
oerheksi guess there is no linux for their own processors..00:01
JanCarg_: they are switching from Windows to Astra Linux, in fact, which is a Debian derivative, but not an Ubuntu derivative, so I'm not sure if it's on-topic here...00:01
JanCand their recent CPUs definitely can run linux (pretty much anything that is at least 32-bits and has a MMU can run linux)00:03
JanCthey use ODF office formats too, which is funny, because that means they standardised on the same document format as NATO  :)00:06
arg_yeah? but it's probably worldwide, like...jpg or whatever.00:16
=== arrayboltIRSSI is now known as arraybolt3
arraybolt3marcoagpinto: \o02:41
lotuspsychjegood morning04:22
=== arrayboltIRSSI is now known as arraybolt3

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