
wantomset JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME:"=%12:34
wantomset JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe12:34
wantomif exist "%JAVA_EXE%" goto execute12:34
wantomecho ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: %JAVA_HOME%12:34
wantomso xubuntu is debians father???12:44
KBarhello. is there any reason that Xubuntu did not switching to yaru for 22.04? last time i checked it had all the necessary xfwm4 decorations with the themerc file. are we lacking in the selectors department (i.e. there are still some elements to be included)?14:05
KBarat first glance, most apps appear and look as expected14:16
krytarikI guess everybody is free to use whatever theme(s) they like, while I see no particular reason why Xubuntu should suddenly be made to look like Ubuntu proper.14:34
BiggDap7856Hello And Good Morning All Is This The Rite Place To Report A Bug?16:23
BiggDap7856I Am Traveling And Was Having Difficulty With Changing The Time Zone In The Panel Clock On The Desk Top16:25
tomreynBiggDap7856: hi16:25
BiggDap7856Hi Tom16:26
tomreynthis is the right place to get community support with xubuntu16:26
tomreyn!bug | BiggDap7856 16:26
ubottuBiggDap7856: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:26
BiggDap7856All Right Thank You My Man You Have Yourself A Good Day16:27
tomreynthanks, you, too!16:27
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut
Eight_Tried everything listed on this (https://askubuntu.com/questions/485261/change-boot-order-using-efibootmgr) page other than the supposed "ugly workaround" involving renaming in an attempt to change the boot order for my laptop, such that xubuntu or grub takes priority, but windows is still booting first. The only way to get xubuntu to boot is to20:09
Eight_manually hit the escape key during the early stages of a restart and to then select it. Would it be best to attempt to update the bios, or is there another possible fix that I can do?20:09
tomreynEight_: i'd do the bios update if there was one that's not marked as unstable. you also need to make sure fastboot is disabled on the uefi setup screens. if there's such an option.20:21
Eight_Not sure how to check whether fastboot is enabled or not assuming it is even an option.20:51
Eight_completely unrelated as well, but where in settings can you change the format for the time and date? Tried to go along with the 24 hour format, but I rather switch it20:53
xu-irc27wHello out there! :)  I'm having problems installing Ubuntu/Xubuntu 22.04 on an older HP laptop. I can get Ubuntu 18.04 installed on it using the CLI minimal CD. But I'm unsure about how to proceed from that minimal command line version of Ubuntu 18.04 which I end up with. Can anyone advise me about how to upgrade this, so I can work with a GUI21:00
xu-irc27wdesktop, instead of command line?21:00
xu-irc27wAlso, ultimately I want to upgrade this installation of Ubuntu 18.04 to the latest 22.04, with the XFCE GUI desktop.21:05

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