=== lubuntu is now known as lubuntu723 === ssh07322 is now known as ssh0732 [00:43] anybody on [00:44] Hope. [00:44] shit sorry I meant Nope [00:44] ah ok bye [01:05] my activities window is glitchy after i updated from 20.04 to 22.04 [01:06] https://imgur.com/a/i6R2hPC here is an example of what it looks like [01:07] neato [01:07] i don't know what to check, or what could be causing this [01:07] you might find something interesting in journalctl output, but that's just wild [01:08] could you file a bug? ubuntu-bug gnome-shell is probably a good starting point [01:14] i see Aug 19 21:12:53 Mobile-Kep gnome-shell[3035]: Failed to load resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/page-indicator-inactive.svg: The resource at “/org/gnome/shell/theme/page-indicator-inactive.svg” does not e> [01:15] does not exist [01:17] hmm, I don't really know the internals but *that* consequence seems a bit steep for one little missing svg, heh [01:49] Hi, when will Ubuntu update geoclue? I had a memory corruption crash (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/geoclue/geoclue/-/issues/164), which upstream says may be fixed by geoclue 2.6. Currently I have geoclue 2.5.7. When will the package be updated? [01:49] Issue 164 in geoclue/geoclue "geoclue assert failure: free(): double free detected in tcache 2" [Closed] [01:50] thedoctar: that's not really how ubuntu works, specific bug fixes are backported: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Versions [01:51] @sarnold should I report my bug to launchpad so they can patch the ubuntu package or what? [01:53] thedoctar: yeah, that's a good idea; ubuntu-bug geoclue-2.0 will probably do the right thing; but if you don't have that package installed, then ubuntu-bug libgeoclue-2-0 [01:55] sarnold: many thanks! [01:55] thedoctar: thanks for the bug report :D [01:56] sarnold: I feel really good contributing to open-source projects as an amateur programmer :D [01:57] yeah, I really love that we can talk with the folks who actually make the things go :) good luck doing that with apple or google.. [01:58] thedoctar: time for me to head out :) have a good night / morning / whatever :) [01:58] sarnold: it's midday here, good night! [01:58] woot! the dinner soon! hehe [02:16] why does vsftpd docs say chroot'ing users has security implications? Isn't jailing supposed to be more secure? [02:29] forgotmynick: more secure than what? [04:26] ogra: well, would approx help out with sbuild chroots? as apt-cacher-ng does work now with auto-apt-proxy removed and selfconfigured proxy. the issue is definitely auto-apt-proxy, as it can't find the proxy [04:43] ubuntu mat ter s [05:41] can somebody add a yellow color for ubuntu [05:42] for the appearance settings [05:43] or does somebody know where the xml file is? [05:44] fshg: this is the wrong channel for that. best case would probably to open a case with https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru [05:44] fshg, I seem to recall omg ubuntu having a post about an extension that let you change to any colors; as well it being auto-selected from wallpapers you selected etc.. ie. many posts about customization exist [05:45] oh wait it's not yaru, so maybe launchpad.net and then for the package gnome-control-center [05:45] ok thank you [06:11] my activities manue is glitching enver since I updated from 20.04 to 22.04 [06:11] menue* [06:12] menu* [06:21] https://imgur.com/a/i6R2hPC what would cause this? [06:39] human hands [06:52] how can i restrict  snaps from reading a specific file/folder?  E.g if i have keepassxc db inside my home folder and i dont want other snaps then keepass be able to read it [06:54] sgazd: the first entry in searx is sudo snap disconnect :home :home [06:56] SpeedrunnerG55: on wich graphics? [06:57] Nvidia Driver Version: 515.65.01 [06:59] SpeedrunnerG55: you might wanna test a driver switch, just to see if the glitch can go away [07:02] what version should i try to switch to? [07:03] SpeedrunnerG55: you can see the versions for your card,with ubuntu-drivers list [07:03] one below for a test maybe? [07:03] murmel, wouldn't that keep the snap from seeing anything the the home dir? mor than sgazd wanted. [07:04] murmel but that would restrict the access to entire home path. i still want to have that. is it then  maybe possible to give access to a snap to a custom path? [07:04] so i could give keepass an own path that all other snaps cant access [07:04] murmel, sgazd not that I think it's possible to have that fine a control on apps.... [07:06] there's systemsettings/applications to control a bit of snap permissions, but thats limited [07:07] yeah also pretty sure you don't have that fine control over it [07:08] idk, I have the flatpak, and I restrict those to certain folders within my home dir, not sure if that's possible with snapd [07:21] everything is green now [07:21] and its still doing the other thing [07:24] i switched to X.Org nouvau and now everything is green [07:24] Nouveau [07:25] actually i think cyan would be more accurate [07:30] i've got a laptop with 1920x1080 res [07:31] what's the situation with HiDPI support? [07:31] on windows it's as easy as setting display to 125% [07:31] while on linux doing the same causes blurry text and out of place application windows [07:31] any pointers? [07:32] spivak, the options vary on your release, desktop (ie. flavor) & other things you've not mentioned you'll find [07:33] if using a LTS release; switching to a different kernel stack (Ubuntu LTS releases have choice; GA + HWE & for some hardware OEM option(s) too) may also influence result [07:34] what's GA + HWE? [07:34] GA kernel stack, HWE is the hardware enablement kernel stack.. kernel stack choices [07:34] ok will try those [07:35] they're only available for LTS releases; an easy way to 'try' is using *live* media; they can co-exist on the same install unless using 3rd party closed-source 'drivers' (kernel modules) which can prevent co-existing [07:36] Also providing full details allows people to give specific advice.. my comment was generic as I don't know your release (thus cannot be specific) === dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69 [08:32] SpeedrunnerG55: are you on xorg or wayland? [08:33] xorg [08:33] SpeedrunnerG55: you didnt switch to an nvidia driver version? [08:34] itried to switch to 510 but it swiched to nouveau and it still had the bug [08:34] also the whole screen was cyan [08:35] like, it was missing collor channels, just a monochrome cyan === luis220413_ is now known as luis220413 [08:36] SpeedrunnerG55: can you try setting back to 515 version, then pastebin your dmesg + nvidia-smi + sudo lshw -C video [08:40] https://pastebin.com/rUDvp25P - dmesg [08:41] SpeedrunnerG55: could you disable secure boot and try again please [08:41] https://pastebin.com/NVniSUCg - nvidia-smi [08:41] https://pastebin.com/h7ws7dZg - sudo lshw -C video [08:42] tnx [08:51] wb SpeedrunnerG55 [08:51] i just disabled secure boot [08:51] dice? [08:52] no dice [08:52] hmm [08:52] SpeedrunnerG55: can you pastebin your new dmesg with secureboot off plz? [08:52] ok [08:54] https://pastebin.com/xD3p5Dav - dmesg [08:56] SpeedrunnerG55: looks pretty sane now, just this error [drm:nv_drm_master_set [nvidia_drm]] *ERROR* [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Failed to grab modeset ownership [08:58] SpeedrunnerG55: are you on wayland or xorg atm? [08:58] x11 [08:59] i found bug #1963805 [08:59] Bug 1963805 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-510 (Ubuntu) "[nvidia] Failed to grab modeset ownership" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1963805 [09:00] but they dont describe the symptons you having SpeedrunnerG55 so not sure yet if this is your case [09:01] SpeedrunnerG55: this user says flickering + green flares bug #1984036 [09:01] Bug 1984036 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-515 (Ubuntu) "Second Monitor via HDMI flicking on and off ,and green flares" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1984036 [09:03] if both cases are not your issue, i would suggest a new bug against nvidia-graphics-drivers-515 and describe your own story [09:04] 1st case seems harmless, somebody replied saying its just warning [09:04] yeah not sure yet what his issue is [09:05] maybe its a mutter/upgrade thing? [09:05] you got more then 1 monitor SpeedrunnerG55 ? [09:05] only one monitor plugged in [09:05] kk [09:05] i have other monitors but not the cables to plug them in xD [09:06] what's happening anyways SpeedrunnerG55 ? screen flickering? [09:06] EriC^^: https://imgur.com/a/i6R2hPC after upgrade to jammy [09:06] we tryed switching drivers both to wayland/xorg [09:07] yes, that, and only in the activities menu [09:07] disable secureboot too [09:07] yikes [09:07] oh it's only like that in the activities menu SpeedrunnerG55 ? [09:07] yes, everywhere else its fine [09:07] interesting [09:08] if it was a gnome related issue, you could try gnome-tweaks to reset all to default, but be carefull with that it will reset all your gnome config === dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69 [09:08] if you dont mind that, thats another idea SpeedrunnerG55 [09:09] or make a new account just for a test why not [09:09] also good idea er [09:09] EriC^^ [09:09] Hi. With *snap*, is it possible to avoid automatic update of a specific package? [09:09] to rule out its user based problem [09:11] its still doing the thing [09:12] with default gnome-tweaks settings [09:13] did you logout/back in SpeedrunnerG55 ? [09:13] i have not [09:13] ill do that [09:13] tnx [09:15] I upgraded my server from 18.04 to 22.04, and apt install linux-image-5.15.0-46-generic is failing with `Too many levels of symbolic links`. I can't easily find the offending symlinks , not for lack of trying! [09:15] relogged with gnome-tweaks default and it still does the thing [09:15] SpeedrunnerG55: ok, last but not least try EriC^^ new user idea [09:17] ohad: can you pastebin the whole log after apt install ...? [09:18] ohad: lts upgrade can only be 20.04==>22.04 is that what you meant? [09:18] new user did not have the problem [09:18] @lotuspsychje --- Oh, yes. Sorry, I missed 20.04 [09:18] : ) [09:18] SpeedrunnerG55: so far so good! so its userbased [09:19] @EriC^^: https://pastebin.com/JYRPQw1G (there's some noise from etckeeper, sorry about that) [09:19] SpeedrunnerG55: got any extensions that could interefere with activities? [09:20] SpeedrunnerG55: while you testing, please keep a: journalctl -f open to catch gnome errors [09:22] https://pastebin.com/8pb1tcTZ - journalctl is spammed with this when I click the show applications icon [09:25] SpeedrunnerG55: disable non-default gnome extensions as a test [09:27] sounds like an old bug #1806537 [09:27] Bug 1806537 in Dash to dock "Failed to load resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/page-indicator-inactive.svg: The resource at “/org/gnome/shell/theme/page-indicator-inactive.svg” does not exist" [Unknown, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1806537 [09:28] Certain appimages stopped workin after upgrading to 22.04.1. Culprit seems to be that libfuse is version 3 and not 2 as the appimage requires. Are there any downsides of installing manually libfuse2? [09:29] hello [09:30] do i need to install gnome-extentions-manager? [09:32] ohad: no idea, does it happen if you update-initramfs for other kernels too? [09:33] Thanks EriC^^. Yes, I tried linux-image-5.15.0-43-generic and I get the same issue [09:33] speed@Mobile-Kep:~$ gsettings get org.gnome.shell enabled-extensions [09:33] ['user-theme@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com'] [09:33]  idk if this is helpful information [09:34] I don't know much about kernels, happy to try reverting to earlier kernels if you have some suggestions which ones might work [09:37] ohad: which kernels do you have right now in /boot? [09:39] how do i disable gnome extentions? i don't see them in gnome-tweaks [09:39] EriC^^: ls /boot says vmlinuz-5.15.0-43-generic and vmlinuz-5.15.0-46-generic If that's what you meant [09:39] yup, thanks [09:45] hey, waza. i just joined [09:50] Thanatos, pipitsa !ask [09:50] ohad: it seems a problem that has to do with update-initramfs part specifically with the reiserfsprogs hook, i think maybe try to reinstall the package that has the hook or file a bug in it maybe? [09:50] cause it is supposed to create those dirs temporarily i think in /var/tmp/... and it seems to not doing it right [09:51] ohad: what does 'dpkg -S /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/reiserfsprogs' give? [09:52] lemme check [09:54] Actually, I did a sudo apt reinstall reiserfsprogs before you messaged and it *looks* like it fixed it? [09:54] But I can try the `dpkg -S ...` you mentioned too if you think that's meaningful, EriC^^ [09:58] ohad: great, nah [09:58] Thanks heaps EriC^^ [09:59] no problem ohad [10:00] Next issue in the server: apachectl complains about (38)Function not implemented: AH00141: Could not initialize random number generator . I was hoping installing the kernel would help because I saw posts that say the new apache requires some new kernel functionality. [10:13] For example this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66617147/how-to-fix-38function-not-implemented-ah00141-could-not-initialize-random-n [10:14] but I worry this post is too old and that it can't be the same issue on such a recent version of ubuntu + kernel [10:25] ohad, the release notes tell what to do for appimage support (in the "Ubuntu Desktop" section) https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/24668 ... "To use AppImages, you’ll first need to run 67 sudo apt install libfuse2" [10:28] Thanks oqra, but I already have libfuse2 installed. I'm not sure why AppImages is relevant here either [10:32] because you asked about them above ? [10:32] bah, crap [10:33] ohad, sorry ... [10:33] No worries, I appreciate the effort! :) [10:33] elias_a, the release notes tell what to do for appimage support (in the "Ubuntu Desktop" section) https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/24668 ... "To use AppImages, you’ll first need to run 67 sudo apt install libfuse2" [10:33] 🙂 [10:34] (even if it's aimed at someone else --- it's great to have this community) [10:37] ... [10:39] Or this one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1323305/apache-commands-failing-with-ah00141-could-not-initialize-random-number-genera They all seem to mention downgrading, but the original poster was using an older system. I'm trying to run a fairly latest version of kernel + ubuntu [10:41] Esp. since the release notes specifically mention upgrading apache to 2.4.52 [10:47] ohad: do you actually need reiserfsprogs? it seems unlikely in 2022 [10:47] (maybe i'm late and this is already solved) [10:48] tomreyn , it's been solved. Whether I need it or not --- I don't know. I didn't install it directly! [10:48] you won't need it unless you have a reiserfs file system [10:49] Priority: optional [10:49] I think my server provider probably installed it so that the server could support reiserfs [10:50] could be [10:50] I don't suppose you have some insights into the apache issue though, do you? [10:51] you're on 22.04 LTS now, right? which kernel is running now? cat /proc/version [10:52] Linux version 3.14.32-xxxx-grs-ipv6-64 (kernel@kernel.ovh.net) (gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) ) #1 SMP Sat Feb 7 11:35:27 CET 2015 [10:52] Yes, am on 22.04 LTS now [10:52] lol [10:52] lol? [10:52] this is a 7 years old kernel, and not ubuntu's [10:52] oh no! [10:53] so install a current kernel image and reboot to that [10:54] what kind of ovh system is this? not a dedicated server, i assume? a cloud vm? [10:54] is it actually a vm? or not something like openvz/container? [11:00] I am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu Server 21.04 -> 21.10 so that I can upgrade to 22.04.1. I am trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades. But when I try to run the ./impish script I get errors. [11:00] Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused [11:00] (impish:3728169): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 12:53:57.471: _gtk_style_provider_private_get_settings: assertion 'GTK_IS_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIVATE (provider)' failed === brassado is now known as sam_sepi0l [11:02] tomreyn --- not sure. I was assuming installing the linux-image will install the kernel --- I guess I was wrong! [11:04] ohad: ovh seems to have hard wired their old kernel to take precedence on those (old?) OS images [11:05] ohad: https://www.kiloroot.com/switch-to-standard-ubuntu-kernel-on-ovh-or-kimsufi-servers/ suggests you should sudo apt install linux-virtual and [-e /etc/grub.d/06_OVHkernel ] && sudo mkdir -p /root/old_ovh_stuff/etc/grub.d && sudo mv /root/old_ovh_stuff/etc/grub.d/*OVH* /root/old_ovh_stuff/etc/grub.d/ && sudo ls -lR /root/old_ovh_stuff/ [11:05] Reconnected with my registered name andypandy [11:06] Here [11:06] andypandy: whats "the ./impish script"? [11:06] Ah, thanks tomreyn! Seems a bit of an overkill though just to run apache2. I think I'll contact their customer support, maybe they can upgrade my kernel [11:07] (also, you'd expect other clients of their would hit the same issue!) [11:07] tomreyn: Thats the upgrade script. My version is EOL so I cannot use do-release-upgrade apparently. So I have downloaded the upgrade too manually and are trying to run it [11:07] According to instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [11:07] ohad: yes, hopefully they noticed some years earlier [11:07] haha [11:08] ohad: there was a time when it was considered acceptable for ISPs to provide OS images which had some specific kernel that the image came with hard-wired (by some). but that's loooong ago. [11:09] fortunately, since that's a great way to introduce security issues [11:09] i mean hosters, not ISPs [11:10] andypandy: there's no mention of ./impish.sh on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [11:11] It mentions ./focal [11:11] andypandy: i'm guessing that you misinterpreted somethign you read and are doing things wrong [11:11] # Run the executable, the name changes based on the release [11:12] tomreyn: yes as it still mentions ./focal [11:12] oh you're in the "Unsupported upgrades" section, i see [11:12] I did not realise my verison went EOL untill it was too late [11:12] and that's probably because you're not one but two EOL releases behind. makes sense to me now. [11:12] ohad: I almost assume they will direct you to something like this where you also have to do this. [11:13] Yeah. I need to run the tool to get to 21.10. Sen normal way to 22.04. [11:13] Then * [11:13] andypandy: but you did change sources.list to old-releases, yet? [11:14] and installed all the pending updates? [11:14] I changed to old-releases, yes. Got no new updates. "All packages are up to date" [11:16] andypandy: can you run this ./impish.sh script outside of X? [11:16] actually "./impish" [11:17] Without sudo you mean? Or what do you mean? [11:17] I ran the command "sudo ./impish" [11:17] It seems to be a python3-script [11:17] hmm [11:21] murmel, I expect that at the worse case they will want me to migrate my server to a newer machine, which I'll probably be happy to do [11:23] andypandy: i suspect that the script is trying to interact with your graphical desktop, but fails to do so for some reason. i also assume the script would be fine not to interact with your graphical desktop if it did not find one. maybe try running it like this: sudo env DISPLAY=:1 ./impish.sh [11:24] Yeah it seems weird it says stuff about gtk when its a server without any gui [11:24] andypandy: generally, i'd recommend running release upgrade scripts from a tty rather than from within the graphical environment, which i assume you are doing. [11:25] Yep [11:25] I have no gui installed. Its a standard 21.04 ubuntu server install [11:25] oh ok [11:25] then ignore what i wrote, let me see if i can make a better guess [11:26] http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/impish-updates/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/impish.tar.gz is what you downloaded, right? [11:26] Correct [11:27] Seems there is a flag [11:27] do-release-upgrade -m desktop [11:28] For the normwla way of doing things. When you dont want gui [11:28] man do-release-upgrade [11:28] oops sorry wrong window [11:28] -m server would be right then in your case === dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69 [11:29] are you discussing this same issue in other places? [11:29] No. I wrote in ubuntu-server but that channel is not very active... [11:30] Seems so weird that I find all these different places with the same instructions. And they do not work. Beginning to think I will be forced to install ubuntu afresh.. [11:30] it wouldn't be a bad idea after missing two upgrades [11:31] I am just no that used to this process [11:31] the process of reinstalling? [11:31] I have tried to do some backups etc but I am scared shitless of fucking up my container volumes etc [11:32] we try to have family friendly language in here btw. [11:32] Roger [11:33] I have a bunch of docker containers with volumes and my zfs raid I dont want to mess upp. The ZFS should be fine wiht reinstall. But then comes the "copy back all docker volumes and actually get them to work" [11:33] sounds like you want to stay on LTS releases then, so no need to upgrade that often [11:33] i can't comment on your container setup, don'T actually know what you have there. but especially with containers, it's common to be able to redeply those easily. [11:34] I only went with non-lts-release because LTS did not have features I wanted. WIll not make that mistake again... [11:35] i agree on the LTS comment. if you lack features there, then either find a good PPA or, maybe better, don't depend on those features. [11:36] Yeha well it was about wireguard and zfs. It was THE reason I even decided to build the server :) [11:36] did you try running ./impish -m server though? [11:36] andypandy: why don't you have the volumes on the zfs raid? wouldn't it make sense? [11:36] andypandy: zfs and wireguard are also on 20.04 [11:37] and 18.04, too. but maybe not back then [11:37] I doesnt matter why I did what I did. It was quite some time ago. Its my first homelab with ubuntu. Did not realize how many problems it would cause. [11:37] oh makes more sense [11:37] I decided to run the containers on my nvme ssd instead of the zfs raid. [11:38] containers != volumes [11:38] The ./impish script does not support parameters [11:38] When running programs and databased etc in the containers, I wanted the data to be on nvme, not HDD [11:39] hallo [11:40] This whole process is so frustrating. [11:41] andypandy: weird, here ./impish --help does list several options [11:42] Ah yes.. Your are correct [11:42] i downloaded the same archive you did, extracted it the same way (but may have different libs, i'm on 18.04) [11:42] I mispoke, meant it did not support -m command. [11:42] use --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText then [11:43] Ooooh myy [11:43] hi bruno_, welcome to ubuntu support. falls du den deutschen support suchst: der ist in #ubuntu-de [11:44] andypandy: still, *do* consider the fresh install [11:47] Well the script ran now. Giving me new errors :) [11:47] While scanning your repository information no mirror entry for the [11:47] upgrade was found. This can happen if you run an internal mirror or [11:47] if the mirror information is out of date. [11:48] Does Ubuntu 22.04.1 fresh install support using zfs on root out of the box? [11:49] * tarzeau not getting why people want to use zfs (over xfs or btrfs) [11:49] andypandy: not for server [11:50] Ok [11:51] it's still experimental, and no real work is done [11:59] Well it seems I have no choice [12:00] Since the upgrade sccript will take me to 21.10. Which is also EOL. So the script updaes the sources to release files that has since been removed aswell [12:01] tarzeau: why not? I mean out of btrfs and zfs, I would definitely take zfs for data. as idc about the OS, most of the time I use btrfs for / [12:02] andypandy: yeah, with eol systems, it's quite the pain [12:02] andypandy: maybe it will work if you place both the "old-releases.ubuntu.com" and "archive.ubuntu.com" domains in sources.list [12:03] To even get past my warning message I had to do that, yes. But then when the actual script runs, it replaces whatever is in there with archive.ubuntu.com Hirsuite release or whatever. Which does not exist, casued 404. Which makes the script bail out :/ [12:03] Impish I mean [12:04] If I had run this just a month ot two again, it would have been fine [12:04] it would have been fine if you had upgraded before it went EOL the first time [12:05] tomreyn: We have been through this. Please dont kick me, i am already down [12:05] andypandy: i'm sorry. [12:05] Its my first time having a Linux server long enough for this to be a problem [12:06] I install lots of server at work, but I dont manage them after that [12:06] Thanks for the help :) [12:06] Time to start all services again and see if I can find time in the future to reinstall the server [12:07] At least I have learned some stuff today, and there is some value in that. === andypandy_ is now known as andypandy === dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69 [12:33] Hi all [13:38] Unbelievable! It still works! [14:04] is there a wiki page or so which explains the ubuntu specific deb versioning? (really only build1) === rooferdave0 is now known as rooferdave [14:30] murmel, buildX means a no-change rebuild (re-upload effectively) to pick up changed (build-)dependencies etc [14:30] ogra: thanks :) [14:31] ogra: do you maybe know if there is an offline version of rmadison? as the ubuntu servers are quite slow :( [14:32] not that i know of, nope ... (beyond using a local mirror or some such) [14:33] ugh :S [14:33] I mean when I look something up it takes up to 20 secs [14:35] hm even slower, right now binutils needs 40 secs [14:44] Hi, I was exploring snap. Is it right alternative to apt-get? [14:45] able to easily install using snap. Is it safe to use? [14:45] rabbity: no, it's a different way to get software [14:45] and it won't replace apt-get [14:45] rabbity: for the most part yes, but still be a bit careful [14:46] Okay, is it maintained by ubuntu staff? [14:46] a lot of packages come from random people of the internet [14:46] snap one [14:46] snap itself yes [14:46] murmel, versions are updated, i don't think might be an offline archive [14:46] got it, thank you. [14:47] ioria: yeah I thought so, but I wouldn't mind having 1 update/week or so. shouldn't change too often except dev distro [14:47] murmel, if rmadison is slow, you can try (and implement) this : curl -s https://packages.ubuntu.com/{bionic,focal,jammy}/sudo | grep Package: [14:49] ioria: definitely works nice, now I have to think about it how I would implement it. (sub 1sec in comparison to ~20s) [14:49] ok [14:49] ioria thanks for the tip [14:49] no prob [15:44] how can i use webext-keepassxc-browser with firefox in 22.04? [15:45] When i insstall it from repo there is no addon in firefox [15:48] kkkssf: it's quite the hassle. as both need an agreed directory where the "communication file" is. same thing with flatpak https://askubuntu.com/questions/1403892/ubuntu-22-04-firefox-snap-breaks-keepassxc-integration-and-other-nativemessaging [15:51] i figured that alredy out, its fixed in firefox-beta [15:51] https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/07/ubuntu-devs-fix-another-frustrating-firefox-snap-flaw [15:52] but it only works when i install the addon through firefox addons page [15:52] and the addon installation throu apt doesnt show up as addon in firefox [15:54] kkkssf: yes, as firefox has no access to the directory [15:55] to /usr/share/mozilla/extensions/ ? [15:55] hello. i am trying out firefox snap as a file manager. it cannot access outside home dir. can i grant full permissions to it? [15:56] SpeedrunnerG55: gnome extensions now have its own extensions icon (grey/green puzzle icon) [15:56] KBar: you can, look into snap connect [15:57] kkkssf: i can't remember if that is the correct dir, you would need to verify it. you can see where the package installs its files with dpkg -L [15:58] murmel: seems complicated. which slot im gonna have to use? [16:00] KBar: slot? [16:01] there are snap permissions in settings > applications > firefox> permissions [16:02] i guess its :personal-files [16:02] man the only grime I have with snap is that the downloads are always slow on my end :S [16:08] i tried `snap connect firefox:dot-mozilla-firefox` & `snap connect firefox:dot-mozilla-firefox firefox:personal-files` to no avail [16:09] talking about snaps, what does the bare snap do? as it gets installed quite often (and has even revisions) first I thought it was a bug === PeGaSuS is now known as James === James is now known as PeGaSuS [17:04] murmel, bare is empty ... every snap needs to delare its runtime environment (core, core18, core20, core22) at build time ... bare can be used for all the snaps that do not need a runtime at all (i.e. completely statically built apps), it comes with an empty filesystem structure that snapd can use for the inerfaces, udev ACLs and whatnot [17:05] ogra: huh, so firefox doesn't need a runtime oO? [17:05] $ grep base: /snap/firefox/current/snap/snapcraft.yaml [17:05] base: core20 [17:05] $ [17:05] murmel, what makes you think that ? [17:06] FF uses the core20 base ... [17:06] so why does it get installed with firefox then? [17:06] hm [17:06] snaps using "base: bare" are extremely rare [17:07] $ grep base: /snap/*/current/snap/snapcraft.yaml |grep bare [17:07] /snap/gtk-common-themes/current/snap/snapcraft.yaml😛ase: bare [17:07] $ [17:07] heh ... emojis bite again ... [17:07] ogra: because I removed firefox as a snap, installed it right now, and it gets installed (i only have lxd as another snap) [17:08] so from 116 snaps installed on my laptop ony one uses base: bare (and it is a theme snap) [17:08] right, FF might need the gtk themes [17:09] oh so maybe it's because of the gnome stuff which gets also installed because of ff [17:09] right [17:09] FF ises the gnome-3-38 extension (as you can see in its snapcraft.yaml) [17:10] the gnome extension in turn pulls in the gtk themes snap [17:10] yeah [17:10] s/ises/uses/ even ... === jontyms270 is now known as jontyms27 === klerk is now known as klerky [18:04] good. now how about granting permissions? [18:12] can i grant firefox snap access to all files (including dot files and files outside ~)? or is it against the confined nature of snaps, so pretty much impossible? [18:27] ogra: i think what im looking for is the `--classic` option, no? [18:41] or can i just modify snapcraft.yaml? [18:42] KBar: you can, but remember you would need to build it and then install it, rebuild it every time there is an update [18:44] what do you mean 'build'? [18:45] KBar, build the package. Normally done at least with normal things via ./configure, make, sudo make install [18:46] ah, that build.. but im not building anything [18:51] KBar, snaps can not see any files/dirs on the system unless these are actually defined in an interface (i.e. $HOME (without hidden dirs))... and even then you would only be able to access the systems / via /var/lib/snapd/hostfs ... [18:52] while there are system-files and personal-files, the dirs these want to access have to be defined at build time (and get reviewed before being granted even) [18:52] (on a file by file/dir by dir basis per upload of the snap) [18:53] --classic snaps have to be built as classic from the ground up, the option only works with snaps that were built this way (and passed manual review by the security team) [18:53] there are snap permissions in settings > applications > firefox> permissions [18:54] KBar, in other words, you can nly use firefox as a filemanager for the container it lives in and a limited amount of other files/dirs that were defined at build time [18:54] personal files and systemfiled.. systemfiles need sudo [18:54] well, and they only access certain files/dirs that were pre-defined [18:54] hmm, firefox has 'dot-mozilla-firefox' and 'etc-firefox-policies' plugs, which only grant permission to those two files. [18:55] ogra: i see, thanks for clarification. i guess firefox snap wasnt built with --classic? [18:56] nope [18:56] else you would need to actually define --classic at install time [18:56] a firefox .deb would let me achieve this but thats gonna require adding a ppa [18:56] (classic snaps can not be installed without your consent, since they have full OS access) [18:58] oerheks, grep -B4 -A2 system-files /snap/firefox/current/snap/snapcraft.yaml ... only two dirs are granted by the system-files/personal-files inerfaces [18:58] (and onyl with read access) [18:58] yeah [18:58] oh oke, did not know those [18:59] then firefox as filebrowser is of no use. [18:59] /etc/firefox/policies and $HOME/.mozilla/firefox [18:59] yes [18:59] only to browse the readonly container 😉 [19:00] i have a minimal installation now and it doesn't ship with office suite, image viewers and what not so i figured "hey why not use firefox, it has everything, right?" [19:00] (and this is exactly as much as the hacker sees that takes over your browser due to a not yet discovered security hole 😉 ) [19:02] yeah `--classic` is useless if the snap itself is strictly confined. [19:02] gives this "Warning: flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap ..." [19:02] not only that ... the whole design of the snap has to be different so you do not leak one of the environments into the other ... [19:03] (you dont want it to accidentially use libs from the host for example) [19:03] makes sense. well i suppose im still gonna have to install a bunch of programs for opening certain types of files then :( [19:04] standard filemanager is available in minimal, no?? [19:04] how do i get to gnome extentions? [19:04] oerheks: lately i find myself using the shell for simple file management. i need file opener/viewer/whatever [19:04] install gnome-shell-extensions and logout/login again [19:05] SpeedrunnerG55: `sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-manager` [19:05] KBar, that is the downside of minimal [19:05] there is filemanager, but i cant open, for example, a pdf file without having a program to do it [19:05] and then another one of image viewer [19:05] SpeedrunnerG55, if you want to use the browser: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-testing-native-messaging-support-in-the-firefox-snap/29759 [19:05] then for audio player, etc. why not just use FF? [19:05] i thought i was smart :) [19:06] well [19:06] you can use FF as app that opens everyhitng indeed [19:06] exactly, but not the snap version [19:06] but the browsing needs t hapen with your file prowser [19:06] gnome-extensions list [19:06] ubuntu-dock@ubuntu.com [19:06] ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com [19:06] ding@rastersoft.com [19:06] sure the snap version [19:07] hi am experiencing probs mounting an encrypted device on ubuntu. tried mounting via filemanager and got mapping as /dev/mapper/mydevice [19:07] KBar, just define firefox as the opening app for everything in the file browsers mime type settings [19:07] now mounting w/ mount in terminal doesn't work it tells me wrong fs type. [19:07] ogra: already did. it cannot open anything under /, only those it has access to :( [19:08] ah, yeah, indeed [19:08] KBar: it won't help with everything but I quite like gnome-sushi for that, as it opens everything it can with the button of the space bar [19:08] it says "file not found" [19:08] why would you open any files in / anyway (with a file browser that is) [19:08] or complains about permission [19:08] ogra: for example wallpapers in /usr/share/backgrounds [19:08] yeah ... indeed only works for files you use in your home [19:08] stuff like that [19:09] and then dotfiles or files in dot directories [19:09] in ~ [19:09] right, that's on purpose indeed [19:10] (so snaps can nt spy on other apps configs or passwords etc) [19:10] *not [19:10] still complaining about firefox filemanager? [19:10] ogra: yeah, seems to be the case. i can at least open normal files in my home directory, so that's still okay [19:11] hey do you have an idea how to cope with mounting an encrypted device [19:11] oerheks: there was no complaining to begin with [19:11] firefox as a filemanager? you mean like file:/// kinda thing? [19:11] enigma9o7[m]: yep. not file manager, more like file opener/viewer [19:11] yes you do, and we have no fix for it. [19:13] oerheks: so in your view, everyone who comes here asking for help "complains"? [19:13] mariweb: what's your issue? cli? gui? [19:14] interesting view, to say the least [19:14] startet with gui and switched to cli, the device is now here as /dev/dm-1 but I cannot mount it using mount, says wrong fs type no matter what fstype or auto detecting [19:14] KBar, no i do not, but you keep finding issues that is specific for minimal install [19:15] mariweb: `sudo mount /path/to/device /path/to/mount/point` create mount point first [19:15] What's your package count from minimal install, KBar? Just curious. [19:15] KBar everyone has some point of view to anything, you dont need to feel accused of complaining as it is no crime to ask sth at all and even if it was nobody would take you to the police [19:16] KBar thx mountpoint is not the problem :) [19:16] enigma9o7[m]: iirc it was 1285 (xubuntu 22.04) [19:16] mariweb: and what did you do to get to that point? [19:18] murmel: at first I tried to mount the device via the filemanager then I switched to cli. lvscan and vgchange -ay gave me the mapped /dev/dm-1 [19:19] mariweb: so I assume after you decrypted the luks? or before? [19:19] I looked up some different tutorials for help but still I do not know what exactly the system wants for this operation. At the end mounting doesn't work now I am here :) [19:19] murmel after I decrypted it [19:20] mariweb: you should have your vgs in /dev/mapper/ [19:20] what is a vg? [19:21] volume group [19:21] it shows the device with luks-[long alphanumeric id] to /dev/dm-0 and root / swap to /dev/dm-1 and /dev/dm-2 [19:23] lvscan says /dev/mydata/root and /dev/mydata/swap are "active" [19:23] should there be anouther vg? [19:24] very unlikely, but we don't know your setup? [19:24] ls -al /dev/mapper shows the device with luks-[long alphanumeric id] to /dev/dm-0 and root to /dev/dm-1 and swap to /dev/dm-2 [19:25] okay now do you have any idea how to proceed? [19:25] sounds about right [19:25] uhm :( yeah but still I can't mount [19:25] so what's the command you try? [19:26] is there any possibility to copy files from /home without mounting the filesystem? [19:26] no [19:26] mariweb: im curious, what are the major/minor numbers of /dev/dm- (run `stat -c "%t/%T %n" /dev/dm-*`) ? such devices don't appear on this list https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/devices.html [19:26] mariweb: not really no [19:26] there is not so many data on it but the system I originally set up is not bootable anymore, that's why I am trying to save the data [19:27] mariweb: yes, that's why we are trying to help you, but we need more info [19:27] ok I'll tell you everything you need. thanks everyone [19:28] system not bootable anymore; are you on a live iso? [19:29] yes I am [19:30] had to reboot, we could start from 0 ;) [19:34] test [19:37] test [19:37] mariweb: best case would be you would paste your commands, to see what you do, or at least type them here [19:38] okay I'll do. will you be here in 1/2 hour? I'll eat sth meanwhile [19:39] I should be [19:51] gordoncjp: at the end if I fail with mounting or just to know, what tools are there? I know ddrescue which creates an image of the device, dd could do so as well. [19:52] mariweb: as it's encrypted, there is basically no way to get the stuff back [20:23] mariweb: need help? [20:24] EriC^: good that you are here. wanted to sign off :) [20:25] :) [20:25] hell yeah :D [20:25] this time I could start to open the device on cli. [20:25] haha variation [20:25] mariweb: ok, type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' paste the link it gives you here? [20:26] k === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [20:28] is mangohud broken in ubuntu 22.04? [20:28] https://termbin.com/hv7d [20:28] mangohud glxgears [20:29] can't get libdl.so [20:29] mariweb: type "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb4 sdb4_crypt" [20:30] ok cryptdev is open :) [20:31] mariweb: ok, type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" again and paste the link [20:31] https://termbin.com/yofz [20:32] mariweb: type "sudo mount /dev/mapper/mydata-root /mnt" [20:33] wrong fs type [20:33] could try "-t auto" or "-t ext4"? [20:33] mariweb: sure why not, what's the backstory to what happened? [20:33] does no work no [20:34] backstory is I am trying to get into this media to save a couple of files as the system isn't bootable [20:35] how did it become not bootable? [20:36] don't know exactly but I didnt use it, just installed it, saved some files there and didn't care [20:36] do you remember the filesystem type you used? [20:36] the system on the media was kde neo I was coping with everything is nice and colorful but buggy as well :/ [20:37] I think ext4 is pretty standard for linux nowadays [20:37] tried -t with ext4 ext3 and auto [20:38] mariweb: try 'sudo blkid /dev/mapper/mydata-root' [20:38] or sudo file /dev/mapper/mydata-root [20:39] *sudo file -sL /dev/mapper/mydata-root [20:40] for parted -ls it says "unrecognized disk label" [20:40] what could that mean [20:40] doesn't matter, what does sudo file -sL /dev/mapper/mydata-root give? [20:42] says /dev/mapper/mydata-root: data [20:43] hmm, what about sudo blkid /dev/mapper/mydata-root [20:43] no output [20:44] ok, type 'sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /cdrom' [20:44] then 'cat /cdrom/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999' [20:44] it might offer some clues as to what was being used [20:45] cdrom contains lost+found nothing more [20:46] mariweb: ok, type 'sudo apt-get install testdisk' [20:47] mariweb: what do you want to recover from it? what type of files [20:47] not so many I really don't know [20:47] something maybe interesting [20:49] mariweb: you can try your luck with testdisk now, if it doesnt find anything and cant mount anything you might need to use photorec (part of testdisk package) to recover stuff from the filesystem [20:49] k [20:49] thx for your assitance I will move on [20:49] but it'll just recover what you tell it to, pics or videos or whatever file types and put them all in 1 folder without their old names [20:50] will check that [20:52] im happy to continue helping with testdisk, just letting you know the situation (in my view) [20:53] okay I'm lazy a bit but if there is anything I'm happy to ask you again [20:53] ok :) === TheMaster is now known as Unit193 [23:24] damn ubuntu's does a lot of things well but that gnome-shell top panel.. whose idea was that, taking up prime fitts law screenspace to show a f***king clock [23:25] i need to put xfce on my new install asap :) [23:25] i love it. [23:25] each to their own. but if it can get globalmenu re-enabled its a win [23:26] but i'm guessing globalmenu support is hit and miss in linux land [23:26] i did also used to like windowmanagers with focus follows mouse, which clashes with globalmenu alot [23:26] oerheks, is there anything useful you can put in that gnome-shell top panel? [23:27] or is it just to make your computer look like a phone (whcih is usually held in portrait,and doesnt have a mouse, so there's no fitts law going on) [23:27] tons of usefull gnome shell extentions [23:28] https://itsfoss.com/gnome-shell-extensions/ -- https://extensions.gnome.org/ [23:29] https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4655/date-menu-formatter/ might help