
=== arrayboltIRSSI is now known as arraybolt3
lubot_[telegram] <alzhou10> I don't think IRC can see telegram messages (re @guiverc: Lubuntu is a Ubuntu flavor, so all mirrors are just Ubuntu mirrors.)02:19
thedoctarOh I guess they can!02:19
arraybolt3alzhou10: IRC guy here, I can see it just fine.02:19
arraybolt3(There's a Telegram-to-IRC bridge here set up specifically for the #lubuntu channel IIUC.)02:20
arraybolt3And there's also an IRC-to-Matrix bridge, so since a Telegram message creates an IRC message, that will also create a Matrix message, so anyone on any supported chat program can see all the messages.02:21
teward[m]alzhou10 and thedoctar: yes, Telegram to IRC bridge is bidirectional.  There's also an IRC-Matrix bridge bot handled by things that also relay to Matrix clients 02:23
teward[m]as arraybolt3 said.  (teward[m] indicates my matrix client connected via IRC)02:23
teward[m](but you will also see teward on the IRC bridge side, and teward001 onthe Telegram side, depending which clientI'm working with at the moment LOL)02:23
thedoctarTechnology these days... amazing!02:24
arraybolt3teward[m]: All our messages may be getting missed on Telegram - lubot is having some connection problems.02:24
teward[m]that'dbe because i had a pfSense HA event02:24
teward[m]primary went unresponsive, secondary kicked in, then primary cameback up a bit later, and switchedback02:25
arraybolt3Oh. No clue what that means but it sounds bad.02:25
teward[m]i'll punt the client02:25
teward[m]HA means High Availability02:25
teward[m]i.e. redundancy02:25
arraybolt3Oh nice.02:25
teward[m]if the primary firewall (pfSense) goes down, I have a second pfSense VM with a config sync on it to come online in that event02:25
teward[m]and when the first comes back it puts the second into standby02:25
teward[m]so ye i'll punt the bot shortly02:25
lubot[telegram] <teward001> bot's punted and i see the flood here on Telegram02:29
teward[m]just like i see it here on Matrix and IRC02:29
teward[m]returns to the shadows02:29
lubot[telegram] <teward001> theonly thing I don't like about matrix is it doesn't send asterisks >.<02:30
teward... well it did here, interesting.02:31
tewardunless...... that's just hte Telegram bridge being stupid...02:32
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *shrugs* I'll figure that out later.02:32
lubot[telegram] <teward001> bot's back for now02:32
arraybolt3Glad it's working.02:33
arraybolt3(Matrix turns * into italics if you have two of them.)02:34
arraybolt3[m]Like this.02:34
arraybolt3The astrisks aren't showing up on IRC either.02:34
teward[m]i think i just disabled markdown and rich so that might just send normal02:37
teward[m]i'm in the middle of poking something anyways02:37
arraybolt3[m]*does this work?*02:39
arraybolt3Yep, works. I used the /plain command first.02:39
arraybolt3(So it was "/plain *does this work?*")02:40
f73sorry i quit03:18
f73lubuntu box icons ppa for jmy03:18
Tiberif i turn SATA IDE Combined Mode off in bios i can't find bootable driver10:08
tomreynTiber: then i huess you better keep it on10:34
tomreynhttps://forums.anandtech.com/threads/what-is-sata-ide-combined-mode.2263780/ "I figured that out through trial and error. What it does, if you enable it, I believe, is to make AMD SATA6G port 4 and 5, act like IDE ports. If you disable it, all six AMD SATA6G ports act as native SATA ports."10:37
tomreynanother instance of "i came up with this awesome label which no one will understand what it means"10:37
Tibersome how i member when i got linux last time on that laptop i turned that off and then that ssd worked right10:43
Tiberidamn i don't have any ideas what should i do with my sdd15:46
=== arrayboltIRSSI is now known as arraybolt3

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