
BedloreHi all, I did an upgrade to 22.04.01 and it worked well, however the desktop is still running xfce, any advice on how to jump to the correct version?01:48
oerheksubuntu studio uses KDE now, reinstall please01:49
Bedloreso no way to migrate in a live sitation?01:49
Bedlorebummer since everything else appears to still work well01:49
Eickmeyer[m]Bedlore: If you read the release notes, we only support reinstall due to the change in desktop environment from 22.04.01:54
Bedloreyes I did read that and understood, I just assumed I wasn't the only person on the planet wanting to try and migrate a live system and accept the risks01:55
Eickmeyer[m]Bedlore: You might try logging out, going to a virtual terminal (ctrl-alt-F3), login, sudo apt autoremove, go back to the login screen (ctrl-alt-F1) select KDE Plasma as the login session, and login.02:20
Eickmeyer[m]It might be that you have both sessions installed still, but I don't know. Upgrading in-place from 20.04 to 22.04 is unsupported and untested.02:21
BedloreCheers Eickmeyer[m], I'll backup and give it a go, might end up reinstalling of course, but this desktop has sooo many services/custom things happening it would be nice if I succeed02:31
Eickmeyer[m]Bedlore: I get it, 100%. Back everything up.02:32
tarzeaudid anyone have a chance to give photoqt a try? any feedback? (ubuntustudio worthy?)13:40
tarzeauand vimix?13:40
Eickmeyer[m]tarzeau: Not exactly. Let me give them a shot today and see.13:44
tarzeauEickmeyer[m]: thanks! and i was wondering how interest in shotcut and olive-editor are, as well as not yet packaged natron (itp ready, builds and works)13:45
Eickmeyer[m]tarzeau: We had shotcut, and it duplicates a lot of the function of kdenlive. While it's already in the repo and easy to install, we can't over-bloat our live .iso with it (two video editors).13:46
Eickmeyer[m]We're trying to cut-down to one item per function.13:46
tarzeaui can understand that, no problem (i've read about size constraints for the last 12 months)13:46
Eickmeyer[m]The size constraints aren't an issue anymore (iso-level=3 was implemented, allowing a squashfs > 4GB) but one of our criticisms is the sheer size anyhow.13:47

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