[00:00] [telegram] Thanks Chris [00:00] [telegram] Thanks! [00:00] (Also, wow that font comes through looking so weird on irssi...) [00:00] [telegram] I gotchu [00:00] [telegram] i can't do anything about it here, but neither can IRC ops (on telegram) [00:01] [telegram] Ah, you, thanks lol (re @kc2bez: I gotchu) [00:01] [telegram] 👍 [00:02] \o/ [00:11] Lubuntu 22.04.1 screenshot up for review. [00:11] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (571KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hZTswzFkAYgAnROchGeYtmuB/Lubuntu22.04.1.png > [00:16] [telegram] no windows (qterminal with neofetch etc)... windows tend to convey detail to me (esp. neofetch which shows some stack details), glimpse of openbox (window dressing) theme around window, where I mostly see wallpaper in that shot. Pros & Cons with any choice though. [00:22] @guiverc: Good point. I can easily pop open some windows to go with. [00:23] [telegram] have another alternative (with windows) & see what others think here too... [00:26] How about this? [00:26] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (631KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/CBBHWRplolofnGzSoPVCzxiO/image.png > [00:27] I tried to keep it clean-looking, ensure the jellyfish was in the center, and make it look somewhat like a workspace. [00:27] (Er, ensure the jellyfish was still visible.) [00:32] yep.. jellyfish is a key part of wallpaper so I can appreciate that... Would kcalc look better to the right of jellyfish, and do we want it showing (KDE app that uses Qt5 good, but also KF5) ... I'd have likely opted for Qt5 only app like featherpad though then what text do you show? you could always grab release notes for 22.04.1 maybe.. Just my 2c (which maybe way off too!) [00:38] That's not a bad idea. I'm running out of time for tonight, but I may be able to pick back up tomorrow night.