam did something weird on him13:58
Guest6no I didn't13:58
cousteauso if you boot normally, what happens?14:00
cousteauspends a long time booting?  you get an error?  it reboots by itself?14:00
cousteaucan you press Ctrl-Alt-F1 and login on a terminal after booting normally?  if so, maybe the issue is that you can't log in graphically, only via command line?14:01
Guest6my screen freezes with my laptop logo14:01
Guest6tried booting normally via recovery menu now I'm logged in but I can't see my desktop, can only use search box, calender and stuff14:07
=== Punna is now known as Pwnna
cousteauGuest6: when your screen has frozen, if you press Ctrl-Alt-F1, do you get a command line prompt?14:19
cousteauor, can you do Ctrl-Alt-F1 now that you've booted, and open a terminal?14:19
cousteauthere you can search for possible things that may have happened, and at least you have a chance to fix the issues14:20
Guest6let me try14:20
Guest6no, I can't open the terminal14:21
ograalt-left/rigth cursor keys should work too if you are still on the boot splash ...14:23
cousteauone possible issue, if the problem is that your home got corrupted by installing steam, then this command may help you find files that were touched by root:   find "$HOME" \! -user "$USER" -nowarn14:23
cousteau(or   find /home/youruser \! -user youruser -nowarn   if you're on a terminal owned by root)14:24
Guest6unfortunately I can't find a way to open the terminal14:27
ograGuest6, on the boot splash, is there the ubuntu spinner at any time before it hangs ?14:28
ogra(under the vendor logo)14:29
ograif so, hold the alt key and press the left or right cursor key to get to the terminal messages at least ... you should see wheer it stops the boot then14:29
ograno spinner at all ?14:30
ShaggyHi! Where can i find help with driver install for wifi adapter on linux mint? ^^14:30
ograare you sure you did not install anything else or did a system update before installing steam ?14:30
ograShaggy, in a mint forum perhaps ...14:30
ograShaggy, here is onyl ubuntu support14:30
ShaggySorry then :C Do you know where can i find mint network on irc?14:31
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»14:31
ograShaggy, ^^14:31
Guest6No spinner14:31
Guest6any chance I could do sth in the recovery menu? At least I can get to that14:33
Maik!Mint | Shaggy14:33
ubottuShaggy: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/14:33
ShaggyIt was spotchat! omg thanks, i just forgot what network it was14:33
Shaggysorry again14:33
ShaggyThanks <314:34
Maikno problem :)14:34
Guest13Installer for Ubuntu- does not work for us, filed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/198667414:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1986674 in Ubuntu "Installer Ubuntu-220.4.1-server after Server Snap menue jumps back to Language selection instead of Finish&Reboot" [Undecided, New]14:35
ioriaGuest6, what did you exactly before the crash ?14:38
Guest6I wanted to install Steam from Ubuntu 20.04 Package Repository and when it said "reboot system when convenient" I did that. And since then I can't reboot it14:40
ioriaGuest6, in Recovery, can you get a prompt ?14:41
ioriaGuest6, i mean 'root shell'14:42
Guest6yes - drop to root shell prompt14:42
ioriaGuest6,   do you have connectivity ?  ping google.com14:43
Guest6you mean after root?14:43
ioriayes, ofc14:43
enigma9o7[m]Before you installed steam, did you run updates, perhaps a kernel update?14:46
Guest6no, don't think so.14:47
Guest6and nop, no connectivitiy14:47
ioriaGuest6,  ping
Guest6Do you think it makes more sense at this point to just reinstall partition?14:48
clamiaxhi guys14:48
ioriait would be make sense if you answer14:49
Guest6answer to what question?14:49
ioriaGuest6,  ping
clamiaxI just upgraded my server to Ubuntu 22.04 and noticed that dkimproxy is not available anymore. Is there an alternative package or do I need to install that by hand? Still googling for a solution.14:49
ioriaGuest6, run it14:50
Guest6tty doesn't work14:53
Guest6somehow normal boot works again14:54
Guest6thank you guys!14:54
javi404anyone run into issues upgrading from 20 LTS to 22?14:57
downeastjavi404: someone was in here yesterday with an issue related to gpg14:58
javi404got it, im running old hardware, so that is my main worry.14:58
javi404AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor14:59
javi40410+ years old14:59
javi404downeast: thanks.14:59
Maikif 20.04 runs well on your hardware then 22.04 should too14:59
javi404Maik: got it.14:59
javi404just didn't know if any drivers got pulled.15:00
Maikalso... back up you important data first15:00
javi404Maik: always15:00
javi404one thing I forgot to mention.15:04
javi404I'm booting off of a mdraid device.15:05
javi404md0p1 259:0    0  1000M  0 part  /boot15:06
javi404will this break or has anyone else who boots off of a raid1 have had any issues?15:06
z1In the name of Allah AlAazam the sustainer of existence the most powerful _ Alhamdulilah Aazam Alaalamin - the great the merciful - owner of the judgement day - Ye alone we worhip , Ye Alone we seek help15:24
z1Guide us the straight path - the path of those whom u bestowed your grace - not the path of thoose who have earned your anger - nor those who have Gone astray Amen15:24
z1_ Greetings  - In the name of Allah AlAazam the sustainer of existance the most powerful : (Praised) he is in Quran the Global Book ; Sunni islam is the true religion of God (Allah Rules and the power is in his hands) _ monotheism islam is righthood it is the belief in God Allah the King of kings the right -15:24
z1_ No body asked U to commite crimes AND kiLL muslims and innocents SySTeMATicly * which U r judged upon by God the redeemer -  by the authority of whats mentioned above and from prophet Gabriel the Great and from Allah::15:24
z1_ Most IMPORTANT - U have three choices or u will be severly judged and in Pain by Allah : -a- stop targetting sunni Muslim people and poor people everywhere under the consequences of being ended by Allah the redeemer. -b- AID and backup Ukraine in this war now with all power u got -c- be true muslim15:24
oerheksz1, please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support, thanks.15:25
leftyfb!op | z115:26
ubottuz1: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant15:26
leftyfboerheks: same idiot as yesterday15:26
oerheksoh oke, ops can go back to their icetea.15:26
sarnoldoo I love iced tea15:27
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arg_That's what i always complain at mad hatter T party...not icy enough.16:13
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=== luna__ is now known as bittin
andypandyOn my Ubuntu 21.04 server I suddenly get the error message " The repository 'http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hirsute Release' no longer has a Release file.". I thought 21.04 would be support for quite some time yet. Any idea whats happening?=17:37
cbreakandypandy: 21.04 has been out of support for a year or so17:38
andypandyAhh. Forogt its not an LTS, correct?17:39
cbreakit is indeed not.17:39
andypandySo what? Apt stops working? Anything I can do?17:39
cbreakI'd recommend you update to 21.10, and then 22.04, but 21.10 has also been out of support for some months17:39
cbreakthere's a way to update such old systems via alternate servers, but for such an intermediate release, I'm not sure if that still works17:40
ezakimakmy dmesg is getting spammed by an nvidia driver error: "[drm:nv_drm_gem_fence_attach_ioctl [nvidia_drm]] *ERROR* [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Failed to lookup gem object for fence attach: 0x0000000a"17:40
ezakimakis there any way to avoid or squelch it?17:40
cbreakhmm... wonder what that trigger was17:40
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:41
cbreakandypandy: https://www.barryodonovan.com/2022/01/31/upgrading-legacy-versions-of-ubuntu might help17:41
ogra!eol | andypandy17:41
ubottuandypandy: Please see above17:41
andypandyI have to say17:41
andypandyVery suprised17:42
ograwhy is that ?17:42
cbreakabout what specifically? :)17:42
andypandySeems such a non-linux-kinda-way that it suddenly stops working. But I guess its because I happened to install server in an in-between release that had features I wanted17:42
cbreaknot really17:43
andypandyI have been waiting for the new LTS so that I could upgrade to it17:43
cbreakthe servers won't keep unsupported dat for ever17:43
cbreakI've not used rolling release distros myself, but from what I read, they have it much worse17:43
cbreakif you don't install updates there for a few months, you can already get into trouble17:43
ograwell, it surely bugged you for quite a while to upgrade on the motd screen ... (which admittedly does not help much if you never log in to your server 🙂 )17:44
cbreakwith ubuntu, you have 10 months or so of support for most releases17:44
cbreakand many years for LTS releases17:44
cbreakand more if you pay17:44
ograall non LTS releases have 9 months, LTS 10y17:44
ogra10y for everyone ...17:44
ograyou need to open an ubuntu advantage account after 5y ... but it is free17:45
enycOh great, ubuntu 20.04 tftpd buggy ;/17:45
enycAug 16 18:31:00 user-ThinkPad-L450 tftpd[19863]: tftpd: trying to get file: /spa122.cfg17:45
enycAug 16 18:31:00 user-ThinkPad-L450 systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 19864/UID 0).17:45
enycAug 16 18:31:01 user-ThinkPad-L450 systemd-coredump[19865]: Process 19863 (in.tftpd) of user 65534 dumped core.#012#012Stack trace17:45
* enyc grumbles!17:45
cbreakwhoa, tftp :O17:45
ograin.tftpd ? i thought thats dead since decades17:45
andypandyWell. I installed the latest at the time. And then waited for next LTS. Did not seem very unreasonable to mee17:45
andypandyBut I am more used to windows, which is built in a completely different way17:45
* ogra remembers even in 6.04 we only supported tftpd-hpa in ubuntu17:45
cbreakandypandy: you should have installed the latest _lts_ :)17:45
cbreakandypandy: yeah, on windows, you'd get force updated17:46
cbreakwhether you like it or not17:46
andypandy... which lacked versions and support I needed, and was quite old at the time17:46
ograwell, next time you know 😉 just make sure to update in time and you save some hassle17:46
cbreaka coworker of mine ended up on 11 by accident17:46
andypandyWell. I am now forced to end up at the next version if I want any updated or use the server in the most basic ways it seems.. Unless I am missing soemthing17:47
ograyou just follow what the bot linked above17:47
cbreakyou can stay with what you have, if you don't need security updates... or any updates17:47
cbreakI'd recommend updating though17:47
ogra!eol | andypandy17:47
ubottuandypandy: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:47
andypandyWell. I guess I will have to update the server. And hope it doesnt get borked17:48
cbreakmake a snapshot :) or backup17:49
ograyou will have to do it twice to get to the LTS though17:49
cbreakyeah... 21.10 first, then 22.04. And after that, you should change your track to lts17:49
ograhirsute is actually 2 releases away from the LTS17:49
andypandyI always planned on doing it anyways, just had hoped of not being forced into it17:49
andypandyAnd I cannot backup everything. So I will just make backups of the most important parts and hope for the best17:50
ograin general i'd not use nonLTS releases at all on public servers17:50
ograif you need newer versions of apps, use snaps, lxd containers or docker containers17:50
andypandyThis is my homeserver. And if I recall correctly there were wireguard and/or zfs-stuff in this release that was not in the lts I wanted17:50
andypandyThe zfs array should be fine to import I hope. So I will focus backup on the OS disk, which should be quite easy tbh. I am just not comfortable with dist upgrade17:51
cbreakat work I used some pre-lts servers for a year or so, because of drivers17:51
ograhmm, yeah, wiregueard and zfs are indeed something you cant easily get with containers or snaps or so17:51
cbreakbut when I reached lts, it was much nicer :)17:51
cbreakin the end I used the nvidia drivers from nvidia anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered even :/17:52
cbreakogra: I do use wireguard in lxc... but I think it still somehow relies on the host kernel17:52
cbreakthere's also the userland wireguard...17:53
ograright, needs kernel bits that were perhaps not there in the above case17:53
andypandyI also use wireguard in docker, but it uses the OSs stuff in some way17:54
andypandyzfs is in the kernel I believe?17:54
cbreakyes, absolutely17:54
ograparts of it17:54
cbreakdon't run zpool upgrade unless you're sure :)17:55
cbreakand zfsf you can get via a DKMS, if you want to build it yourself17:55
cbreakit's in some ways better than ubuntu's build, but it's also much less convenient, and not as reliable17:56
andypandyI will just stick with the one in ubuntu...17:56
andypandyBut its scary shit. But I mostly just use the server for docker and zfs. So it really should not be to bad I hope17:57
cbreakI've had 21.04 on this very machine, and migrated to 22.04 over time, all with root on zfs17:58
cbreakit worked fine17:58
andypandyI think I have plain old ext4 on the OS nvme ssd. Then 2 different zfs raids with hdds17:58
cbreak(I did some non-standard surgery too, so ... this system isn't very stock anymore... but it still works :D)17:58
cbreakroot on zfs is very nice17:59
cbreakyou could snapshot the OS, upgrade, and if it fails, just roll back17:59
andypandyMy problem is that I only use Ubuntu for server applications at work and at home. So if something goes wrong I probably wont be able to fix it17:59
cbreakor clone the OS, update the clone, and have both17:59
* ogra notes that we're getting a bit off topic for the support channel ... we should take it to #ubuntu-discuss ...18:00
andypandyWell since its too late to just do this simply anyway there is no use trying to rush it. Might aswell do it a quite weekend18:02
andypandyThanks for the help guys18:02
ogragood luck !!18:02
ezakimakwhere do I add a kernel boot parameter? the article in the wiki says to edit /etc/default/grub, but if the file doesn't exst refers to a non-existent instructions for earlier releases18:14
sarnoldezakimak: here's one from my 20.04 laptop https://termbin.com/f1ta  -- certainly a lot of it won't make sense for your environment, but it shows you a lot of what's common18:16
ezakimakso you just edited the /boot/grub/grub.cfg directly?18:18
ezakimakpretty sure that's auto generated, and there's a place you're supposed to put them that gets picked up by update-grub18:19
ezakimakall the docs talk about /etc/default/grub, not /etc/default/grub.d18:22
oerhekssee the grub wiki18:27
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:27
ezakimakokay, again, it only mentions /etc/default/grub, not the /etc/default/grub.d/ directory18:29
oerheks it mentions  /etc/grub.d/18:32
ezakimakI need to know the format for using /etc/default/grub.d/  what is the file name convention, and are their contents the same format as the /etc/default/grub file that is documented?18:35
jhutchinsezakimak: Have you considered dropping a file there to see what happens?18:41
jhutchinsezakimak: Anything fully documented in Linux is deprecated and obsolete.18:41
ezakimakI found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/90160018:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 901600 in grub2 (Ubuntu Quantal) "Allow /etc/default/grub overriding via /etc/default/grub.d/" [High, Fix Released]18:42
ezakimakback in the original bug/feature request thread from 2012. docs have not been updated to include it since... so now it's a doc bug.18:42
ezakimakwould be a one-liner edit to the wiki...18:43
ezakimak"Files /etc/default/grub.d/*.cfg are sourced after the file /etc/default/grub and contain the same format"18:44
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut
arraybolt3[m]I have wiki editor privileges and can fix that pretty quickly.18:49
webchat94I'm having a problem with running a bash script via a desktop launcher.  With some online research, I was able to write a script (that is executable) that will parse the name of and path to a media file, then use that info to launch a media player opening that file while also loading an associated subtitle track that the media player wouldn't19:27
webchat94otherwise find easily because of its location.19:27
webchat94If I run the script from a prompt ($ /home/me/foo.sh /home/me/bar.vid), it works fine, loads the media player playing bar.vid with the subtitles at /home/me/Subs/bar.srt as intended.  However, I'd like to be able to drag and drop the media player in the GUI, so I made a desktop launcher (and made it executable) with the command "'/home/me/foo.sh'19:27
webchat94%u".  When I drop a media file on it. the player opens the video file, but doesn't properly load the subtitles.  If I tell the launcher to run in a terminal, the immediate output from the media player says that the .srt file doesn't exist, which is desmonstrable false.19:27
webchat94Does anyone have an idea what's going wrong here?  Does the launcher sandbox the application being launched so it can only modify files it is directly handed, or something like that?  Why would the script via a launcher only be able to access the media file but not the subtitle file when the script works fine when run from the command line?19:27
sarnoldtry putting quotes around that %u  ?19:29
webchat94sarnold if you mean extending the ''19:29
sarnoldI mean replacing %u   with "%u"19:30
webchat94''s too enclose the %u as well, i tried that and it didn't help.  i could try separate quotes around the %u like '/home/me/foo.sh' '%u' I can try it, but you'd think if that path wasn't being passed in properly, the media file wouldn't be opened either... So weird that it can get the main file but not the secondary one...19:33
alkisgwebchat94: to continue troubleshooting, you may put these after line 1 in your script:19:33
alkisgexec 2>/tmp/debug.log19:33
alkisgset -x19:33
alkisgThen check the log for the commands that your script runs (which include the parameters, e.g. the script might misbehave on file:/// parameters)19:34
alkisgWhile another approach would be to use "open with...." in your file manager, and completely avoid the desktop launcher19:34
alkisg(and save the open with... association)19:34
sarnoldwebchat94: note that '' and "" are two very different quotes and they do different things in the shell19:35
sarnoldwebchat94: I don't know how exactly your launcher is launching things :) but "" feels more likely to work with a %u in it. heh19:35
alkisgAFAIK %f, %u etc do not get quoted at all in .desktop files: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s07.html19:38
alkisg> Field codes must not be used inside a quoted argument, the result of field code expansion inside a quoted argument is undefined.19:39
webchat94sarnold I used the '  ' because I created the launcher using the GUI and my path to the script has spaces in it, so it used them automatically.  I added the %u myself and tried it in and out of the ' ', with only outside working.  I just tried it with '/home/me/foo.sh' "%u" and it had the same incorrect behavior as without the quotes.19:39
sarnoldakaWolf: oh nice!19:39
sarnoldwebchat94: sorry, ignore my advice entirely :) alkisg went and found the docs, hehe19:39
alkisgwebchat94: try with Exec=/home/me/foo.sh %f19:39
alkisgNo quotes19:40
sarnoldakaWolf: sigh sorry for the highlight19:40
alkisgNo %u, but %f19:40
webchat94alkisg okay19:40
webchat94alkisg that did it, thanks!  can you give a quick answer why it fixed it, or should i just give the %u vs %f a quick browsing around in some docs?19:42
alkisgwebchat94: %u maps to file:///path and your script probably breaks with it19:43
oerheksinvestigate yourself is key. you might find more goodies.19:43
alkisgWhile %f maps to /plain/path, without file:/// in front19:43
alkisgIt's all in the docs, yup19:43
alkisgAnd %F means "accepts multiple files in a single process"19:44
webchat94ah, okay, thanks very much! i had to learn just to get the script written, and interactions between the script, launcher, etc was potentially more than i could figure out myself for now.  thanks for the tip!19:44
webchat94ah yeah, maybe the media player didn't mind being passed the path as file:/// but the command line switch for the subtitles wasn't able to.19:45
webchat94well, not maybe, it seems to be the case19:46
webchat94i didn't realize the  %u vs %f thing and was just trying to hack something together19:46
webchat94thanks very much19:46
alkisgIn general it's easier to create /usr/local/bin/your-player wrappers19:47
alkisgThen by just double clicking on a video, it automatically tries to locate the subtitles19:47
alkisgIt's already accosiated etc19:47
webchat94and yeah, oerheks i agree, but i'm already a bit out of my comfort zone, and it was getting to too many levels of me not knowing what was going on19:47
alkisgWhat's your media player name?19:48
webchat94alkisg i'll look into / consider that.  in this case it's an unusual directory structure and for now i feel i only need it for this one set of files, but maybe it will make sense to make it easier going forward19:48
webchat94smplayer for this19:48
alkisgYou can easily check "if the media is in that dir, then search that other dir for subtitles; otherwise just open the media without subtitles"19:49
webchat94but the directory structure is actually /home/series/ep1.vid and /home/series/Subs/ep1/2_Eng.srt19:50
alkisgAnyway, you have many roads ahead of you; enjoy learning :)19:50
webchat94so it's a little funky19:50
webchat94(each episode having its own dir for subs)19:50
webchat94probably because there are two .srt files per video19:51
webchat94thanks for the help, alkisg , and yeah, always learning!19:52
alkisgIt's not hard, if you need help with the script, you can also ask for help in #bash19:53
webchat94i was able to get the script on my own (yay research and docs and learning!), but it was less clear to me where the problem was when it had to interact with the launcher, too.19:54
webchat94the problem with the wrappers, it seems to me, would be that i don't normally need subs loaded, especially with this type of directory structure, so i wouldn't want to assicoate every video file of that type with the custom wrapper anyway, so it would probably still be a drag/drop thing, too, for me, since i'd prefer to do it in the gui.19:55
webchat94i am (unjustifiably) rather proud of myself for just getting the bash script, right, though :)   Thanks for helping complete the package to deliver actual results!19:57
alkisgwebchat94: the wrapper can have an "IF the file is in /home/series, only THEN search for subs"19:57
alkisgThat will just take 0.001 sec, so you can use it for all media, it doesn't harm19:58
TarekZIn the name of Allah Aazam Tarek bin Ziad the sustainer of existence the most powerful _ Alhamdulilah Aazam Alaalamin - the great the merciful - owner of the judgement day - Ye alone we worhip , Ye Alone we seek help20:02
TarekZGuide us the straight path - the path of those whom u bestowed your grace - not the path of thoose who have earned your anger - nor those who have Gone astray Amen20:02
TarekZ_ Greetings  - In the name of Allah AlAazam the sustainer of existance the most powerful : (Praised) he is in Quran the Global Book ; Sunni islam is the true religion of God (Allah Rules and the power is in his hands) _ monotheism islam is righthood it is the belief in God Allah the King of kings the right -20:02
TarekZ_ No body asked U to commite crimes AND kiLL muslims and innocents SySTeMATicly * which U r judged upon by God the redeemer -  by the authority of whats mentioned above and from prophet Gabriel the Great and from Allah::20:02
TarekZ_ Most IMPORTANT - U have three choices or u will be severly judged and in Pain by Allah : -a- stop targetting sunni Muslim people and poor people everywhere under the consequences of being ended by Allah the redeemer. -b- AID and backup Ukraine in this war now with all power u got -20:02
webchat94alkisg Well, that's a good point.  If I find myself loading subs more often, I'll look into that for sure.  It's definitely going to be nice having them load up automatically in this case and not have to load them manually, especially with them being annoying to browse to for this series.  Maybe once I get used to it, I'll find myself forced to20:02
webchat94look into the wrapper asap. :)20:02
webchat94haha, sorry ASap20:03
=== Dingo is now known as Pristine
=== Furor is now known as Colere
SquareJust accepted upgrade to 22.04.121:54
Squarewish me luck21:54
=== peter_ is now known as Guest2607
wezSquare: How did you go?22:16
Squareomg. I got some question on firefox moved to snap and now upgrade stalled with "Frontend is not responding"22:21
Squarephew.. it resolved itself22:21
wezThat was a close one22:22
jhutchinsIs chrome still a normal .deb, not a snap?22:31
leftyfbjhutchins: correct. Only provided by Google.22:31
jhutchins!info chromium22:32
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in jammy22:32
leftyfbchromium, however, is a snap in ubuntu22:33
=== cryocaustik0 is now known as cryocaustik
SleePyUpgraded a 20.04.4 to 22.04.1.  Rebooted ant it won't complete a boot.  Last message is "Reached Target: Remote File Systems".  Any thoughts as to what to try?  It seems it completed the NFS mounts, but I'm not sure what is is waiting for or stuck on now23:42
tarzeauSleePy: boot into init=/bin/bash and play it through manually?23:43
tarzeauSleePy: i've done like 200 such upgrades, had no such problem23:43
sarnoldof my upgrades to 22.04, one of them got stuck because the networking wasn't translated :(23:44
sarnoldI wound up writing an /etc/netplan/foo.yaml by hand for that system, which isn't great fun to do when you don't have networking, hehe23:44
tarzeauwell now that there's 5 ways to do networking, how you do networking?23:44
SleePy5 ways to do networking.. Sounds like we need a 6th way to combine a all the standards23:47
* sarnold nods23:47
SleePyOk, I disabled everything except the essentials in fstab and it boots.  I think its getting held up on the kvm driver for the file system passthrough mount I had23:50
SleePyYup, reanbled it and it times out.  virtio doesn't seem to work.  I guess I will have to see if anyone has info on that.  I may wait until I upgrade the host to 22.04.1 as well.23:57

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