
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWrks: 2.3.7 is solid.03:22
OvenWrksEickmeyer good, I can work on my server upgrade15:04
OvenWrksEickmeyer: server is 16.04 and can't be upgraded (32 bit) I suppose I could get it to 18.04... but that is eol ish too. I have a 64 bit machine that I have to set up from scratch.15:06
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWrks: Well, if you became an Ubuntu member, you can probably get your 16.04 server on Ubuntu Advantage for free.15:32
Eickmeyer[m]Would be good until 2026.15:33
OvenWrksIt would not hurt to go from 1 core at 800mhz to two cores at 1600Mhz either15:35
Eickmeyer[m]I'm not going to argue that one! You could probably transfer the stuff you have on the server, regardless of bit architecture, but yeah, a new setup would probably be in your best interest.15:36
OvenWrksnot to mention twice the memory and ssd15:37
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, all huge plusses.15:38
OvenWrksEickmeyer[m]: how long is pulse support likely to last?15:52
OvenWrksEickmeyer[m]: I am thinking the first step to supporting PW is to do an exclusive or.15:53
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWrks: Indefinitely, I believe. I know that Ubuntu Desktop is switching to Pipewire, but Kubuntu is sticking to pulse for now.15:53
Eickmeyer[m]I'm not sure how long until it's fully deprecated. 15:54
OvenWrksSo set up a switch that is use jack/pulse or use pw alone15:54
Eickmeyer[m]Might be years.15:54
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, that's kindof what we need at this point.15:54
Eickmeyer[m]I know Ruth Cheesley (she/her) was looking for something like that for herself, having controls do that would be ideal.15:55
OvenWrksI think the main thng would be to change the name of the user's "master" device to system:* and be able to set rate and latency for it as well as making it's rate the same as the jack graph.15:57
OvenWrkssecondary to that would be setting the names of all other devices and perhaps rate and latency as well.15:58
Eickmeyer[m]Similar to how we do it with zita now?15:58
Eickmeyer[m]That might be good. Is freewheel support finished yet do you know?15:59
OvenWrksI am not sure how pw deals with MIDI at this point15:59
OvenWrksEickmeyer[m]: the right question might be if ubuntu/debian has the version that does.15:59
Eickmeyer[m]The version in Kinetic is the most recent version last I checked.16:00
OvenWrksso free wheeling _should_ be supported.16:01
Eickmeyer[m]Latest is 0.3.56, Kinetic has
OvenWrkszita-njbridge should still "just work"16:02
Eickmeyer[m]Even Jammy has
OvenWrksqipnet should also.16:02
OvenWrks(or is it qnetip?)16:03
* OvenWrks will have to go back to using his delta 66 for everyday audio :P16:04
Eickmeyer[m]Right. It's too bad zita-njbridge isn't cross-platform like jacktrip.16:04
OvenWrksEickmeyer[m]: in my life there is only one platform  ;)16:05
OvenWrksmy next phone may very well be pine*16:06
Eickmeyer[m]Hehe i know.16:06
Eickmeyer[m]But, you know me, I like to bridge the gap to lure people in.16:07
Eickmeyer[m]I mean, imagine being able to fully replace Dante.16:07
OvenWrksAES67 comes close. AVB may do it better.16:09
OvenWrksThe truth though, is that to get good performance on any of them, a dante/avb/aes67 audio card is used that does all that stuff and looks to the OS like a USB/PCIe audio device16:11
OvenWrksEven on windows or mac a virtual dante audio IF uses a lot of cpu (same with avb or aes67)16:12
Eickmeyer[m]Well, of course, but that's what people are using in a pinch.16:13
OvenWrksIn a pinch, aes67 on linux and a dante router in wine works too.16:14
OvenWrksProbably, if dante is installed, there are lots of win/mac computers around to route off of anyway16:15
OvenWrksSo just having aes67 installed would work.16:16
Eickmeyer[m]Might have to try that in the future, next time I want to play around with that.16:19
OvenWrksdo be aware that jack does not see the aes67 ports, I don't know if zita-ajbridge does either.16:20
OvenWrkszita would be the best way of connecting anyway.16:21
Eickmeyer[m]So does alsa not see them?16:25
OvenWrksmost applications that see alsa devices see those ports16:27
OvenWrksNot applications using the jack code (like ardour)16:27
Eickmeyer[m]Well, Ardour doesn't have to use Jack.16:30
OvenWrksThat is not what I meant. Even when using ALSA the internal code that talks to ALSA is taken straight out of jack (v1 as happens)16:38
OvenWrksI am thinking to just set cpu governor and Boost state directly from autojack on startup. I notice they still don't work right.16:59
OvenWrksnot only that but I am tired of chasing OS changes.17:00
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, I was noticing that too. Seems that 2.3.7 was a bit more stable after a full shutdown for me (not just a reboot).17:12
Eickmeyer[m]Is there a reason why we don't just use "cpufreq-set -g performance" or something to set the governor (thereby using cpufreq-utils as a dependency)?17:21
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWrks: ^17:22
Eickmeyer[m]I mean, boost makes sense, but that seems to be in a consistent spot.17:22
OvenWrkscpufreq used to be used but I have noticed (or had) that it was not being kept up. Last I looked it still used sysV init and did not work right.17:27
Eickmeyer[m]I mean, from the command line, it's fine. I'm not suggesting using it as a startup command, but as something that studio-system could just call to set the governor so that you wouldn't have to chase the API constantly.17:46
Eickmeyer[m]I think you're mistaking it for indicator-cpufreq.17:47
Eickmeyer[m]Or not.17:49
Eickmeyer[m]Seems Dave Jones at Canonical is at least maintaining the package.17:49
Eickmeyer[m]I mean, it works. We use it at Kubuntu Focus to set the CPU governor in our backend scripts.17:50
Eickmeyer[m]We don't use the startup features though.17:50

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