
faahello after 22.3 (updated 21.4) have error E1: {'lock-passwd': False, 'name': 'root', 'passwd': '$6$A...', 'ssh-authorized-keys': ['ssh-ed25519 AAAA...']} is not valid under any of the given schemas (cloud-init schema --system)14:03
waldifaa: check for non-numeric uid, lists of sudo rules14:25
waldierr, it is called "ssh_authorized_keys" and "lock_passwd"14:27
faassh_authorized_keys not more uniq for user? lock_passwd not fix error message14:30
waldifaa: please make sure you use "_" (underline), not "-" (dash) in the key names14:39
faayes if only fix lock_passwd, error exist if delete ssh-authorized-keys (move to root level), but this brocken individual user keys?14:45
waldifaa: and what happens if you use the correct name "ssh_authorized_keys"?14:55
faayes my bad, old old legacy format templating, ssh_authorized_keys work fine, but validator not display error "ssh-authorized-keys" on root level15:08

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