
dargoymy computers not fast enough to start firefox00:21
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arraybolt3[m]dargoy: How much RAM does your system have?00:23
leftyfbthey left00:27
leftyfb5 seconds after posting00:27
arraybolt3[m]leftyfb: Ah the joys of Matrix not showing me these things. 😦00:27
arraybolt3I should just start popping open HexChat when I need to check things like that.00:28
johnny_Linux2 funny00:32
manaimy laptop stays a lot cooler when streaming video and powersaver mode is on01:12
manaiits a very nice feature01:16
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enigma9o7[m]I just discovered grub-customizer isn't in jammy :(02:54
johnny_Linuxback in my day, that was a no-n-.. did that change ??02:56
johnny_Linuxgood way to screw up grub02:57
* johnny_Linux checks synaptics02:58
johnny_Linuxnot there03:00
johnny_Linuxerror   it is03:00
johnny_Linuxim 77 yrs old.. didnt see it coming.. prolly a graphics problem.03:07
Bashing-om!info grub-customizer jammy | johnny_Linux03:07
ubottujohnny_Linux: Package grub-customizer does not exist in jammy03:07
johnny_Linuxas i suspected03:07
johnny_Linuxin 20.04 its there in synaptics03:08
johnny_Linuxi can take a screen shot03:09
johnny_Linuxespecially with nvidia03:10
Bashing-omjohnny_Linux: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-customizer/+bug/1969353 << https://itsfoss.com/install-grub-customizer-ubuntu/ .03:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1969353 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Impish) "Apt/Grub issue with 22.04 Upgrade (Missing libcrypto.so.1.1)" [Undecided, Confirmed]03:11
johnny_Linux"upgrader"  i get it03:12
johnny_Linuxgamers always rely on "graphics".. just my opinion.03:13
Bashing-omjohnny_Linux: If ya really want to go with grub-customizer there is a PPA (non-supported here) that is given in the above link.03:15
johnny_Linuxi trust a ppa like i trust birth control03:15
johnny_Linuxto many trust concessions and convenience in the place of stability.03:20
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johnny_Linuxtime for a wife cooked chicken dinner.. good nite folks.03:26
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Minor723If I have qbitorrent running as a system service, does that mean its running as root? Can whatever its running on access my users home desktop?04:17
kopperHi. I upgraded my Ubuntu installation from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS. After that, logging in to desktop (Using Gnome3) is painfully slow. The boot process itself is fast, but after login it takes up to 2 minutes before the desktop appears. It occurs also when logging out and logging in again so I'd figure it has somethign to do with login manager or DE. Any pointers what could be wrong?04:31
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kopperSolved by switching Xorg to Wayland.05:31
guivercwell done kopper & thanks for report/update05:34
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bfanis there something similar to debians Unofficial non-free images including firmware for ubuntu?07:01
bfanan iso with nonfree network device firmware07:02
bfanlike this here https://cdimage.debian.org/images/unofficial/non-free/images-including-firmware/07:06
arraybolt3[m]bfan: Ubuntu always has the non-free firmware included.07:07
arraybolt3[m]There are some proprietary drivers and whatnot that can be installed with a checkbox at install time.07:07
bfanah nice thx07:08
bfancan i verify the ubuntu iso without adding the key permanently to my keyring? just download the iso signing key file to a temp folder and verify...07:20
gordonjcpbfan: yes, run md5sum on it07:24
arg_with md5 or shasum you can check the file integrity.07:24
gordonjcpbfan: there is absolutely no reason to do this, but you can07:24
KBarxubuntu 20.04: trying to connect my laptop's own hdd drive (which has windows on it, i swapped it for an ssd) via usb3 but it isn't recognized (nothing from dmesg). same problem with usb2. how should i proceed?07:38
arraybolt3[m]Run lsblk and see if the device itself is recognized or not.07:39
KBar(i swapped it for an ssd years ago)07:39
arraybolt3[m]If not, try a different USB-to-SATA adapter. If so, you might be facing Intel RST.07:40
arg_can u try it on another laptop or computer to see if your usb adapter really works good? do you have enough power cause some hardrives requires addirionnal power suplly.07:40
arraybolt3[m](Also try using a powered USB port.)07:41
KBararraybolt3[m]: it's a new SATA-to-USB3 adapter. bought it today. arg_ i dont have another device07:41
arg_2 usb plugs or additionnal power input.07:41
arraybolt3[m]KBar: Is there a USB port on your system with a lightning bolt icon near it? Try using that port rather than one of the other ports, it may provide additional power.07:41
arg_maybe 1 usb port is not enough power for your drive.07:41
arraybolt3[m]Also run "lsblk" with the drive detached and then run it again with the drive attached - if a new drive pops up the second time, the drive has been detected and it's the data on the drive or a driver problem that's causing the issue.07:42
KBararraybolt3[m]: `lsblk` doesn't list it. the laptop has 3 usb ports, 2 for usb 2.0 and one for usb 3.0 with SS label on it. no lightning symbol. my hdd has another little socket with 4 pins on it. adapter07:43
KBarok lets check lsblk once more. hold on07:44
arraybolt3[m]Also try "sudo dmesg" and see if anything interesting is in there.07:44
arraybolt3[m]That will show you kernel logs that may give insight into what's happening when you plug the drive in.07:44
bfanmaybe check "lsusb"07:45
bfanif you can see it there07:45
KBarbfan alas it isnt there :(07:45
ravagedevice seems broken then07:45
bfanthen i would try other cable if it dosent work its broken07:46
bfanor the usb port doesnt work07:46
KBar`dmesg` shows nothing. the usb port is in good condition (i connect my mouse to it)07:47
arraybolt3[m]Also does it work if you put it back in the original device? If so, sounds like your cable is a lemon.07:47
arraybolt3[m]Even if it was a driver problem, dmesg should have shown something interesting. If even lsusb and dmesg are emptyhanded, then something's awry on the hardware end.07:48
KBarwhen i swapped it to ssd, i remember the guy could access this hdd and the data on it was intact. when im connecting it right now, it makes some initial noise07:49
arraybolt3[m]Maybe the power circuitry is working but not the data stuff?07:50
arraybolt3[m]I might be a bit worried of the cable potentially causing trouble if it's scrambling data or something - you might want to not keep experimenting with this thing until you know if the drive works or not by putting it back in the original computer to see what happens.07:50
arraybolt3[m]Or buy a second cable of a different brand and try that one.07:51
KBaryou're most likely right. something's wrong with the hardware. arraybolt3[m] it very well could be, but the guy could access the data. but that was a couple of years ago, the drive probably has deteriorated over time07:51
arraybolt3[m]I wouldn't expect the data to deteriorate over a couple of years, though. Since lsusb comes up empty-handed, I think it's your brand-new cable's fault. What brand is it?07:52
KBarno branding :)07:52
arraybolt3[m](I got an immaculate disk image from an ancient IDE drive from a Windows 2000 desktop just the other day, and it had been sitting for loooooooong.)07:53
arraybolt3[m]KBar: Yeah, return this cable and buy a new one, see how it works.07:53
arraybolt3[m]If nothing severe happened to the drive (wasn't dropped/stepped on/thrown/shaken to all get out), I'd expect it to be accessible.07:53
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KBararraybolt3[m]: aight, will do. no, i've been keping it in a safe place07:54
KBarso no physical harm or damage done07:54
KBarunless one of my enemies got his hands on it :)07:55
arraybolt3[m]Good. If you'd rather take the time, I'd install it back into the original computer and see if it works there - if so, it's almost without question the cable's fault.07:55
KBararraybolt3[m]: i can try connecting it back on this laptop07:55
KBaras in, remove the ssd and put this hdd back07:56
arraybolt3[m]That's what I'd try if you don't want to go to the trouble of swapping out the cable. Though it may be easier to just swap out the cable.07:57
KBaralright, sounds good to me. thanks a lot. will report back07:58
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bourne_ciaso I did a fresh install and reinstalled all the modules. The error was location of site unwriteable defaulting to user install. so today I am going to find where it is and move it to /usr. Not going to mess with pyvenv or $PATH.11:42
bourne_ciait is frustrating and I am sure beyond non tech users11:51
gordonjcpbourne_cia: this sounds like you're Doing It Wrong11:54
bourne_ciabut an easy fix11:54
gordonjcpbourne_cia: what exactly are you trying to do?11:55
bourne_ciawell I haven't tyried installing it as root which is probably the right way11:55
gordonjcpbourne_cia: installing what?11:56
bourne_ciasimple pip install mysql-connectors11:56
bourne_ciadefaults to a user install11:56
gordonjcpyes, that's correct11:56
bourne_ciaso python3 doesn't see it11:57
gordonjcpnothing should ever be installed in the "system" python libs, unless it's an actual .deb11:57
gordonjcpbourne_cia: are you installing this in a virtualenv?11:57
bourne_ciabut it doesn't see it and cannot be imported even for that user11:58
gordonjcpthen you're installing it wrong11:58
gordonjcpalternatively, your PYTHON_PATH is wrong11:58
bourne_ciai tried using a venv11:58
gordonjcpokay, walk me through it from the start11:59
gordonjcpwhat *exactly* did you do?11:59
gordonjcpbourne_cia: first off, which version of Ubuntu?11:59
bourne_ciafreedom:/usr$ echo $PATH11:59
bourne_ciavanilla $PATH12:00
gordonjcpbourne_cia: that's not relevant12:00
gordonjcpbourne_cia: that's where the shell finds executable files12:01
bourne_ciaok here\s another idea remove it and sudo the install12:01
gordonjcpbourne_cia: no, that would install it as root, which is incorrect12:02
bourne_ciathat's exactly what it tries tod but has no pertms12:02
ravagevirtualenv sounds exactly like what you want to do. and if you do that right it will find all the modules you install in it12:02
bourne_ciahere' goes nothing12:03
gordonjcpbourne_cia: walk me through *exactly* the steps you took to install it in your virtualenv12:03
gordonjcpbourne_cia: start with your PC powered off, and no cup of tea in your hand12:03
gordonjcpbourne_cia: I need to know everything, right down to the type of tea you brewed12:03
gordonjcp(not literally, but you can't be vague)12:03
ograpip is pip2 ... for python3 you need to use pip3 ...12:03
ogra$ pip -V12:04
ograpip 20.3.4 from /home/ogra/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip (python 2.7)12:04
ogra$ pip3 -V12:04
ograpip 22.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)12:04
ravage> pip -V12:04
ravagepip 22.1.112:04
ograinteresting !12:04
ograupgrade or fresh install ?12:04
gordonjcppip 22.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)12:04
* ogra wonders why he has pip pointing to pip212:05
ravagethis is a fresh 22.04 install. so thats expected. it does not install python2 :)12:05
bourne_ciapip 22.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)12:05
ograah, kay ... mine is upgraded since 16.0412:05
bourne_ciais that pip3?12:06
ograseems my install is odd, not yours12:06
bourne_ciawell let me see if it will let me sudo it12:07
ravagegood luck12:07
bourne_ciaERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mysql-connectors (from versions: none)12:08
bourne_ciaERROR: No matching distribution found for mysql-connectors12:08
bourne_ciaain't this a fine kettle of fish it found it yesterday12:09
ravageyou are probably looking for https://pypi.org/project/mysql-connector-python/12:09
ograhttps://pypi.org/project/mysql-connector-python/ ??12:09
ograheh *snap*12:09
ravagealso this all sounds very python specific now. maybe try a programming or python channel12:11
ravageif you have any Ubuntu related questions feel free to ask12:11
bourne_ciathere's an idea12:11
bourne_ciasure is installing that one though12:12
bourne_ciaSuccessfully installed mysql-connector-python-8.0.30 protobuf-3.20.112:13
graingert[m]anyone know the way to do this on 22.04 lts? https://askubuntu.com/a/252282/73329 (screenshots with a delay)12:21
leftyfbgraingert[m]: hit the print screen button on your keyboard12:22
ravagethere is no delay option in the new tool12:23
graingert[m]can I update the post to say the feature was removed?12:23
leftyfbdamn, just noticed the delay was removed12:23
ravageyou can just install gnome-screenshot12:24
graingert[m]is there a changeset I can link to where the feature was removed?12:24
Guest38How many more releases will qt5 be packaged with ubuntu? Or is there no plan for removal right now?12:24
leftyfbGuest38: maybe try #ubuntu-next12:24
Guest38Thank you.12:24
graingert[m]leftyfb: sounds good I love it when software removes delays12:24
graingert[m]can we get this one added back tho12:25
ograwell, the next screenshot tool freezes your UI for the time you pick the region ... not sure it really needs a delay in that case12:25
leftyfbgraingert[m]: to be fair, I think the built-in tool is new. I don't think any features were removed because it didn't exist before12:25
ravagegraingert[m], my recommendation would be to use flameshot instead12:25
graingert[m]ogra: it does need the delay12:26
graingert[m]I need to screenshot an element in the mouse-over state12:26
graingert[m]and I can't click the camera and mouse over at the same time12:26
ograah, yeah, then flameshot is perhaps the better choice12:26
graingert[m]I can record a video then pause the video and screenshot that12:26
graingert[m]I'll write that up as the answer in the stack overflow12:27
ograhmm, i can actually do a mouse-over in firefox that pops up a tooltip ... when i hit prtscr then it stays as is12:27
graingert[m]doesn't for me12:27
graingert[m]I've got a video of it now too12:27
graingert[m]also I didn't actually want a screenshot with a delay anyway it turns out12:28
graingert[m]I did want a video12:28
graingert[m]I didn't actually want to screenshot the element in the mouse over state I wanted to record a video of it transitioning into the mouse over state12:28
BluesKajHi all12:29
geosmileMy machine (20.04lts) just upgraded to nvidia drivers and now everything has a wierd tint on the screen. (Driver Version: 515.65.01)12:45
geosmileanyone knows how to fix/debug this?12:46
tomreyngraingert[m]: i'm using https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1112/screenshot-tool/ on 18.04, it has all the options i'd like, incl. delays.12:47
tomreyngeosmile: i don't, but i think someone reported this before, then tried the earlier driver series and it worked fine.12:48
geosmiletomreyn, is there an easy way to migrate back to an older driver ? (after an update/upgrade)12:50
tomreyngeosmile: ubuntu-drivers lets you choose the series12:50
tomreynif you used it to install your current driver, switching should work out fine12:51
geosmiletomreyn, I'm using lambdastack to install nvidia drivers. Not sure if the ubuntu part is overridden with that change12:52
tomreynno idea, i've never heard of this12:52
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graingert[m]<tomreyn> "graingert: i'm using https://..." <- But that's not the point, it should work out the box. But really nobody needs delayed screenshots they need video recordings13:49
graingert[m]Which it already does13:49
bfanFirefox is snap only in ubuntu 22.04?14:08
leftyfbwez: please don't14:09
leftyfbbfan: correct14:09
wezleftyfb: ? what? I can't believe that Firefox is snap only, it was an astonishment GTFO, nothing rude or offensive.14:10
wezbfan: I appologise if I offended you, it was pure astonishment.14:11
bfanso its not possible to run firefox inside firejail in ubuntu :(14:15
leftyfbbfan: you know snaps are basically jails right?14:16
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bfanyes its a high privileg sanbox like firejail but with own filesystems and libs in it like appimages but im not familiar with it14:18
bfanare snaps signed like regular apt packages?14:19
leftyfbbfan: I think they are. But you can ask in #snappy14:20
itrue@bfan yes all snaps are signed14:38
bfanis there a finergrained way to allow/deny fileaccess then whole /home path in snap? like allow VLC only /home/user/Videos ? https://snapcraft.io/docs/home-interface14:50
bfanin firejail you can simply whitelist paths14:50
leftyfbbfan: https://snapcraft.io/docs/interface-management14:57
bfanhmm looks like there is only the "home" interface to allow/disallow entire /home path15:04
itrueCorrect, if the home interface is connected then the snap has full access to /home15:11
jsmoothI'm having trouble accessing my Ubuntu. I installed with UEFI disabled, but machine always boots into Windows with no boot menu. I've tried live booting to fix grub, but I get an error about 'cow'15:12
arraybolt3[m]jsmooth: 👋15:12
arraybolt3[m]Ah, I know that error.15:13
arraybolt3[m]How did you install Ubuntu alongside Windows? Is it on a separate drive or a separate partition?15:13
arraybolt3[m](Also, which version and flavor of Ubuntu is this?)15:13
enigma9o7[m]don't new versions of windows require uefi boot?15:15
enigma9o7[m]I belive with windows 7 you can do non uefi install with grub as boot menu to select windows/ubuntu.15:16
bfanyou can "grub-install --removable" to install ubuntu shim to default windows/fallback uefi path15:17
bfan*grub shim15:18
bfanyou can also try to chainload from grub command line with a live usb15:22
bfanpress esc in grub15:23
bfanthen ls15:23
bfanfind the boot device15:23
bfanls (hdX,gptY)/15:24
bfanchainload (hdX,gptY)/boot/...15:26
jhutchinsAnybody remember hacking the NT bootloader to boot other OSs?15:33
KBaralright. so i tried that hdd, and it booted into windows no problem. tried connecting ssd with this adapter, still didnt work. i guess its a faulty cable15:36
KBarsorry for the w-word15:36
arraybolt3We aren't scared of Windows here. :D15:37
KBareven tried its PowerShell to see whether it has comparable utilities15:39
KBarlsusb, lsblk, etc :)15:39
KBarbut yeah, gonna return this cable tomorrow15:39
bfanKBar i had once a broken usb  cable, it could only charge but devices did not show up in lsusb15:40
KBaryep, so many counterfeit products :(15:40
oerhekskbar on an usb3 port (blue) or usb2 (black) ?15:41
bfanlsusb should at least show vendor & device id eaven if the device is not compatible/missing firmware15:42
bfanelse its hw issue15:42
rob0jhutchins: the NT boot loader wasn't that bad. Yes, I did that, I got it to boot Linux. I don't remember if it booted a LILO, or the kernel directly.15:43
KBaroerheks: usb 3.0 (blue with SS label)15:47
oerheksthat maybe your issue, try usb2?15:47
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KBaralready, no luck :(15:47
oerheksnot all fancy adapters are compatible15:47
oerheksoh oke15:47
KBarit has both. tried usb 3.0 as well as 2.015:47
KBarshame it doesnt come with usb 1.015:47
enigma9o7[m]1.1 is better15:48
enigma9o7[m]avoid usb 1.015:48
jimmieWhat is the recommended way to make a customized ubuntu ISO for installation?15:49
enigma9o7[m]I'd say put all your favorite stuff configured your favorite way in it.15:49
KBarjimmie: check this out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization15:50
jimmieKBar, cool, thanks. I'll still get the 5 years of support if I do this?15:50
KBari dont think so15:50
KBarmaintaining your own spin-off is up to you15:51
oerheksUCK is dead, look at Cubic15:52
jimmieI'll still be using the ubuntu repositories, just want to customize what gets and doesn't get installed by default. KBar. Not really a spin-off, just a convenient means of installation.15:53
enigma9o7[m]well if you're just installing for you, why not just start with ubuntu server, remove a few things, then install whatever you want15:57
jimmieBecause I tend to use this on more than one computer and it would be a major PITA to install server multiple times then input a lengthy command to install what I want.15:58
oerheksjimmie, you are fine, except 3rd party packages.15:58
enigma9o7[m]I did something like that for fun in a VM, ended up with just over 850 packages....15:58
* enigma9o7[m] uploaded an image: (435KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/gujHWoWrwbUDUqUWlUxEreRR/Screenshot%20from%202022-08-18%2008-58-13.png >15:59
enigma9o7[m]makes sense jimmie.  good luck.15:59
jimmieJust to make sure I'm clear: Using cubic to customize an ISO, I'll get support and updates for the next 5 years (3rd party repositories and anything from snap or flatpak or PPA will be on a completely separate schedule of course), yes?16:05
oerheksSure. support is about your installed system.16:05
enigma9o7[m]Technically 5 years minus a few months....16:06
KBar3 years for flavors16:07
jimmieHow is it that flavors get 3 years? Is it a decision that canonical enforces?16:07
enigma9o7[m]Updates still come for 5 years, jimmie.16:08
ioriaiirc, 3 years is about the DE part (lxqt, xfce, etc etc.) , not the core16:08
enigma9o7[m]its official support that ends16:08
oerheksgnome and server 5years, the rest 3 years16:10
arraybolt3The flavors are made by volunteers, whereas Ubuntu itself is made by a company with an army of employees. They can support stuff for 5 years and have to juggle three or four operating systems with official support at the same time. That would be a tall order for the smaller communities that run flavors.16:10
arraybolt3(OK so Ubuntu also is helped by volunteers, but you see what I'm saying.)16:10
oerhekswould you want an OS more than 5 years?16:10
enigma9o7[m]so the desktop wont be getting updates, but your browser and kernel will.16:10
oerheksehm, no, after 5 years no updates.16:11
ograhuh ? it is 10y ...16:24
ograubuntu advantage is free16:24
ogra(but you need to sign up after 5y, that much is true ... and free is limited to a certain amount of machines)16:25
arraybolt3Free for individuals at least, for 3 machines.16:26
arraybolt3Which is still pretty good.16:26
enigma9o7[m]So how does that work?  Is it a seperate repo and they only give you the key when you sign up or somethiing?16:28
ograits a private repo on launchpad16:29
ograand apt has hooks for the key that UA-tool provide to it16:30
jantjehi! I have a very strange problem on all hosts (different hardware configs) that I have on 22.04.1 LTS.   If I simply restart the systemd-networkd.service, or if I do (over IPMI) ip link set dev X { down, up } then basically networking becomes broken. It's an ARP problem and the machine sends out ARP discoveries for an IP that it has configured - it stops replying on ARP unicast, but if another host does16:47
jantjean arp broadcast the machine DOES properly reply. Very strange and it happens on all my hosts...16:48
jantjeand after a reboot everything is just fine again16:49
leftyfbjantje: why are you restarting systemd-networkd?16:51
leftyfbjantje: why not run netplan apply?16:52
jantjeleftyfb: the issue intially occured during upgrades where systemd was reexec'ing and (re)starting systemd-networkd. Then figured the problem simply reproduced by bring the interface down/up.16:55
jantjewhat seems to be missing is the lookup of the local table, ie, ip rule show doesn't list "from all lookup local"16:57
leftyfb!bug | jantje16:59
ubottujantje: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:59
jantjeOk, thanks.17:01
ograsounds more like a kernel issue than a networkd one though (i dont think networkd even operates on the ARP layer aywhere (apart from utilizing cache info indeed))17:07
jhutchinsSounds like too many different competing systems are trying to helpfully manage the networking.17:13
jantjethe question is to what do I report this bug - any why is nobody else having this problem..17:14
jantje(to what package/component/..)17:14
lotuspsychjejantje: ogra suspects the kernel so that would be ubuntu-bug linux17:15
bougymanCan someone show me their /etc/issue for ubuntu 22 please?17:15
lotuspsychjejantje: its possible that other users can have your bug too, and get duped to each other17:15
bougymanHave a stupid installer script that checks /etc/issue for distro information, and mine's been modified. googling 'default ubuntu /etc/issue' did not get the desired results.17:15
leftyfbbougyman: https://linuxdicasesuporte.blogspot.com/2022/08/ubuntu-22041.html17:16
bougymandanke, leftyfb17:16
leftyfbbougyman: from google :)17:16
ograand get that installer fixed to use /etc/os-release 😉17:17
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jadenliani know theres hexeditor to edit the hex in a file  but lets say i do xxd -ps pic.jpeg > allhex.txt  now i have all the hex of the pic.jpeg in a regular text file if i edit the content of the text file  could put this new edited text file with hex back to being a regular jpeg image17:49
Guest4187anyone with experience with migrating windows AD domain controller with Linux17:55
Guest4187I setup SSSD but when i got to login it goes to a black screen and then kicks back to login screen.  does seem to try to authenicate17:57
sarnoldjadenlian: check the xxd manpage for -r17:57
jadenliansarnold: ok17:59
jadenliansarnold: yeah i got it thanks18:03
sarnoldyay :D18:06
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rhombusI'm trying to write a systemd service unit file, and systemd is -- among other things -- ignoring my Environment=PATH=/home/rhombus/venv/bin setting.18:59
gotchaHello World!19:10
wadHey guys. New company, new job, and work laptop, and I get to use Linux now! ---crowd cheering---19:14
wadIntel i7, got 22.04 LTS desktop up and running. To get webcams to work, set `WaylandEnable=false` and installed proprietary NVidia drivers.19:16
wadAttached external SSD with two partitions, 100GB mounted on / for OS, and a LUKS 900GB for /home/wad. All is awesome!19:17
wadOne question: Is there any way to make the windows stop sticking the edges of the screen, when I try to move them? I've done lots of googling, but have not found a solution yet.19:18
leftyfbwad: gsettings set org.gnome.mutter edge-tiling19:20
leftyfbwad: gsettings set org.gnome.mutter edge-tiling 'false'19:21
* wad tries19:21
leftyfbsorry, remove the single quotes19:21
wadAs root?19:21
wadDid this command: `gsettings set org.gnome.mutter edge-tiling false`19:22
wadStill sticking to the edges, though....19:22
leftyfblog out and back in19:22
wadThis was one of the things I tried after doing my gooling.19:22
wadOh, okay.19:22
wadGot to shut down a ton of stuff.... brb19:23
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wadI logged out, then logged back in, but the edges are still sticking.19:26
wadI'll try rebooting. Back in a minute.19:26
wadStill sticking. :(19:29
webchat92I've just updated to 22.04 and find that the dual display function isn't working as I had it before. Specifically, it defaults to a side by side (left to right) format but when I change it to one above the other and apply it kicks me out and I have to log back in again and the format has not changed. Could it be a bug?19:31
wadwebchat92, I had do fiddle with mine a bit, to get it happy.19:32
wadwebchat92, my laptop has an NVidia video card, and I wound up installed the proprietary NVidia drivers.19:32
webchat92Ah. mine has nvidia cards as well. Good thought. I'll try a driver update.19:33
wadwebchat92, not a driver _update_, a different driver entirely.19:33
wadBy default, the free Noveau driver is used.19:33
webchat92Ok, understood.19:33
wadGoogle how to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu. :)19:34
leftyfbwad: gsettings set org.gnome.shell.overrides edge-tiling false19:37
leftyfbwad: then log out and back in ( no need to reboot)19:37
* wad tries it19:37
wadNope, still sticking. :(19:40
leftyfbwad: look in settings -> multitasking19:42
leftyfbin the GUI19:42
wadOkay, I see some options for hot corner (disabled) and active screen edges (also disabled).19:44
wadWorkspaces, I have a fixed number: 119:44
wadMultimonitor: "workspaces on primary display only"19:45
wadApplication switching seems fine.19:45
pycuriousWhen I ssh into one of my ubuntu boxes, the connection is choppy. But this machine has a good Internet connection. Any ideas on how to debug this problem?19:46
wadpycurious, if you mtr to it, any packet loss?19:47
leftyfbpycurious: define "good Internet connection". ping times, download, upload tests each on their own aren't very good indications. Testing all 3 over a period of time would be better19:50
pycuriousleftyfb: is there a tool that can test those?19:52
webchat92wad, many thanks. Using the nvidia driver worked right away.19:52
leftyfbpycurious: ping and speedtest-cli19:52
leftyfbalso iptraf if you want to do proper throughput tests19:52
pycuriouswad: https://dpaste.org/SdTNY - not sure how to read this19:52
pycuriousDownload: 424.94 Mbit/s — Upload: 219.12 Mbit/s19:53
pycuriouspings look good as well 64 bytes from 100.xxx: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms19:56
* wad looks19:56
leftyfbpycurious: watch ping for a bit, see if you see dips19:56
wadpycurious, oof, you're losing 70% of your packets!19:56
wadThat's why it's choppy. :-D19:56
wadDefinitely a network issue going on there.19:57
wadleftyfb, that's what `mtr` does so well. :-D19:57
oerheksmaybe a cable issue..19:59
pycuriouswad: ah so 70% is packet drop there?19:59
wadIf there is a wifi connection in there, that's the most obvious failure point. Recall that all wifi, even on different networks, uses the same radio spectrum. If it's saturated, everyone goes slower.20:00
wadYour neighbor could be downloading a giant Steam game over wifi, and you'll go down....20:00
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stolenventoy live usb can't be used in ubuntu : unknown file system exfat, any fix ?20:57
Guest2297Hi. I'm trying install 22.04.1 to a new nvme drive I just now put in an old computer. The full disk encryption install option is only available on the "delete disk and install ubuntu" option. Is it possible to get the installer to use the new, empty drive, or will I have to set that up manually?20:59
EriC^^Guest2297: why dont you unplug the old hdd's power? just a thought21:00
Guest2297old + new are both nvme, they sit on the motherboard under coolers. non-trivial operation to remove the old.21:02
oerheksstolen, weird, why exfat?  use some proper tool described in the wiki21:08
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:08
oerheksno fix21:08
ezakimakI set my kernel parameter console=tty2 but printks are still going to tty1. dmesg says "printk: console [tty2] enabled21:09
wadGuest2297, what I did the other day, on my new computer, is make an extra partition on the SSD for my encrypted home directories. There is no reason to encrypt the OS partition, after all.21:09
wadThen, after the OS was up and running, I created a LUKS encrypted partition, and mounted it on /home21:10
EriC^^Guest2297: you could disable the ssd using a kernel parameter, https://askubuntu.com/questions/352836/how-can-i-tell-linux-kernel-to-completely-ignore-a-disk-as-if-it-was-not-even-co21:10
Guest2297wad/eric: I'll try the server installer, maybe it handles full-disk-encryption better. I think it used to, a few lte's ago.21:12
Guest2297wad/eric: If that works, I can just add the desktop stuff after :-)21:12
Guest2297Thanks for the input, I'll be on my way ..21:13
arraybolt3touta: Please don't PM me with spam.21:26
kuckleheadI'm using wgetpaste in chroot enviroment and It reports: Resolving dpaste.com (dpaste.com)... failed: Connection timed out.21:28
kuckleheadwget: unable to resolve host address '\''dpaste.com'\'''21:28
kucklehead+ echo 'Apparently nothing was received. Perhaps the connection failed.21:28
sarnoldis the /etc/resolv.conf inside the chroot set correctly for your environment?21:28
kuckleheadIt should be. I do issue this command: cp --dereference /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/arch/etc/21:29
stolenubuntu is giving error while copying to ventoy drive as it is read only21:36
enigma9o7[m]I have a question.  I have a bionic  machine with nvidia 750ti gpu.  When I run apt upgrade, or dist-upgrade, there is one package being held back automatically, and I wonder why.  nvidia-49521:36
oerheksstolen, forget ventoy, format it to fat3221:37
enigma9o7[m]nvidia-driver-495 that is.  apt policy says Installed: 510.73.05-0ubuntu0.18.04.1   Candidate: 515.48.07-0ubuntu0.18.04.121:37
oerheksenigma9o7[m], use 390?21:38
oerhekstoo old nvidia for the latest driver, AFAIK21:38
enigma9o7[m]I'm not having any issues, I just wonder why apt is holding back the update.21:39
enigma9o7[m]Otherwise I'll just force it, but I've never seen it h old back an update before.21:39
enigma9o7[m]it's been reporting this for months21:40
oerheksMe neither, no clue there21:40
jadenliani have a gnome-box runnning ubuntu and im trying to connect to it via ssh  but the local ip address that it gets its  but my ubuntu host machine has a local ip address of   what should i do add the correct local ip to the gnome-box21:43
oerhekssure you need graphic drivers ppa?21:44
enigma9o7[m]I doubt I "need" it, it was something I added years ago.21:44
enigma9o7[m]I'm curious to understand apt policy and why its doin gwhat it's doing.21:45
oerheksi still believe you are better off with the old 39021:45
enigma9o7[m]Okay well that's not what I was even askin gabout, but ok you got me curious, why would using the wrong dirver be better off?21:48
oerheksIt is an older card, if you had it working with 495. continue..21:49
oerheksi would disable the ppa and see if the standard 495 works..21:49
enigma9o7[m]Nvidia site says I should be using 515 when I search by model number.  Anyways I'm not concerneda bout all that.  What I really wante dto know is, why is apt holding it back!21:51
enigma9o7[m]I could just install manually and that message would go away, I would just like to understand it first.21:51
enigma9o7[m]A clue:  apt show nvidia-495 says This is a transitional package for nvidia-driver-515, and can be21:54
enigma9o7[m] safely removed after the installation is complete.21:54
enigma9o7[m]So basically I could just remove it completely, and I do see that nvidia-driver-510 is also installed.21:55
tomreynjadenlian: if you want your guest system to get an ip address in the same network as the main OS, then you'll need to use bridged networking rather than NAT / host-only networking which you seem to be using now. i don't really know gnome-boxes so i don#t know whether it provides a graphical user interface to configure this. but i think it uses kvm-qemu in the background, so it should be possible to set this up.21:58
jadenliantomreyn: ok ill check it out thanks21:59
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
AHemlocksLieI have a Yubikey with a GPG cert setup on it that I was using for SSH auth. I reformatted and do not have the original master key, but I need to register the yubikey with gpg again so I can use it with SSH. How can I get this setup?22:28
oerheksNot sure you can, without master key?22:29
oerheksor do you want start all over ?22:30
oerheksyubikey advises to use 2 keys, for such issues.22:30
AHemlocksLieI'd prefer to get it imported again if possible. I don't need gpg to actually have the key, I just need it to be willing to recognize and work with the yubikey22:32
AHemlocksLieI got in this situation once before and fixed it somehow, so either there's some trick to it, or I have a weird file squirreled away somewhere that I found last time22:32
ezakimakis there a configuration somewhere that sets console loglevel at boot up time?22:33
oerheksif that weird file is your backup > see to import the key ... https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013790259-Using-Your-YubiKey-with-OpenPGP22:34
AHemlocksLieI see a copy of the ssh-rsa string to drop in an authorized_keys, and I see .pem with the public key22:35
AHemlocksLieBut I really don't think I have the private key anymore22:36
oerheksuh oh22:36
oerheksthere is #yubikey here on #libera too..22:36
oerheksa pub key is of no use for this22:36
AHemlocksLieYeah, I popped in there and asked about the same time, too, but it's only a few people, so it'll probably take a while to hear anything22:37
cbreakAHemlocksLie: gpg doesn't need to know about the yubikey for you to be able to use it via ssh, it'll discover it22:39
cbreakdoes it show up in gpg --card-status?22:39
AHemlocksLiecbreak: yes, it sees it, but it doesn't seem to work with SSH22:39
cbreakAHemlocksLie: do you use gpg-agent?22:40
AHemlocksLiecbreak: yeah, I'm pretty sure I set that up already22:40
cbreakis it listed in ssh-add -l ?22:40
AHemlocksLieI don't think so. I see two RSA keys, and pretty sure they're for the two files in ~/.ssh22:41
cbreakAHemlocksLie: check out your `.gnupg/sshcontrol` file.22:41
cbreakit lists actual gpg keys used via ssh22:41
cbreakAHemlocksLie: can you tell us the content of your SSH_AUTH_SOCK env var?22:42
AHemlocksLie~/.gnupg/sshcontrol is essentially empty, just a few lines of comments for documentation22:43
kuckleheadI posted about my chrooting not being able to connect to dpaste awhile back22:43
AHemlocksLieMy ~/.profile has "export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh"22:43
cbreakAHemlocksLie: ok, good22:43
cbreakAHemlocksLie: you shouldn't do that22:43
cbreakit should be export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)22:43
cbreak(it should evaluate to an apprpriate path, possibly the one you've hard coded)22:45
AHemlocksLieOkay, I fixed that, let'ss see22:45
kuckleheadThe connection timed out and what not. Ontop of that there's some other issues as well, This was on my ubuntu machine. Tested my commands on kali linux and I didn't get any issues for some reason22:45
cbreakkucklehead: problems with the dns resolver in the chroot? :)22:45
AHemlocksLieI opened a new terminal window, but it didn't seem to matter. Does that reload .profile, or do I need to log out and back in or something?22:46
kuckleheadUh, yeah. Um, did I come in at the wrong time?22:46
cbreakAHemlocksLie: it should apply. But is it actually correct? try to echo it22:46
AHemlocksLiecbreak: /run/user/1000/keyring/ssh now, so it changed22:47
AHemlocksLieBut still no change in ssh-add -l22:47
kuckleheadWait, are you helping them ssh into another linux machine?22:47
cbreakkucklehead: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Chroot says you should copy resolv.conf22:47
AHemlocksLiekucklehead: I'm trying to set up a Yubikey that already has SSH keys on it on a new Ubuntu install22:47
cbreakAHemlocksLie: that means you're not using gpg22:48
cbreakAHemlocksLie: run export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) in your shell22:48
cbreakthen try ssh-add -l again22:48
AHemlocksLieheeey, that seems to have worked22:48
oerheks!cookie | cbreak22:49
ubottucbreak: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:49
AHemlocksLieI'm pointed at /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh again, so... Not sure why that changed anything22:49
cbreakit changed something because it's now actually set22:49
cbreakI have that in my .zshrc22:49
AHemlocksLieAaah it wasn't loading out of .profile22:49
cbreakif you're using bash, you might want it in your .bashrc22:49
cbreakI do this: https://gist.github.com/cbreak-black/6f1c25453c193770e3d52ce18109701c22:50
kuckleheadcbreak, I tried that and I still get the same result. These are the commands I execute: http://ix.io/47Ze22:50
AHemlocksLieOkay, it seems to be working now that I put it in .bashrc22:50
AHemlocksLieThanks a lot, cbreak22:51
AHemlocksLieI knew this was more attainable than I thought22:51
kuckleheadAHemlocksLie, Nice. I am trying to get my arch linux machine and gentoo machine that's installed on a ssd card to function properly. Then I am planning on sshing into them. It's for a crappy chromebook ;-;22:51
kuckleheadcbreak, even if I do cp it normally it wouldn't work. The commands you see in the link are what I used in kali linux and it works just fine22:52
kuckleheadI am thinking there's something wrong with my ubuntu installation. When I chroot arch linux when using ubuntu, stuff gets weird.22:54
oerheksshould we remove 'unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. ' ???22:54
oerhekswhy not use an arch iso?22:54
kuckleheadHave you tried compiling and installing arch linux on a 1.60 cpu?22:55
cbreakkucklehead: hmm... so... in the chroot, dig doesn't work (for example?)22:55
cbreakubuntu might use systemd resolve22:55
cbreakI have no clear idea what your problem is or how to fix it :/22:56
illia_hello everyone22:56
oerhekshi illia_22:56
illia_hi oerheks22:57
illia_what you guys wanna talk about today22:57
kuckleheadThe problem occurs around chrooting a system. For some reason wgetpaste /etc/default/grub for example, it would error out22:57
kuckleheadBut running pacman -Syu works fine22:58
illia_wget is for http hacking22:58
oerhekssee topic. illia_22:58
kuckleheadShould say this as well. I had issues with random boot entries. I figured it out why. Ubuntu has crts and keys with it in the config22:59
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kuckleheadWhenever I rebooted it just kept creating entries. I compiled my own kernel for it, maybe that can help?23:02
oerheksrandom boot entries created by ubuntu?23:02
illia_maybe there is an error in the MBR23:03
kuckleheadIt does it for certain MB23:03
kuckleheadFor example ASUS23:03
kuckleheadThe devices are completely brand new and I use GPT23:04
illia_check the master boot record dont use gpt you will have errors23:04
oerhekscheck for a bios update..23:05
oerheksnot using gpt is a weird advise, illia_23:05
illia_it has sometime to do with the grub menu23:06
illia_MBR is better23:06
oerheksno, false.23:06
arraybolt3[m]illia_: Source?23:06
illia_what source you asking bout23:07
arraybolt3[m]Why do you think MBR is better?23:07
oerheksproof him that mbr is better, you cannot.23:07
arraybolt3[m](MBR has severe limitations that generally make it unsuitable for many modern systems, such as limits on the number of partitions, inability to use disks larger than 2 TB, and inability to be used on the boot drive of UEFI systems.)23:08
kuckleheadThe entries I would see is "ubuntu" "UEFI OS". Sadly, There's no bios update for it. Like I said, I am using my own keys for it. When I made my own kernel, I removed ubuntu crts and the keys for it.23:08
illia_i allways boot errors when i use gpt thats why i was saying so23:08
cbreakkucklehead: you can remove them if you want, with efibootmgr23:09
illia_u have to update the bios23:09
arraybolt3[m]illia_: Ah, that might be because you're using an older computer. New systems pretty much have to use GPT, but older systems with a plain BIOS might work like that. (They should be able to use GPT and a bios_grub partition, but sometimes hardware is just finicky.)23:10
illia_yes that whats i was thinking23:10
arraybolt3[m](Sorry if me and oerheks sounded hostile - we're used to trolls and spammers attacking the channel, but what you're saying makes sense. Thanks for explaining, what you were saying might be good advice for some situations.)23:11
oerheksyeah, blunt saying gpt is not good, is false.23:11
illia_he have to update the bios cause  he using an old asus motherbroad only MBR work on those systems with the grub menu23:12
kuckleheadYes I have tried removing them but they came back again and again. The only way to solve it is removing ubuntu crts and keys string in the config. The kernel works perfectly and boots up fine. But when I get into it, the stuff I said about chrooting occurs23:12
arraybolt3[m]kucklehead: Were you bind-mounting all critical dirs and including /etc/resolv.conf in the chroot?23:13
arraybolt3[m]I usually do this for a chroot:23:13
illia_gpt is only for modern motherbroads23:13
arraybolt3[m]illia_: He's using a modern motherboard.23:13
illia_and harddrives as well23:13
arraybolt3[m]kucklehead: Command list I use for chrooting:23:13
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount --bind /dev /chrootdir/dev23:14
* Helenah thought this was Ubuntu support23:14
arraybolt3[m]Helenah: It is, we're just having a slight issue here.23:14
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /chrootdir/dev/pts23:14
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount --bind /proc /chrootdir/proc23:14
kuckleheadhttp://ix.io/47Ze This is what I use23:14
kuckleheadfor chrooting23:14
arraybolt3[m]sudo mount --bind /sys /chrootdir/sys23:15
arraybolt3[m]sudo mv /chrootdir/etc/resolv.conf /chrootdir/etc/resolv.conf.bak23:15
arraybolt3[m]sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /chrootdir/etc/resolv.conf23:15
arraybolt3[m]sudo chroot /chrootdir23:15
arraybolt3[m]kucklehead: ^23:15
illia_knuclehead are you have system errors when using the computer23:15
Guest64Hi ppl! how are you doing?23:16
Guest64Anyone knows how to contact Tj?23:16
arraybolt3[m]kucklehead: Wow, that seems involved. Hmm...23:16
arraybolt3[m]Guest64: This is the official Ubuntu Support channel. If you're having an issue with your Ubuntu system, we'd love to help. Otherwise, we like off-topic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.23:17
oerheksGuest64, no, long time seeing him maybe through his site?:23:18
arraybolt3[m]So odd.23:19
arraybolt3[m]kucklehead: If pacman is working... hmm, is wgetpaste a command all of its own?23:19
oerheksor launchpad ID23:19
Guest64I want to suggest some changes at one of his tutorials...23:19
oerhekshe seems to be alive; 2022-07-06Bug Comment Added23:20
kuckleheadarraybolt3[m], In all honesty, it could be how I am chrooting the system. wgetpaste is its own command23:21
kuckleheadAh found it finally: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67670169/compiling-kernel-gives-error-no-rule-to-make-target-debian-certs-debian-uefi-ce23:24
arraybolt3I'd just try adapting this to your scenario for pastebinning and see if that helps: https://pastebin.com/kVgGCfnn Maybe your involved chroot setup is putting something from Ubuntu into Arch that it isn't happy with.23:26
kuckleheadarraybolt3, Alright, I will give it a shot. Thanks :)23:29
illia_hey guys23:59

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